Key West News
The American Legion Guard of
Honor was installed by the Ameri
can Legion Guard of Honor of
Arthur Sawyer's Post, May 23, 1950
And will continue to work as a big
part of William Weech Post 169 of
Key West.
Guard of Honor, American Legion
Post, 168 made initial appearance
on Armed Force Day. In a parade.
The following officers were elected
as follows:
Post commander, Alfred Allen of
Post 168, officers of guard, Captain
Charles Major; Ist Lt., Phillip Sears;
2nd Lt., Wilfred Wallace; adjutant
2nd Lt., George Carey; 2nd Lt., Sam
uel Welters; chaplain 2nd Lt. Rob
ert Whyms, Jr. The standard num
ber of members is twenty-four and
that is our tiuota at present.
The Guard of Honor meets twice
a month and is assuming most of
the post (168) working duties. They
are giving a barn dance in an effort
to start out in a working capacity
on the 28th of July every one os in
vited to attend.
Mrs. LUlie IC. Adams left on Sun
day morning, July 16 to visit her
children residing in Cambridge, N.
Y., and Boston, Mass. Friends wish
her a pleasant stay.
Mrs. George Dean, and Mrs. Rose
Mcßee are spending their vacation
in New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sampson,
former Key Westers, returned Fri
day for their home in New York
City. They spent two weeks visiting
relatives and friends, Mr. and Mrs.
Sampson reported having a very
pleasant stay.
Mr. Fred Edwards returned fropi a
business trip in Miami, last week.
Recent visitors in our town last
Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
-Summers and son, Thomas, Jr., Mr.
and Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Miriam
On the sick list this week: Mrs.
Violet Curry, Mrs. Grace Butler,
Mrs. Arlene Cleare, Mr. Prince Cash,
Mr. Frank Pinder, Mr. Arthur
Thompson, Mr. R. Sands, Mrs. Vio
let Tynes. Deacon Johnson, Mrs. Lil
lian Horton, Mrs. Rose Moore.
Friends wish them a speedy re
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Small spent
last week end in Miami.
Attention Readers: Please have
your dime ready for the paper when
it Is delivered to your home.
Don't forget the Master Singers
of Miami, will appear at Bethel
AMB Church, Sunday night, July
23. If you miss this program
you will be missing something
worthwhile. A small admission, SI.OQ.
Please come out and help the Reg
ular Fellows Club. These young men
are doing great work for our com
In loving memory of my husband,
who departed this life on July 12,
With dearest memories, we love
you, but God loved you best.
May the perpetual light of God
the Father, shine upon you.
Mrs. Lorene Stirrup, wife
Key West, Fla.
Grocery A Market
The Finest Foods At
Common Sente Prices
608 N.W. 19th St.
Phone 2-7450 '
hut arrow from Its former
Carrying the same top gradao
at meats and groceries.
“Suffered 7 years
•then I found Pazo
brags amazing refief!
MQrt Mr. M. W. t Lot Angeles, Calif .
Speed amazing relief from miseries of
sample piles, with soothing Paso*! Acts
to relieve pain, itching instantly— soothes
inflamed tissues—lubricates dry. hard*
ened parts—helps prevent cracking, sore
ness—reduce swelling. You get real com
forting help. Don't suffer needless torture
from simple piles. Get Paxo for fast, won
derful relief. Ask your doctor about it.
Suppository form —also tubes with per*
forated pile pipe for easy application.
•Pass Ointment and Snpyentmtu 6
' prom -tfie -•-
if' ')&!h
A\ lar£hI 1 1 (fej
*. Ipi nder| oyriLJM
The Christian Hospital Benefit Print Dress-Sport
Shirt Dance at the Rockland Palace Friday, July 28, is
really going to be loaded with entertainment. The inimi
table Phil Harris’ new review and “Fatha” Williams’
orchestra, are tabbed as the best for local fun making.
They will be at their best. Call Alex Hall and make reser
vation at once . . . The Freedom House Guild (’member
’em at St. Agnes’ YC?) returns to us in “Finian’s Rain
bow,” a dramatic reading by Prof. Sam Hirsch, of the U.
of M. Dramatic Dept. The Guild will emote at Mt. Zion
Church on July 27th . . . The Mary Elizabeth Hotel patio,
will be the scene of the Latin-American Dance, Friday,
July 123. Two bands will dish out Latin and American
“chunes”. Sammy Jones’ outfit and Angelto Conjunto Ale
gre Rhumba sextet will be the music makers. Prizes will
be awarded and the "‘Miss Latin-America” contest closes
amid rhumba beats American boogie.
Grapewine Chatter
Terry Johnson, the Ebony Express waxen spinner
(subbing for bro. “J-J”) is really doing a bang-up job at
the mike. The boys think he’ll be there along with Johnny
when he returns from vacationing . . . “Plu’s” Bar-be-cue
at 6314 on Liberty City’s rollicking 16th ave., is tops for
that late or early a.m. smack. You’ll find it here . . . The
picture folder post card “Pressbox” received was post
marked Albuquerque, New Mexico, and carried the
Clyde Killens’ signature. The folder carried some interest
ing scenic land marks .. . Fish (Bongo) Ray and the
Sickie-Slick combo are in top shape for a Nassau date at
Club Zanzibar real soon ... La Verne Simmons is starting
a Boy Scout group at Hialeah . . . Hygienic Productions*
presentation of “Mom and Dad” closed its two-day date
at the Modern theatre Thursday It’s due for a one-day run
(Sat.) at the Liberty theatre.*
Dr. J. A. F. Finlayson, state pres, of the Baptist Con
vention, departed Thursday for Cleve. O, to attend the
World’s Baptist Alliance . . . William A. Morris accom
panied by the Rev. E T. Graham, departed for Jackson
ville Tuesday ayem on a business merge . . . Francis Biggs
(Key West Correspondent) will be in West Palm Beach
next week on vacation . . . Maude Ashe is due here by the
lime this sheet is inked . . . Vashti Coleman celebrated her
birthday July 16 with a shindig in her Liberty Square apt.
. . . The Mildred Jenkins-Booker T. Hayes nuptial plans
are set for Aug. 13th . . . Top three waxens on my pad are
“ I Need You So,” by Ivory Joe Hunter; “A Fool in Love”
by Bull Moose Jackson and “Mona Lisa” by King Cole
Trio . . . Representatives from Bethel AME Church, Key
West attending Sunday School Convention in Liberty City
at St. James AME Church were Rev. and Mrs. Johnson,
Prof, and Mrs. Cogdell, Mrs. Percilla Carey and a large
gp oruof scholars .. . Among some of the Key Westers
attending the funeral of Mrs. Vivian Wake Guy were Mr.
Alexander Johnson Pr., Mrs. Elaine Dean and many others,
that Igo to bed to read the newest to me. May-
Yankee Stadium
May Get Louit-
Charles Bout
NEW YORK (CNS) After all
I* said and done, Joe Louis might
come out of retirement after all In
September Just to be “the first
heavyweight to come back and re
capture the crown” so says Jim
Norris, boss of International Box
ing Commission who talked with
Joe via phone. The bout would fill
the Yankee Stadium to the rafters,
all agree, with Ezzard Charles pow
erful NBA champion, as the “con
But —of course there’s Just
one catch. It depends on whether
Joe can work out terms with the
Treasury Department, who he still
owes for back income taxes. Norris,
who’s pushing hard for the “cham
pionship" fight made this statement
to the press; “Joe owes a lot of back
Perry's Place
1157 NW sth Ave.—Cor. 12th Street
Its Kitchen Until Further Notice
Our Sundries Department will remain open as usual
Perry Range, Prop.
taxes but because of the govern
ment’s leniency in similar cases
Louis thinks that he might arrange
the matter with the revenue offi
cials. He already has made a peti
tion asking them to accept his
share of the purse In full settlement
of his arrears."
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
To whom It concern:
All officers and members of the
Usher Union Association are asked
to be out to our monthly program
Sunday, July 23, at 3 p.m. sharp.
Program will be sponsored between
ST. Adorka Senior Usher Board, Mi.
Cal very Senior Usher Board and St.
John's Coconut Grove, Junior Usher
Board. Program will be held at St.
Adorkor church on 15th street and
2nd ave. Asking all ushers to be
properly uniformed and please be on
Bro. David Hudson, Pres.
Sis. Mary Davis, reporter
Pioneer Miamian
Buried In Nassau
Mrs. Epsy Higgs, 449 NW Bth st.,
died in Nassau, Bahamas, June 16,
1950. She was burled on the 18th in
-the cemetery of St. John Baptist
Mrs. Higgs died suddenly after
being in Nassau 10 days visiting her
ailing mother, Mrs. Malvise Humes.
She is survived by a sister, Mrs.
Violet Mackey; a brother, Mr.
Jacob Humes and an adopted
daughter. Inez Wilson of Philadel
phia. Thomas Mackey of Brooklyn
and Alleep Butler of Miami are
nephew and niece respectively. She
was a member of St. John Church.
Miami, for 44 years.
Mrs. Higgs is a pioneer Miamian
coming here in 1906.
The Rev. Jas. A. Poitier, psychic
minister, left on July 16 on his va
cation and won’t be back until Sept.
Ist. As usual thanking all who made
it possible for him to take a vaca
tion and may God be with you and
may the Angel of Light ever guide
us to the right, while we are absent
in body one from another.
Third Annual
Musical Tea
The American Legion Auxiliary to
the John Griffin Post No. 165', spon
sored its Third Annual Musical Tea
on Sunday, July 9, at the Youth
Although it raine><P heavily at the
time of the program, a nice crowd
gathered and enjoyed the evening.
We wish to extend thanks to each
of the participants.
M. C. Carey, Chair, of Tea
T. H. Clark, Chair, of Program
Golden Rod Club
Have Beach Picnic
The members of the Golden Rod
Social Club, had a most enjoyable
outing at Virginia Key Reach last
Friday. July 14. Everyone took part
in making the picnic a success.
Mrs. I. M. Thomas, president j
Mrs. C. Powell, vice Pres.
A. Grant, secretary
R. Coleman, member
W. M. Cooper, treasurer
B. Lawrence, member
NAACP Meets Sun.
St. John Church 3 p.m.
3 Room Deluxe $94(i00
Outfit Only - 4TV
• Bedroom Set Low Easy
• Living Room Set Payments
• Kitchen Set ALL ITEMS
NO Down Payment
100 Living Room Suites (2 pieces)
Foam Rubber Constructed $89.50
Complete Line Os
Refrigerator* Bedding Range*
Sewing Machine* Washing Machines
18 N.W. l»t Ave. Phone 9-7131
Opposite Bus Routes 20, 21 and 24
Downtown Bus Stop
Golf Association To
Sponsor Benefit
The Cosmopolitan Golf Association
is sponsoring a benefit dance Aug
ust 18 to raise funds to carry on the
golf fight now in the U. S. Supreme
The affair is scheduled for the
Harlem Square Ballroom and a
special stage show is being present
Members of the association are
canvassing the town selling tickets
to citizens and merchants. Everyone
is asked to buy a ticket regardless
of whether they plan attending the
dance or not.
Misses Mitzi Coleman and Marie
Mackey are co-chalrmaning the
dance committee. Chris Ingraham,
Jack O’Dell and Garth Reeves com
plete the committee.
Mrs. Leona Ward of 1450 NW
6th Ave., announces the marriage of
her daughter, Miss Ruth Christina
Ward of Syracuse, N. Y., to Mr.
Russell Meriedy of 1730 NW 3rd
ave., Miami, Fla.
The couple will spend their honey
moon in Syracuse and will return
to Miami along with the bride’s sis
ter, Mrs. Juanita Howard of Miami
on the 2§th of July.
Bowe’s Barber Shop
Your Neighborhood Barker
Our Motto:
Carver Ranchea
Walter A. Bowe, Prop.
No Down Payment
1034 Ford 3-door 175.00
1939 Chevrolet 3-door 98.00
1938 Hudson 3-door 9M9
1937 Ford 3-door 98.10
1938 Ford panel 918.90
1930 Ford panel 89J0
1941 Bulck Sedanette 298.00
1938 Ford Coupe 998.00
1939 Bulck 4-passenger coupe 998.90
1068 N.W. 86th St.