On Thursday evening, Decem
ber 25th, in a beautiful candle-,
light ceremony, Miss Ora Lee
Nottage, neice of Rev. and Mrs.
Nathaniel F. Clark of Miami and
Mr. J. Otis Haywood, Jr., son of
Mrs. Viola Haywood Morris of
New York City, were united in
marriage. The wedding took place
at St. Matthews Baptist Church
with the Rev. N. F. Clark o ffi
Given in marriage by her uncle,
Thomas Nottage of Baltimore,
Maryland, the bride was attired
in a gown of nylon tuile and Chan
tilly lace over satin which ended
in a train. A lace cloche held the
two tiered .illusion veil. She car
ried an ivory covered biblq. with
purple-throated white orchids.
Miss Lon a Brown was maid of
honor in an ashes of rose nylon
tulle and lace ballerina length
gown with stole. The attendants,
Mrs. Clara Wilcox and Misses
Geraldine Rooks and Bonnie
Newboid wore ballerina length'
gowns of blue nylon tulle and
lace over satin, while Mrs. Bar
bara Rollins and Miss Doreen
Ferguson wove identical gowns of
pink. All wore matching picture
frame hats of tulle and satin and
carried cluster bouquets of p*nif
carnation wit hcontrasting pink
and blue satin ribbons.
Flower girls, Catherine Gordon
and Darlene Humes appeared in
pink lace dresses over tafieta;
Faye Williams, and La Marge
.Humes in matching dresses of
4»tue, while they carried baskets
of ,pink carnations trimmed in
,-pink and blue satin ribbons. The
little train bearers ih white lace
.and taffeta were Wanda Ander
son and Audrey Smith. Bruce
Hepburn was ring bearer.
Atwell Williams of Roxbury,
Mass., served as best man. Ushers
were Jefford Smith, George Hep
burn, Richard Strachan, Daniel
Cox and Benjamin Brice.
The reception was held after
the ceremony at the home of the
bride’s parents.
Out of town guests included Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Nottage of Bal
timore; Mrs. Christine Valentine
of St. Augustine, Fla.; Mr. Atwell
C. Williams of Roxbury, Mass.;
and Mr. and Mrs. v Amos Nottage,
Ft Lauderdale, Fla.
The bride and groom are grad
uates of Hampton Institute. M{s.
Haywood is an instructor in the
language arts department of the
Dorsey High School in Miami and
a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority. The groom holds the
position of accountant at Toug
aloo College in Tougaloo, Miss.
He is a member of the Phi Beta
Sigma Fraternity.
The couple returned to Miami
after a visit to Nassau, Bahamas.
At 11 o’clook last Wednesday
morning amidst the calm and
dignified surroundings of St.
Peters American Cathdlic church
the wedding ceremony of Miss
Lillian Moss, grand daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William Moss of
1909 NW sth avenue, to Mr.
Wilbert Edwards of Detroit, was
performed by the Most Rev. E.
L. Petersen, Primate.
The bride was attired in a love
ly baby blue brocaded satin
street-length dress, with white
accessories. She was given in
marriage by her grandfather. Mr.
William J. Martin (ft Detroit, was
best man. A few relatives and
close friends of the bride witness
ed the ceremony.
Immediately following the
wedding the couple motored to
Detroit, where they will make
their home.
Attends Convention
Gamma Zeta Omega Chapter of
Alpha Kappa Sorority sends Miss
Edna Deveaux as delegate to its
37th Annual Boule in Cleveland.
The American Council on Hu
man Rights had as their theme
“Mobilization for Human Rights”
at the joint convention where six
national collegiate Npgro organ
isations, four sororities and two
fraternities, comprising the first
national convention of the Amer
ican Council on Human Rights
met for the fisst time in the his
tory of Greek do m. Miss Deveaux
reports a very inspiring and en
lightening convention.
> - - * i
* j
BkT v -.Jw ■/ y l>y i * 2
The late Richard E. Westbrooks
famed civil rights attorney, was
buried Saturday, Dec. 20 in Chi
cago. Westbrooks fought cases to
end jimerow on railroad trains,
winning one of the historic cases
in the U.S. Supreme court. He
won the case for former Congress
man Arthur W. Mitchell of Chi
cago in connection with railroad
The Rev. Archibald J. Carey,
Jr., local alderman and a top Re
publican leader, gave the eulogy
at the funeral. Active and honor
ary pallbearers included 45 judges
and numerous attorneys and civic
leaders of all races.
Probably the most noble trib
ute made to Westbrooks was
Noble W. Lee, dean of John Mar
shall Law School, the dead ma*n2g
alma mater. He said Westbrooks
was “winning civil rights cases
before many of today’s civil rights
groups were ever heard of.” He
also said Westbrooks throagh his
contributions helped John Mar
shall Law School to survive the
depression while other law schools
were failing. Westbrooks for many
years served as secretary of the
school’s board of trustees. —ANP.
Mrs. E. Li. Granberry
Miss Alice T. Searles of Albany,
Ga. was honored guest at a well
appointed turkey dinner on
Christmas Day at the home of
Mrs. E. L. Granberry. Others
sharing these honors were Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Cogdell, Mrs.
lona Dukes, Mrs. Elizabeth Espy,
Mr. W. Rich of Washington, D. C.,
and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Lambert.
The honored guest, Mrs. Gog
dell and Mrs. Espy were present
ed gaily wrapped gifts from the
hostess. Toasts and speeches were
given by each. Mr. Cogdell gave
observations of Christmas fellow
ship and an interpretation of
Peece on Earth to Men of Good
will. All present enjoyed along
with a delicious dinner a whole
some fellowship of true Christ
mas spirit.
Queen Esther's Court 305
2nd and 4th Thursday*
Third Floor
Love and Charity Temple
Mrs. Mary 3. Davit, M.A.M.
Mr*. Veronica E. Hannah,
Court Secretary
J 5-10 c & UP STORE
1200 lo 1206 N.W. 3rd Avenue
(Corner 3rd Ave. A 12th St.) «*
Phene 3-9451 f
e ☆ •
Mr. Loraine W. Rogers of De
land, Fla. spent a portion of the
holidays here in Miami visiting
with his sister Mrs. Earlene
Clitte of 416 NW 15th st.
Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Patterson
of Winston Salem, N.C., motored
down and shared the joys of the
yuletide season with their family
and friends. Rev. Patterson is the
.son of Dr. and Mrs. William Pat
terson, Sr., of this city.
Robert Paul Young celebrated
his birthday with a party on De
cember 29 at the home of his
grand parents, Editor and Mrs.
Henry Reeves.
Mr. Robert Wright, Mr. Tom
Jones and Mr. Brashear of Dal
las, Texas, enjoyed a day of
fishing on Long Key last Tues
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Killens
have returned from a winter-time
vacation spent over in Nassau in
the Bahamas.
To St. Augustine, Fla. went Mr.
and Mrs. D. A. Douglas (Atlanta
Life manager) to visit with Mrs.
Douglas’ father, Rev. E. Simmons.
Miss Joan Murrell, youngest
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. H.
Murrell, spent the holidays with
her family and many friends.
Mrs. Garth Reeves along with
Rachel and Garth, Jr., spent a
few days in Albany, Ga. with
Mrs. Reeves’ parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Henderson.
June may be the month for
weddings, but December ran a
close second in MiamL Among
the December brides were Miss
Ora Lee Nottage and Miss Wil
lette Murrell. Miss Nottage be
came Mrs. J. Otis Hpywood, Jr.
Miss Murrell became Mrs. James
David Carlton, Jr. Miss Veroxica
Russell became Mrs. Maurice
Williams and Miss Juanita Jones
became Mrs. Samuei Hainbeary.
On Wednesday, December 31st
Mrs. Dennis Smith was host to
many friends at a surprise birth
day party giveq in honor of his
wife at the home of Mr. anri Mrs.
Julius Smith, 1580 NW 64th st.
Mrs. Flora Stractian entertain
ed friends in celebration of her
birthday. Many friends enjoyed
toe evening with Mrs. Strachan
as hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Jollivette
entertained friends at their an
nual New Years Eve party. This
year. Besides the custom of serx
ing t*ack-eyed peas (along with
ether fare) the Jollivettes served
twelve grapes to each of their
guests (a South American cus
tom) for health and happiness
during the twelve months of the
coining year. *
* - ■
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Reynolds
of Pensacola were visitors during
the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert are
the proud grandparents of a little
daughter, Sandra AUene, with
whom they visited during the
holidays. Sandra Allene is the
daughter of Lt. and Mrs. Kenneth
Washington. You’ll remember
Mrs. Washington as little Jackie
After seeing the new year come
in at Daytona Beach as guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Wright, Mr. and
Mrs. E. K. Lockhart spent a few
days in Tampa visiting Mr. John
W. Lockhart, brother of Lockie.
Miss Viola L. Ivey, Newark,
N.J., visited' with her brothers,
Mr. David and Lemmon Ivey
from December 19 to January 2.
It was her first time to our Mag
ic City of Miami.
She left declaring that there
is only one Miami, and that she
will be back again as soon as
her work will permit it. She
wishes to thank the many friends
who were so gracious to her, es
pecially Mrs. La Raine Sands
Mosely, Mrs. Clarice Littles and
Mrs. Linnie Fannin.
Christmas time was the time
of year that Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Brennan celebrated a
family reunion. From Howard
University in Washington, D. C.
came their son Edward and a
daughter Eleanor. Gloria was
home from Talladega, and to
complete the circle Harold was
home on furlough from the army.
Prof, and Mrs. James Gabriel
and daughter were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Gabriel and son
for the holidays.
Miss Alice T. Searles, princi
pal of Warren School, Albany,
Ga., was a holiday visitor in the
city as the guest of her sister,
Mrs. R. C. Lambert. Her visit was
interrupted due to the illness of
their brother, Mr. A. C. Searles.
Accompanied by Mr. Lambert the
sisters motored to Albany to be
at the badside of their brother
who is in the hospital but much
Mr. and Mrs. Odell Johns, who
now reside in Jacksonville, Fla.
are the proud parents of a baby
boy, Odell, 111, born two days
ago in the gateway city. Johns,
Jr., a graduate of Booker T.
Washington High School, of Mi
ami, and now a student at Fla.
A and M College, returned to
Miami this week to visit Ms fath
er, Odell Johns, Sr., of 5002 NW
27th ave.
Mrs. Vivian Griffin and Mrs
Mamie Haqgrett both of Tampa.
Fla. were holiday house guests of
a ™ Mrs> Alonzo A. Fannin,
7001 NW 13th ave. Mrs. Griffin
and Mrs. Hargrett are teachers in
the Tampa public school system.
They are long time friends of the
Fannin* and reported having a
most enjoyable stay in the Magic
Mrs. A. F. Brown, teacher at
? Ur l b t r Ji! e ™ entary ’ spent a won
derful Christmas season visiting
her mother and relatives in At
la“ta» Ga., Aberdeen, Miss., Mem
phis, Tenn., and Sikeston, Mo.
ohe has now returned to her
work in Miami.
Mrs. Lucille Brown of New
I? rk sister ® f Mrs. Mary
Alice King of 416-B NW 14th
terrace, arrived in the city on
December 30, on a vacation trip.
While in the city Mrs. Brown is
the houseguest of her sister. She
plans to remain in the city until
January 25.
Miss Cynthia Johnson, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles John
son of 1212 NW sth ave., return
ed to the city Sunday night from
Chicago, 111., where she was the
holiday guest of friends. She re
ports a very pleasant stay in the
windy city.
SjSgt. Lydia Everett of the
WAC, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Everett of Goulds, arrived
in the city last Monday fer the
New Year holiday and to visit her
parents. Sgt. Everett, who is sta
tioned at Phoenixville, Pa., will
return to duty on January 13.
Among visitors at Case Society
recently were Misses A1 bertha and
Olivia Love, sisters, of 7130 NW
21st court Mr. and Mr 4. James
Farmer, Jr., of Michigan City,
Indiana and Mrs. Sinnie Brown
•f Battle Creek, Mich. The group
was holiday guests at the Third
Avenue nite spot during the
Christmas weekend.
Miss C. E. Grimmet, R.N.,
2930 Antietam S-t., Detroit, Mieh.
and her sister, Miss Nora Grim
mett were guests of Mr. and MA
Roy Armster for the holidays.
They also flew te Cuba where
they spent three days.
Mrs. Leanora BethM. 1744 NW
sth ave., returned to Miami last
week after spending a very en
joyable vacation in Havana,
Cuba, where she visited her
mother, sister, brother and other
Deacon Frank Dawkins who
has been sick at his residence,
137% NW 15th st., is much im
Mrs. A. M. Coleman has re
turned from Valdosta Ga., and
other cities where she spent the
Christmas holidays.
Nice Going Second Avenue
Restaurant with soda foun
tain. Completely equipped.
Owner is renting due to ill
ness. Reasonable rent.
943 N.W. 2nd Ave.
Phone 3-9368
Cstr anytime after 1 p.m.
Bundle Theatre
SUN. A MON, JAN. 11-12
“HIGH NOON” with
TUES. WED. JAN. 13-14
Double Feature
William Holden
Nancy Olson and
Barry Fitzgerald
with the Bowery Boya
THURS., FRI., JAN. 16-16
Double Feature
with Dena Andrews and
Martha Toren
Also “Burma Convoy”
JAN. 11-12-13
U The Roaring Story of jfl
I the “Black Panther”.' 11
■ I I
Art '■
II 'Jh
1 MBS L sumTuum) Ffn» |