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MIAMI TIMES, MIAMI. FLORIDA PAGE FOURTEEN *'?■ : ■ > .£& v > ■y. ; - 46 ' y jg'SjC jE^i^ ■^v^i RETURNS FROM VACATION Rev. Bruce Torres of 5053 NW 50th st., who returned to the city Satur day after a very successful vaca tion and business trip to Philadel phia and New York. Rev. Torres left Miami on July 30 by motor, stopping briefly in j Philadelphia, and then proceeding to New York, where he arrived on August 1. While in New York, he was the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Amando Pla at 902 Union ave. I in the Bronx. Rev. Torres had the pleasure of I visiting such famous spots as Radio City, the various name thea tres where he saw some fine plays the Museum Os Natural History, the Museum of Arts, the Metropoli tan Museum and the Hayden Planetar um. Probably the shining highlight of his entire trip, was his return mis sion via the FEJC Champion. T&0 Rev. left New York on August 11, and received the same treatment as that accorded all other passen gers, regardless of race. Negroes and Whites rode in the same coaches, ate at the same tables in the dinning car and' in general everyone was treated with the same courtesies and under the same conditions. The Rev. was greatly impressed with these con ditions, and stated upon his return that he felt as if his dream had come true. Visiting Miami Among passengers arriving via Pan American Airways Plane last Friday was Mr. Cleveland H. Reeves, Bahamian Government of fical, who is at present attached to the Police Department as Paymas ter, Mr, Reeves, who is on a 12- week vacation, will spend a part of his stay with relatives in Miami. He is the brother of Editor H. E. S. Reeves of the Miami Times, and' Mrs. Henrietta Sweeting of 211 NW 16th st. While in Miami, he will be the house guest of Mrs. Sweeting. Delray Beach News By Frances Bain Adderley Fr. Q. E. Primo, Jr., preached last Wednesday at St. Matthews Episcopal Church. Fr. Primo deliv ered a mpst impressive sermon to a very appreciative congregation. Fr. Primo, Sr., delivered the ser unon on Sunday morning at St x Matthews. Mr. Cedre Bowleg received his final divorce decree from his wife Mrs. Clarence Bowleg,l ast month. The little birdie has it that Mr. Bowleg will “walk the middle aisle” with Miss Etta Dubar sometime soon. Mr. George McKay, the veteran officer, was very unfortunate re-1 cently, when he met with an auto accident. His car was demolished, but McKay is now resting comfor tably at his home. Relatives and friends are wishing for him a speedy recovery. Mr. Den Burner, who underwent an operation in the hospital recent ly Is now at home recuperating nicely. Mrs. Maude Johnson of Nassau, Ba hamas, paid a short visit to Mrs. Frances B. Adderley this week while enroute from a trip to New York City. Mrs. Frances Adderley left the city Thursday for Asbury Park, N. J. for a two week stay. Upon her return, she will bring her grandson, little Michael McKay, home to at tend school. irs YOUR DUTY! Help the Golf Association Win Its Golf Fight SATURDAY ,AUGUST 19, 1950 “FAIREST QUEEN” Dedicated To My Secret Dove I have no joy in my heart tonight, Because it is all in Thee, It’ll be to bold to suddenly say, That you belong to me. j Take this bud of love, that I give Thee, And watch it as it grows, The larger it grows, the sweeter it i is, Yea, sweeter than you’ll ever know. You are my Queen, I’m under your spell, And I pray that it’ll never be broken, The key to thy bewildered heart, I keep as my treasured token. | From the very sight of you, Dear j Love, Not with love for sake of pity, But thy hands, which I’ve yet to hold Take thy hands away from thy sweet lips. That the words may all come ou Like a beautiful song of love to me, Without the shadow of a doubt. Goodnight Fair Queen, I say good bye, May your sleep be restful and true, And when you awake, may you realize, That I’m really in love with you By Rollington Taylor Local Enlistments Continue Army and Air Force enlistees continued to flock to the recruit ing office this week as 47 South Floridians enlisted for these two ( services, reports Major Harold Hill man, area recruiting officer. This brings the total up to 99 for the first 11 days of August. At this rate, Major Hillman predicts, “We will top our previous all-time high of 223 enlistments for the month of July 1960.” tylajor Hillman released other vital statistics concerning these 47 enlistments. They are as follows: Twenty-seven of the enlistments were for Regular Army; the other 20, Air Force. A large number of veterans were Included In this group. Nineteen had prior military experience. t The Army claimed 5 ex-Gl’s; the Navy, 2; the Air Force, 1, Seven men were formerly members of the National Guard; 1 of the Army Reserve; lof the Navy Reserve and 1 ROTC. The average age was slightly under last week’s 20% years. This week’s enlistee averaged 20.2 years. This week’s enlistees had 10% years of schooling. Os those enlisted, 27 were wage earners averaging $41.70 per week. Among men enlisting were Carl A. Hall, 1575 NW 67th St., Jona than Barnes, 1722 NW 6th court and Percolia Atkins, 1240 NW 6th ave. ADVERTISE! PROFESSIONAL PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER RECONDITIONING AND PAINTING A SPECIALTY I WILLIAM PINDER 1942 N.W. Second Court - PHONE 82-7709 MIAMI, FLORIDA W. P. CORBITT Poultry & Eggs 1335 NW 7th Ave. O' * *•'- « ’ Roasters, Hens, Stewers, Fryers, Cut-Up Parts (Buy the parts you like best), Ducks, Table tested Eggs ALL POULTRY DRESSED ON PREMISES PHONE 3-6028 I RESOLUTION PASSED ' BY THE BOARD OF I TRUSTEES OF THE 'CHRISTIAN HOSPITAL Whereas, Almighty G4H in his wisdom has removed from our midst our friend and co-worker, Dr. William B. Sawyer, a member of the board of trustees of Christian hospital, and Whereas, the said Dr. William B. Sawyer was one of the founders of this institution and has served it faithfully from its beginning, not only as a member, but for many years as chairman of the said board of trustees, therefore Be it resolved, that this board places on record its sincere regret at his somewhat sudden death. Be jt further resolved, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the be reaved family and that copies be forwarded to the local press for publication. THANKS The Matrons and Patrons of OES Council of the Southeast District wish to thank the many friends and visitors and members of the differ ent lodges for the wonderful coop eration at the musical tea Sunday at the Youth .Center. We also want to thank Mrs. Charlie Higgs especially for such wonderful music, also special thanks to the Pearly Gate Singers of Miami, Rev. Rolle, State Deputy was guest speaker of the evening. Also thanks to Miss Virginia Hicks Curry of South Miami for such love ly reading, also Sister Ellis for such fine ‘feeding.' Thanks each and everyone. The council will meet at the home of Sister Fletcher at Brown Sub. Sis. Hattie Nottage, Pres. Sis. Ethel H. Curry, reporter, GEORGE McCUISKY’S Poultry Market 2502 N.W. 54th Street Cor. 25th Av. & 54th St. FRYERS HENS DUCKS CAPONS ►—We raise our own— Poultry POULTRY FRESH KILLED DAILY Common Sense Prices Open Sundays ’til 1 p.m. LOST A WALLET Containing money and valuable Identification papers. Finder may keep money, but please mail wallet and papers to: David N. Gordon, 15119 SW 14th St. Phone 82-7382. FOR SALE NEW HOMES Lots. Reasonable Terms. CALL CARL WILLIAMS 7-3093 WANTED A person or a number of people to form a group to remove inferior types ,of people that think thoughts of hate to the brain of a strong normal human being. Will furnish complete references for strength of character, success in a profession, Charles B. Jackson, 152 NE sth St. Phone 82-0589. 1 Sept 23 FOR SALE A lot in Carver Rancehs. Call Prince Jones, phone 82-1134. aug 26 FOR SALE 1940 PACKARD SIX Private original owner. Unusually clean. Bargain. 6345 SWK 92nd St. Phone 87-4864. FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT SIO.OO per month. Also rooms. Call at 5140 NW 27th ave., Phone 7-3093. FOR SALE COMPLETE HOUSE OF FURNI TURE Good condition. Call at 1825 NW 73rd terr. Mornings until 11 a.m. SALESMAN WANTED To Call on autoists in your neigh borhood. 1089 NW 54th Street FOR SALE LOT NW 44th Street and 27th ave. Price S6OO. Easy terms. For information. Phone 89-1945 or call at 2768 NW 46th Street. * 4 FOR RENT NEW Efficiencies and 1-bedroom apartments. Hot and coid water, Tile Bathrooms, modern kitchen cabinets. S. WILSON RENTAL AGENCY 248 NW 14th Terrace Phone 2-0116 HOURS: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Phone 82-9544 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Residence B*-97M Sundays by Appointment or 9-3668 G. W. STYLES M.D. Physician and Surgeon 1410 N. W. 3rd Avenue Miami, Florida OWN NEIGHBORHOOD JA M E S’ 5 -10 c & UP STORE 1204 NW 3rd Avenue PHONE 3-9481 COMPLETE WEARING APPAREL Sundries For D fug* Babies Dishes Boys Hardware Girls Toys Women HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES Open Sundays 8 A.M. to 12 Noon I NOTICE On Wednesday afternoon just across the railroad at Opalocka, a tire and rim 700 x 20. Finder will j please return to or consult Rev. A. J. Sheffield, 1956 Washington ave. Opa Locka. FOR RENT—NEW STORES N.E. Cor. 13th street and 3rd ave. In the Heart of Colored Town* 13x65 Terrazzo Floors. Suitable for any kind of business. Front and rear entrances. S. WILSON RENTAL AGENCY 248 NW 14th Terrace Phone 2-0116 FOR SALE BY SUMMONS 3781 Grand Ave. Miami 33, Fla. Phone: 83-1272 IN LIBERTY CITY Bea|utiful 2-bedroom house with garage and 2 cottages in rear. Large corner lot. Must be seen to be appreciat ed. 2100 NW 63rd St. Price SB,OOO, $3,000 down, $75 per month. 2-bedroom frame house with bath Large lot 50x160, located at 2067 NW 67th St. FuD price $6,500. SI,OOO dawn, balance easy. IN COCONUT GROVE Within city limits of Miami, 2-bedroom native stone house, bath,, lights, large let, 5651 William Ave. Price $6,000. $1,250 down, $55 per month. IN GOULDS NEW! 2-bedroom CBS house in Goulds, for sale to civilians. $360 down, $37.50 per month. 5 ACRES HIGH AND DRY PRICE: $250 per acre, located in Goulds. FOR RENT 2-bedroom house located at 2101 NW 64th St. $12.50 per week. FOR RENT IN COCONUT GROVE 2-bedroom apartment, located at 229 Grand Ave. sls week. STORE FOR RENT IN COCONUT GROVE Suitable for Case located at 227 Grand Ave. COME TO OUR OFFICE TODAY O R Phone: 83-1272 J. A. Summons Registered Real Estate Broker 3781 Grand Ave. Coconut Grove