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400 New Homes To Be Added To Bunche Park Some 4-Bedroom Units To Be Built The Ramagli-Cook Realty Co. announced this week that 400 new homes will be built as an addition to Bunche Park in l Opa Locka. Half of the homes will have four bedrooms, the first ever of fered for sale to colored in any of the veteran and civilian hous ing projects. The new homes are primarily being built for veterans but non veterans can also purchase the homes on FHA financing plan. The model homes are ready and open to the public. They are lo cated at 1881 N\V 157th st. Drive north on NW 27th ave. to 155th st. and follow the signs. The new homes will be located just east of the beautiful 1,000- home Bunche Park development and will run from 157th st. north to Golden Glades rd. Construc tion will be done by the Gaines Construction Co., builders of Bunche Park. The homes will have living room, kitchen, front porch, cov ered rear entrance, utility room with hot and cold water, clothes closets, linen closet and pantry. The construction will be CBS, furred walls, glass jalousie win dows, aluminum frames and screens, acoustical perlite plas ter. tile sills, part tile bathroom and shower, colored kitchen cab inets. 40-gallon water heater and gas wall heater. New Turner Kindergarten Opens September 8 The Turner Kindergarten will begin registration September 2-5 in its new building located at 7168 NW 16th ave. The kinder garten will open September 8. The recent enlargement will enable it to better serve you and register more tots. For informa tion call 84-3768. Notice Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The Ushers' Union Association will hold its monthly meeting for August on Sunday. August 25 at 3:00 p.m. at New Hope Baptist Church. NW 15th ave. and 67th st. Contest between Mt. Calvary Baptist Senior, Miami, and New Hope, and Mt. Olivette Junior This Juniors’ Day. All members, junior and senior, arc asked to fee present on time. Mr. David Hudson, president Mrs. Adele Bethel, secretary Attention The St. Agnes’ Dramatic Club presents Ruth. ‘"The Slave Maid of Israel’’ in a 3-act religious drama. The story of this play took place in the inner court of the palace of Naaman the leper rear Mamascus, in the year 849 B.C. You cannot afford to miss this performance which will take place on Monday night, August 31 at 8 o'clock in the St. Agnes’ Youth and Adult Center, 1736 NW 3rd court. Admission SI.OO. Mrs. L. Nash, director Archdeacon John E. Culmer, rector . a fiiiTmTl I'M 1 B FRIDAY & SATURDAY Two BIG Hits "PICKUP ON SOUTH ST." Richard Widmark, Jean Peters “RAWHIDE” # Susan Hayward. Tyrone Power SUNDAY &. MONDAY “THE MAGNETIC MONSTER” Frankenstein Terrorizes Earth “AGAINST ALL FLAGS” Errol Flynn, Maureen O’Hara TUES., WED., THURS. “LAW AND ORDER” “HAPPENS EVERY THURSDAY” Loretta Young YOUTH FELLOWSHIP COUNCIL FORMED FOUR YEAR SCHOLARSHIP AWARDED BY ST. JOHN HIVi \ * ‘ g S f i I ■ Miss Gladys Marie Humes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Humes of 2701 NW 2nd court, was awarded a four year scholar ship to Florida Normal Industrial Memorial College of St. Augus tine, Fla. Miss Humes has been a loyal worker in her church, active in the Baptist Training Union, Supt. of the Young Peoples Church Sunday School, affiliated with the Red Circle, Junior Choir and the Young Women’s Auxiliary. Miss Humes will leave on Sep tember 7, to begin her studies for future nursing. Land O’Nod And Fairyland To Open Sept. 1 The popular Barrett’s Land O’ Nod and Fairyland Kindergartens will open for their fall and win ter terms on Tuesday, Sept. 1. The Land O’ Nod will remain in its former location, at the Fed eration of Negro Clubs home, cor ner 3rd ave. and oth st., but the Fairyland will move from its former location on N. W. 15th ave. to a new location, at the Church of the Incarnation, corner NW 17th ave. and 69th st. Mis 6 Eloise Barrett, principal announc ed this week that parents may contact her at her residence for any information concerning either of the two kindergartens. Miss Barrett’s residence is at 434 NW 21st st., phone 3-6078. Mrs. Vera Moorman, Mrs. Rose Seymour are instructors at the kindergartens. AIR CONDITIONED RITZ THEATRE SUN. MON. TUE. AUG. 23-24-75 ■®^iTssfjSsSl^O onwmisuritMsi g »I L*A^Li K -Jw.*x*TaTo*l*l Join The NAACP Today our youth have meed of instruction by men and women who are firm believers of Chris tian principles and teaching of Christ, men and women who teach more by example and the sharing of courage, enthusiasm and righteous living, than by precept and information. Thus knowing the conditions that exist in our neighborhood, and after studying the discovery of many courses of delinquent boys and girls by the children bu reau of the Dept, of Labor, we have been moved by holy inspi ration to organize as many youth as possible in strong youth fel lowship councils, which will aid in the building of character and provide Christian guidance to ward the acceptance of the high er standards of life, and knowl edge of good and bad communi ty and economic influence that will become strong factors in the building of their character. On Saturday, August 15 our first group was organized with 23 youth of all ages taking part. The youth selected their group officers whose names will appear in the next issue of the Times. We are in need for men and women to supervise these groups if you can help us or have any suggestions to make call 78-5177. All youth are invited to attend our next meeting Monday, 8 p.m. at 1200 NW 65th st. John Goff, reporter Rev. E. White, supervisor For Rent A new CBS cottage, three bed rooms, furnished, four large va cant lots, chicken yard and coop. Also some chickens, papaya trees. One block and a half from At lantic ave. on 12th ave., last house to right. Home after 5 p.m., Del ray Beach, Fla. aug29 People Are Asking And Want To Know ! WHAT’S BEHIND THE SWING TO Wage Earners’ Life Ins. Co. HERE ARE SOME OF THE ANSWERS: 1. Because the Wage Earners* Life Insurance Company is Miaasi*s only Negro Insurance Company with a paid-in Capital Stock of SIOO,OO0 —organized, owned and controlled by Miamians. 2. Because Miamians are waking up to the down-to-earth common sense truth of taking out insurance with the only Negro Insurance Company which does not send its profits away from home. The Wage Earners’ Life Insurance Company believes in the profits at home’* and “sharing the wealth” with Miamians. 3. Because the Wage Earners* Life Insurance Company is now ready to “share the wealth,’* not only with the citizens of Dade County, but also with the citizens of Broward and Palm Beach counties by making mortgage loans to all who can qualify for money with which to build new homes, repair old ones, and consolidate high interest mortgage debts with a new loan from Wage Earners* at reasonable interest rates. 4. Because Wage Earners Life Insurance Company is now offering NEW Insurance Diversified Policies giving protection up to SI,OOO with such attractive plans as General Accident Insurance, Special Monthly Income Endowment, 20 year Endowment and 20 year Payment Life. Yes, these are some of the reasons behind the swing to Wage Earners’ Life Insurance Company—Your Home Company—whose Home Office is located at: * 712 N.W. Third Avenue, Miami Telephone 3-6405 MIAMI TIMES, MIAMI, SATwkDAY, AUGUST 22, 1963 Golden Agers Outing On August 6, the Golden Agers Club members led by its presi dent, Mr. John F. Bethel], went to Ft. Lauderdale, amd was en tertained at the beautiful estate of Dr. Harry Sweeting. Sixty or more members and friends board ed the buses at the James E. Scott Community building and had an enjoyable ride going and com ing back. Members enjoyed see ing the art treasures of Dr. Sweet ing, some fished, and a program, with members and friends par ticipating was had. A delightful meal was served to the group by Mr. Freeman, a caterer at Fort Lauderdale. Everyone was loud in their praises for Dr. Sweeting and others who made the trip possible. Mrs. Willie Prince Entertained Mrs. Willie J. Prince, widely known Opa Locka resident, was hostess at a very unique birth day party given in her honor at her home, 2490 NW 155th st., on Tuesday evening August 18. A small but very interesting number of relatives and friends responded to the call of this most unusual affair and enjoyed of its many festivities. Among those present were: Mr. Willie J. Prince, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Payne and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hernando Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Witherspoon, Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Balter, Mesdames Mildred P! Clark, Carl Prince, Erma John son, Avolean Thomas, L. Wil liams, Richard S. Davis, Jr., E. Roundtree and family, Misses Earnease Peters, Frances V. Wood, Messrs J. R. Taylor, Ray Joseph. Charles Smith, Charles Bruton, Curtis Francis, Charles , F. Lawyer, Melvin Williams, Otis Ross, Horace Peters, H. Cole brook. Ervin Williams and a host of other relatives and friends. SIOO Reward Is offered by the Lenny’s Cash and Credit Store, 903 NW 2nd ave., for information leading to the arrest of the bandit who beat the owner and took a pistol from the store on August 11. FLORIDA Attention The Gospel Aires, Mrs. Scott, director and Mrs. Olivia Prime, narrator, will appear in an after service program at St. James Baptist Church on 14th st., Rev. J. L. Johnson, pastor, Sunday evening at 8:45. The public is in vited. Advisory Committee Meets With Mr. Frank Kelly After a meeting of the Advis ory Committee with Mr. Frank Kelly of the slum clearance di vision) it was decided to put 35 trucks and 3 cranes to begin picking up trash Tuesday, August 25 with the hope of finishing on Wednesday the 26th. The Friend ship Garden and Civic Club and ihe Dade County Civic and Im provement Association, Mrs. Su san Harris, president, which have kindly agreed to help with the great task, is asking that every one begin putting out all rubbish August 25 so it will not have time to scatter before it can be re moved. Please, everyone, ask your neighbors to do the same. The trucks will begin picking up on NW sth st., working across from Ist ave. to 6th place going north. V.VMWWiWiWWWW ARE YOU SICK? HAVE YOU A HIDDEN DISEASE? Come be examined have teat* made Find out what alls you Why worry, come be ex amined and treated at low cost. Including physical and Fluero seope X-ray, URINARY AND LABORATORY D I A G N O S I 8 FREE Consultation. NEW REMEDIES Penicillin, Hormones, Chemo theraphy and New Remedies For Chronic Ailments. If you suffer from blood, skin or urinary disease, piles, rectal, stomach trouble, prostrate gland trouble, backache, rheumatism, nervousness, lest vitality, ulcer, hormone deficiency or rapture. Hours: Mon., Wed., Frl., 10 to 7 Tues., Thurs., Bat., 10 to 4 SOUTHEASTERN CUNIC 121 S.E. Fir* SI., Miami Langford Bldg., 7th Floor Room 706 White 710 Colored PAGE THREE