OCR Interpretation

The Miami times. [volume] (Miami, Fla.) 1923-current, April 09, 1949, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83004231/1949-04-09/ed-1/seq-6/

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Thumbnail for PAGE SIX

iwiliri of this column may weuff
| ‘private reply”—by sending lot
fM et the following:
ft AM*' W*H*c* Artftlto iMft
•Ml free lAici MW*»•••«!•*••*»ft
• AM*>JM»t«r LM*f Lmmi „
3* fra* tMci Mar .ftt
_ AffixoaiCAi poticAfr .~f»
ItoniM, »11-ed<ir«Md mvekf*
m ologleel oaJyftool low odl.
no awt wAiua %**m
t. ft tm It. Alloolo I,4svoi
LT I have been a widow for
ten years. During’ this time I have
made my home with my first son
and his family. My baby boy is
getting married next month and
thought I would like to make my
home with them. Should I leave
here and go with him?
Ans: Give your son ample time to
“honeymoon” and become adjusted
to married life before you pay them
a visit. You might visit with them
sometime during the summer but
do not move in bag and baggage.
If you find you like it there, extend
your visit a little while but don’t
impose on them. Your oldest son and
his wife want you to always feel
that their home is your home.
XBT I am an assistant to a
minister. I am having domestic
troubles. My wife takes the advice
and guidance of others in preference
to mine. If I don’t do as she wants,
she calls up the minister. She seems
to have more confidence in him
than in me or is it just plain igno
Ans: You’re behaving like kids
You certainly can t win her coni?
dence by finding fault with every
thing she does. The way to bring
about a change is by being consid
erate, kind and t houghtful ar.f
showing your appreciation for the
things she does that meet with your
approval. If you will conduct your
self In away pleasing to your wife
tA Mammoth
Fashion Revue
and D ANCE
17 Dashing Models on Parade
Displaying All of the Latest
Evening Gowns
Friday, April 29 &
AT LEFT: Miss His Wtssiey, one of tho models
Admission - $1.50
For Table Reservations Phone 3-9134 and
ask for Jack Delaney or Neal Campbell
—she won't have any reports to
make By doing so —it will lay a bet
ter foundation for your marriage.
You can’t re-make her, but you can
alter the present situation b>
"changing your own ways a bit.
SLM I really need your advice.
I would like to know if my last hus
band got his divorce from me. H
says he didn’t. His sister says ne
did. He says he never did divorce
his first wife and I only found that
out last week.
Ans: If that’s the case, your mar.
riage with him wasn't legal. I nder
these circumstances, it would bene
fit you to take the matter up with
an attorney. He can get your mind
at ease and inform you of your true
status. Do it immediately as you
i ean’t claim your present husband
: is your legal mate until this whole
; thing is cleared up.
Lonely have taught for eight
years in the south. The only man
have ever cared for left here and
went to Chicago last year. He has
encouraged me to come there but
I’m undecided. When school is out
should I go home to Detroit or go
to. Chicago? Would you advise me
to send for the Guide?
Ans: Go home via Chicago. It will
give you an opportunity to determ
ine your true feelings for this fel
low. As It is now you don’t know
how you stand and neither does he.
A few days in the “windy city” will
do a lot for you. You will find mv
! 1949 Guide extremely helpful. The
‘price is sl. Be sure to send your
birthdate when ordering.
GD I am 18 and my boy friend
is 17. He don’t .seem to care if I am
older. I am the one doing all the
! worrying. He says if I don’t love
■him like he wants me and quit fuss
ing about him going with other
• girls that he is going away and find
someone who will. I love him dearly.
What must I do?
Ans: Let him take off—that's his
privilege. Use your head, though
and refuse to let him “bulldoze”
j you int 0 an immoral life just to
j satisfy his whim. You aren't in love
—you just love the idea of falling
in love. He admires you but you
can’t call it love. Both of you should
be enjoying the companionship of
other friends and give up the idea
of getting seriously involved.
L. A. White Firms
Protest ‘Unfair’
Practices Os Linen
White linen firms filed a complaint
last week against what they claimed
were unfair practices of a new Ne
ro firm. The 60 White supply com
panics told the city attorney the
colored firm was knocking their
business by appealing to Negro cus
tomers on a. racial viewpoint.
According to these companies, the
Personal Linen Supply house has
been taking their customers by say
ing, “You ought to give your busi
ness to us since we're all colored.
One White owner, William Freu
land of the National Linen Supply
Company, has accused the Colored*
firm of having solicitors to trail his
drivers, and then urge their custo
mers to change to the Colored firm.
Mrs. Hazel Simpson-is one of the
proprietors of Personal.
By William Henry Huff for ANP
Infatuation is, the road
To future woe and sorrow;
But it a straining heavy load
Is laid up for tomorrow.
It parallzes pure insight
And kills the sense of reason,
Which ought to be one’s guiding
Both in and out of season.
Town Laundry,
will establish a Retail Route
to cover Liberty City, Brown
Sub, Washington Heights and
Coconut Grove.
Mr. Willie R. Burnett will
handle Retail Route No. 3.
—PRESSING .Also serving
hotels, apartments and hos
1860 W. Flagler St.
Free Pick-up and Delivery
Phones: 3-5337—3-5338—3-5339
apr. 9
Race Adopts Plastic
Surgery Pad
Chicago Actual photographs ot
lip-thinning and nose- narrowing op
| rations- performed by White plastic
surgeons on an increasing number
of Negroes, testify in the May issue
of Ebony that colored America is
busily engaged In altering the phy
sical appearance of its face.
“Plastic surgery is the biggest
booing branch of medical science to
day,” the Ebony story says, “and
this almost magical art not only re
store injured or abnormal faces to
normal but also improves on nature
when it has been niggardly in gifts
of pulchritude.
“Among the thousands who have
been flocking to the office of the 30
certified plastic practioneers have
J been Negroes,” the photo feature
continued. “These colored patients
have been knocking on plastic sur
geons doors to correct abnormali
ties in both facial and body charac
teristics in an attempt to become
more handsome and beautiful.”
Outstanding among plastic sur
geons catering to Negro clients is
34-year-old, White, Dr. George J. B.
Weiss, whose volume of Negro pa
tients in Harlem has been so great
during the past 7 years that he has
had to open a branch office.
The Ebony story continues: “In
creasing numbers of Negroes fol
j lowing the standards of White
beauty have gone to have their noses
narrowed and lips thinned by the
surgeons knife. Others have sought
See us For Your Favorite Liquors
You call we will deliver at no extra
Baker’s Package Store
414 N. W. 20th St., Cor. 4th Ct.
2199 Ali Baba Avenue
Opa Lock a, Fla.
Owned, operated and controlled by Negroes
Cliff Baker, Prop.
mm S:
Ha# Just Returned From Cuba With Latest
Numbers and Material
Life Reading and Lucky Number SI.OO
Bring this ad along for special offer
Take bus 21 to 17th ave. and 62nd St.
Walk 4 Short Blocks
2118 N. W. 62nd St. Phone 7-3160
to remove keloids, the welt-like scar
tissue towards which Negroes have
a tendency when a wound heals."
For success in
Consult her
you can now
bave your home
made happy
Get and hold the position you long
Don’t stay In the rut, get out now!
By the help of God she can help
you Remove evil Influences, if you
are Sick, Worried, or in Trouble-
It will pay you to call and see this
Gifted Medium First
A Well Known Psychic Reader
Office Hours:
Daily * a. m. to 12 noon
S p. m. to 9 p. m.
Sundays lO a. m- to 5 p. m.
Readings SI.OO
Madam Hunter
Licensed by State e id County
1657 N. W. 71rd Street

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