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PAGE FOUR ffSS^? : £3r£~^Si^Kf-‘£r%SiiM FLORIDA’S FAVORITE COLORED WEEKLY , « Published Every Saturday by The Magic Printery Office at 1112 N.W. Third Avenue, Miami, Florida—Telephone 3-2238 Entered as Second (lass Matter, August 9, 1927, at the Post Office at Miami, Florida, under the act of March 3, 1876 H. E. SIGISMUND REEVES. Editor GARTH C. REEVES, Business Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ONE YEAR $4.00 SIX MONTHS $2.50 THREE MONTHS $1.50 ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE: Interstate United Newspapers, Incorporated, 545 Fifth Ave., New York THE orange blossom classic The announcement that the Kiwanis Club will sponsor the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical College Orange Blossom Football Classic has been received with quite a bit of dissatisfaction by colored citizens in this community, especially s o by the meembers of the Alumni Association. This classic is one of the biggest of its kind in the country. It has been managed successfully by the FAMC adminitration for 17 years. For the past three years the classic has been played in the'Burdine stadium at Miam‘ and drew record crowds. The feeling locally is that some colored organization in Miami or elsewhere in the state should have been given a chance to promote these games, and that seems reason able. It seems that even the little we have we cannot hold. On the other hand there is little doubt that under the sponsorship of the Kiwanis Club the classic will draw much larger crowds to the stadium. As far as the financial part is concerned, the college should benefit. INDIANS ASK $50,000,000 The Seminole Indians have decided that they should have a show down with Uncle Sam. Consequently Florida’s Seminoles on Monday entered suit against the United States government for $50,000,000. They feel that is a fair price for lands taken from them by force plus five per cent interest and other costs. Atty. Roger Walbright of Jacksonville and three others represent the Indians. * One claim states that in 1935 the Florida State legis lature removed them from 99,200 acres of land in Monroe County now in Everglades National Park. They ask that $992,000 be paid them from the $2,000,000 Florida turn ed over to the interior department for development of the park. This story makes interesting reading. It will be even more interesting seeing how the Indians come out in this case. Although more than a century has passed, the In dians will have thousands of sympathizers. TAMPA LEADERS ASK IMPROVEMENTS Colored leaders in Tampa as elsewhere are clamoring for some of the things that are justly theirs, and the authorities are lending listening ears. In fact many of them are making plans to better conditions along recrea tional and other lines as requested. In Tampa, a comprehensive plan presented by C Blythe Andrews and Perry Harvey to the city board of representatives includes a swimming pool, additional play grounds, a Negro precinct and police court, more policemen, a bathing beach, paving and repairing of streets in the Negro section, and the elimination of the proposal to move Negroes out of the down town residen tial areas and relocate them in the suburbs. The Tampa Daily Tribune in a very interesting edi torial highly commends the program submitted to the city board of representatives, stating that “each item in the plan is desirable and some of them are needed now and merit immediate consideration.” WEST PALM BEACH West Palm Beach Colored citizens brought a civil rights action against that city charging that they are de prived of park, recreational, street and school facilities. The city officials told the court that adequate facili ties are going to be provided as soon as the city’s program is completed. That sounds all ngnt, nut these citizens must keep right behind the city and see that that program is not for gotten as far as they are concerned. The suit was dismissed. PRAY AND PRAY HARD In Winconsin a country farm woman reports that a noon on Tuesday there appeared unto her for the seventh time, the Virgin Mary. The news attracted an estimated crowd of 100,000, that went to the scene in special trains and buses. The woman, Mrs. Mary Anna Van Hoof said the Mother of God told her “Pray and pray hard, the time is short/' Sixty priests and 30 nuns knelt at the shrine in front of the multitude. A loud speaker intoned the rosary. If everyone of the 100,000 present took Mrs. Hoof’s advice and prayed, the reporting of her vision will have brought good results. SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1959 THE SPECTATOR I$Y ELLIOTT J. FIEZE INVITES BEING DISTRIBUTE© FOR FAREWELL BALL Invitations for the much await ed and eagerly anticipated Booker T. Washington Alumni Association Students Farewell Ball, scheduled for the Rockland Palace for Friday September 1, are now in the mail and being distributed to the patrons. Many of the patrons have already received their invites and otllxers will receive theirs within the next few days. However, anyone, who has not received his invitation by Aug ust 21, is asked to kindly call at the office of the Miami Times, to President Elliott J. Pieze, or con tact any member of the Alumni, they will be very happy to see to it that you receive one immediately. As announced earlier, this affair is being planned as a special send off to the many students from Mi ami and vicinity, who are leaving for college during the months of September or October. It will be one that will be long remembered. A number of special novelty attrac tions has been planned for the add ed pleasure and entertainment of the many guests who are expected to be present. We’ll be looking for all of you on Friday, September 1. at the Rockland Palace, at the Alumni Students Farewell Ball. RESPONSE TO PUBLIC NIGHT SCHOOL SUGGESTION VERY ENCOURAGING Last week, I called attention to a suggestion made- recently, by the Public Relations Officer of the Booker T. Washington Alumni As sociation. Nathaniel Lacey, at one of its recent meetings, concerning the advisability of establishing in Miami a public night school to be operated under the direct Super vision, control and support of the Dade County School Board, In a manner parallel to the day schools. I explained that Alumni was asked and had agreed to spearhead the proposal in getting the same pre sented to ajl of the civic and com munity organizations in this area, for their approval. I am happy to announce that the suggestion received very encourag ing response from all of the groups contacted so far. The public in gen eral thought it was a fine idea and should become a reality. Everyone seems to approve of the suggestion very highly. It remains only to make the suggestion a reality with the cooperation of the School Board supported of course, by the people At the present tune a plan is un derway to call a special meeting at which representatives of all civic and community organizations will be asked to attend, in order to dis cuss the proposal in details, and formulate plans for presenting the same to the Dadfe Conty School Board. All organizations and all other interested persons are asked to kindly watch for the date, time and place of this proposed meeting and when the same is held kindly see to it that you or some <*ve representing you attend the meeting. NOTES FROM HERE AND THERE Mrs. Arie Landy celebrated her birthday o* Thursday, August 17, with a very timely affair . . . Illi nois Jacquet and his orchestra cer tainly packed ’em in Sunday night at the Harlem Square Club. And what a time it was . . . Phil Har ris and his Upsetters Revue, hav ing moved over from Club Savoy to Rockland Palace, recently, have now moved from Rockland Palace to Club Paradise, up in Broward County . . . Bob White of Case Society fame, emceed the Rockland Palace’s weekly Amateur Show Wednesday night . . . Booker T. Hayes and Miss Mildred Jenkins be came mhn and wife Sunday even ing at Hayes’ residence, 1998 NW First Avenue . . . Watch for a unique bathing beauty contest to be held at the Dixie Park Swimm ing Pool soon. But the boys in the ’’know’’ are laying 10 to 1 that shapely Lulu Gray, winner of sever al beauty contests in recent months will not compete In this noe. She’s giving the other girls a chance . . Charles (Good-time Charlie) Brown and his Smarties are a Rockland Palace date this Sunday, August 20 And you can bet that boys and gals will be there to hear the sweet chirping Brown at the piano . . . Mrs. Helen Hill celebrated, her birthday last Saturday with a very lavish pai'ty at Rockland Palace . . .Mrs. Flossie Matthews of Sara sota, Florida, is now visiting the city as the houseguest of her neice, Miss Mary Alice Florence of 416-B NW 14th Terrace. She plans to re main In Miami until next week. BTW ALUMNI TO MEET The regular meeting of the BTW Alumni Association will be held on next Tuesday, August 22, at the school at 8 p.m. Members are ask ed to be present. JUST BROWSIN’ By Paul R. Henry The American Colored Automo bile Association is an organization that should appeal to our people. The association has headquarters at Jacksonville with John W. Houga book as general manager. The or ganization is said to have 11 ser vice stations and garages. There is also a home office at 1089 NW 54th street, Miami, and branches in other cities in the state. Mr. Leroy Eden, secretary-trea surer is at the Miami address and will be pleased to have your mem bership in the association. In Jacksonville, Fla., Mrs. A. L. Anderson of Miami, was a July 30 maternity patient at Brewster hos pital. According to the Florida Tattler she swallowed bits of ground glass in her breakfast, re ported it, but was given no medical aid. She is suing the hospital for $25,000. There is much complaining going on about conditions at Virginia Beach. The water is infested with “sea lice’’ and they itch. Then oppo site the cabanas there are so many sharp stones in the water it is dangerous. When a fellow rents a cabana he wants also to enjoy a bath. It does not seem such a big job that something cannot be done to correct this matter. The swimming pool at .Dixie Park is proving to be a blessing to our youth. Then too, the county has ap propriated $75,000 for improvement of Virginia Beach bathing area, and with the many improvements listed the beach should be in good shape in the not distant future. Now in case you are interested — It’s a baby girl for Princess Eliza beth, born August 15. More royalty Mr. Cyril Andrews, editor of the Florida Sentinel was honored last week with the LL.D. degree by the Union Baptist Seminary, Inc. of Birmingham, Ala. Bethune Cookman College will hold its summer commencncement exercises August 13-19. Dr. M. S Davage Ex-secretary Department of Higher Education for Negroes Board of Education Methodist Church, Nashville, Tenn.. is the speaker. The Supreme Camp of the Amer iican Woodmen q(pened their new home at Denver, Colorado on Aug ust 12. The Woodmen rank among our top fraternities and have assets of more than $6,000,000. Lawrence H. Lightner js Supreme Command er. Mr. Cyril D. Roberts Jr., Miamian now residing in Youngstown, Ohio, has been awarded two first prizes ($225) in a National contest spon sored by the Carnegie Art Institute of New York. He won $l5O for an oil painting entitled “Depressed” and $75 for a water color entitled “Protector.” Mr. Roberts, a graduate of South high school, Youngstown, has won a number of prizes in high school. He is the son of Cyril Roberts Sr. and grandson of Mrs. Henrietta Sweeting of Miami. The American members of the ■ executive committee of the Inter national Council of Christian Churches have made known to Presi dent Truman their “unalterable’’ opposition to appointment of a rep resentative to the Vatican. Funeral services were held on Friday for Mrs. Eulis Bostick, 1018 18th st. W.P.8., who died on Sun day afternoon from a pistol shot in the left neck said to be inflict ed while she and her husband were wrestling for a gun. Dade County School Board has won its fight for levying a higher tax. The school board’s budget called for a total of $32,363,679 or a levy of 12.3 mills. The county budget commission had cut this figure by $400,000, approving an 11.8 millege for schools. The Board took the matter to the court and circuit Judge Stanley Mil lege ruled that the county budget commission had no authority to order a reduction in the school board's revised budget. The budget commission has re fused to reconsider the schdo board's revised budget and Ju-lgo Millege’s order will be appealed. Temple Notes Sunday services as usual. Friday, August 25, the Spiritual Harmonizers of Coconut Grove will appear in recital. You are invited. REDS BLACK FACE TRICK FOOLS TAN YANKS U. S. 24th Infantry Regiment, Korea Korean Red Soldiers pull ed the black face trick on 'Negro Infantry soldiers this week and sneaked behind their battle line. A patrol reported seeing two men wearing American uniforms and with faces and hands blacked coming out of the hills with four North Koreans whose hands were overhead. The group came over at a point where there were no troops. The six passed through unchal lenged. Later it was discovered no prisoner had been turned in. That night a guerilla attack broke out near the village the six were seen entering. | Some days ago 24th Regiment in fantrymen found two dead North . Koreans with faces blackened. | Blackface is a trick first used by the Germans against the Negro* American 92nd Division in Italy in World War 11. ! Golf Club Set Given Away At Dance When the Cosmopolitan Golf Club stage their benefit dance at the Harlem Square dub Ballroom, Friday, August 18, some lucky pa ( tron will take home a brand new set of golf clubs. The bag of clubs include numbers 2,5, 7 and 9 irons and putter, plus numbers 1, 2 and 3 woods. The new J. C. Higgins clubs come in an at tractive leather and canvas golf bag. Members of the dance committee include Misses Mitzi Coleman and Marie Mackey, Garth Reeves, Jack O’Dell, H. Chrispin Ingraham and Sandy Green . Proceeds from the dance go Jo ward the legal fund for the golf suit now pending in the United States Supreme court. The club invites the patronage of the public in this important endea vor. Fort,Lauderdale Pastor Dies Rev. O. W. Wells, pastor Mt. Olive Baptist Church, Fort Lauder dale, died last Sunday morning. He is survived by his widow, children and grand children and host of other relatives and friends. Funeral ser vices took place 2 p.m. Friday at Mt. Olive. Rev. Wells was a successful pas tor and a useful servant of God. Before going to Mt. Olive, he pastor ed Mt. Moriah, Perrine, and St. Paul, Homestead. He was chairman of the Executive Board of the Sun day school and BTU Convention, and president of the Southern division of Ministers and Deacons’ Union of the FEC Association. Moderator J. W. Drake of his as sociation had this to say of Rev. Wells: “He was very cooperative in the District, State and National work. I feel his passing very keen ly because he was so dependable. His word was h(s bond.” Rev. Wells spent about ten years at Mt. Olive. During that time he (erected one of the most beautiful church edifices in South Florida. The State Bpatist Convention meets at that church next year. Guest Preacher At St. Agnes’ Sunday The Rev. Quentin E. Primo, Jr., Vicar of St. Simon’s Church, Ro chester, N. Y.. will be the guest preacher at the 8:00 a.m. Choral Mass at St. Agnes’ Church, Sunday August 20. FV. Primo is well and favorably known by Miamians, for it was hera that he served his Diaconate and was ordained a Priest in St. Agnes’ Church. Members of St. Agnes are urged and the public is cordially invited to hear Fr. Primo. COMING: A Musical Operetta to be presented by St. Agnes’ Little Theatre Guild. You will like it! Church Os The Incarnation News Sunday, August 20th is the 11th Sunday after Trinity. Oiurch School at 9:30 a.m. Sung mass, sermon and communion at 10:45 a.m. Father John J. Jarrett officiating. Administration of Holy- Baptism at 12:30 p.m. Evening song and sermon at 7JO p.m. Don’t forget the piano recital featuring William Johnson on Sun day, August 27 at 6 p.m. Tickets are on sale by members of the Hospital ity Club.