OCR Interpretation

The Miami times. [volume] (Miami, Fla.) 1923-current, October 17, 1953, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Florida

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Southern, Florida A. &M. Rated Tops In Nation
Baseball is gone at last and
King Football now reigns all
alone on the sports scene. On the
college gridiron next week, some
beautiful early season records are
due to take a tumble as the com
petition begins to get rough.
In this week’s contests, several
crucial games are scheduled with
the top battles pitting once tied
Tennessee State against unbeaten
and untied West Virginia State.
In the Pigskin Huddle’s rating
Tennessee State and West Vir
ginia State rate only a shade be
low top rated Southern and Fla.
A&M. The Tennessee State Tig
ers are tough every year. This
year they appear to be almost a
super team. Their lone tie was
with Lincoln (Mo.) which has an
undefeated string going from last
year. The Yellow Jackets are
good, too, but they do not face the
competition the Tigers meet. It
will be Tennessee State bringing
the Yellow Jackets down from the
Florida A&M’s Rattlers will
face their severe test of the sea
son when they, meet Morris
Brown’s Purple Wolverines. It
will be homecoming for Famcee
and a good one, too. Morris Brown
is good, but cannot win the big
Southern will have an easy
romp over Arkansas AM&N.
Lincoln, Mo., rated with Ten
nessee State, will have a tough
job Saturday with a vastly im
proved Langston Lions eleven.
They play in Kansas City. Mo.,
and Lincoln should win.
Others rated among the
Huddle’s “baker’s dozen” teams
besides the above teams are
Grambling, North Carolina col
lege, Maryland State, A&T, South
Carolina State and Morgan. Pre
dictions for their games this
week are:
Grambling to have no trouble
whatsoever with Bishop, North
Carolina college to have a real
struggle before downing Virgin
ia State in a game that could go
the other way; A&T to have lots
of fun at the expense of Shaw;
South Carolina State to umble
over Clark, and Morgan to have
smooth sailing over Howard.
Teams claiming higher ratings
include the Prairie View Panth
ers, the Xavier Gold Rush, Texas
Southern and possibly Mississip
sippi Industrial and Bethune-
Prairie View faces Wiley Mon
day, Oct. 19 in the annual State
Fair Classic in Dallas, Tex. The
Panthers should have an easy
night. Xavier will play an inhos
pitable host to Tougaloo; TSU
will take care of Jackson and Be
thune-Cookman should roll over
In CIAA tilts it sheuld be
Hampton over Winston-Salem;
Lincoln, Pa. to have happy home
coming over Virginia Union;
Johnson C. Smith over Delaware
State and St. Augustine’s keep
ing St. Paul’s losing streak intact.
Alcorn, which will dedicate its
new stadium, will upset Texas
college; Paul Quinn will wreck
Jarvis; Tuskegee will please
homecoming fans by taking
Knoxville, Fort Valley will up
set Alabama A&M and Albany
State will stop Paine.
In other tilts it will be Florida
N&I over Claflin; Kentucky State
outplaying Layne; Central State
swamping Bluefield; Elizabeth
City stalling Livingstone, and
Philander Smith stopping Ark
ansas M&I. Then, Fayetteville
should take care of Norfolk State;
Fisk should wallop Dillard, and
Savannah State should whip Mor
ris. .
Robert Anthony To
Appear Here
Hiram Walker is bringing it»
famous advertising personality.
Robert Anthony to Miami next
week to launch the 1953 edition
of its Merchandiiing Fair. He is
the distinguished colored butler
who appears in magazines ard
newspapers advertising Walker s
DeLuxe bourbon. In real life a
waiter in Chicago’s Palmer House
this colorful old gentleman is said
to be advertising’s most looked
at model. It is estimated that he
has been seen more than ten bil
lion times. He will aonear in fu 1
regalia at the Fair which opens
next Sunday at the Dinner Key
The Huddle’s Prediction Rec
ord: 43 right, 10 wrong and four
ties for a .789 average with ties
and an .811 average excluding
ties. This is too good to last.
Grambling at at Bishop
Texas College at Alcorn
(new stadium to be dedicated)
Jackson at Texas Southern
Paul Quinn at Jarvis
Morris Brown at Fla. A&M
t (homecoming)
Knoxville at Tuskegee
A&T at Shaw
Albany State at Paine
Alabama State at Morehouse
Central State at Bluefield
St. Paul’s at St. Augustine's
Livingstone at Eliz. City
Arkansas M&I at Philander Smith
South Carolina State at Clark
Langston at Lincoln (Mo.) in
Kansas City, Mo.
Arkansas AM&N at Southern
Hampton at Winston-Salem
Virginia State at N. C. College
Virginia Union at Lincoln (Pa.)
Morgan at Howard
Ft. Valley at Alabama A&M
Florida N&I at Claflin
Kentucky State at Lane
Dela. State at Johnson C. Smith
Tenn. State at West Va. State
Tougalpo at Xavier
Benedict at Bethune-Cookman in
Fayetteville at Norfolk State
Savannah State at Morris
century old Florida Normal and
Industrial Memorial College here
will observe its Fortieth Annual
Homecoming celebration Satur
day, October 31.
The program will usher in with
a business session of the alumni
at 11 a.m. in the Coleman Web
ster Dining Hall. The features of
the occasion will include a foot
ball game with the Lions having
as their opponents the well train
ed Voorhees College Tigers of
Denmark, S. C. Music by the
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FAMU Homecoming This Week-end
ing of attractive Mona Humphries
here Friday evening at 6:30 as
university queen before an ex
pected audience of some 1,700
persons in Lee Auditorium, will
initiate the annual homecoming
observance at Florida, A and M
Other activities of the two-day
celebration which is expected to
attract several thousand former
students and graduates back to
the “hill”, includes the alumni
meeting scheduled for nine p.m.
Friday the traditional pep ral
ly Rattlers Strike at 11 o’clock
in Bragg stadium, home of the
national championship Rattlers.
The Saturday morning alumni
open house observance between
9 and 11 the traditional home
coming parade at 10 o’clock
the A and M-Morris Brown foot
ball game at 2:30 and the stu
dent and alumni dances at 8 p.m.
Homecoming this year will be
the first such observance since the
66-year old institution attained
university status. And the attain
ment of university status has re
sulted in the establishment of two
colleges law and arts and sci
ences and six schools, agricul
ture and home economics, edu
cation. engineering and mechanic
arts, nursing education and grad
uate studies.
There have also been many
changes in the A and M physical
plant. For example, the $400,000
law college wing is almost ready
Matthew W. Gilbert High School
band of Jacksonville; stunts by the
Lions pep squad; a parade through
the main streets of the city in
which many beautifully deco
rated floats of campus and local
organizations will be seen; and
the presentation of Miss Florida
Normal at half time.
The Victory social will get un
der way at 8 p.m. in the college
gymnatorium. On Friday night
prior to the game an old fashion
barn fire will take place on the
for occupancy, and construction is
rapidly progressing on the agri
culture-home economics, econom
ics wing, the ROTC wdng, the
guest house, and the $1,000,000
science-pharmacy building.
Miss Humphries, a senior
chemistry major from Apalachi
cola, will be crowned amid all the
pomp and splendor the university
can accord on such an occasion.
Her attendants are Julia Clark,
junior, Orlando and Albertha
Nelson, sophomore, Miami.
The complete coronation pro
gram follows: prelude “Impro
visations,” (Grand March from
Aida-Verdi) senior class, Rob
ert Gady, Daisy Alexander; junior
class, Samuel Marshall, Margaret
Bracy; sophomore class, Brodes
Hartley, Mae I. Vesta; freshman
class, Eugene Cromartie, Con
stance Twiggs; Alpha Phi Omega.
Joseph Jones, Montine Meeks:
Scabbard and Blade, Carl Os-
Borne, Vergnousteen Crowe; Phi
Beta Sigma, Robert L. Allen,
Bettye Davis; Omega Psi Phi, Le
roy Bell, Joyce Eubanks; Kappa
Alpha Psi, Alvin White, Norma
Solomon and Alpha Phi Alpha,
Joseph Watts and Doris Ander-
$500.00 Cash
Pay balance like rent
Modern 2 bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen
bath, large utility room. Tiled bath, roof and window
sills. 60 x 140 lot. Includes almost new refrigerator,
stove and blinds. Move in today. See it at:
67-2703 or 67-4936 in the evening*
Office at 6376 S.W. Bth St., Miami, Fla.
Miss Humphries will be crown -
ed by C. Wendell Austin, presi
dent of the Student Government
Association. Following the coro
nation she will make a statement
and be presented with the home
coming football by co-captains
John Arnold and Sam Marshall.
A selection lndian Love Call
—by Laura Bryant and Jesse
Florence will proceed the singing
of the alma mater, will mark the
end of the coronation program.

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