Pioneer Citizen Dies
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James W. Grant, world war I vet
eran, died at the Pratt General Hos
pital after a brief illness. Grant
was confined to his home the pro
ceeding week because he complain
ed of feeling fatigued.
His employer, Mr. John T. Knight,
owner of the El Comodoro hotel,
graciously released him of his duty
as Bell Captain, a position he has
held for many years in order that
he may regain his strength. He was
admitted to the hospital a few days
later and early Thursday morning
he died. >•
Jimmy, as he was best known was
brought to Miami at a very early
age. His parents settled in what was
then Lemon City.
He attended Booker T. Washing
ton Elementary and Graded School
then located on what is now north
west Bth street between second and
third avenues. The school carried six
grades and later added two more
when it was moved to northwest
12 th street between third fourth
avenues. Grant was among the first
It was his cherished ambition to
complete his education and follow
the medical profession but his love
of sports was greater and he turn
ed to sports. He was among the
original members of the Miami Gi
ants baseball team and was long
associated with that organization in
one capacity or another.
In 1917 he enlisted in the U. S.
Army in New York City and was
quartered in the famed 369th Regi
ment and later transferred to the
Medical Department, Co. 13, Deten
tion Camp J. E. Johnston, Jackson
ville, Fla. He was also a charter
member of the John Griffin Post of
the American Legion and an active
member until his untimely death.
He was married to Eva Baptiste
in August, 1930 and leaves besides
his wife, one daughter, Yvonne, hia
brothers, Sam and Buster Grant,
his sisters, Florence G. Moncur,
Cecil G. Jasper and Estelle G. Simp
son; his grand-niece, Erna All
Banks, one aunt, Sarah O. Pinder;
Naomi Jones Grant, sister-in-law,
Jeff Banks, nephew and a host of
relatives and friends.
Funeral services were held at fat.
Agm-s church on Thursday morning.
Death Notice
Mr. Nicholas Frank Francis of
1601 NW 4th avenue, husband of
the late Mrs. Carrie Francis, died
Tuesday, March 28. Funeral services
under the direction of the Pharr
Funeral Home, will be held on Tues
day, April 4, at St. Peters African
Orthodox Church.
In loving memory of our dear
who departed this life on March 30,
Sweet are the memories that never
Os one we love but could not save.
A loving smile in a happy face
A broken link we can never replace
Always in our hearts.
Mr. Jeremiah Wilson, father
Mrs. Cloetilda Wilson, mother
Capt. Henry R. Wilson, Bro.
In loving memory of our beloved
wbo departed this life April 2,194 P
Sweet are the memories that never
Os one we love but could not save
A loving smile and a happy face
A broken link we can never replace
Always in our hearts
The Family
Kemilda Dames
May Ellen
Elizabeth Woods
Nettee Johnson
St* James A*M«£*
Church News
Sunday was a high day In Won. It
was our first -quarter. Sunday
School was open at 944 by the Supt.
Bro. S. L. Gay.
For the 11 o’clock service No. 2
choir and No. 2 Ushers were in
Scripture was read by Rev. Black
nell from the 4th chapter of Ro
mans, then Dr. Kiaoy Uek his text
Romans 4:17, “I have made thee a
a father of many nations.'* Theme
divine power.
Dr. Kincy delivers* a soul stirr
ing sermon.
x At 7:30 No. 1 choir and No. 1
ushers served: Scripture was read
by Dr. Kincy.
Brother Gay, who preached, choos
ed for his text: "Beautiful for Situ
ation The Joy of the Whole Earth”
Bro. Bay preached a hert-felt ser
mon. Attendance wan very good.
Visitors are always welcome at
the friendly church.
A sum of 9329 was raised for the
Rev. J. B. Blackaell. pastor
Mrs. Lillie M. Futoh. reporter
News of St. Paul
The pastor and Sranfrecs of St
Paul Church cordially lnviterv the
public to attend their Palm Sunday
Special sermon at 11 am. by the
pastor. Theme "Walking With God”.
The theme for 740 p.m. services
will be "Palms Os Victory.”
Choir No. 2 will furnish the music
through the day.
The entire church is being beauti
fied for this day. The setting is in
keeping with Palm Sunday.
Easter Sunday Dr. H. W. Fayson
will preach at the early Sun Rise
'Candle Light Service.
At 11:00 a.m. Rev. Jackson, pastor,
will deliver the message.
At 7:00 p.m. the Children's Easter
Program, Mrs. Lucille Baker, chair
Monday afternoon the annual Eas
ter Egg Hunt for all children.
Rev. R. A. Jackson, pastor
Mrs. R. J. Everett, reporter
The family of the late,
gratefully express their apprecia
tion to their friends and family dur
ing their bereavement. We also
thank the members of the church of
God of Brown Sub, Liberty City
and Liberia. Especially do we thank
tbe neighbors and friends of 45th st.
for the offering, the Williams Dry
Cleaners, the Francis Funeral home
their efficient services, and also
the pastor, Rev. Joel Cox. W-e grate
ully acknowledge all cards, tele
grams and flowers and to those who
donated cars. May God bless all.
Signed: he Family
Mrs. Irene Roil*
The family of the late,
who passed away on March 16, 1950
takes this method of expressing its
thanks and appreciation to its many
friends for their kindness shown
during its hour of bereavement.
Thanks for your cards, letters, tele
grams, flowers and all other favors.
Signed: Bertha Mack & family
We the family of the late,
formerly of 331-D NW 11th terrace,
wish to take this way of thanking
each friend Who thought of us in
our recent bereavement. Especially
do we thank the teachers of Doug
las Primary School.
Georg* Anderson
Augusta Coleman
Alexander Femander
Merline Matthews
We, the family the late,
who departed this life March 14,
1950, take this method of expressing
thanks to our many friends for their
kindness during our bereavement
Special thanks to Elder A. M.
Cohen, Elder W. H. Grace, Elder
W. Gamble, Pharr Funeral Home
and to the numerous friends for con
dolences, telegrams and cards.
Elder Lee is survived by a wife,
three daughtrs, five sons, five
grand-children several other rela
tives and many friends.
Signed: The Family
In sad but loving memory of my
beloved husband,
who departed this life March 28,
Sweet are the memories that never
Hattie Hill, wife
Church Os The
Incarnation Newt
The Altar Guild met at the home
of Mrs. Myrtle Lockhart last Mon
day evening. Mrs. Winnie Cleare is
the president.
Last Sunday brought to a close the
first half of the building drive so
far the drive was very successful
financially and was beyond our ex
pectation. We wish to thank our
many friends for their financial sup
port. Especially the Guilds and
members of the Church of the Incar
nation for their untiring efforts in
helping to make this first half suc
- ——
Sunday, April 2 is Palm Sunday.
8:45 a.m. Sung Mass and Sermon
and the blessing of the palms after
which there will be a solemn out
door procession around the auditori
Come out and hear this special
announcement immediately after the
8/45 a.m. service.
Evensong at 740 p.m. You are in
vited to attend.
The public is cordially invited to
attend Easter services on Easter,
Sunday, April 9th at the Lincoln
Fields housing project, 2099 NW
64th street.
Rev. W. Greene of the Spiritualist
Church of Amerlca'VUl officate. The
services will be held in the play
ground area of the project. A musi
cal program has been included.
women will buy
■ red and blue
and honey beige
and ony other color you can name
in over 400 gorgeous styles at
a * I * il /I MIAMI STORE —1 East Flagler St
Ww a A V W f]|] at Miami Avenue
0 | II 1 *■ I / II Upon Monday Evenings Until 9 p.m.
M V Lincoln Rd.—At Washington Ave.
v Beach Store Open Every Evening Til 940
New* From Trinity
C. M. E. Church
The Usher Board of Trinity CME
Church closed a very successful
raffle on last Wednesday night.
Talent of their very own was ren
dered to the enjoyment of all. Mr.
Arthur King and Little Miss Smith
to our hearts delight, and to add to
the occasion Rev. Ashton Jones,
gave some inspiring remarks. Mrs.
N. Roberts of Douglas Primary was
first prize winner and received the
bedspread. Mrs. Bertha Baker 2nd
prize Cannon sheet and pillow
cases and 3rd prize winner Mrs. E.
Reddick Chartreuse bath set.
The Welfare Board of Trinity is
doing a tangible work in the com
munity. Its purposes are to help in
anyway—those who need help. If
you are out of a Job we will find
one or you. If you are in need of
counsel we stand ready. If you
are deprived in anyway and cannot
measure up according to general
living requirements, it is our aim
to help you reach these standards.
Come in and let us talk with you.
Trinity Welfare Bureau, 2014 NW
sth court
Register Today!!
Saturday Last Day
- ' Register!
Palm Sunday At
St. Agnes
All roada will lead to 6K. AfMf
Church on Palm Sunday, April A
Here is where the scene of the tri
umphal march of our Lord threap
the streets of Jerusalem will he M
enacted —made realistic. _
Palms will be blessed and distrib
uted at the 1040 Sung Maas ass
vice. A procession will follow the
distribution. Then at 440 pjn.. Ml
by St. Agnes’ Cornet Band, them
will be an impressive Solemn Out
door procession. “Hie story of the
Cross” will be sung hj St Agate t
Celestial Choir at 7:45 pja lee
Mass will be said at V4O a.raw Yea
are welcome to attend all theee em
Crowd Pay* Tribute
To Mrs. Black
On Monday evening a unique pan
gram was held at Mt. Zion Bspttd
Church in honor of Mrs. Muy T.
Black. The Business and Prnfsarion
al Women's Circle of which M
Dorothy Newton is preeideut,epea
sored the event.
The keynote address was delhrerwl
by Professor C. L. Williams, prtndft
pal of Booker T. Washington hUA
school. Men and women serving la
various lousinesses and professtsae
who received their first training
from Mrs. Black were presented an*
gave testimonials. Mias Marie WMpi
presided. Flowers and many gM*
were presented.