Newspaper Page Text
HAS HELD FIRST PRIZE OF KENTUCKY PRESS ASSOCIATION SINCE 1012 AS BEST COUNTRY NEWSPAPER IN THe'sTATE. LAST AWARD MADE JUNE 30, 1022 SANDY THE LEADING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER in Eastern Kentucky Modern and Complete JOB PRINTING PLANT in Connection Aut inveniam viam, aut faciam Volumt XXXVIII. Number 17. LOUISA, LAWRENCE COUNTY, KENTUCKY, DECEMBER 29, 1922. M. F. CONLEY and E. K. SPENCER, Publisher Q POND CREEK COAL LANDS AND MINES GOTOHENRYFORD Report That Pike County Operating Company is Selling Out to Magnate. NEW YORK. I)cc. 22. Henry Kuril h negotiating for the purchase of tin coal lands, mining plants, uml equip ment of the Pond Creek Coal Com j pany lo I'lkn county, Kentucky, It w.i.i announced In New York tod ly liy T. tl. Davis, president if the coal mi tern . Negotiations will he eoniplet , d before the end of I h your, he aid. Mr. Invi issued a nluti-iiicut cou crolng tho negotiations "In view oi thn rumorl that havn been nrn iil In the press, and In order that IiIh own atuckholdern might lie correctly in - formed an to what transpiring '' Negotiations with representatives of the Kord Interests have lieen going on for several (lays, he said All of the Tond creek company's land and eipilp ment in I'lkn couuty are ennrcrned In the pending transaction. Owned By Eaitrrnert. The J'nnfl Creek Coal Company Is owo.-d mainly hy residents of lii ton. who purchased the lands and op ened up the mines aliout lfi year ago The company operates eight mines and han a dally output of npproxl niately 10,000 tonH. Six thousand acres are owned hy (he company. It la aald. Another report says riii.iiiui acres. The authorized capital stork of the company Is fSSJHto divided into lu kherea. The stock has la-en on a nub Ktantlal paying basis since 1917. pay lug aa high an S3 a share In 1!I21. The company'a htock Bold In New York Friday up tu 3G a share uml cloned at 134. - The Kentucky office la at Stone. Ky. All of the directors are from Massachuituttx, New York mid Ohio., Officers of tho company are; I'rosl-. dent. T. U. Davla, New York; 'proal dftt of the hoard nf directors, t;, I. Stone. Ronton: vice president. K F McVeigh, 'Cincinnati. J I). Francis. Huntington,' W. Va , and II I,. Smith; secretary-treasurer. F. V. Itatchelder. ; Ronton. Would End Elkhorn Deal. Ashland, Ky., Dec. 22. -I'lirchasc by Henry Ford of the coal land of the Pond Creek Coal Company In Pike county, which New York press re porta nay will hn consummated hy the fl rut of tho new year, would end tie gotlatlona hy the Kord represent!!- Uvea Tor the purchase of tl xlen Hive holdings-or tho Klkhorn Coal Cor , poration In Floyd. Magoffin ami Letch er countlea, It was announced hen today by John Dufklnglium, a dlrcc tor of tho Elkhorn Corporation . Mr. Ducklnghain aald the ncgollu tlona for thn property or the Klkhorn had hoeil tinder way since November 1 and that be believed that publicity concerning plana of .Mr. Kord In Beck ing to acquire the coal lands ha. I I n detrimental to the, proji ct as the Kord representatives hail objected serious ly to publication of the fact that tie gotlatlona had been entered into anil the details given out. . '- . Air. Iluckingham also aald that the Kord representative considered that the price, 122.000,000. fixed by the F.x ccullve Committee or the Klkhorn Corporation, wbh too high. How the C. & O. Railroad Handled Holiday Uusness j The oldcHt rullrouil conches in cap- ! tivity today are runuliiK on the Hlg J Sandy division or the ('. & ()., loaded : to the guards almost every day. j Tho congestion last week was dis- trcsslng to behold ami much more scr- ' lima to experience. On the 22nd ev j cry fiMt or apace was occupied. Poo i plo were packed Into the alslea and cornera like sardines In a box. It was noticeable that children crying for ! water could not be nerved beciiiiae ; nobody could Ki t through the alslea j to the water tanks. Hut every pas- songcr paid full fare. On Saturday evening the train had , two extra couches on ami almoht ev- . erybody had a seat. Mrs. Rryan Miller i Dies' at Van Lear The wire or llryan Milli In childbirth la:. I week In count) ami the body was home tor burial She was lh ter or l.indsey 1'igg. of flu t r died lohtlsoti brought 'laugh eyviile. The funeral was held on Friday, ducted by Itov II It II, wl. it was a must highly res pi ctcd j w oman. con She 'Mini; EXPECT RISE IN CRUDE OIL PRICES MA It HOI l VI I.I.K. Ky. Dec. 2.1 The Kentucky petroleum Held-, show a lulling off lu completed work, due 10 the departure or many operator and llehl workers o otln-r point's lor tin- Christmas season There will not be a return to normal activity until after the fln t of the year, ir neither condition!! are unfavorable there is not much prospect for u great ileal of ' new drilling until spring, unless crude 011 prlcea show a decided change for the better. Quotations on Kentucky crude oil ' ha yd remained unchanged for a pro longed period and close lab is being kept of inaiket i -ondlt ions by the trade. An aihaue.e In prices Is ex pected before hum, Tlie le tter .grades of Kentucky crude now command !l n.'t and Sl.iei for the medium and light grades, respectively, this being the low level for prices ovi r ii period of several years. Six cents per liar rc has I a ndilcd to these prices In eastern Kentucky l-y reduction to that extent in the pipe line charges. This ii due to a r. cent t i build a competing l:i,.. Tie- week In eastern Keiitiicky fields shows a li.ll In i. work, with very few new Hells drilled. Two strikes In !.. county and two In Wayne county constitute new pro duction In the Johnson -Magoffin fields of the ig Sandy three new wells are reported. (ini. sterling ,., :t,i barrels. Martin county, an old gas district. Is tln latest section or the lllg Sandy to receive the attention of petroleum operators. A recent well showed a good production and other tests are to he started. Cartoon Review of 1922 '-.-i;: r ,4 4 i-- .. it 3W ;- -,o i t V-'M" -'' e.,c A i?V "' ''....'irJ i - - ir0 000,000 I Vltk4A- i y . b . J "t wsr -.s tr,r.Ttei A,:;;;l (M s V.'i ' f J ".''v - - J VtV. SLK Vn " 5 oo'ce N. ..... o-w- .:V:. Ly Uf1 V-- v-.v - t. ftM w , iz J i yJ ( c-f. ix x 1 if, , J SherilTs Are After the Liquor Violatprs Sheriff J. . Y'oung arid ' deputies wen i in me nome or 1-ys Hoggs re- i cently, a few miles from Louisa, and made a march for a moonshine out ; It- I" tbe cvllar they found a crude ; oetiit with soiiu; mash In process of fermentation, Iiopg.-i wan lodged in jail, hut has been r. leased on bond. VUso, tlio Kheritr arretted Wont Thompson, deputy marshal of Louisa, on a liquor charge. He carried a . suitcase off of a train and left it on tlie rear porch at the Louisa Inn. A f aenrch disclosed three jugs of liquor ! containing one k.-.!1oii each. It was : taken to the city hay and examined and two or the jugs were emptied In to the, gutter hy City Attorney A. J. : Carred and Police Judge G. W. Hale, i It is said a deputy marshal ran away with the other jug. 1 Thompson was tried in police court J and acquitted of the charge made by the warrant. Hn .swore a stranger ; rave him 5n c-iiu to carry the suit ; ease off of Hi,, train and to the place 'liTi" In- left it. Thompson got on he train at liiichanan or Karnaugh. ; Deputy Sheriff .lay Short was on the NORMAL ACT IS ATTACKED IN TWO DISTRICT SUITS Constitutionality of Measure ? s j: l is iucsnonea un r our Main Points. The Courier-Journal Frankfort Bu I reau says: Two suits hy nine tax- payers to invalidate tho act' creating -j the State Normal School CoinniiBsIon, which selected Murray and Morehcad I for the sites, were filed in tho Frank lin Circuit Court Monday. . One suit cam6 from Western Ken tucky and the other from Eastern Kentucky. ; The State Board of Edu cation, the Normal ; School Commia .sion and John J. Craig, State Auditor.' were made defendants. Since the tiecislon in the road com mission case it was reported that tho N'ormal School Commission was pre paring a communicatijjn to tho Stat-i Board of Education, receding from its claim of right to elect the president i and faculties of the normal school.!. tram returning from Asbl.-iml Ui suspicions were aroused and he sent ! whl "cuV' end tho principal contcn for Sheriff Young nnd guarded the suitcase until he arrived with a search . ivarnui t. WITNESS BARES ! William Spears Tells of Get ! ins Dynamite That Kill ed Two in Paints I viile Field. GROW TOBACCO IN LAWRENCE (.:. W. Leslie Succeeds M. I.. Conley at Cannel City A few farmers in Law r nee count;, .re growing toliacco .-,:i, an- linditv it a very profitable crop. A r-a-on able annum! nf acreage, whatever can Mr. ch rr. v. a y lien, till !t (I. W. I . of t'e 'i M r - n I al.o Clock ct & K id l:-. 'en placed in ut icky ,llai! "alhi'.t con of the i;,n. LEANDER BORDERS PASSES AWAY Can in 1 til; anliel Coal ucc cdlui: .M. mines at i.. ( 'on- ui c. 'd. the om. COAL COMMISSION WANTS MORE POWER be properly cttlti a farmer, inalies crop. Much of times when with other er Attention I now, as these tobacco next early. What Is u Wayne coiut ilition t tlie bacco is now hy a wond vated and handled by a tiio.-l desirable cash the work comes at farmer I- net b;u-v il'-d t-i this who are ivdm- (. .ear must inaK plant plan - Mr. Leslie w .lohn-ion count ii.i-.n and top!; ; thee c '!:i;-anii l -mri- iphi r I' proinoti ! Iron ivir.ll of . Ml i. n' to Cannel City i'1'oiit 12 er i:i ch rical posiiion -. I'nr a lim- In. r Mr. Conley. lie tie:e to t;me a-!..-rvlre. and h- from f-ars with w.i ' :ann' L"s.::d r Lorder.; died here on Tliersday o,' last w-coi; all. I the body was t-i his home tiiar lttcliaril .''1111, wlo re interment was made on Friday. He had been sufferer from diabetes fcr quite a lon.i tinie. During the pa.,t three months his condition was r-'eogni.ed as belns very serious. H - was ihi years oi l. Th i wile, i!au;-l i-r 5i:s llar.i-1. and son Arthur, d. .1 in Lawrence and s Is Mum thine ill ad usual corn i rops. To lieing he'd up In pric fill orgaui '.atioii and as lily with all depart .f the raiiioad and mines. U' iii tent to haiidle th H0U8IN0 HISTORICAL INTEREST. Some of the Stato papers are 'hYr Ing preservation by eat h county of buildings and other historical objects associated with pioneer days. The movement is In lino with tho policy or the Stato to acquire and set aside ns uhrincs historic places such as the birthplace of Jefferson Onvls, and Federal IIIH, where Stephen Collins Foster wrote "My Old Kentucky Home." Noarly every county In thn Stale - has buildings or other objects fij;i should ho preserved aa a reminder of the early days nf Kentucky; if steps are not taken for their preservation, they will be lost forever. Many of tho old stone and log; bii!',i. Ings are in ruins as a result of Inat tention, but others are In n fair con dition and It Is toward these that tho movement is directed. Kentucky Is rich in historical In terest, but few of Ita counties have local societies or associations to pro mote Interest In tho things that link the present to the early days. With a historical Bocloty In every county It would not be long before Interest would be aroused In Its early history. - IxHilsvllln Times. . WASHINGTON. Dec. 2:1. .Mcin hers of the Federal Coal Commission have decided that it must have in creased power lo accompli,. h , r,,. anils for which' the body Was form ed. Investigation has progressed suf llclently, it said, to Justify (ho con clusion that 'another big coal strike not later than April, ' 1!2H. Is Inevit aide unless drastic corrective mens ores are taken. Crowing indication that th. min ers and operators will not he able to reach mi .'understanding In the wage conference at Cleveland January 3. with the probability or a strike in the spring, has caused the commission to decide to state the situation to Con. gross exactly as It -exists. It will al so ask for sufllclent power lo break any deadlock that may develop in tho coming, wage conference. The coal operators still nre debat ing whether oj- hot they will furnish tho commission with the (lata and statistics oh mining costs and prices toi the public that, hnvo been called for, -although "morn than two months of thn time allotted to the Investiga tion has passed. long 'as this la doubt about th" prod able to the fanner. What can he more i. crop that will readily market lit good figure county farmer:) have that a good quality of can lie produced here, county of Carter d'-rlv. e i.i not much ct being profit- esirahle than a find a cash i? Lawrence demoitrated white hurley The adjacent a her largest Income from the sale of tobacco. Mor gan county, adjoining Lawrence on the went, Is getting to he a toliacco growing county. Why not get busy and try it out next year? thorou,' incuts i Is eel;: hmdne: s. The railroad line extends from .lack-:iui to a "Jininl tv?o miles from West Liberty, a dh lince of about 12 inibs. "'lie body of cannel coal own ed by tin- (ompatiy ineiud-.s fiUtn) acres,, said to l.e the largest known deposit of the l,i.;h grade coal known as cannel. It was prospected and bought by Mr. It. M. Bronx, of New York, who als.r "-oiuoteil the railroad that mad., possible the opening of these coal lands. Incidentally-, We may mention here the fact that Mr. Broas was the original purchaser of the coal that Is now- helns mined af Jenkins., and also 12.UU0 acres of choice coal on I'ockcnstle creek, still owned by Mr. liroas and the Simp- I. II. Hewlett -conducted the in the presence of a large if sorrowing friends. Unlit, from Louisa attended survn e. I'.cv. turn ral crowd Dixon and wiii the funi ral. Mr. Borders was one of the county's le st citizens. He lived his entire life near where lie was born nm1 reared, in p".ice and happiness. Everybody liked him. He was a scion of one of the pioneer families of Lawrence county, being a son of Arthur Borders and a grandson of Archibald, the first County Judge. Stale Plans to Aid 20 Schools In .Mountains YOUNG MVTJ SUICIDES IN CARTER COUNTY NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. Six per cent more Is added by law to all delinquent taxes after Dec. 31st. Those who have not paid their 1!22 taxes for county and slate villi plimso take notice of this ract. J. W. VOUNfi, Sheriff. The night of il.'oember In a tragic event occurred nt the residence ol Nelso j vn ns, when hla sou, Wilfred, 1!) years old, who had Just returned homo from church blew out his brains Ho laughed and talked with the ram-. Ily a few minutes niter he readied homo, then went tip stairs with the avowed Intention of going to bed, A few moments afterwards tho report of his pistol was heard. He was dead whhft : they reached his room. No kins h.-lrs. Mr. Leslie is only a little more than :ii years old. an age nt which very few in- tl assume a.s much responsi bility us he has. lie Is a son of It. A. K. Lo:;li. who now lives in Virginia. The railroad and coal property Is owned almost, entirely by New York jH-opli; who seldom ace it, MARRIAGE LICENSES. ' Jake , Kitchen, 21, lo Edna May Lendlnghain, 10, of (iladys. Millard Thornhlll, 211, to Lillie Moore IS, of Louisa. Noah 'Rose, 1'2, of. . Huntington,' W. Va., to Li;:zie Htitchlnsnn. 21. of cause is known for tho rash act mi-j Prl'chiird. AV. Va. Frank i'ope, 20, of Chatlaro, AV.Va,, to Jennie Mayiiiini; IT, of Clenhaves. loss disappointment in a love affair was responsllile. The remains were laid to rest beside thoso of his hrili-! W. Va. er, riumnter, who was killed' in! Jaspe Franco. Urayson Journal.; sper J. Kitep, 2a, to Mima Ington, 17, of Low innnsvlilo. Ath- Sherlff J. W. Young, of Lawrence county, was tho second sheriff in Ken tucky to settle In full with the state for 1022 tuxes. . Fit A NKFOHT, Ky. Huns , for a fund to aid in the , Section of school buildings, particularly in the moun tains of Kentucky, art lieing consid ered by a committee of educators; A conference was held in the Jiepart-m-nt of Ivluc-ition, attended by Conn: ty .Superintendents. I). Ai. Allen of Clay and (leorjre Clark wT Letcher, Mr. Hall and" Mr. Law of the Caney creek Community Center, Pippnpnss. Knott county, and Ihof. W. ,. Jaync of Kas- t"rn Normal. ( Colored schools in the South til ready have the adviinta.Te of the' .lulls . lioseiiwnld Fund, out in' which half tho cost of. constnu; colored schools. Ih mot when conditions, are complied with. Among thii sugges Hons is a fund lor white schools, sim ilar to that, or a revolving fund rais U'd either by private subscription or a ' Stat-i niipKipriatlon. Out of such a re volving fund a percentage of tho cost i would be advanced to a county and paid back in annual installments. It j Is estimated thnt a fund of less than a half million would suffice. ;.., .;' Mr. nnd Mrs. John Alley of notroit, ! Mich., aro here tho guests of. Mrs. Al- To Its many readers the NEWS ley's parents, . Mr. and Mrs. J. R. ! extends very best wishes for a Happy Criileher. '. -...- .New- Year.. , '-. -. I'AINTSViLLK. Ky., Dec. 21, Do : tails of an alleged plan whereby tho j mines of the Northeast Coal Company were to he dynamited and the carry ing into execution of this plan with the consequent deatli of two miners, j were revealed here today when Wil- liani Spears, one of the men under ar jrest, turned State's evidence, at his I examlnln.t trial. The explosion in the j mines occurred June 27 and caused ' the death of two miners. Private du j tectives and county officers have been j Investigating and several persons are ! under arrest In connection with tile i crime. Spears, Russell Ramey, Albeit ! Green, Smith Conley, Harrison Cas I tV and Uraut Fletcher were arrested recently and have been In jail await- ins examining trial. When the trial ' ot Spears was begun he ashed to he i permitted to make a clean breast of i the whole affair and thereby receive immunity,- according to officers of the court. Open' Powder Magazine. S;kii-s declared that on the Satur j day morning, preceding the explosion he mot tho other men at a .street car i nival in this city and there perfected ! the plans for blowing up th-.! mines, j The men proceeded to No. 1 mine and i there opened the powder magazine , and took out Ion Flicks or dynamite. One of the members of the party was j lowered into the magazine from a J hole torn in the rooi, according to ; Spears. The nien wore joined at the I nui-razine by F.d Pi lphrcy and Norton Rice.' ! The dynamite was placed in sacks ; and the men took turns about carry ing it. They did not go direct to No. 3 mine, -the one they had planned to blow up, according to -Spears, but stored tho dynamite in an old firth, mouth until another time. , Spi-ars. j i-etpnrey and Fletcher separated from- the others and went hack to repair the roof so that thn theft wouliHiot he discovered, according to Spears. Forty Are Held. Spears claims that he does not know who set oft the explosion the following Monday night Which killed the two miners and wrecked a cuttiiig machine though he does claim that the melt be named were Implicated in the robbery of the niiigaijlno and that they planned to blow up the mines. About forty men have been hold In connection with the explosion .at. the mine's and ollicors still aro In vestigating. "..'.- This is thn case in which Everett Moore, a Lawrence county man was accused. It, would seeni from this statement that he is not guilty. , tion between the commission and the board. Mr. Colvln said he had heard this, but no communication had reach-, ed him, and be was better pleased with the suits by tho taxpayers. .. ; The second suit was filed by Robert T. Caldwell, of Asllland, ultonioy, representing Een Williamson, mer chant of Ashland; Milton P. Conloy, banker and newspaper publisher of Louisa; J. N. Meek, Paintsvillo busi ness man; A. J. May, Preatonsbui'K business man; -'Joseph M.'-Davidson, " Prestonsburg banker; D. T. fleol, Pikcvilie coal operator, and Ruduliih Rutherford,. Pikeville banker. - This suit asks for an Injunction against the Normal School Commits sion, alleging that, the General As sembly could not delegato its author ity, if it'h'ad authority to appoint such a commission, to another ntrency, lrke the speaker and the Lieutenant Gov ernor, wuauui- Hnpnuasion. I? . eiuror Imil'A r, rdltflnn.lnn nt ,K pointed by the Speaker and tho three appointed by the Lieutenant Governor l ne gist or the allegation Is, that there. , was a double delegation of legislative " They ask for injunction against both the commission and the board and against Mr. Craig, It alleges that tho act la unconstitutional on several-Si-ounds, including defect ot title, granting special privileges, oxcee'ding legislative ; authority being special legislation, and being void for uncer tainty. -.; : . ' . It brings up for adjudication " the conflicting claims of authority between the commission and the Hoard oP&il ttcation .regarding the rifiht to spend the local bonus moncv on hn'IMhiir.i and organize the. school,. and it asserts tirut .mlAuo nrvnl,t.l l),n,, ..,111 coed to commit the Stats to the pro jects and draw on tho Auditor for $39,000' annually for each or the : schools. ' '. ' ' ;"" Oil Lands in Mexico Leas a United Stz cd to LOS ANGELES, DetX ' .ie Los Angeles Times to-day re.ioil an an-' nouiicement from tho promoters, that a group or Los Angeles manufactur ers, bankers and oil operators has obtained from tho Mexican Govern ment "what amounts to a blanket con cession, on all government lands in tho oil district of tho cast coast" It Involves 11,000,000 acres of land ad joining rich workings of tho oldest established companies In the Tampioo and Tuxpam districts. j The announcement came after the vim ii iic-i'j i.-om iuexico ";ity ot v. W. Wilson, G. 13. Moreland and Goo. J. Rushmiller. who stated ' they ob-'' tainod tho concession alter an Inter-. ;.'iow with President Obregoti. ; I IT- 11',,.. .. .. . . " . mi. Hiisua Bnni- tne lamia doslf;-. ; nated comprise 'virtually all federal oil lands extending along tho Gttit Coast from a point north of Tamplco Ho Tuxpain, closn to holilimrs of the Standard Oil Company, iho ladiony Interests and other prominent oil cotiipanics; Tho coitcosbioh also iu cludos tho island of Juana Ramirez. ; The concession provides tlmt 40 per ; cent, of tho gross production go to the I Mexican. Government; thnt the co.t- , ; . cessionaires pay live pesos a year a Former V. S. Marshal A. 13. Patrick ' hectaro for tho lands they will ox-; or Salyersvlllo died there Tuesday ploitL that n deposit of 400,000 pesoi night. Upon his. retirement from the i he niade; that 200.000 pesos, be in ofhco of V, S. .Marshal he was elected I vested in Works and exnloration -h., ill a year. T Two years are given for exploration and the concession runs for 20 years, with provision for renewal, ' f. director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland and was of the first Rronp of directors to serve in this ca pacity after the passage of the law.