OCR Interpretation

The Miami times. [volume] (Miami, Fla.) 1923-current, August 22, 1953, Image 14

Image and text provided by University of Florida

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Key West so.*.™™,. «y
Celebrating birthdays in the
month of August: Mrs. Elizabeth
Stocker, Miss Betty Jean Saw
yer, Miss Beverly Sawyer, Miss
Edwina Lovett, Miss Sonja Lov
ett and Mr. Lesley G. Pinder.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Sands
have returned to the city after
spending their vacation in New
York visiting their daughter,
Sandra,. who lives in New York
with her grand mother.
Miss Shula Alexander and Mrs
Mildred Harris have returned to
the city after spending their va
cation home. Both are teachers
of Douglass High School.
Mr. and Mrs. John Evans have
gone to Charlotte, N. C. to teach.
He will teach manual arts and
Mrs. Evans will teach in the ele
mentary school.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dean and
son left the city Monday to make
their home in New York. Friends
wish them much success.
Visiting on the weekend from
Miami were Mr. and Mrs. Evans
and family. Mr. and Mrs. McDuf
fy and Mrs. Ruby Smith. While
in the city they were the guests
c f Mrs. Frances E. Palmer.
Mr. Arthur Curry and Mr.
Quintan Goss will represent the i
Elks Coral City Lodge at the Elks
National convention in Atlanta.
Ga. August 39-26. Mr. George
Dean, grand exalted ruler, will
leave the city Sunday, August
23 to attend the convention.
Mias Mercedes Hannibal,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Shed
rack Hannibal, 725 Thomas., re
ceived her BS degree at
A and M University, Tallahassee.
August 12. Miss Hannibal is at
Douglass high school.
Mrs. Irene Hannibal and
daughter, Mrs. Geneva Waiion,
left the city recently to attend
the commencement exercises at
Florida A and M University
where her daughter, Miss Mer
cedes, received her BS degree.
They returned home on last Sun
day night.
Mrs. Cleora Lopez and family
are spending their vacation in
Roosevelt Sands and Amelio
Pla, arrived from Korea to spend
their leave home visiting their
parents and friends.
Mr. Floyd Hannibal is ill at the
Naval Hospital. Friends wish
him a speedy recovery soon.
Mrs. Bernice Gallagher is im
proving nicely at her residence.
613 Mickens Lane. Friends wish
her well again soon.
Mr. Louis Fisher is spending
his vacation in Miami. Friends
wish him a pleasant stay.
Mrs. Sarah Roberts returned to
the city after spending two weeks
in Tampa. Accompanying her
5 & 10c STORES
1200 N.W. 3rd Ave. Phone 3-9481
911 N.W. 2nd Ave. Phone 3-9428
Girls’ Dresses (were $2.19) Now $1.59
Ladies Dresses (were $2.98) Now 2.39
Sizes 1 thru 5 (were $1.59 & $1.98) $1.29 ea,
Plastic Drapes 97c pr. Pots and Pans
Plastic Dresser Scarfs 19c ea. (Aluminum & Enamel)
Pillow Cases 58c ea. 77c U P
Glasses 2 for 15c
Sheets (8x99) $2.37 ea. Water pitchers 48c
Paints, Varnish Stain. Curtain rods, sash rods.
Brushes, Coloring window shades
was her grand daughter. Mi 96
Franks Mae Roberts.
Rev. Milerson, Mrs. Annie Mc-
Kinney, Harry Symonette and C.
J. Lassiter are spending their va
cation jn New York and Maryland.
Quintin Scott died August 18
at the Naval Hospital after a
short illness. Scott is a veteran
of World War II and is well
known in this community and
Miami. He leaves to mourn, a
devoted mother, Mrs. Arlene
Scott, five sisters, two brothers, a
host of other relatives and sor
rowing friends.
The Key West Funeral Home
is in charge of arrangements.
Funeral services will be con
ducted at 3 o’clock from Bethel
AME Church, Rev. W. R. Everett,
the pastor, will officiate.
The body will lie in state at the
residence of his mother. 423 Oliv
ia Ft.
Carver Ranches And
Community News
By Mrs. K. Strachan
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Bradley of
200 First St., Hyde Park, left our
fair city on Tuesday for Dallas,
Texas, to visit with Mr. Bradley's
relatives. They plan to spend
about three weeks in Texas. En- ,
route they will stop at New Or
leans, La. As they are motoring
there will be plenty to see. Here’s
hoping that the trop will be
pleasant and safe.
Mrs. Mary Lewis and son,
Randy of 5004 Orleans St., re
turned home on Saturday from
Albany, Ga., where they spent
two weeks’ vacation.
Little Miss Evelyn Gillins,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norris
Gillins of 5009 Miami Drive, is
spending a month’s vacation in
Moultrie, Ga., with her aunt, Mrs.
Frances Dixon. Your reporter had
the pleasure of meeting little
Evelyn and she has the most
pleasing personality. I’m sure her
parents are proud of her. Here’s
wishing that she has the best of
everything on her vacation.
Circle No. 1 met on Wednesday
night at the home of Mother Al
len. 5057 Orange st.
Carver Ranches lost one of its
best citizens on Thursday, Aug
ust 13, in the person of Mrs. Mag
gie Carswell of 4927 Palm Blvd.
6he was admired and loved by
all who knew her. As a Christian
and neighbor she was always
her best. We will miss her, but
I believe we shall meet again
some day in the Great Beyond.
She is taking her vacation in
heaven; we feel sure of that.
She leaves to mourn a hus
band. seven children .mother and
father, 3 sisters and a host of
relatives and friends. The body
as taken to Athens. Ga. for in
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Francis,
Gospel Choirs Will
Sing For Mass
Mrs. Muriel Williams who has
served for a number of years as
Goodwill chairman of the Busi
ness and Professional Women’s
Circle states that hundreds of
missionary workers of all races
and denominations will attend
the pre-convention missionary
mass meeting on Sunday, Sept. 6
preceeding the convention. The
Mt. Zion choir, under the direc
tion of Mr. Arthur King, will give
the opening selection. The fol
lowing gospel choirs will appear:
The Master Singers, Temple Sing
ers, The Southland Singers, The
Miami Gospel Aires, Mt. Sinai
Choir, Mrs. Carrie Sapp Miller,
Mrs. Jewell Rickard and Mr.
Ulysses Morris will sing. The
theme of the meeting, “The
whole gospel for the whole world”
will be discussed. Mrs. Susie
Holly and other missionary lead
ers will speak. Many White mis
sionary Baptist churches will par
ticipate. Mrs. Leroy Abott of Mi
ami Shores Baptist Church and
president of the Mary Qiarrett
Circle is working with the com
Mrs. Howard Kelly is serving
as chairman of the invitation com
mittee. Miss Marie White, presi
dent of the Business and Profes
sional Women’s Circle has ex
tended an invitation to all minis
ters to be present. This meeting
is a great treat to Miamians and
a record breaking crowd is ex
pected. Mrs. Addie Pierce, faith
ful church worker, who is serv
ing as chairman of the program,
states that ten page souvenir pro
gram will be given away during
the afternoon. /
members of the Dorsey High
School faculty have returned to
Miami after being away a period
of seven weeks in New York
City. Mr. Franois began studies
toward a master’s degree at New
York University, while Mrs.
Francis took a much needed va
i IO
The Original
Hair Straightener
You can get a waterproof job
• and your hair will stay straight
for 20 days or more.
For straightening shorter
strands (up to 4 inches) ask
for Kongolene at any drug
store. Use only as label directs.
Still leading after 40 consecu
tive years.
? • $
If your druggist cannot supply
you, write
I 204 WEST 124th STREET
Advertise! —It Pays
not even on the VERY FIRST DAY!
Doctors’ test* show amazing preventive relief
of pain, backaches, nervous feelings
e Women and girls who
suffer from the function
ally-caused cramps, back
aches and headaches due
to menstruation—who feel
upset and Irritable on cer
tain “particular days”
every month—may be suf
fering quite needlessly!
Such is the conclusion
from tests by doctors in
which Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound
stopped or gave amazing
relief of such distress in 3
out of 4 of the cases ...
even on the very first and
worst day of the period!
Yea) Medical evidence
New# From Perrine
By Lee Jordan
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church had
very reviving services on Sunday.
The attendance at Sunday School
was large and the lesson inter
esting. The Lord was lifted up in
the singing and preaching.
Services at Mt. Moriah Baptist
church were high throughout the
day. The Sunday School had the
usual good attendance. The pas
tor delivered stirring messages
which were well received.
With the faithful superinten
dent in charge, Sunday School at
the Spiritual Baptist church be
gan at 9:30 a.m. The pastor, Elder
C. C. Gray, was in charge and
all the services were heart-warm
Kerr’s Memorial M. E. church
had a well attended Sunday
School at the usual hour. The
preaching services were inspiring
and spiritually satisfying.
Reveving services were held at
Hurst Chapel AME Church all
day. Sunday School had a large
attendance and the lesson was
quite interesting. Our pastor, Rev.
L. R. Brown, brought us a won
derful message. Choir No. 1 sang
from the depths of their hearts.
At 3 o’clock Sister Lillian Bry
ant served tea at the parsonage
which was beautifully decorated.
The League had an interesting
program at 6 p.m. Choir No. 1
led the devotion at 7:30 worship.
Again our pastor delivered a
stirring message from Ezekiel
Sunday, August 23, the Sunday
School of Hurst Chapel will give
a picnic for the children at Vir
ginia Beach, leaving at 10:30 a.m.
Mothers , let your children go.
Tickets, 25 cents for children and
50 cents for adults.
The contest between Hurst
Chapel and Kerr’s Memorial ter
minates at Hurst Chapel on Aug
ust 30. Come out and enjoy all
our services. Rev. L. R. Brown,
pastor; Mrs. Mary Baker, repor
The Daughters and Sons of
Circle No. 26 held their third an
niversary on Sunday, August 16,
with a line program. Circle No. 1
was with us; the matron could
not be present, but sent her as
sistant, Sister Clara Burnes who
em in action. It exerts a re
markably calming effect on
the uterus —without the use
Os pain-deadening drugsf
The effectiveness of Lydia
Pinkham’s needs no proof to
the mlUlons of women and
gxls whom it has benefited,
ut how about you? Do you
* know what it may do for you?
Take Lydia Pinkham’s! See
if you don’t get the same re
lief from cramps and weak
ness . . . feel better both be
fore and during your period!
Get either Lydia Pinkham’s
Compound, or new, improved
Tablets, with added Iron!
Lydia Pinkham’s is won
derful for “hot flashes” and
other functional distress of
the ‘ change of nr*" tool
Lydia Pinkham’s
has a quieting ef
fect on the uter
ine contractions
(see chart) which
may often cause
menstrual paint
certainly did a good job. Along
with other visitors were the
grand worthy matron from Lib
erty City and the grand state or
ganizer. Thanks to all who co
operated with us.
Expert gardener who knows
Florida plants, will also act as
part time janitor at office. Must
have Florida driving license and
good references. Hours 8 a.m. to
4:30 p.m. week days, and half
day on Saturdays. $45 per week.
Call 88-9869 week days or 5-7225
week ends.
LARGE APT and business lots
NW 32nd ave. and 51st st., NW
32nd ave. and 53rd st.
Large residential lots in
Brown Sub. Reasonable terms.
Call Carl Williams, 9-1076.
HOMES First S2OO takes five
homes to be moved!!!! Also four
other homes!!! Real cheap! 11571
N.E. 2nd ave.
Each lot 50 x 100 running through
from NW 154th st. to 155th just
east of 22nd ave.
6376 S.W. Bth St., Miami
Phone 67-2703. Evenings 67-4037
2 BEDROOM HOME—on beau
tiful fenced corner lot. SBOO down
payment. 3347 NW 43rd terrace.
Phone 67-7187.
2 room Apt. 56.00 per week
3 room Apt. 58.50 per week
Includes water, electricity for
Plenty of work in neighborhood
all year round.
Village of Biscayne Park
121st st. and NE 12th ave., west
side of FEC railroad.
127 N.W. sth Street
Aug. 20 to 24th, Incl.
Benefit of
of the Anna Miller Circle of
For That Special Look
Fine Dressmaking at the right
3367 N.W. 48th Terrace
Phone 64-0080
From 6 to 9 p.m.
(Formerly of the Liberty City
Bus 18 takes you near the door
CALL 5-1553
Like-new CBS home
Nice screened porch, large lot In
West Liberty City
Half block to bus Near
Only $1,500 Down
138 N.W. 62nd St.
84-1678 or 89-8525

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