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Key West Southernmost City REGULAR DELUXE CLUB CELEBRATES ANNIVERSARY The Regular DeLuxe Club held its annual banquet Saturday night March 7 at the community center. A short program was rendered by the members of the club. Invocation; selection, “Lift Every Voice and Sing; reading, Mrs. Winred Allen; selection, “Regular Deluxe Club”; high spot of the club, Mrs. Nancy Williams; introduction of officers, Mrs. N. Williams; speaker of the evening, Mrs. Winfred Johnson, a teacher at Douglass high school; presen tation to the outstanding officers of the club by Mrs. Grace Butler. Officers elected for 1953-54 are: Mrs. Winfred Allen, president; Mrs. Nathalie Carey, vice presi dent; Mrs. Marie Sands, secretary; Mrs. Florence Jackson, assistant secretary; Mrs. Jennie Moss, treasurer; Mrs. Leoncia Mclntosh, business manager; Mrs. Grace Butler, assistant business mana ger; Miss Mervit Roberts, reporter. After the program a delicious repast was served and everyone enjoyed this grand affair. 1 • Birthday greetings to those who have a birthday this month: Mrs. Martha Welttrs (my aunt), Mrs. Beaulah Pinder, Miss Pamela Pin der, Miss Anna Jackson, Miss Francine Wright. Mrs. Juliet Spencer. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher entertained their daughter, Elsie with a birthday party recently at their residence, 615 Mickens Lane. A large number of friends was present and enjoyed a wonder ful time. Elise received many useful gifts from her little friends. NOTICE GUOC of America, Inc. post poneded its sth anniversary cele bration until March 22 oecaase ot the death of our Brother, Sam uel Sawyer. Mrs. Blanche Laurie, assistant matron Mrs. Alice Edwards, W. M. VISITORS IN KEY WEST Mrs. Lena Irving of Miami. Mr. Leroy Irving of Atlanta, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1.. irv*..*j i Detroit, Mich, and Mrs. Estella Taylor of Chicago, 111., spent a few days here last week visiting relatives and friends. While here Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Irving and son, Robert, spent a day in Ha vana, Cuba. Mr. Irving Sr., is formerly of Key West but now a resident of Atlanta, Ga. for 36 years. They left here for their home March 6. They reported having spent a very nice stay here and Cuba. While in Key West they were the guests of their sister and aunt, Mrs. Maria Scott of Ft. Village. Mrs. Rowena Pinder of 814 Emma St. is still ill. friends wish her a speedy recovery. CHARLES’ POULTRY AND FISH MARKET ” Live and Dressed Poultry Let us Supply You With Your Favorite Poultry . . . HEN TURKEYS TENDER ROASTING HENS COUNTRY RAISED FRYERS PECAN DUCKS STRICTLY FRESH EGGS We also carry a line of quality groceries, cold cuts and vegetables FREE DELIVERY SERVICE 340 N.W. 16th Terrace Phone 2-1345 By FRANCEB BRIGGS SHUT INS Mr. Victor Tynes, Mrs. Bertha Cash, and Mrs. Blossom Brooks. Friends wish them well again soon. Little Ursula Marie Welters continues to be iIL Her little friends wish her well again. BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Manuel are the proud parents of a uaoy girl born at Galey Memorial hos pital, March 4. The baby has been named Rosalind. The mother is the former Miss Claudette Dean. Mother and baoy are doing nice - ly at this writing. DEATHS Mrs. Evelyn Woods Thomas died after a short illness at the ; Monroe County Hospital March 4, at 10:30 a.ra. Funeral services will be held on Sunday, March 15 from Cornish Chapel AMS Zion Church, Rev. Hooper, the pastor, will officiate. The bou will lie in state on Saturday night at the residence, 308 Vir ginia st. She leaves to mourn a husband, Mr. Leo Thomas, a mother, Mrs. Carrie Woods, four sisters, Mrs. Lorene Stirrup, Mrs. Merunt- White, Mrs. Merlice Andrews, Mrs. Ruth Dunn of San Diego, Cal., two brothers, Mr. Maxweu* Woods and Mr. John Woods, two aunts, one uncle and a host of other relatives and sorrowing friends. Mr. Samuel Sawyer Sr., a pio neer citizen of this community, died of a short illness on Satur day night, March 7 at the Mon roe County Hospital. f uneral services will be con ducted on Sunday, March 15 from the Presbyterian Church. Rev. McClain, the pastor, will officiate. He i survived by a wife, Mrs. weorginu Sawyer, 5 daughters, 6 sons, a large number of grand and great grand children, nieces anu nephews and a host of other relatives and friends. Mrs. Jennie vVilliams of Nor folk, Va., is in the city to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Eve lyn Woods Thomas. Airman Ijc Floyd Culmer is in 12 42 51 34 . Your Lucky Card . Send a on< dollar bill and self* addressed envelope and receive this SPECIAL Lucky Advertising Card. Absolutely no letters answered without stamped self* addressed envelope. BENJAMIN b. P.O. Box 277, Northwest Station 17 69 81 30 the city spending a short vaca tion with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Culmer of 708 Wind sor Lane. Culmer is stationed in Alabama at Creig Air force base. IN MEMORIAM In sad but loving memory of our dear mother and grandmoth er, MRS. MARTHA BAKER SYMONETTE who departed this life March 17, 1950 at Key West, Fla. May she rest in peace and per petual light shine upon her. The Family Harry Symonette, son Bernice Symonette, daughter William Symonette, son Ten grand children and nine great grand children NEWS FROM GOULDS Our new presiding Elder, Rev. J. B. Blacknell, held the business session of our quarterly confer ence Friday night. Our pastor. Rev. F. L. Gillins, opened the meeting by singing “Down at The Cross.” Brother Willie Wat ers prayed. The P. E. lined the hymn, “And Are We Yet Alive.” He presented the Rev. O. E. Turner, who brought a brief heart warming message. After the business session, the Elder pre sented the wife of Brn Turner, and his charming wife, who ask ed the conference to pray that God would make of them such ju„uers as God would have. Sunday was a high day begin ning with Sunday School. At 11 o’clock the Male Choir of New Bethel under the direction of Mrs. Howard, sang for the opening of the services, then choir No. 1 Afro-American Life Insurance Company BALANCE SHEET As of December 31, 1953 ASSETS Bond * 565.789.5 S &XOCKB nln 70 Real Estate 123,906.87 Policy Loans - - * „„„ Ciih •••••••••• ... Mg. Premiums In Process of Collection - 47*78*12 Investment Income, Due and Accrued 47,8 ' 1 R R Aft 02 Other Aaeets - - - *•"- TOTAL ADMITTED ABBETB - $8,669,066 00 LIABILITIES Reserves'for Payment of Claims - $4,985,409.82 Premiums and Interest pail In advance 17,735.8 73 124 04 Reserves for Taxes and Expenses ’ Other Liabilities - 74,855.5 TOTAL LIABILITIES EXCEPT CAPITAL $6,121,125.02 Special Surplus Funds - $..274,508.82 Capital Paid Up - 429.600.00 Unassigned Surplus - 733,832.38 • ' TOTAL LIABILITIES - $6,559,066.00 OVER FIFTY YEARB OF CONTINUOUS BERVICE OFFICERS Or. James H. Lewis - Chairman-President Atty. J. Leonard Lewis Executive Vice Pree. f Treasurer and Attorney Hon. L. D. Ervin Vice-President and Cashier Mrs. Mary Lewis Betech - Vice-President and Assistant Treasurer Ralph B. Stewart, Sr - - Vtce-Preeldeet and Secretary DIRECTORS Mr. F. W. Barnes, Sr. Or. James H. Lewie Mrs. M. M. BethUne Atty. J. Leonard Lewis Mrs. Mary Lewie Beteeh Dr. T. L. Lowrle Rev. K. D. Britt Mr. J. S. McLane Mr. F. W. Ervin, Sr. Mr. Kelsey L. Pharr Hon. L. D. Ervin Mr. A. St. Oeo. Richardson Mr. J. C. Evan* Hon. Ralph B. Stewart, Sr. Mrs. M. E. Harris Dr. E. Waehlngton Rev. J. J. Heath Dr. I. E. William* MIAMI TIMES. MIAMI. SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1963 NEWS FROM THE THE BAHAMAS The Rev. and Mrs. A. C. Roke’ of Muskogee, Oklahoma are spending their vacation in Nas sau. Father Roker is a Bahamian by birth As a priest in the Epis copal church, he did pioneering work in Muskogee and Oklahoma City Churches and in the Pine Bluff and Hot Springs schurches. I p h s retired and is visiting the Bahamas for the fifth time since he left as a youth. The wedding of Miss Helen Evangeline Weeks, daughter of took over the remainder of the singing. The Elder preached out of his soul till the whole church was happy. We could say as did one of old, “Did not our hearts buri within us while he talked with us by the way?” Sunday night was another great service. The Elder preached an other great serrnon. We raised at this quarter $159. God has wonderfully blessed us in sending this young man to pre side over us. We feel that we have nothing to fear with him at the ho-d of our district. With Elder Blacknell as leader, and the strong Christian ministers at his side the banner of African Methodism will never trail in the dust. Eartha L. Howard, reported FLORIDA PAGE FIFTEEN Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Weeks of M assau. -and Mr. George Smith of Guatemala, Central America, took place at the Seventh Day Adventist Church on Thursday evening, March 5. Basil Johnson, 32, died at the B. G. Hospital on March 4. He was stabbed by an unknown man who entered his home early on the morning of March 2 and forced ammonia down his throaL Johnson was customs officer. He is survived by his wife, Gladys, two children, Judith and Ingrid, his father, Mr. George Johnson and other relatives. Mr. Alfred Bethel, 73, died suddenly of a heart attack on March 3. A native of Cherokee Sound, Abaco, he lived in Nas sau for many years. He is sur vived by his wife, a son, a sis ter and two grandchildren. Mr. Azariah Ingraham, 54, died at his home in Union Village after a long illness on March 5. He was a native of Eleuthera. Surviving are his wife, seven children and many other rela tives. Funeral services were con ducted by Deacon Isaac Pinder at the Annex Baptist Church In Wulff Road. Mr. Leon Wright, 36, died at Prospect Hospital on February 28. He was a singer in .some of the night clubs and was well known among entertainment fans. He is survived by his wife, his mother, a brother and other rel atives.