4 Negroes In All-Star Game Tuesday
Round " Town
The Independence Day long weekend has come and
gone. Many made the long weekend a lost weekend by
celebrating the fourth with a fifth. Judge Thomas had a
crowded docket right thru Wednesday .in municipal. And
did anybody say that the city hiked the judge s salary
to $3,600 after only one month after appointment. They
must be well satisfied with his work.
Rev W F. Ball of Bethel Church has a brother visit
ing here "from Newark, NJ . . . The local Elks whooped it
up at a July 4th Barbecue out at Shaddies’ Liberty City
patio . . . Henry McKinney and the Mrs. motored down
from W. P. Beach on Sunday to look in on friends. And
Mack's daughter, Barbara, who’s on the Talladega facul
ty, is vacationing in Miami . . . Portia Bannister is up
and around after being hospitalized at Mt. Sinai on the
Beach ... The new TB hospital at Lantana will bring Mi
ami patients more frequent visitors because of its nearness
The new municipal swimming pool sure made a lot of
kids happy. And the Tuesday and Thursday night swim
ming is quite popular.
Charlie and Amanda Williams, baby et al, are back
in Berkley, Cal. after motoring across the country to visit
relatives here. The trio also hopped to Nassau for a week
end. Frank Newman, another Miamian, has also settled in
Berkeley . . . Billy Holiday, the gal with the sweet, sultry
song, will be in Florida this month but as yet no local nite
spot has announced a booking. We hear the Rockland has
the inside, but can it hold the crowd? Better try the city
auditorium on the boulevard, Bill . . . Georgia Campbell,
. Shenang’s sister, is down from New York to supervise the
building of her palatial Brown Sub residence ... Look for
, ofays to open a sharp drive-in restaurant on the corner of
17th ave. and 62nd st real soon. E. F. Aldrich will be the
contractor. He’s the same builder who’s putting up that
.sharp rambling bungalow on 67th st. for the Dan Francis
By the time you read this the Al Kinseys will be
cuddling another . . . The picnic on Virginia Beach by the
Dade county teachers attending the workshop was plenty
sum Ditto tl*e Golden Age Clubbers who prove that there’s
still plenty fun after fifty . . • The Young Business Men’s
cotton dress-sport shirt ball was a flopperoo . . .W. F.
Ball Jr., son of Bethel’s pastor, has gone to Toledo, 0., to
tie knot with a Wilberforce teacher. His sidekick, La
verne Simmons, went along to be best man . . . The Lonnie
Pittman’s Brown Sub housewarming Sunday was nice . . .
That new beautiful church going up on 71st st. and 14th
ave. is the beginning of a Catholic block of buildings to
include a school and rectory . . . Bernard Ingraham is in
Famcee summer school. He hopes to help “Traz” Powell
with the Carver High coaching job this fall.
Wanna hear something good? Tune in the Sepian
Hour on Monday, Wednesday or Friday at 8:30 p.m. and
listen to Joe Walker do his disc jockey ..stint. Joe is blind,
but the guy is real great and has a constant flow of ad lib
... . Dade county teachers closed out their three-week
workshop la.st Friday, and are they glad ? ? ? The boy
scouts are ending their Summer encampment at their Per
rine campsite this weekend. “Bronze Voice” McDaniels is
owe of their biggest boosters, really a good scout . . . The
Harlem theatre has converted to a double feature house,
probably to keep pace with the fast-stepping air-condition
ed Modern . . . Nat Owens motored over to Orlando this
week .. . The new drug store on Second ave. marks the
.first invasion of an ofay business of this type.
Now that the initial coat of asphalt is on Third ave.
merchants are getting some relief from the terrific dust
clouds that kept everything so dirty since the burned
streetcar track ties were dug up ... We were surprised at
so many of the Johnnie-come-lately boys who knew noth
ing of Miami's trolley car days . . . Jacqueline Henderson
has been ill three weeks now. Give her a visit . . . Gloria
Pullman shipped out for Detroit two Sunday sago . . . The
William Eve’s have moved to their new home in Opa
Locka . . . Tops Kimball and the Case Society have parted
company. Tops did a lot" to make the uptown spot one of
the biggest moneymakers .. . The Hotel Charles on Second
ave. is adding air-conditioning for the comfort of the guests
. . . Why no more news about the boat excursion to Nassau
? ? ? Dennis Smith is sporting a sleek new green Cadillac
in addition to his station wagon . . . The Nathan Cunning
hams (Evelyn Davis) had their first born, a 7 lb. son,
Thursday . . . Bethune Pres. Richard V. Moore is here in
interest of the United Negro College Fund . . Congrats to
Mary Bethune on her 75th birthday. They don’t make ’em
like her anymore.
. ~
$5,000 Raised For
A total of $5,000 in cash and
pledges was raised here last
week for the benefit of a
scholarship fund to aid na
tives of the Virgin Islands
attend college in America
then return to the islands
and work.
The program was spon
sored by the Hands Across
the Sea Scholarship Award,
Inc., as a luncheon at the
Tavern-on-the-Green in Cen
tral park. It was endorsed
by numerous civic, federal,
and Virgin Islands agencies.
New* From The
On June 25 George Dar
ville, a farmer, was drown
ed when he attempted to
swim across Lightbourn’s
Creek with a child on his
back. An onlooker, seeing
Darville was failing, swam
to the rescue. He saved the
child, but Darville went
The deceased is survived
by his father, Elijah; his
widow, Cora; two sons, Jer
vis and Basil; three sisters,
Mrs. Irma Lowe, Mrs. Lil
lian Knowles and Mrs. Fred
erick Cartwright.
A coroner's inquest was
held on July 26 to determ
ine the identity off human
bones found on Claridge’s
farm, east of Mackey St.
The jury returned the ver
dict that the bones were the
remains of William Mc-
Kinney who has been miss
ing since July, 1948.
Miss Ethelyn Lorraine
Nottage, second daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Nottage
and Mr. Leonard Taylor,
elder son of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Taylor, were quietly
married at St Matthew’s
Church, June 26, at 6 a.m.
Canon D. R. ifeowles offi
Mr. Samuel B. Moss,
youngest son of Mr. Alex
ander Moss and the late
Mrs. Ophelia Moss of Crook
ed Island, has been appoint
ed state secretary in the
Church of God for the State
of Virginia. Mr. Moss, with
his wife and son, has been
living in the United States
for the past six months. He
served under Bishop A. S.
Moss before leaving the
When the National and
American leagues square off
against each other Wednes
day in the annual all-star
game, four colored stars will
be in the lineup. ,
The Brooklyn Dodgers
dominated the squad by
sending their brilliant sec
ond baseman Jackie Robin
son, topnotch catcher, Roy
Campanella and ace pitcher
Don Newcombe up for duty.
The American league out
field will have the hardhitt
ing Cleveland centerfielder
Larry Doby probably batting
The popular Robinson re
ceived the second highest
number of votes in the en
tire poll, trailing Detroit’s
George Kell.
Rev. J. I*. Coleman left Miami last
Friday morning by plane for Win
ston-Salem, N. C. to visit his daugh
ter, Mrs. Luc ret ia Compton and for
medical treatments.
Mrs. Elizabeth Timmons Jakes of
Liberty City, is spending a month s
vacation in Pennsylvania and New
York City. Accompanying her are
her granddaughter, Carroll, ahd
Mattie Ruth Beckwith. Mrs. Jakes,
on her annual sojurn, is visiting
relatives and friends and receiving
a much needed rest.
Mr. Isaac Curry of Jacksonville,
Flu., is vaca/tionlng in the Magic
City. He 1& guest of his son-in-law
and dauhter, Deacon and Mrs. C. E-
Mr. T. Bonlvy attended the Grand
Lodge of the Good Samaitans last
week at Fort Pierce.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Powell and
Mr. and Mrs. Nahan McClellan of
Jacksonville were holiday weekend
guests of Mrs. Muriel Williams of
1844 NW 2nd court. Mr. McClellan
is a special delivery mailman In
JULY 9-10-11
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Jackie Forced Out
With Bad Leg
Jackie Robinson broke a
340 consecutive game play
streak Thursday because of
his sore leg suffered in the
July 4th doubleheader with
the Giants. Robbie had not
missed since June 2, 1948.
He is available for pinch hit
duty until his leg heals. He
will be ready for the all-star
•game Tuesday.
FURNITURE Living room
bedroom, kitchen. Can be seen at
NW 2nd ave., phone 2-6491
Apartment may be rented, if desired.
2339 NW 50th Street
Your name might not bo
Joshua, the town might not
be Jericho, but the walls
will come tumbling down if
you carry on your battle un
relentingly. Evidence: The
Dixie Drive-in Theatre, just
north of Perrine on Federal
Highway No. 1, has opened
the box office to citizens of
color. Merely as a result
a fortright conversation be
tween local NAACP repre
sentatives and the manage
ment, you are now welcome
to enjty first-run pictures at
Dixie Drive-in Jheatre from
within the privacy of your
own car. A speaker with
controlable volume is
your fingertips. Refresh-'
mentj and full restroom fa
cilities lor your comfort com
plete the hearty welcome at
Dixie Drive-in Theatre.
Mrs. Annie Bell Carey, 1208 NW
68th street, died suddenly on Sunday
night, July 2. Funeral Hervlce* were
held on Thursday evening from tha
I’harr funeral home chapel. Surviv
ing are a husband, Hooeevelt Carey,
other relative* and friend*.
Heavy *creen and Kitchen door*,
lumber, porch awning 12 feet long.
Storm xhuttera, love seat.
Inquire at 1401 SW 45th avenue.
• ,
821 S.W. 12th Ave.