MIAMI TIMES, MIAMI, FLORIDA PAGE EIGHT »■ -! ""1 By Bemadine Carrickett Greetings Ladies! I'm directing this column straight to you because I believe the fashion picture is discussed among more than anyone else these days, unless its the%de signers themselves. Now that you have seen the fall fash ion magazine, and having watched the street windowsj I'm sure, being feminine creatures, you have chosen your first fall outfit. Let’s discuss in this little chit-chat exactly when to wear it. Don’t get ahead of ftie now, I don’t mean the date, I mean the time of day. For really ladies, that little issue is most important. Most women everywhere this season will be walking the straight and narrow for that is the major fashion sil houette. If you have chosen as your first ensemble a two piece affair whose skirt is about mid-calf all around, you were especially smart, because that little number may be worn for daytime as well as after five. If you have chosen such colors as black, sanka brown, blue (from wedgewood to ink), gray (Licorice or bankers shade), you’ve definitely practical. To all of these a dash of color may be added for daytime. Your high key colors done up in complete ensembles are the choice for late day, important occasions. “Although, the sheath speaks the high fashion talk, the full skirt still remains fashion blessed. Full skirts are frankly full and are found in abundance in casual stay at homes and gala ball gowns. The newest evening hemline is short in front with flowing fullness at back.” Most career wome have to be especially careful as to .what they wear and when, for we are criticized much more than the housewife. Maybe its because as bread winners like the male, we should know the ways of the world which of a certainty include manner of dress. The designers really must have had us in mind this seasofi, for they have really made it an easy job for us to fashion right from morn ’til night. For example, they have brought to vogue those ultra smart huge collars and fill in dickeys that we may wear to the office, and like a flash, when removed are converted into a clever dress for a dinner date. Ido hope tftat all who fall under the category of career women take special note of this type of dress for I’d hate to think there were any who would prance into the office in one of those new draped affairs, with back fullness, as well as the new naked sandal shoe and chandelier earrings. Goodness, what a faux pas! Remember, we[re sup posed to have brain as well as beauty, so let’s show it off to its best advantage, which means the proper setting. As for you, dear housewife, we all love you and re spect the fact that you have a million things to do, for the home is twice the responsibility as the papers on the of fice desk. On the other hand, there is no excuse for pot keeping up with the fashion trend. V‘ ■ # Most of you, if you’ve been a housewife any length of time have derived a system whereby you find time for a bit of relaxation. Whether you do yours by brousing through the stores on Monday mornings or meeting with the girls at bridge, be sure your suit or dress is in keeping with the occasion. “It’s a refined pared-down implicity that becomes the American woman.” It’s that added touch of your own choosing that brings out your particular personality. So just be sure you have taken time out to shorten the skirt of that old “new look” for the newer one. Choose one of the new bright colors for your wardrobe thi s season. It will make your chores at home seem lighter. Whether you’re career woman, housewife or college girl, (who we will discuss at a later date) be sure that whatever you wear any clime, be sure its at the right time. W. P. CORBITT ;P ',1335 NW 7th Av. Roasters, Hens, Stewers, Fryers, Cut-Up Parts (Buy the parts you like best), Ducks, Table tested Eggs ALL POULTRY DRESSED ON PREMISES PHONE 3-6028 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1950 ra c * 0 u * SCOUT LEADERS TO HOLD CONFAB The Scout Leaders of the Dade District, South Florida Council, Boy Scouts of America, will hold % con ference at the Boy Scout Camp lo cated at Princeton, Fla., Sunday afternoon, October 16, 1950 at 3:00 o’clock. The conference which is under the sponsorship of the Dade District Divisional. Committee, will be at tended by Divisional Committeemen, i’Scoutmasters, Troop Committeemen ,Cubmasters, Den Mothers, and Pack Committeemen from all Scout Troops and Cub Packs in the Dade District. ADDITIONAL AJIILT LEADERS URGENTLY NEEDED Dr. Kelsey D. Pharr, prominent businessman and capable chairman of the Dade District Divisional Committee, states that there is tre mendous need for additional adult leaders, both fem Ale and male, to carry on the principles of the Scout ing Movement which are Citizen ship Training and Character Build ing. All persons interested in further ing the Scouting Movement in Dade ‘county are cordially invited to at tend this very important and infor mative conference. For transportation to and from It hi Scout Camp, please meet at the I Pharr Funeral home, 1025 NW 2nd jave. at 2 p.m. NOTICE TO ALL MINISTERS The Interdenominational Ministers Alliance will have its regular an nual meetings for 1950 at St. Paul AME church, cor. 19th st. and 4th court, NW, Miami, Fla. A special invitation is cordially extended to every minister in the city of Miami .and adjacent communities. All min |isters, ethically should be interestel In the social, civic, moral and edu cational progress of their several memberships. The meeting will be gin at the usual hour ll a.m. Thursday morning, October 17. Rev, J. N. Byrd, secretary Second D. C. Judge Sworn In WASHINGTON (AlNPWudge Emory B. Smith, 64, was sworn into office here last week to become the second Negro judge in the city. More than 150 persons witnessed the ceremonies. The Washington Bar association presented a robe to Judge Smith. His son, Emory H. Smith, will be his clerk, and Viola Gardner, his secretary. It's Your Duty To HH Vote. .Next Tuesday October 17 .. VOTE FOR |g| GEO. F. ROGERS HE HAS PLEDGED TO APPOINT A NEGRO ASSISTANT TRIED AND PROVEN . . . YOU’LL HEAR YOUR FRIENDS SAY . . . “Everybody That Knows Him Likes Him, And Trust Him” Don't Forget To Pull Tour L-U-C-K-Y Lever No. 4-A A Vote For Rogers Is A Vcie For The People B. & P. WOMEN ACTIVITIES Monday evening the Business and Professional Women’s Circle turn ed out in large numbers at the beautiful home of Mrs. Dorothy Newton. The newly elected presi dent, Miss Marie White, presided. She thanked the circle for the hon or they conferred on- her for the second time as president of the group. She concluded her prelimin ary remarks by asking them to be gin the day with God. The main discussion of the even ing was the Bible in the home. Mrs. Coretha Ball was at her best in opening the discussion. Mrs. Doro thy Newton led in giving the cur rent events of the week and many others spoke on state and national affairs. Mrs. Rosalie Brady made a political speech asking each mem ber to cast their ballot on Novem ber 7th and put the bond issue over which will mean much to Negro doctors and nurses, i Mrs. Edward T. Graham spoke on relief and distress among individuals in the community. Then came the pre§ident’s appointments. Mrs. Mur riel Williams, Goodwill chairman: Mrs. Coretha Ball, program; Mrs. Rosalie Brady, R. N., health educa tion; Mrs. Lelia Moore, social Mrs. Edward T. Graham, relief with Mrs. Elizabeth Harvey as co-chairman; Mrs. Jewell Rachard, foreign rela tions; Mrs. L. E. Cantrell gave a re port of all monies. Mrs. Lottie Rolle was appointed secretary to the president, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown GUARANTEED RADIO & APPLIANCE REPAIRS Also Auto Electric Repairs ■— Starters—-Generators Regulators, etc. General Appliance Repairs 19 N.E. 14th Street Phone 9-1669 BAHAMA PACKAGE STORE Popular Brand Liquors f « Open Sundays and Daily Until 3 a.m. 3890 N.W- 36th Street Corner 36th St. and N. River Drive fShriners And Isis To Fellowship j Kazah Temple No. 149 Nobles of the Mystic Shrine has accepted aa jnvitatlon from Kazah Court No. 117 Daughters of Isis to attend a get ac quainted meeting at their regular session on next Wednesday evening October 18th. The Illustrious Com -1 mandress, Daughter Marie .White I states that there will also be a fel lowship. Several petitions will be read in this meeting. At the close there will be a “Buffet Supper.” president of the Woman’s Home [Missionary society of Mt. Zion, was 'present and spoke. She brought greetings from her organization and then offered prayer for the group. - The next meeting will be held on Monday, October 28rd at the home of Mrs. Muriel Williams, 1844 NW I 1 . For Kidney Back ache, & Bladder Trouble Take "508" Relief in 24 to 36 hours. Get a bottle at any drug store. Refuse all substi tutes. Ask for . • "508"