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THE MIAMI TIMES, MIAMI, FLORIDA PAGE 12 Church News Rev. F. M. Allen Transferred Rev. F. M. Allen, pastor of Mat thew Chapel AME Zion Church for the past three years have returned from Kissimmee, Fla., where he at tended the South Florida Annual Conference AME Zion Church, Dec. 1-5. In this Rev. Allen was transferr ed to the North Arkansas Confer ence and will be stationed at Payne Chapel AME Zion Church, Little Rock, Arkansas. Rev. Allen will" en tertain the North Arkansas Annual Conference next November. Rev. Allen will make his leave for Little Rock oh Friday at noon. The Rev. K. C. Moore of Tampa, Fla. will succeed Rev. Allen at Mat thew Chapel AME Zion church here. Greater Bethel AME Church News December 5, 1948 Communion Service. Roth sermons were delivered by Rev. H. W. Fayson. 11:00 a.m. the 63rd chapter of Isaiah and 6th verse. 7:00 p.m. (sth chapter of David and 16th verse. Everyone who was pres ent heart was made glad. Indeed the spirit moved from heart to heart as this wonderful speaker brought to us the word of CJod^ Thursday, December 8 —• Prayer meeting, conducted by Rev. E. E. Boyd. All junior stewards are asked to attend. At the close of prayer meeting the laymen will hold reg ular meeting. Friday, Deceml>er 10 at 12:00 noon prayer service. Members and friends all that can please be present. Friends come .out and worship with us at any time. Your presence is highly appreciated. You are al ways welcome. Rev. H. W. Fayson, pastor Mrs. R. R. Dickinson, reporter “Heir At St. Agnes Sunday The third of a series of sermons on “The Four Last Things” will be preached by the Rector of St. Agnes' «>n Sunday night the Third Sun day in Advent. The subject of the sermon will be “Hell.” The Four I*ast Things are “Death, Judgement, Hell and Heaven.” Other services for the day will be: la)w Mas s at 7:30 a.m., Sung Mass and sermon at 10:45 a .m.. Church School at 1:00 p.m., and the service ° n ‘» e,r 7:30 p.m. You can not afford to miss this one. Visitors are welcome. ■ FOR I WISE INVESTMENTS I REAL ESTATE Ipiiiplp % SEE I CARL A. WILLIAMS REGISTERED REAL ESTATE SALESMAN ■ - * g Phone 7-3093 5140 N. W. 27th Ave. I Hlh '* *■ I Residential Lots • Homes Business Frontage B 32nd Avenue and 54th Street B NOTARY PUBLIC PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER fl With Wesley E. Garrison ■ 1107 Pan American Bank Bldg. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1948 Presbyterians Prove Race Relations, Seek Establishment Os Non Segregated Church PHILADELPHIA (ANP) The problem of establishing a non- segre gated church was the main issue of discussions at a week-long institute on racial and cultural relations, at tended by 30 leaders ‘of the Presby terian church at the College Settle ment Farm camp, Willow Grove, last week. The institute is the sec ond of a series being conducted throughout the nation over a two year period by the boards of nation al missions and Christian education of the Presbyterian Church, USA. Principal topics discussed were “phriktian (Race Relations,” “The Protestant Church and the Negro,” “The Protestant Church and Civil Rights,” “Jewish Christian Rela tions,” and “International Implica tions Os American Race Relations.” Presiding officers at the meeting were the Rev. William H. McCon ahy, institute director, and Dr. Jesse Belmont Barber, Lincoln university faculty member. Bishop J. W. E. Bowen Presides At Regional Methodist Meet SUMTER, S. C. (ANP) Bishop J. W. E. Bowen, newly elected resi dent bishop of the South Carolina conference, central Jurisdiction, Methodist church, presided over the 10th annual five-day session of the conference, held in Emanuel Melhod st church here recently. Among the highlights on the agenda were ap proved increases in pensions, con tinued support of Claflin university, Orangeburg, and also support of th e World Service program. Bishop Bowen announced the appointments for 206 charges at the close of the meeting. Schools . . . Churches at LINCOLN CITY Phone 82-2626 | m. Sentence Sermons By Rev. Frank Clarence Lowry * For ANP 1. Giving people the “hard way to go" simply makes your garden of life more difficult to hoe. 2. The thorns and thistles you sow each day ensnare wanderers’ feet and keep good folks away. 3. No one can make it hard for an innocent neighbor, without him self falling into some of his hand made pits he forgot to cover. 4. Providence sees to it that men pay up some day for the tricks they perpetuate to hurt a brother on his way, 5. Life wasn’t given to man to trick a single soul, but for every man to help his brother make his coveted goal. 6. When individuals give in to their “bent to sinning,” then every body around must endure their low type of living. 7. The strong and the weak must live together, but the strong must do the lifting, to help those who are drifting, that the world might be come better. 8. Men then w-ho are strong should thank God for this high assignment and not murmur against Him as on e being placed in solitary- confine ment. 9. For anybody can simply live here from day to day, but it takes a real man or woman to warn care less souls to think and pray. 10. With only 70 years at best to live, a man is mightly foolish who doesn’t learn to give, until his time is almost up, in thi K world to live. 11. Treating people roughly and giving them a hard way to go, may sometimes hasten victims to their graves, but it is a hequence almost certain that the end of such persons is very hard and slow. 12. Life, for us all has its set traps with attractive bait; It is only those who can control their human cravings who thoughtfully choose betw-een success and Jllfate. School Os Languages To Start Spanish Classes The School of languages under the direction of Dr.. Sergio M. Al faro, I.h extending Its educational sphere to cover the Negro popula tion In Miami. Dr. Alfaro is a well known teacher, evangelist and social worker among the Spanish speaking people. He pastors the Methodist Church Mission under the aspires of Trinity Methodist Church. For a long time Dr. Alfaro has felt the urge to see the colored people get the same opportunities afforded other races, but due to his multiple duties, he had not had the chance to do it. Now he counts In his staff with Mr. Robert Dominguez, recent ly arrived from New York City, where he taught Spanish at the Adult Education Centers In the big city, including Harlem Centers. The Greater Hethel AME church has of fered full cooperation. Also the man ager of Liberty Square housing pro ject has gracefully offered his co operation. The Spanish classes will commence on January 4. 1949 at both locations, and It is expected that it will be a great success, since there are hundreds of persons just waiting for this real chance to ac quire the beautiful and most Impor tant language of the gallant Con quistadores of the New World. The rates will he very moderate io as to enable persons of little means and earnings to study. Also people willing to have lessons in private will be given this priviege. What .To Do For A Cold At the first sign of a cold, you Should obey three simple rules: 1. Keep warm and get aa much W 2, of water and fruit a CALOTAB. Calotabs are a thorough depend able laxative, intestinal antiseptic pnd diuretic. They clean out your entire intestinal tract and flush your kidneys, thereby ridding your system of poisonous toxins. They help nature throw off a cold. # Remember! At the first sign of a bad cold - REST —LIQUIDS CALOTABS. It’s so simple. Follow label directions. Phyllis Wheatley School News P. T. A. Regular meeting of the PTA was held Thursday afternoon Dec. 2. Mrs. C. Morley President, presiding with the help of Mrs. Nixon, secre tary, Mrs. Scavella made a report on trip to Ft. Lauderdale for PTA Convention. Also appearing on the program w T as Nurse Watson who spoke about fights children have on their way from school. Suggesting that parents form a club among themselves to work out means to help curve after school fights. PARENTS COOPEERATION Much stress has been placed on classroom mothers club. Which en able parents, teachers, and pupils to have a closer relationship and to find out the teacher and pupil class room needs. Making a tour of the campus and getting first hand insight of our dry, and dusty playground, the pa rents saw the need for a well paved playground area of which they have pledged to go fifty-fifty on the ex pense. “Remember, Good Health ig the First Law of Nature.” To our parents, we all appreciate your cooperation. Demonstrated use of inter-com munication system by our princi pal. FIRST GRAbE TEACHERS i The first grade teachers. Mrs. M. Blake, Mrs. Rosella J. Everett, Mrs. A. M. Samuel, and Mrs. M. Rhodes, chairman, invited the fir Si grade teachers of Dougla* Primary' and Dunbar Elementary schools to their regular monthly meeting, Monday, December 5. TOPICS DISCUSSED A very Interesting discussion on “Factors of the Reading Readi ness Program." readiness was held, with many helpful suggestions offered. A de licious serving of ice cream and cake was enjoyed. Mrs. G. B. Albert, principal Mrs. R. j. Everett, reporter SUNLIGHT BEAUTY SCHOOL .No other profession offers such quick income ns Beauty Culture Does. Enroll Now EASY TERMS DAY AND EVENING CLASSES Visit or Write School For Information 1011 Northwest Second Avenue Bonded CoHection Ageg C y PROPERTY MANAGED When In need of a Home at Hi-nnitii Rental Rata* . SEE OR PHONE US (IN HEART OP COLORED TOWN) L. L. BROOKS, Owner 1163 N. W. 3rd Ave. 230 So. Dixie Highway 3-0689 PHONES —4-257 S Florida Motor Lines Low Fares To Any Point In The United States SAVE MONEY SAVE TIME BE COMFORTABLE SEE MORE Let us send your Friend a ticket to come here FREE TRANSPORTATION TO MAIN STATION IN FOR MATION ON TICKET YOUR COLORED BUS STATION 1110 N. W. 3rd Avenue Phone 2-9845 Dorsey Chorus Presents Musicale A program of Xmas music will be presented by the Dorsey High school chorug on Monday, December 13 at Mount Tabor Baptist Church in Liberty City. Preparations are Jt>eing made for a most enjoyable program of songs. The public is cordially invited to attend; there will be no admission charge. You can’t afford to miss this wonderful treat. Dorsey High School News Never was there a more fruitful year for Dorsey High School to voice her thankfulness and appreci ation than the year of 1948. During the months of October and Novem ber, Dorsey was grateful to the Uni versity of Miami for unselfishly giv ing her two used school buses, one of which Is now In good running con dition, the result of the diligent work of Mr. Nichols, head of the Auto-Mechanics Department. Also Mr. J. J. Ellis of the Florida Power and Light Company played an Important part in securing for Dorsey High, two beautiful electri cal ranges for the Home Economics Department. Marries New Orleans Minister Mrs. Ethel Johnson, daughter of Mrs. Lottie Johnson, was married October 31st to Rev. Freddie Grif fin, pastor of St. Luke Baptist Church of New Orleans, La. The couple will make their home there. NEW PROVIDENCE ODGE NO. 365. F.A. & M. .The New Providence Lodge Ne. if neetft every 2nd and 4th Thmeday, orner 11th Street and Third Aveoae Ben Gilbert, W. M. 8. A. Wilson. See*r