Alfords Entertain
In Ojus Home
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Alford en
tertained their out-of-town guests
at a reception in their beautifully
redecorated home at Ojus, Fla.,
Thursday evening, Feb. 27, from
7 until 9. Their palatial home
looked like a flower garden with
gorgeous flower arrangements
everywhere. Everyone stopped to
admire the beautiful orchids
growing on the porch. Upon en
tering the porch there were large
vases of red gladiolis on either
side of the French doors leading
into the living room where beauty
reigned supreme with roses and
carnations against a background
of pink walls. The dining room
was also elaborately decorated.
The table was really a thing of
beauty with its lace table cloth
laden with delicious hor d’ourves
nuts, candy, and delicious indivi
dual cakes. The center piece was
most unusual with variegated
sweet peas woven around the
punch bowl. The glass chandeliers
gave just the proper lighting for
this lovely party.
The gracious hostess, petite
Mrs. Alford, wore black crepe
with hand painted flowers.
Guests in the receiving line
were blond Mrs. Ruth Hines, in
white satin, and Mrs. Maude
Benbo also blond, dressed in
green, both from Louisville, Mrs.
Elrod, charming in blue and Mrs.
Mildred Moss, lovely in light blue
lace, both from Detroit, and Mrs.
Anthony, in a gown of grey from
St. Albans, N. Y. Assisting at the
party were Mrs. Wm. Slater, very
stately in a gown of gold sequin
bodice and black skirt, Mrs.* Clif
ford Jordan, Louisville, Ky. in
charge of the guest book, charm
ing old rose lace; Mrs. Ben Moore,
Detroit, lovely in a gown of equa
and Mrs. Rodriquez at the punch
bowl, very chic in black.
Other guests included were:
Mrs. Zella Michaux, Mr. Ben
Moore, Detroit; Mr. Golden
Knowles, Dr. and Mrs. E. A.
Ward, Mrs. Chas. Thompson, Mrs.
Henrietta Lindsey, Mrs. Evelyn
Thomas, Pasco Betty, Mrs. E.
Camille Hood, Cincinnati; Mrs.
Clifford Riou, Mrs. Clyde Killens,
Mrs. W. B. Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs.
L. L. Bibb, Mr. Wm. Slater, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Boone, Dr. and
Mrs. W. H. Murrell, Miami. Mrs.
Alberta Spencer, Chicago; Dr.
Anthony, New York; Mrs. Thomas
D. Clayton, Coatesville, Pa.; Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Kent, Steuben
ville, Ohio; Mrs. Hattie Mae Her
bert, Mrs. L. Cannon, Mrs. Ruth
Major, Mrs. Mildred Hunter, New
Jersey; Dr. and Mrs. John E.
Murrell, Cleveland, Ohio; Mr. and
Mrs. M. H. Casey, Marion, Ind.;
Mrs. Ozell Dunn, Mr. Clifford
Jordan and Mr. E. O. Townsend.
$ Fashions
f Spring is on
the way
SPRING!—Every woman wants
to look her beet.
PRICE! —We have the prloee to
fit all budgets.
RIGHTI —This la the time to pur
chase your Easter clothe*
IDEA!—Yes you have the right
Idea. Queenie’s the place to buy
NEW! —Garments arriving every
day for Bpring Wear.
GARMENT!—To fit all slzeau
Open evenings until 8 o'clock
Sat. until 10
6701 N.W. 15th AYE.
H. D. Williams, Prop.
JCTTiM '• ; * \ 4.
larian Cornelia King, 17-year
’d daughter of Mr. and Mrs
rchie Lee King of 1965 NW 3rd
ve., and a popular senior at
•ooker T. Washington high
■hool. One of the most conscien
ous students at her school, Miss
'mg plans to enter Florida A
nd M College next fall, where
he wiir major in elementary ed
cation and minor in library sci
ace. Her greatest ambition is to
ae an efficient elementary school
acher. Possessed with both
>eauty and brains, she enjoys a
arge friendship both at school
ind in the community. She lists
he following among her favor
tes: Movie stars, female, Liz
’aylor; male, Randolph Scott;
riends—girl, Rosetta Robinson,
joy, Johnny Good; hobby, piay
ng basketball, and food —Shrimp
The very best of success in her
hosen field, is our wish for Miss
Dorsey's Top Ten
The ten leading students in
scholarship at Dorsey High school
for the first semester has been
announced by the school. They
1. Lillie L. Davis
2. Gussie Stanley
3. Gloria Blatch
4. Carrie L. Collins
6. Shirley Saunders
6. Lena L. Wilson
7. Leroy Beckwith
8. Martha A. Collins
9. Barbara Hepburn
10. Audrey Johnson
P. O. BOX 3307 Miami, Florida
or call at this office for
| Personal Mention
Marine Pfc. Charlie J. Davis,
son of Henry Davis of route 3,
Box 140, Fort Valley, Ga., and
husband of Mrs. Dorothy L. Davis
of 212 Wasfhington drive, Miami,
has been awarded a Gold Star in
lieu of the second Purple Heart
for wounds received in Korea.
Goldman Perpall, son of Mr.
Edwin and Mrs. Hilda Perpall of
1732 NW 4th court, who recently
completed his training at the
Great Lakes Naval Training Cen
ter, is now at (his home base in
Texas. Perpall is a. 1950 gradu
ate of Booker T. Washington high
school of Miami He sends a big
hello to all of his friends.
Mrs. Myrtle Jones Harrell,
daughter of Mrs. Bertie Jones of
Detroit, and grand daughter of
Mrs. Maude Moss of 1311 NW
sth court, Miami, who was in the
city on a 7-week visit, returned
recently to her present home in j
Montclair, N.J. While in the city, !
Mrs. Harrell entertained with
vocal and piano selections at R.
K. Hotel Lounge in downtown,
where she was a hit with all of
the patrons.
Mrs. Bertie Jones of Detroit,
Mich., paid a brief visits to the
city last week, as guest of her
mother, Mrs. Mauae Moss of
1317 NW sth court. Mrs. Jones
returned to Detroit last Monday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Carlos
Landrau, a daughter. Margaret
Landrau, 1375 NW 65th st. The
Landrau’s are from Puerto Rico.
The baby was born February 26
and weighed 8 pounds.
Thanks to all my friends for
Mrs. Gladys Nathan of 7036 NW
19th ave., announces the engage
ment of her daughter, Grace
Elizabeth, to Benjamin Mobley of
320 NW 11th st. A summer wed
ding is planned.
Eat Where All The Stars Eat
We feature Home Baked Key-Lime Pie
★ Mr. and Mrs. Swing
and M. L. Powell and Mrs. L. Perry
Broadcasts Every Saturday 5:30 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.
over WMBM - 800 on your dial
Letter From Lantaff
Dear Neighbor:
The other day your Conjfeso
man was asked his opinion of
the plans to investigate commun
ism in the schools.
One of the first things the
Communists have done when
they have taken over a country
is to take over the schools and
require the use of textbooks
which glorify Communism and
decry our democratic form of
government. When Hitler came
into power, he realized that he
had to train the youth through the
school system and he promptly
converted the youth of Germany
to the Nazi philosophy.
The international Communist
movement which seeks to sub
vert and destroy a Country iroin
within is just as important to
Russia as its vast armies and air
armadas. Now, it is true that un
der our Constitution, we are
guaranteed the right of freedom
of speech; but certainly our
Founding Fathers did not intend
that this freedom should serve as
a license to advocate the destruc- j
tion of our form of Government. !
Several prominent educators I
have objected to the proposed
Senate investigation of Commun
ist activities in the schools. I think
many of the fears voiced by
these people are prompted by the
17 B2 45 99 55 5B 64 65 —l4
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Hours 10-8. Bus 29 to door or bus 23.
Advises gravely, suggests wisely and explains freely
COR. N.W. 54TH S. & 21ST AVE.
fact that some of the members of
the Congress have adopted the
philosophy that it is better to
slander and ruin the reputation
of a few innocent people if, in
♦vr, o-irl they are successful in
fettering out a Communist. With
tn me of thinking, your Con-
violently disaerees.
While we should be vigilant to
detect uie activities of tne Com
munist Party in our educational
system, the job of turning the
spotlight on the Reds in this field
should be placed in the hands of
trained investigators who have
due respect for the rights of all
people. Whether the Federal,
state and local government should
initiate action to stamp out Com
munist abuse of freedom in the
school, is a matter for these gov
ernments to decide. In my opinion
an effort should be made to ar
rest the cancerous growth of
Communism throughout every
phase of our American Democ
racy but the investigation meth
od used should be one of hunting
Reds not harming Americans.
FiTerelv v^tirs
Jj* Gfoetfou)!