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THE MIAMI TIMES. MIAMI, FLORIDA PAGE SIX St. James A. M. E. Rev. J. B. Blacknell, pastor One of the most inspiring ser mons heard in many Sundays was heard on Sunday morning at St. James. Rev. Blacknell preached from the 3rd chapter of Acts, Bth verse. He very vividly pictured Man’s Characterictics. Some of the striking points he made were “Man by nature is helpless, is a beggar and has bodily infirma ties, Jesus never sought the strong, but those who needed help and those who were handi capped in health.” Health is bet ter without money than money without health for with health we can make money, but we can’t always take money and get health. The members of one of the adult classes of Dorsey high evening school, Mrs. W. H. Jam ison, instructor, along with their wives, friends and children wor shipped at the morning service. They were loud in their praises of the spiritual service. After service this group partook of an mid-afternoon snack at the home of their instructor. At the evening service, the Rev. J. B. Blacknell used as his theme, “Good Looks.” He depict ed the five “looks” namely, look ing backward, looking forward, looking downward, looking up ward and looking inward. When you are in need of spiri tual food, visit the Friendly Church, St. James. Orthodox Church On Goodwil Tour To Homestead On Sunday, February 17, the churches of the southern juris diction of the African Orthodox Church, with their combined congregations, motored to Home stead to render assistance to the little mission in that city. Upon arrival in that city the group was received by the Rev. Gerald Finley with great en thusiasm. The group also enjoyed a successful program headed by Cannon Charles F. Cooper, and as sisted by other members of the clergy, including Obadiah Barr, Fr. Harold Sweeting, Fr. George Newbold and Rev. Charles Sands. The members of this clergy and the congregations as a whole wish Sentence Sermons BY REV. FRAJJK CLARENCE LOWRY FOR ANP 1. Science has well named it as inscribed above, and with it the Bible is in perfect accord. 2. The Scientific note is: that two bodies cannot occupy the same place at the same time; on this the Bible throws even great er light with a similar design. 3. It states emphatically, “no servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one and despise the other.” 4. But man has so colored his religion that appears to be an ad dition, turns out to be a subtrac tion. 5. He who would attempt to make his religion and wordly things mix, only aids his adver sary to hurry him into a sad fix. 6. The pharisees and scribes in this net were ensnared, and from that time to this, Christianity has been impaired. 7. But stubborn man needs yet to learn that this sort of thing cannot be done . . . that Man can not serve both God and Mammon. SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1952 Bethel A. M. E. The services at the Greater Bethel AME Church on last Sun day were very high. The famous choir No. 2 and the Gospel Choir of the church served morning and evening. Our pastor, Dr. William F. Ball, who is Florida’s candi date for the Bishopric, returned from the Bishops’ Council, which convened in Charleston, S. C., gave us some highlights on the meeting. Our guest speaker last Sunday were Dr. A. Wayman Ward of Chicago, 111., and Candidate for the Bishopric and Dr. Frank Jenks, P. E. of the Daytona Beach District. Both ministers delivered great sermons. Dr. J. Frank Ponder and his congrega tion from Ebenezer Methodist Church came in after service to help the Ball for Bishop Boosters Club. Dr. Ponder, and his people raised SIOO in this service. The pastor and members of Bethel are very grateful to them for this help. COMMUNION SUNDAY Sunday, March 2nd will be holy communion day. Dr. W. F. Ball will deliver the communion ser mon at 11 a.m. and will preach Sunday evening at 7. Every mem ber of the church is asked to present at both services. Dr. Ball is a great preacher, you should hear him Sunday. Choir No. 1 will sing in the morning and choir No. 2 will sing at night. All Stewardesses are asked to be in your places at 10:45. Bethel church is known as the holy ghost headquarters. Come to a church where the spirit of Christ lives. The polite ushers will meet you at the door with a warm welcome. All members of the Busy Bee Club will meet at the parsonage Sunday at 5 p.m. Class meeting Tuesday nigh:, 7:45. You and your friends are welcome. i lo express thanks and apprecia tion to pastors from other de nominations who assisted in mak ing the program a success. ADVERTISE 8. This two-faced Ananias and Sapphira trick is still holding fair Sway, and continuation of its in dulgence will reduce npany a Nation to mere clay. 9. There are evidences all about us that, only true brotherhood and love are going to stand, and only our sincere approach to these will save ourselves and our land. 10. Since Christ is the vine and we are , the branches, He who would enjoy the rich fruit of this vine, must follow diligently the Blessed Master’s example and holy design. 11. God wants all or nothing; not your money or your life . . . but your money and your life that He might make you an heir . . . and with Him to live forever on heavenly fare. 12. God and Mammon just do not mix; Satan can be followed in any kind of away . . . but to represent Christ’s Kingdom, one must be wholeheartedly, long suffering and sincere, and a credit to His Kingdom every day. St. Paul A. M. E. Dr. R. A. Jackson, the friendly pastor of St. Paul AME Church, recently returned from a well de served trip to Charleston, S. C., to attend the Bishops’ Council of the AME Church which convened the 20th to the 22nd of February. Much credit was reflected upon the vast and august group of some of America’s best people, who met in session from all parts of the world. The church is marching on, and is assisting all other religious bodies in putting over a Three-fold manly pro gram of Body, Soul and Spirit. We hail with high honor the, re spect given our Bishops, General Officers, and Candidates for the Bishopric. Regular services will be con ducted Sunday all day. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Allen Chris tian Endeavor League at 6 p.m.; Morning worship at 11 a.m. and sermon; evening worship at 7. Dr. Jackson will preach at both ser vices. The completion of the side walls of our church will begin next week or so. We who are taking ♦he lead in the activities of St. Paul are anxious to do our part and we are cooperating with our nastor the stewards and trus tees. We are asking each mem ber and friend to continue the very splendid and loyal support that has been given ,in the past and present. The pastor is urging j all the members to be present at j the services all day. Holy Com- j munion will be administered at both services. Don’t miss the beautiful service. Mrs. lona Cook, reporter 2nd Ebenezer Sunday was a very high day in our church. The pastor was feeling much better and preach ed a very soul stirring sermon. His subject was, “It pays to serve Jesus.” Sunday is the Ist Sunday and we are expecting a large crowd all day. Sunday School, 9:45, Love Feast, 11 o’clock a.m. Holy Communion after the 7 o’clock p.m. service. The work has stopped due to the lack of money. Dr. Bartley is asking all members to please pay as much on your pledge as you can each Sunday. Dr. Bartley is going to our mothej church the second Sunday night after service and he is asking all of his street friends to please meet him there. We are hoping to have a great time that night. Don’t forget to be there at 9 p.m. Dr. Bartley is slightly better and the church along with he and Mrs. Bartley wish to thank his many friends for being so kind to them. Dr. W. O. Bartley, pastor Mrs. Nellie Graves, reporter St. Matthew And Temple Notes At the morning worship on Sunday there will be preaching and Covenant Meeting. Members are urged to be present at this impressive service, and visitors are welcome. Temple-ites are reminded to be at Communion service at 3 p.m. and at the others for the day. Re- } member the carpenters will be I with us next week we must! get ready for them Sunday. Rev. N. F. Clark, pastor of St. j Mattehw’s, will administer the Lord’s Supper at the evening; worship. You are invited always.! NOTICE i There will be a Song Fest at Mt. Zion Baptist Church, corner of 9th st. and 3rd ave., March 9 at 3:30 p.m. Choirs from different churches will participate. You are cordially invited to come and enjoy an afternoon of songs. The affair is sponsored by the Pulpit Club. Rev. E. T. Graham, pastor Sis. Jeroline Bager, Pres. NOW SHAVING'S QUICKER V ...EASIERI GET A I Gillette! A.C.S. Association Holds Fine Session The 22nd annual session of the Atlantic Coast Baptist Association met with the St. James Baptist Church, Rev. J. L. Johnson, Feb ruary 21-24. The introductory program, rendered on Wednes day evening, was very spicy. Ad dresses of welcome were given by Mrs. J. McDonald, Rev. N. F. Clark, Rev. H. E. S. Reeves and Rev. I. C. Mickins. The St James’ and Temple choirs, * and the Famous Echoes of Zion Chorus of St. Matthew’s, sang for the oc casion, and Mrs. J. C. Johnson was mistress of e'eremonies. The entire session was harmon ious, and spiritual fervor ran high to the very close. All of the churches in the district were rep resented. The program was full, and each one played well his pare, earring messages were delivered oy the speakers, and the various choirs did justice to the occasion. The association sent a donation of S2OO to Florida Memorial Col lege and the women’s department, under the leadership of Mrs. I. G. Bingham, raised the quota for the educational drive in the State Convention. Among the visitors were: Dr. J. A. F. Finlayson, president of the Florida State Baptst Con vention, Inc.; Dr. W. N. Zanders, representative from Florida Nor mal College; Mrs. L. A. Moran, Rev. H. M. G. McDonald, Rev. G. A. Humes, Rev. W. McQuester, and a delegation from the Color ed Wesleyan Methodist Confer ence. Those elected are: Rev. L. A. Thompson, moderator; Rev. D. A. Pinder, first vice moderator; Rev. I. C. Mickens, second; Rev. E. J. Clark, third; Rev. J. A. King, fi nancial secretary; Rev. P. B. He rout, recorder; Rev. J. L. Johnson, treasurer; Rev. Joseph Smith, ex positor; Rev. H. W. Moss, statis tician; Rev. T. Taylor and Rev. J. Clark, missionaries; Rev. J. H. Johnson, chairman of the execu tive board. For the women: Mrs. I. G. Bingham, president; Mrs. Lillian Ferguson, vice president; Mrs. J. H. Johnson, secretary; Mrs. J. C. Johnson, treasurer; Mrs. D. A. Pinder, missionary; Mrs. E. J. Clark, assistant secretary. For he Ministers’ and Deacons’ Wives: Mrs. D. A. Pinder, chair man; Mrs. J. C. Johnson, co-chair man; Mrs. E. J. Clark, secretary; Mrs. D. Hudson, treasurer. Rev. J. A. King closed the ses sion with a very impressive mes sage Sunday evening, in the pres ence of a large attendance. The Association meets with Mt. Zion Church, Homestead, Rev. H. W. Moss, pastor, in 1953. Mr. P. Bonivy, our obliging district usher, played his part very nicely throughout the ses sions. Rev. P. B. Herout, secretary, (100 BOY L-^“ MEN (100 ▼■ wk SHOES ¥■ wk SALESMAN WILL COME TO YOUR HOUSE y IMMEDIATE DELIVERY CALL 83-5466 B3-5626 PROFESSIONAL PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER Reconditioning and Painting A Specialty \TII.(JAM HINDER IfF < TfPI 1942 NW Second Court Phone 82-7769 Miami. Florida FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGE LOANS Consolidate Your Debts • No Red Tape No Inspection Fee • No Delay „ Small Monthly Payments • Quick Action Completely Confidential PEOPLES MORTGAGE CO. 707 Congress Bldg. Phone 82-5659 was missing from the meeting be cause of illness. He is still at Mt. Sinai hospital, Miami Beach. > THANKS The members and friends of the Sampsonite Board of St. James AME Church wish to thank everyone who helped to make their tea Sunday at the Lord Cal vert hotel a success. Ida Mae Wright, Pres. GRACE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 3rd Floor Love and Charity Bldg. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning Service 11 a.m. Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Rev. James Culmer, pastor 1404 N.W. 63rd St. Evening Service 730 WITH THIS COUPON ALL METAL Venetian Blind O 77 4 ea Sizes 23 • 36 wlde-50 to 64 high TRAILER Venetian Blinds 097 as low as £>ea. Trarene Rod. 077 as low as ilea. \ BAMBOO Porch Shades O 77 tyatural color as low ai4 ea. VENETIAN Blind Tape 17c any color yd. 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