OCR Interpretation

The Miami times. [volume] (Miami, Fla.) 1923-current, April 09, 1949, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83004231/1949-04-09/ed-1/seq-4/

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njanajfk h rinmz cul/jbcd weekly
CaMr>< m S—’ ut it (iMf Matter. Attgn t ll!t. a? tb» Pw? Off«* at
Miasm. norriu. uwkr tkM ts Mart ft. Iff*
<ws? kcarttf »? tbt Mage f*ma*ry. «ffw a
HIS Ji.W, Tto A»«nt Mmnn PW-iOk —1 5-223 C
& £. A. EHTES Ldftu-
GAJTTH C BUM, Fnswi !■ Iffir
Annamscso hnvE
Gcmxxamvs hate?
4m» Tar ~ S4.M fifes Muntte .. JEJI Ttir*r Mm&w .... §I M
*t>i< d'i io*?c wuu mu tbit-si Stud £t»»*? rmfrni »*t wtner ’
We have received l very idcrating }«*Eter from Mr.
Cii-ad* A. Barnett, director of the Associated Negro Press.
The letter speaks in high terms of oar Congressman
George Smathere.
Mr. Smathere is no stranger to readers of the Miami
Tims*, as be ha*, been writing a weekly column for this
journal for more than a year.
We supported Mr, Smatkers feeling that be would
make a good Congressman. We nave watched bis career
with interest and it is our opinion that be has not only
served the people of Florida well, but be has been a good
We are certainly pleased that Mr. Barnett has found
Congressmen Smatbers and Bennett bo interesting.
Floridians know that they have a very able repre
sentative in Senator Claude Pepper.
We thank Mr. Barnett for bis letter, which follows:
Tbt Aumckmoi .M*r* Frees
, - &T South Parkway
Chicago 111
March 55, lhtt
Mr a E h. hentt EBur
Mt Mum Tom
fill JE. W Third Tv«nt
Dear Mr. Mww«*
M ha» ■««- skutf jut crrrj » outnw ts K>jirvMnuui e ‘-iiift
«r%. Tixut iiMt Mih to tk epitaisn rbkii I *■ calling at
Mat uffk* hi Waahiiu.l na she other ha?
TW feist* fan* ■« warwet TV " iwif nsmiiMii banwS prwci la
he aeu»<*j ust>r« miifel h> uq meaaar*- *h»± affected U» Negroes of FUrv
da aadL tfaewdw*. .VsnM everywhere. I was nffwi{ U ima a p iinl
affoctobg the *«»**»«* of KA U> Lktra a matter irhirh he as a ram*
her ut the Furesgn RetociM* Cueiaiftt** wcudd pan upon He vent tot*
h h detail and I kit fan with u ipprwuuiiio «f the fact that thh am
IT*? rs rwnt HoOfaram hare new uuttuuk* ud ewatnrtfat a—
*Me sitting h hh dfa* Bcnaa «f Jorhsian Hi tame
M He vm la a wheal chair and the atteouuo as the enure uffk* mm
rt, «kd upwi hiu a» thh fua liwdrhic mwu< chap «Im> h rarmuoUtut a
Caaffnaaaaaß hi amen *w intrudwat two jonat White mm who
wahad fa pat a MFC ham far a humane prv)eti hi Miami He knew the j
oaaa prwadlr was bringing tha hi to ianda* them to (msma
maa Haw thin hcaaw fit mm a matter affecting hh district
The interwa which he nprewed la haaadaff and ia bowat far lew
taceaae and Negre snapi vu totally heartening I congratulate she
****** td htrfh Miami and darfcmmrffi* upon the type ut mm they are ape
hartwMy electing to tffk*. I Mp» mr people irl ilwayi ase their Iran-
Mdae to that mew wfce are wffling to Mark far the iatereet of all the e*ti
g«ed aid aru m Ompm.
fliaeerely > wore.
G. A Barnett
County Sanitation Director Russell Brougham who has
been conducting a survey of the Negro section in Miami
jsade his report to the Slum Clearance Committee on
This report was prepared in order that Miami will be
im a position to secure federal funds if the Taft-Ellender-
Wagner Bill becomes law. The report says 79 per cent of
the dwelling places show deterioration. There is extreme
overcrowding. That 22 per cent are located on alleys and
that 15 percent are without electricity and bathing* facili
Many are built so close together that daylight ob
■tructaon, with ha effect on health, is all too prevalent”
Fifty-four per cent of the houses have 120 penalty
points which indicate extreme gubstandardneto.
It is well that the committee have this information.
Mow we wait and see if Federal funds will be available.
If not where do we go from here?
Baseball Sunday and
The baseball season at Dorsey
Perk opens on Palm Banday, April
The first game wffl be played by
the Key West Cubans and Miami
Rockets at S p..m
On Monday the Boynton Royale
will meet the Rockets at 8:IS p_m.
The Rockets is said Co be ooa of the
top teams in the South. Local fans
will be watching and pulling for
Gvrersur Fuller Warn® zaz
■jit Iyegifcitrur*- for SM-.WThe
ti.it- o* lit’jfef wilt tne * onst T-zait
r— IKK * * til 1' 'ifnmlerf .t,
uu-mf xcy Bifc-
Fjunhs. war sever sounder «o-
Nearly etayWr «**'
money atȣ many are
■nr-r Rat n li»t m.dSt trf a.bundaM
prjtjtn’.T ti»t state i* aim or*. irs»ol
rem, But tktt fs*@wr.
Tiit unct zrjpZLAT Solicitor, Fr«J
Fiia. vbe M-iit tLKiiarrtjd y«tns
jige, ifur ctiETict-yE a. wbit*
Bii.v«7- ’ctmFj/a’a.ry charge wui thit
■wtsek rijeanai.ts*ot4 to tat stia.it So*
;*remt Oetal lor rtstdmiwioo to tit
•jtr Tiit rtstici-Hjt'iiOt.ia waw maot
ny fuur cirniit jadgt*
F Crwt, lUt New Tork
awiiKiart Bajiker itaxtager, m'Lo ai>
Ksxi&td wiii. M-i -*b£ atrrvmM l
it Ittjiyii*. Befci-i tiij» week by tbe
FB-I. Back ic New Turk he gyt* for
Xirt m rear erf oat jf the Bey*
zn:mr • ooibw at III* Fifth are.,
ptrtaUiy destroyed the baildi&g ami
trf the tenant* ioet their be
> >T,g~Tif»
In HffiTtgitair-. m.. the three
Klory hofynal St. Anthony was
*-wejrt by ftre. Between 55 and C<?
pereun* suffered p tients
died in their beds
Visiting Nassau Bahama*, iart
wak kri Ruth Polite, who
ia thrived witt what she saw.
The :.*eautUu. aea ganfans the
wuamt -Queen § Stair Case.'’ the
riflt around the imaaad. together
wr£h the courtesieeof Mr
‘erry Finder and others have made
an impreeMiot upon her, it
warrants aiiother and wafer visit.
Beautiful Millinery
Ase Now Located At
(Between Miami Avenue and N. E. Ist Avenue)
Where You Will Find The Same Beautiful
That You Always Found at The Flagler Street Store
Right Now Come And See Our Beautiful New Styled
As They Are Really The Last Word In Beauty
And at Prices To Suit Your Purse
We also carry a full line of Millinery Supplies at
Real Bargain Prices
You will always feel satisfied when you buy at
(Between Miami Avenue and N. E. Ist Avenue)
Miami, Florida
Who Have Served Miami With Ladies Beautiful
HATS Since 1930
Teacher* will have about four
day* of Bajfter holiday*. Ub to la*t
year they couldn't even get a r iood
Friday holiday. They certainly
jireciate the change.
The Murrell hulMing on Third ave.
and 12th street is progressing nice
ly. It * going to be quite an lxo
prweroent for third avenue, and a
help with tho*e much needed apart
The offices of the Negro Service
Council YMCA, YWCA and Horne
Service in the Community Center
-now present a pleating appearance.
The front of the building, too, hae
been plastered and the window*
A Lenten Tea at St. Agnes Social
Center hurt Sunday afternoon epon
sored by St. Marie e Guild, Mr*. Mir
iam Stirrup, president, was quite a
success. Among those on the pro
gram were Mr*. Salivata Stirrup
Misses Eio-* Barrett, Yvonne Brown,
Florence Scavella, Mr*. Virginia
Pettu*, Mr. George Austin and the
Rev. H. EL S Reeves.
The well known Copa City club
at Miami Beach closed last Sunday.
Barry Gray, popular commentator i*
now broadcasting from the WKAT
The grand jury was impanntled on
"uesday. Shortly after they got to
work. Among probable matters for
Lnveit-gation are gambling and th-;
Miami Retreat that ha* been ex
posed to much criticism during the
past three week*.
I'm wondering in the light of re
?ent lynching in Georgia, if Dixie
®Ks stm believe there is no need
for an ant: lynching law?
The State Baptists are in annual
convention in the city of Tampa. A
B-ge number of delegatee are at
I>r. Cato, Health official is loud
:n praise of the Coconut Grove citi-
**ixts committee <* Blxxm flnnni .• _
This </Anmittee made It possible for
home owruer* to secure loans to in
staJJ sinks and toilet* in their
home*. The also visited
plumbing establishment* to girt the
best possible price* for the** peopie
Bast month 55 septic tanks were
National Negro Health Week ec«b
on Sunday, AprD lk. I hope every*
body d.d to improve con
dition*. If not, there is still time to
get bury. Clean up the yard, cut th
gras*, get rid of bottles, old tire.?,
-anything that is not usuable. Then
get a free Chest X-Ray.
The Gilbert and MDivM Oper
etta, HMH pinafore, preeentec by
the Geru Lirama Guild at BTW aud
itorium on Wednesday night was a
splendid pe-rf ortnance to an unurua
ly email audience. The Inter-Ageney
staff of the Community Oeeter, who
were sponsors certainly deserv
more consideratiosL Where were
members of all the clubs and mai-.
O’-hers who use the Com man -y Cen
ter. Bi nee this effort was a financ-\l
failure, I suggest you send the price
of a ticket—One dollar— to Mr.
Walter Pinkston to help defray the
Eastern Phi Beta
Sigmas To Meet
annual spring regional conference
of the eastern district of Phi Beta
Sigma fraternity will convene here
April 22-24 wttb Nu Sigma chapter
as host. Session* will be held in the
Pyramid club, and special attention
will be laid to the social action and
education programs.
William E. Doar Jr.. Brooklyn, is
eastern regional director. He also
holds the peat at national executive
secretary. Thaw of the meet will
be "Bigger and Better Business.' ’
the fraternity’s mayor activity for
over 25 year*

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