OCR Interpretation

The Miami times. [volume] (Miami, Fla.) 1923-current, December 31, 1949, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83004231/1949-12-31/ed-1/seq-9/

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Key West News
Christmas was spent very quiet
ly In Key West, and every one
seemed to have enjoyed t he Christ
mas spirit.
The Regular Fellows Club enter
tained with their annual Xmas
Party on December 25th. Refresh
ments were served and t he guests
enjoyed the party.
Mrs. Mable Dean and daughter
left the city recently to spend the
holidays with her parents.
Among the students home for the
holidays are: Miss Doretha Curry,
Miss Mercedes Hannibal, Miss Bar
bara Parks, Miss Vina Mae Curry.
Miss Lillian Alice Pon, Mr. Frank
lin Smith, Mr. Anthony Castillo., Mr.
Louis Thomas, Mr. Cecil Murray
Mr. Allen, Mr. Sands.
Mr. Charles Munnings, a teacher
of West Palm Beach, is here spend
ing the holidays with relatives and
Miss Ethel Carey, secretary of thb
A and M College is home spending
the holidays with relatives and
Among the Key Westers spend
ing the holidays with relatives
were Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hepburn
of Conn., Mr. and Mrs. James
Dunn of Los Angeles; Mr. Kenneth
Allen of New* York; Mr. and Mrs.
Fernley Taylor of Miami; Mrs. Su- ,
san Corker and son of Jacksonville.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson and
daughter of Miami spent Christmas
here with their brother and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Welters and
Miss Viola Welters.
Mr. and llrs. Betram Cash enter
tained their daughter, Mrs. Mear
lene Saunders and friends, Mrs. Ida
King and Mrs. Mildred Morrison at
their residence. 406 Virginia st. Also
lots of kind friends joined in to
celebrate a family reunion. They
were also entertained at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. M. Roberts.
They left the city on Monday
morning for Miami. Friends hope
that they will come back to Key !
West again.
Mr. James Albury and Mr. James
Mack of Laucha, Fla., were Xmas i
visitors here. While in the Island
City they were t he guests of Mr. |
and Mrs. Charles Cleare.
Mr. Eddie “Cleanhead” Vinson
and his orchestra will be here Jan
uary 7th at the VFW Hall on
Whitehead st. This dance is spon* j
sored by the VFW Pose and Ameri
can Legion. Tickets are now on sale, i
For table reservations see Mr.
Louis Smith. Tables will go on sale
January 1, 1950 at the VF WHall
at 9 p.m. Don’t forget the time and
Mr. Alfred Whitehead of Norfolk,
Va. is in the city visiting his wife,,
Mrs. Ethel Whitehead and family.
A large crowd enjoyed the Break
fast Dance. Music was furnished by
Harry Chlpchase and his great
To all my patrons and friends I
■wish you a Happy and Prosperous
New Year.
A Christmas Program was held on
Sunday night at Newman’s M. E.
Church. A large crowd was in at
tendance and the program waa en
joyed by all present.
4 Duplexes
8 Rental Units
PRICE $12,000
$2,000 Down
Bal. SIOO per month
For Information
Phone 7-2678
or write to:
P. O. Box 1297
North Miami, Fla.
Mr. Eugene Fisher of New York
is spending a few weeks visiting
relatives and friends.
Mr. William Van Dyke, the son
of Mrs. Rowena Pinder, left the
city on Monday morning to spend
the winter in Miami. Friends wish
him a pleasant stay.
Don’t forget to send all news to
your reporter. Remember, this is
your column.
In loving memory of Eliza Mae
McQuinn who departed this life on
January 3, 1948 at Key West, Fla.
Days of sadness still come over us
Tears in silence often flow.
Memory keeps you ever near us,
Though you passed one year ago.
No one knows the silent heartaches
Only those who have lost can tell.
Os the grief now born in silence
For the one we love so well.
Mrs. Ida Mae Cogwell, mother
Mrs. Flossie Terry, sister
Mrs. Mary L. Farrington, Sis.
Mr. Henry Cogwell, brother
Witness In Hiss Case
Says FBI Plied Him
With Beer _
mond Catlett, 27, son of a former
maid in the home of Alger Hiss
whose celebrated case is being re
tried here, testified Thursday. Cat
lett declared that two FBI men
seeking to elicit information re
garding Alger Hiss had driven him
down to Reslyn, Va., bought eight
cans of beer and sought to persuade
him to talk.
Catlett said he drank most of the
beer but that the FBI men did not
get the Information they were seek
ing. He said that the old typewriter
on which Hiss is accused of having
written notes pertaining to the spy
ing for Russia had been given to
him by t he Hiss family when they
moved from one house to another
in Washington.
An Ad In The Miami
Times Pays Dividends
Special Sale
2535 N.W. 73nd St., to cooper
ating with all Colored Pro
ject* by offering the finest
/Unwlnnin Custom Built Blinds
st a special contractor’s price
and sold on easy terms. Here
for your consideration are
prices of our Blinds INSTALL*
PD. in the following subdi

Magnolia Gardens
N.W. 147th St. and ttnd Are.
Blinds for all Windows 148.60

Albert Const. Co.
N.W. 158 rd St. »nd Ave
Blinds for all Windows $44.80

Gaires Const. Co.
N. W. 103rd St. and nth Ave.
wind* for all Windows $44.08

n.u gale la for a Baited time
Thomas Venetian Blind
Immediately and take advan
tage of this big saving

Call 9-7555
and courteous and prompt
attention wfll bo fb« to
yoer orders
CHICAGO (ANP) Clifford J-
Campbell, principal of Dunbar
Trade school, was among the six
persons and organizations to be pre
sented awards in hugian relations
for 1949 at the fourth annual
awards lunch of the Chicago Com
mission on Human relations, here,
last week. The luncheon was held
in the Congress hotel.
The citation for Campbell ap
plauded his development of Dunbar
"into one of the leading trade
school in the country, (his) fashion
ing of a competent staff and at
tracting of thousands of Negro
youths into training for industrial
trades, and (his) intelligent vision
and patient persistence which open
ed avenues of skilled employment
and memebrship in trade unions to
Negro young men and women.”
Join The YWCA
rI T V | DA N
822 N. W. 3rd AV E.
—eMy sian ■ i3BPlr ■ j — |M jwin Mrn, /
— - r* ,
-sj -■_ __ _ «aa. -a—r 1 Twwnna
HKllNMMMHMHiMMßfilitiiftlMttdSttSMiJ jJH
$7,950 on your lot
Easy Payments Arranged
Aluminum Type Awning Windows
at no extra cost
The same type of sashes used
in the $20,000 homes
N. Davidow and L* H. Hedlund i
Formerly Diaz Construction Co*
3610 Coral Way— Phone 48-1119
After 5 p.m. 48-5003
Office Open Daily 9 sum. to 5 p.m. Sun. 1 to 5 p.m.
Ask For
Mr. Hedlund or Mr. Davidow
Sends 35 To Store on
Guise Os Winning •.
Quiz Prizes •
Some 35 colored women here and a
large department store are still con
fused after a case last week in
w’hlch a prankster had the women
believing they had won valuable
prizes from a radio quia program.
He called the women by phone,
asked them simple questions, and
promised them prizes from sls t o
SSO from a downtown store for
identifying a song.
So far the store has been flooded
with telephone calls and visits from
35 w'omen w*ho are demanding their
prizes. • • • ••
• , ' • - * . % -. ..
• .».»;• .
Drive Carefully: >.*
{jjofch, . Watch Repairing
# Quick Service
/jftth # Lowest Prices
J)v/n . .. - All repairs done on premises
CJ Economy Drug Store
JS.T® - 1101 N.W. 3rd Ave.
|F * 1
Hillside Beauty
'•// Salon
.’*•••• Proprietor of
\ 1756 N.W. 3rd Avenue
*• Specializes in
. Dyeing and Scalp Treatment
•1/.VY...V DM

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