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Kr. w .ti nil l^fji -" - - » a3t JRR wt _■ ■ , * a jiiMMwk Ji : f.|i: l/ i§!% BAPTIST MAG PRAISES DR. BOYD LYNCHBURG, \&. (ANP)— The current issue of the Expect ed, monthly organ of the Vir ginia Baptist State Convention, carries an article by the editor, Dr. M. C." Allen, paying high trib ute to Dr. Henry Allen Boyd of Nashville, Tenn. Dr. Allen, who is president of Virginia Theological Seminary and College, describes the Nash ville banker and business leader as a ‘symbol of Negro initiative. The editor says: "Men like Henry Allen Boyd never depend upon applause, praise or honor of those they serve for the inspi ration and encouragement need to carry on. They get that ‘stuff from within themselves and the infinite potential of the causes they promote. The Boyd type of leadership accepts what weak lings call ‘barriers' as an inspir ing challenge. Boyd, as a symbol of Negro initiative, has faced life without complaint" ST. LUKE BAPTIST Sunday found us gathering to gether, giving thanks to God. Sunday School, directed by our superintendent, Peter Williams, Jr., met at 9:00 a.m. At the 11:00 a.m. service Brother Alonza' Stanfield (one of our licensed preachers) delivered the message. His text was taken from St. Matt. 1:24, subject, “The Cross.” The BTU, under the direction of the president, Mrs. Alyce Washington, met at 5:30 p.m. At the 7:00 p.m. service Brother Cathwright, our assistant pastor, delivered the message which was taken from Isaiah 42:4, subject, “Christ Shall not Fail in His Pro gram. The women of St. Luke are sponsoring a Woman’s Day pro gram on October 26. The public is invited to worship with us at all times. Rev. P. W. Williams, pastor Mrs. Evelyn Davis, reporter MT. CALVARY BAPTIST Last Sunday services were very inspiring. Sunday School met at 9:30 a.m. and was well attended. A very timely temperance lesson was taught. At ,the 11 a.m. wor ship service, our pastor, the Rev. E. M. Thomas, gave n« a rousing message, and didn’t our choir sing! At 5:30 p.m. a goodly number was at the BTU and a right live ly program was presented. The preacher at the evening worship was the Rev. W. F. Tanner, pas tor of St. Mary’s Coconut Grove. His was a burning message. Our pastor is asking all mem bers to prepare to receive the Lord’s Supper on Sunday. CHURCH OF INCARNATION Last summer, September 28, •ur summer schedule of service ended. On Sunday, October 5, we will resume our regular schedule of service at 11 am.— Choral Mass and Communion on the first and third Sundays of each month, Choral Maas and sermon on the second and fourth Sundays of each month, the ad ministration of Holy Baptism on the second Sunday of each month immediately after the mass. Church School at 9:30 am. We iak * this special way to express our thanks to all those who have not heard it from the pulpit, for their response in mak ing our Feast Day and Anniver sary celeration an overwhelming success. Form the habit of visiting the Church of the Incarnation at 11 am, Sundays. You will enjoy it. A cordial welcome awaits you at all times. ST. PAUL A.M.E. We are always happy, veri i tably pleased to commemorate the celebration of the great legacy to mankind; nothing creates a deeper searching of our hearts, than to prepare to receive the Holy Communion. Fellowship and love are lost without this act of devotion, instituted by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as a perpetual memorial of His Pas sion and sacrificial death. Re member your duty Sunday! Regular services Sunday: Oc tober sth being the first Sunday in the 10th month of the year 1952, let us come; yes from every where, and worship the Lord in the beauty of His Holiness. You are always welcome at St. Paul’s the friendly church. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m., Mrs. Lucille Baker, Supt, Morn ing worship and sermon at 11 a.m., Dr. R. A. Jackson; Allen Christian Jndeavor League, 6 p.m., Mrs. W. Cooper, Pres.; Evening w and sermon, 7:30, Dr. R. A. Jackson. Holy Communion will be administered morning and evening. Ali members of St. Paul are urgently requested to consider our duty to the work of the church. We just cannot succeed in life by constantly neglecting our duties with shallow excuses. Certainly we may be doing well now. Remember, “Father Time” will change things and there fore change us. We cannot live by Ourselves and for ourselves. We must live and let live. Remember your church needs you! You need your church! Your pastor, Dr. Jackson . FRIENDSHIP M. BAPTIST The service at Friendship Mis sionary Baptist Church promise to be of great interest on this coming Sunday. We had five members to join last Sunday, one for baptism. We will have bap tism on Sunday at 7:30 a.m. On last Sunday* the services were high all day. The 11 a.m. devotion was conducted by Dea con A. Wise and Bro. W. J. Wil liams. The Rev. W. F. Fayson de livered a strong and eloquent ser mon from the subject, “Somebody Touch Me.” The Number 2 choir sang until our hearts were made happy. The 7:00 p.m. devotion was conducted by Deacon A. B. Mc- Coy and Deacon D. P. Phillip. The Rev. Shearfleld delivered the sermon from the subject, “A Per sonal Contact with Jesus.” which was enjoyed 6y all. The No. 1 choir sang from the depths of their hearts. When you wish to hear good singing and be ushered in with a smile, come to Friendship. Pa rents, please send your children to Sunday School and BTU. Why not plan now to worship with Friendship Sunday? You and your friends are welcome. Rev. J. I. Ross, pastor Mrs. Marie Freeman, reporter ST. MATTHEW AND TEMPLE NOTES Services at St. Matthew’s for the first Sunday will be as usual. Preaching at the morning worship by the pastor, Rev. N. F. Clark. He will deliver the messages at the 7:30 service and administer the Lord’s Supper. You are in vited to these services. The officers of the BTU extend an. invitation to members and friends to spend Sunday evenings, from 6 to 7:30, with them. The sessions are lively and the discus sions interesting and informative. Members of Temple will have service at 3 p.m. us be pres ent and on time. Remember the table Saturday evening. The menu is the same as last week. Re member? Fall Schedule At St. Agnes St. Agnes' Church will go on its Fall and Winter schedule of services beginning on Sunday, October 5. Low Mass will be said at 7:30 a.m., Church School will be held at 9:30 a.m., Solemn High Mass, procession and sermon in festal observance of the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels at 10:45 a.m., Holy Baptism will be administered at 12:45 p.m. and Solemn Vespers and sermon at 7:00 p.m. To all these services, you are cordially invited. But do not miss the Solemn High Mass at 10:45 a.m. Father T. R. Gibson Celebrates 7th * Anniversary Sunday, October 5, Father T. R. Gibson celebrated his 7th Anni versary at Christ Episcopal Church, corner of Williams Ave. and Hibiscus St. The morning service, 7:30 a.m. will be conduct ed by Father John J. Jarrett, Vicar of the Church of Incarna tion. Dr. Elmer Ward, the oldest member of Sigma Alpha Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, will be the guest speaker at the even ing service, 7:30 p.m. Immediately after the evening service the parishioners will honor Father Gibson at a reception in the Parish Hall. The public is invited to gome out Mt. Calvary Bajrtist Rev. E M. Thomas, Pastor Mrs. B. M. Kendricks, reporter Sunday Services Sunday School ................ 9:45 aJB. Morning Service ..... 11 bjb. BTU 5:30 pan. Evening Service 7:00 pm. The public is invited. ST. PETERS’ African Orthodox CATHEDRAL 1725 N.W. 3rd Ct. MIAMI, FLORIDA Canon Charles F. Cooper A Rector 9 DIVINE LITURGY Wed. A Frl. 6:30 a.m. Sun. 6:30 A 11 a.m. VEBPERB Sunday 7:00 p.m. Church 8choo! Bun. 10 a.m. Send your children to our Bunday School. You are alwaya Invited to worship with ua. 5% O M Announcing The Opening Os jyf s oinro’C tm ™ im i ; BAUtKO MARKET | | 1335 M.W. 7th Aye. Phoee 2-3578 $ Formerly W. P. Corbitt's Poultry Market >lg I POULTRY FRESHLY KILLED ON PREMISES || You Select Your Favorite Chicken || We’ll Drees It While You Wait Q CUT-UP FRYERS —SELECT THE PARTS || YOU LIKE g Strictly Fresh Local Eggs hi WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALES M We Supply Hotels, Restaurants, etc. # § SATISFACTION GUARANTEED /ijHH §j Q , OPEN DAILY 8:00 A.M. TO 7:00 P.M. p H FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TO » P.M. R A SUNDAY TO 12 NOON JBESr || Hnrmnm nggBKMMXKSXMMMKM Mill IIP* SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1952 Sentence Sermons BY REV. FRANK CLARENCE LOWRY FOR ANP FOLLOW ME! 1. Following, has always been a difficult task for most men to understand, because concerning their own weaknesses they fail to apprehend. 2. With what they have they feel prepared to lead and not to follow; but looking in spirit and inward grace, on the surface they appear pretty hollow. 3. Men, to lead, must follow Jesus whatever their calling be; facing a world of disaster, this is the only way to see. 4. Always, men do not want to follow Jesus. He leads in too straight a course, so that the un faithful become weary and want to become their own boss. 5. This arrogance among men has obtained since the world was young, and this world is still languishing because man con tinues to do wrong. 6. Following Jesus is a daily practice quite different from everything else; it requires more in the heart than in the head, or the weak follower becomes weak er from being ill-fed. 7. We need men who will make their feeble wills subservient to His, despite all other propelling forces, and follow Christ, regard less of the crosses. 8. "Follow me" is a command second to none, emitting from the lips of the only begotten Son; No half-hearted Christian can fulfill this command, and cer tainly not the deceiver who hides his hand. 9. Sincerity must truly char acterize the professing follower even though he be poor and not a scholar. 10. Following, carries with it the idea of humble obedience to Christ; The matchless leader and submission to His will as Father Superior. 11. “Follow me” measures the distance between success or fail ure life or death; but the fol lower must keep his vows until his dying breath. 12. Then when all conflicts are past, and trials o’er our uncon querable Captain will command His faitful follower?, “Arise, fol MIAMI TIMES. MIAMI. FLORIDA low me to that eternal and bliss ful shore." New Bethel Baptist News Liberty City Rev. G. Jones, pastor Mrs. M. Pinder, clerk Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning Service 11:00 aon. BTU 6:00 p.m. Evening Service 7:30 p.m. The public is always invited to worship with us. prej|»ytelian 3rd Floor 40ve and Charity Bldg, oday School. 9:30 a.m. ruing Service. 11 a.m. tiing Service....T:3o pan. James Culmer, pastor 1404 N.W. 63rd St Phone 89-2376—89-9168 I BLUI BLADIS IN HANDY DISHNSID 1 —^ m. •PIVOT A wat4W« “Wasa nervous wreck from agonizing gam ■SltwM’J Speed amasing relief from mhertea of simple piles, with aeetfnng Pax©*! Ads to relieve pain, itching ttutonily— soothes* inflamed tissues—lubricates dry, hard-, ened parts—helps prevent cracking, aoae ness—reduce swelling. You get real com f6rting help. Don’t suiter nteedhaa tosture from simple piles. Get P»*o for tot. won-j derful relief. Ask yodr doctor about tt.f Suppository form—also tubes with par*? (orated pile pipe for mn application. ~ f • Fata Qintmtnl bvppariitiu $ • PAGE FIFTEEN