GETS 10 YEARS Frank Morgan, 35, was sen tenced by Judge Ben C. Willard in Criminal Court to 10 years in Plison for the robbery of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Krous in their filling station, Silver Palm rd. and Krome ave., near Homestead. Mrs. Eliza Hepburn Dies Mrs. Eliza Hepburn, wife of Baldwin Hepburn, well known Miami singer, died at her home, 2026 NW 4th court on Sent *>4 following a period of illness. Mrs. Hepburn is also survived uv children, a mother, a mother-in law, and several other relatives. Funeral services, under the di rection of the M. S. Allen Funeral Home, will be held today (Fri day) at 2 pm. at Temple Baptist Church, with the Rev. L. A. Thompson, pastor, officiating. BURGLAR SHOT IN ROBBERY TRY A burgler was shot while he was trying to break into a South . west section tavern Tuesday and was in critical condition at Jack son Memorial Hospital. Police Officers C. J. Goschwind and P. G. O’Connell identified the injured man as Daniel James Hall, 28, of 3817 Charles ave., Coconut Grove, and said Hall was shot trying to break into the Hasta Manana, 2695 SW 37th ave. Owner Oscar Morris, who lives on the premises, told the police he heard a noise at the front dior at about 2 a.m. and, investigating, saw Hall trying to force the door. Morris had a 12-gauge automatic shotgun. The police were called and said they found Hall lying under a clump of weeds 50 feet away, holding a pistol in his right hand. They told him to drop the gun, but he rolled over and raised his right arm. One of the officers fired. The bullet went through his right wrist. Condition of Hall was listed as satisfactory later this week by hospital officials. 4 HURT IN 2-CAR COLLISON Four persons were hurt Satur day in a two-car collision at NW Second ave. and 26th st. A car driven by William Barks dale, of 4710 NW 24th court, col lided with an automobile driven by Clarence Cornelius Jr. of 328 NW 54th st. The impact hurled Cornelius’ vehicle through the entrance of the Seminole Awning Co., 2550 NW 2nd ave. Hurt were Barks dale, who was admitted to Jack son Memorial Hospital in serious condition with a possible broken back; John Wise, 37, a passenger in the Barksdale car, with cuts and bruises; Cornelius’ wife, Inell, with a left leg injury, and his sister, Miss Maxie Cornelius head cuts. Barksdale was charged with reckless driving by failing to yield the right of way at a stop sign. MODERN WELL DRILLERS HOME WATER SYSTEMS FARM IRRIGATION SYSTEMS Commercial and Swimming Pools We are never undersold on qual ity work and materials FHA terms, nothing down with small monthly payments One of Florida’s most reliable licensed and Insured contractors 24-Hour a day service with all work guaranteed by the . . . MODERN HOMECRAFT COMPANY 101-3 N.E. 25th St., Miami Phone 9-3525 (The same number and the same good service as always PHONE NOW—Call 9-3525 Mar'on B. Carnes, a freshman from Columbus, Ga., and St. Marl Fla., was the first stu dent to complete registration at the Florida A and M Univ«r*tty last week. The school was elevat ed to university status on Sept. 1. Miss Carnes is shown handing her cards to Edv*i.rd Geiger of Jacksonville, a registration of ficial—Staff photo by H. Jones of FAMU. Constable To Go On Trial George Wright of Homestead will go on trial in Court of Crimes Oct. 14 on charges that he illeg ally confiscated money taken from six Negroes in a gambling game. Constable Wright was sus pended by the late Gov. Dan Mc- Carty pending outcome of the court case. The Karumu Quartet Radio, Concert and Recording Artists WILL APPEAR IN CONCERT Monday, October sth 8 P.M. CARVER HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM COCONUT GROVE Admission $1.25 Reserved Seats $2.00 MIAMI TIMES, MIAMI, FLORIDA SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1953 Grove Resident Dies Mrs. Viola Wright, 30, of 3348 Thomas st., died at her home on Monday, Sept. 28 after a long ilness. Mrs. Wright had lived in the Grove for a number of years and was well known in that area. Funeral services, under the di rection of the M. S. Allen Fun eral Home, will be held today (Saturday) at 3 p.m. at Sweet field Baptist Church, with the Rev. Curry, pastor, officiating. It Pays to Advertise PAGE THIRTEEN attention home BUYEBS ★ THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS We will work with you on down pay ment and monthly payments come early as we have only two fine homes available. DOWN PAYMENT SI,OOO FOR APPOINTMENT CALL For Appointment Telephone S. HUTCHESON, JR. At 2-3297 or 64-0394 NO MONIHCT CRAMPS.- • mot ovon on iho VERY FIRST DAYI •mm and Mriaidi suffer trxm the fnnotfno aJbr-«MMcd cramps, bacfc» mriu n> and headaches due to menstruation—xea upset and irritable on cer tain “particular days** every month—mar be nth sering quite needteaslyt Such Is the conclusion from testa by doctors In uhiefc Lydia E. Plnkhamls Vegetable Compound mopped or gave amazing aehef of such distress In 1 out of 4 of the cases . ~ even am the wry firtit and mar* aay of the period BARGAINS 4400 N.W. 33rd At*. 3 bedroom, furnished, bee#» tiful lot. Only SSOO down Albert Sub. 2431 N.W. 152nd St. 2 bedroom CBS ★ WE ALSO HAVE VETERANS FORECLOSURES IN O P A LOCKA FOR A8 LOW AS *4«S DOWN IN PERRINE FOR AS LOW AS $250 DOWN. FOR INFORMATION Call Raymond L. Dockum PHONE 814-2396 THE KEYES CO. PHONE 82-3592 234 Biscayne Blvd. Ths effeCtlwuuw of Lydia Ptakhiun’* needs no proof ♦*> the millions of woman sod girl* wliom It bM beneOtsd. But how about you? Do I/on know wbot it may do for yous Take Lydia PJnkhnm'a! Baa ts you don’t got the cam* re lief from cramps and weak ness . . . feel better both be fore and during your porlodl Oet either Lydia Plnkham'a Compound, or new. improved Tablets, with added Iron I Lydia Plnkham’s Is won derful for “hot flashes" and Lydia Plnkham’o hat a qvletinff ef fect on the utem- Mr contraction* (see chart) whit* may often cuu*|