Unbeaten A&M Rattlers Cinch For SI AC Crown By CHARLES J. SMITH, 111 TALLAHASSEE Folk around here are telling the story that the sale of pocket adding machines has increased since the Florida A and M College basket ball team has gone on the scoring rampage. They point out that in three contests played last week, the Rattlers beat Turner Air Force base 95-25, Xavier University 76-67 and Tuskegee Institute 98- 45 to win their 20th, 21st and 22nd consecutive victories with out suffering a single defeat. The Rattlers increased their season point total to 1765 and an average of 80.2 per game, second only jto Kentuck’s Wildcats who are leading the country with an 84.7 average. Defensively, the Rattlers rank eighth nationally having yielded 1091 points for an average of 49.5 points per game. With an 80.2 point average, the Rattlers are within striking dis tance of the 82. plus average hung up by Rhode Island State in 1947, with three more regular season contests left, one against Xavier, and two with Bethune- Cookman College. Team balance in offensive scor ing power was the difference as the Orange and Green beat the tough Gold Rush five for victory number 21, Milton Murrap soph omore whiz from Philadelphia, dumped in 22 points, with “Big Willie“ Irvin getting 17, in the important SIAC victory. The game started as if it might be a personal scoring duel be tween Famcee’s Samuel “Red Hot”’Hearns and William Robin zine, the high scoring Xavier ace. The latter scored the first two points of the game when he dropped in a 20-foot push shot. Then Hearns hit with a hook Beating The Gun CHAT WITH JOE LOUIS NE WYORK (ANP) The night Billy Graham, welter con tender, did a brush-job on game Jimmy Herring, we chatted away with Joe Louis, all time great heavyweight boxing celebrity, in the lobby of the Theresa hotel on West 125th st. Joe had seen our story on his “move show” with which he will tour the distant hinterlands. He liked it, passing well. What did the champ think about Clarei.ce Henry, that anvil fisted Ohiornian who aside from being a “lazy slugger” until an gered is a ajman buzzsaw? “I feel ihat Henry will lick any of the fighters in my old division. He seems a sure shot to become champion if he’s not bypassed. While few take these “thru with the ring” announcements other than v/ith tonerue in cheek, Louis sounded as u ne had learned his lesson following the Rocky Mar ciano debacle. From here on in he will cash in on his towering popularity. We are happy to see Joe shoot occasional golf rounds of 69 even if the next round zooms to 85 or thereabouts. ! T a is a fine man; honest forthright to a point that offends a “phony.” and the beautiful lil dolls love the guy with a devotion that is strangely similar to idolatry. OPERATIONS TRACK Verm Dixon, a kid of but 19, looks like the surest sort of bet for an Olympic berth in the 400 meters or as a member of the 1600 meter relay team. All he did in the recent 24th running of the AAU National (indoor) champs at Madison Square Garden, was: race the fastest relay leg (440 yds.) in track history; overtake George Rhoden and Herb McKen ley (both world’s record holders) and pace his team (Manhattan College) to victory whew, what a flashy runner this kid is. Harrison Dillard, “the unbeat able Olympian” at hurdles this year, appeared to be holding him self in as I saw it when high schoolboy Milt Campbell, Plain field, N.J., breathed en “Mr. Bones” neck in a heat of the senior 60-yard high hurdles, an event Dillard won. The White daily press wrote rave notices about this youngster, who lost by inches, but Dillard or Attesley, can name the victory margin at th« time. A year from from the same distance to tally Famcee’s first two points. How ever the two had to take a “back seat” to Murray and the Gold Rush’s Fred Jones who scored 23 points to take individual scoring honors for the evening. Xavier outacored Famcee in the third period, getting 20 points to A and M’s 16 as the quarter end ed with the Rattlers leading 64- 44. The Gold Rush again outscored Famcee in the final quarter 23-12 but it wa6 not enough to overcome the 48-24 halftime lead held by the home* town five. With shouts of “we want a hundred, we want one hundred,” resounding in the Florida A and M College gym last Saturday night, the Rattlers were content to win the game numbering 22 of the season as they blasted Tus kegee’s once great Tigers 98-45. Folk down here are beginning to call the Tigers Famcee’s cou sins and they have reason to seven of the 22 wins recorded this season have been at the expense of Tuskegee, five during a barn storming tour of the state during the Christmas holidays, and two regular season defeats. Coach Ed Oglesby cleaned the bench in the one sided victory but even with the subs in, the high scoring Rattler attack failed to falter although sputtering a wee bit a times. Famcee led 27-7 at the end of the first period; 46-15 at the half; 78-30 at the end of the third period; and 98-45 at the end of the contest. Tuskegee was without the ser vices of “Radio Red” Porter who in the league. High point man for is rateo one of the top pivot men the Tigers was C. Merkerson with eight. By JULIUS J. ADAMS now their enthusiasm should be fully justified but, not just now. Bob Carty, Manhattan college, races a smart 300 yards but I feel that he might develop into a sen sation at the distance if he would seek out the old Shore Athletic Club phenom, Archie Harris and take some “corrective breathing” lessons as well as pace-wisdom from him. John Borican, though dead, still lives in memory, especially if you were so fortunate as to be one of those who saw Don Gehr mann race 1000 yards in the new record time of 2:08.2, a fortnight ago. Borican was a chap who laughed at every correct training rule in the book; he literally thumbed his nose at the right thing to do, then went out and raced wondermen like Glenn Cunningham and others into the track bears. Backache For Mick comforting help for Backache, Rheumatic Pains, Oettlng Up Nights, strong cloudy urine, irritating passages. Leg Pains, circles under eyes, and swollen ankles, due to non-organlc and non-systemlc Kidney and Bladder troubles, try Cystex. Quick, complete satisfaction or money back guaranteed. Ask your druggist for Cystex today. oA ' LEARN TO • RIVE Let ns Teach You Hnr (gHHT experienced TEACHERS REASONABLE RATH WE OFFER FOUR SERVICES 1. Tsseh yeti te drive In • easy leaasae IT yes have never driven 2. Assist yeu In getUnf license If yea drive already. S. Finish teaching yeu to drive if yea partly knew hew. 4. Tenet yea to perk oo you sen pane n driver's teal. We Furnish late ass del dost esafrel cars 1453 N.W. Oth Ave. Miami, Florida John H. Braynen, Benny L. O'Berry, Instructors CALL 2-7756 FOR Fall informatioa without obligation WT T T PROGRAM LOG—I49O MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AM. 7:3o—Morning Thought 7:4s—Melody Time 9:oo—Race scratches 9:l6—Race scratches 9:2s—Race Scratches 10:00—Race Scratches 10:05 —Italian Hour 10:15—Race Scratches 10:45—Race Scratches 11:00—Race Scratches 11:15 Race Scratches 11:45—Claggetts Corner 12:00—News Cast PM. 12:10—Luncheon Musieale 12:30—Central Alliance I:3o—Reed With Rhythm 2:3o—Show Time 4:oo—This is Jazz 4:3o—Harlem Harmony Hour 7:oo—Sepian Hour B:oo—Relax With Max 9:oo—Spanish Hour 10:00—Musical Heritage I:oo—Sign off SUNDAY A.M. B:oo—Feaster (Religious) B:3o—Yiddish Hour 10:45—Voice of Israel 11:00—St. Agnes’ Church P.M. 12:30—Polish Hour I:3o—ltalian Hour 3:3o—Juvenile Theatre 4:00 —Merman Program 4:ls—Showers of Blessing s:oo—Spanish Hour s:3o—lnternational Festival 6:oo—Battle of Songs 7:oo—Sepian Parade B:oo—Sunday Melodys B:3o—Public Forum 9:oo—Religious 10*00—Musical Heritage 1:00 Sign off VARIATIONS MONDAY THROUGH WED. B:4s—Holsum House Program FRIDAY ONLY 11:00-12:00—Cafe Society SATURDAY A.M. 7:30 —Morning Thought 7:4s—Melody Time B:4s—Jockey Jabber 9:oo—Race scratches 9:ls—Race Scratches 11:00—Race Scratches 10:15—Race Scratches 9:3o—Central Alliance 10:00—Italian Hour 12:30—Central Alliance 11:45 —Musical Interlude 12:00—Jockey Jabber 12:15—Safety First 12:30 —Public Forum 1:00 —Coral Gables High I:3o—Tunes on Parade 3:3o—The Voice of the Pupil 4:3o—Harlem Harmony Hour 7:oo—Sepian Parade 8:00 —Musical Merry-Goßouad 9:oo—Spanish Hour 10:00—Musical Heritage 1:00—Si®" off HEART ATTACK OR INDIGESTION? THANK HEAVENS! Most attacks arr just acid Indigestion. When it strikes, take Bell-ans tablets. They contain the fastest-acting medicines known to doctors for the relief of heartburn, gas and similar distress. 25#. MIAMI TIMES. MIAMI. FLORIDA SATURDAY, MARCH 1,1962 DAVIS WHIPS PLUMMER IN PANAMA PANAMA CITY, R. P.—(ANP) Teddy (Red Top) Davis, North American featherweight, worn a decision over Panama’s champion, Federico Plummer, over a 10 round route, last week in Olym pic Stadium. A comparatively poor gate took in less than $3,000 from fans of the principal cities to see the American take a split decision over the champion m a nontitle bout. One judge voted in favor of Plummer at the end of the fight and the other judge, supported by Referee Rogelio Pinzon, named Davis the winner. The split de cision in favor of the visitor was unpopular with rabid Plummer fans. 4 Davis with his powder-puff punch carried the fight to the lanky Panamian for the 10 rounds, and took all the home town lad could offer. It was the second time that Davis has • Two Cognac Brandy Sf|' • Imported from Franca rapfafessy IfewwafWjut RUmSsr r M Proo# HW A Schicffciit) & co. ( New York, H.V. D« H Constrifciion Company lie. NO W IS THE TIME TO GET THAT NEW ROOM ! D AND H CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. will build carports, garages, extra bedrooms, new porches, new kitchens, new bathrooms or any repairs or additions you may need. D AND H CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. HAS TRAIN ED A SPECIALIST CREW OF CARPENTERS, MASONS, PLASTERERS AND PAINTERS TO HANDLE REPAIRS AND ADDITIONS. WE DRAW THE PLANS, GET YOUR PERMIT, and ARRANGE THE NECESSARY FINANCING. D AND H HAS THE MATERIALS! NO JOB TOO SMALL OR TOO LARGE! D AND H CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. HAS BUILT HUNDREDS OF FINE HOMES IN THE LIBERTY CITY, BROWN SUB, AND COCONUT GROVE AREA and IS NOW TAKING CONTRACTS AND WILL GUARANTEE COMPLETION OF YOUR DREAM HOUSE. CALL D AND H CONSTRUCTION CO., INC 46-111* —and a representative will call on yea end explain financing. First coat ie the loot ceotl AH legal fleet, construction money coata, financing coats and dosing costs are included m the Contract Price. DO IT NOW! CALL 48-lU9 for FREE ESTIMATE! D. Ml H. Construction Co., Inc. 354 Sevilla Ave. Coral Gables, Fla. Telephone 48-1119 whipped Plummer. On Dec. 17 in New York, he won a unanimous victory. Davis weighed in at 127% lbs. and Plummer, 128% lbs. A. & M. GRIDDERS OPEN SPRING TRAINING * TALLAHASSEE All-Amer ican linebacker William Kenchon of Miami was among the 50 grid ders to greet Rattler Coach A. S. “Jake” Gaither when spring drills opened at Florida A and M Col lege last week. The first week was spent in conditioning and from there stress was placed on fundamentals. Fol lowing the latter, Coach Gaither and his staff are to concentrate on finding and trying out candi dates for positions left vacant by Rattlers who finished their ca reers at the end of the 1951 cam paign. Spring drills will continue until March 15. PAGE FIVE