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PAGE EIGHT Happenings in Our Schools B.T.W. CAMPUS HIGHLIGHTS By RAYMOND ARANHA On Friday, Oct. 9 BTW’s Or ange and Black played their owi Mosquitoes in a scrimmage a Dorsey Park. Alter a schedulec game St. Petersburg was cancell ed because of a storm, the team scrimmaged to keep in practice The one touchdown was made L the last quarter by Orange anc Black’s Louis Taylor. The nex game will be played at Dorse. Park featuring the Don Thomp son Yellow Jackets of Tampa. • On Monday, Oct. 12, the pres: club met and discussed the pur pose of their uniforms. They als came to a decision that the Wash ingtonian is to be published ii the month of November, Febru ary and May. T.he editor is Car men Dean. Ads will be solicitet in the community. If you wouU like to place an ad in the Wash ingtonian, it will be $5.00 for a* three issues. Call 76-360. On Friday morning at 8:00 visit ing principals from all parts o Florida witnessed a worship ser vice given by Stewart Greei Joyce Jenkins, Robert Brown Alex Freeman and Lawrenct Moss, all students at BTW. Late* in the day classes were 'visited b> the principals. The Hosts and Hostesses, FTA and the Boy and Girl Counselor: met on Oct. 12 to discuss then duties at the principals’ confer ence. All uniformed organizations met on October 13 at the 4th hou. in the auditorium to discuss the: program. All speakers met at the first hour. Circling the area of Washing ton Heights in the new bus wen Norman Carey, president of the Boy Counselors; Earnestine Giv ens,, president of the Girl Coun selors; Georgia Mae Clifton, Miss BTW and Stewart Greer, presi dent of the Student Council. They reported a very enjoyable ride. On Oct. 14 students, faculty PTA and alumni, celebrated “School Bus Day.” Each home room and student in the school gave a donation toward the new ly purchased school bus The Tornado. The homeroom donating the highest amount of money were given a four hour tour oi Miami in the bus. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 17, 1953 KICHMOND HEIGHTS iiie ITa ne*d us meet u.g iw jt Monday Oct. 5. oeverai important items were uiscussed in the meeting. Prizes were giver*, to the classes that had the largest num ber of patrons and friends pres ent at the meeting. The fifth ana second grade classes won the prizes. The teachers of thest .lasses are Mrs. Kathryn Chish j:m and Mrs. Bernice Thompson. The PTA of Richmond Heights s having a silver tea in the unchroom Sunday, Oct. 18. It ./ill he from 4 to 6 p.m. Please .ome and bring all of youi riends. We were fortunate enough tc lave one of the men from the .ire Dept, of South Miami, tc us a demonstration on how mey put out fires. Walter A. White, principal Miss Geneva Campbell, Rep. -IBERTY CITY PRIMARY ' The school safety patrol wat 4 .fticially installed Wednesday jc t. 7at 9:00 a.m. by Mr. Batter t the American Automobile As oeiation along with Officer Le oy Hendrix of the Miami poiict .caderny safety division. Our ow* ehool officer, Albert Braynon, in rod need Officer Hendrix. Durin t ‘ Jfficer Hendrix’s talk to the stu lent body, he paid a fine compli- J nent to Officer Braynon; stating ] hat he had many complimentary [ .omments of the splendid job ht 1 s rendering for our school child- ren. J « The fire drill on Wednesday, J Jet. 7, was a surprise drill con iucted by representatives of tht Jiami Fire Department. This *rill was held in observation ol ire Prevention Week, Oct. 4-7 vll classrooms were evacuated t uickly and quietly in a matte* ,1 minutes. The school was con gratulated on its improvements by ne visiting firemen. Our principal, Mrs. Estella M Williams and the faculty wish tc nank the parents who so beau ifully responded to the call foi lostesses to serve in the lunch *oom during the lunch period, ihe purpose of this organization .s to assist teachers in supervis .ng pupils while dining in the .afeteria; general behavior, clean liness of cafeteria, crowing of -•lasses and checking on cafeteria decorum. Mrs. T. H. Simmons is *n charge of the cafeteria hos tess. The following parents have served: Mrs. Ada Cohen, Mrs. Al ma Lynch ,Mrs. Lillie Mae Ty .er, Mrs. Ruth Williams, Mrs. Geraldine Lowery, Mrs. Gertrude BETHUNE ELEMENTARY The taculty and pupils of Be thune Elemental y were very hap* py to have as its guest, Rev. David E. Longatretch, of F r e e cown, Sierra Leode, British West Africa. He visited each classroom and by means of the public ad dress system, was able to 9peak *o everyone. He emphasized the iact that our boys and girls should never forget how fortu .iate they are in having wonder ful educational opportunities with modern methods, equipment and a wide variety of instructional materials. After speaking of the uestitute conditions under which ooys and girls of Africa are liv mg with not even sufficient paper md pencils to do their work, the faculty and pupils made a very ienerous contribution of these materials for him to carry back with him. Os the many activities which vere carried out in the obser- vance of Fire Prevention Week, Jctober 4-10, the quiz down and poster contest created the most enthusiasm. Each classroom en .ered a poster whose theme was zre prevention. In Group I with jnly first grades competing, Mrs. Martha M. McKenzie’s class was vinner. In Group II with second *.nd third grades competing, Miss Zveiyn Raye’s second grade class vas winner. In Group 111, with fourth, fifth and sixth grade com peting, Mrs. Mazie Edge’s fourth grade class was winners. Honor able mention was given to the poster submitted by Mrs. Rosa Forston’s sixth grade class. Judges in the contest were Mr. L. L. Bibbs, Mr. Samuel Grant, Mrs. Frances Gause, Mrs. Sadie Johnson, and Mrs. T. R. Crow der. The Hostess Club was organiz ed last Wednesday and the fol .owing officers were elected: Bar bara Williams, president; Mazie Williams, secretary. The purpose of this club is to serve as hos tesses for all school occasions and to direct visitors on tours ol school grounds and building. Bethune wishes to welcome Mrs. Marigold Mclver and Miss Peg •;ie Williams to its teacher per sonnel staff. Reminder: The next PTA meet ing will be held Tuesday, Oct. 20, at 8 o’clock p.m. in the school’s cafetorium. Mrs. T. E. Crowder, principal BUNCHE PARK SCHOOL We were fortunate on last Wednesday in having Mr. Doolin, supervisor of music for Dade County, visit with us. Although nis stay wasn’t as long as we would like for it to have been, we tions, dramatizations and making health charts, postors and book lets. Mrs. Clara Wilcox, a graduate o t St. Augustine’s college, Is the most recent addition to our fac ulty. She comes to us from the adult education program at Dor sey where she served as secre tary. Mrs. Wilcox is a first grade BROWNING KING & CO. 155 W. FLAGLER ST. MIAMI A SENSATIONAL MEN'S WEAR EVENT FOR THE MEN OF THE SOUTH FLORIDA AREA beginning today at 9 a.m. at our Warehouse STORE ONLY! 155 West Flagler St. Miami Store Open Daily 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. ALTERATIONS MADE WHILE YOU WAIT, IF NECESSARY <* CUBAN LEISURE JACKETS SMART LITEWAITE SUITS ALL COLORS ALL SIZES. SEE THESE HANDSOME * NATIONALLY KNOWN QUALITY SUITS JACKETS SPECIALLY PRICED FOR THIS GREAT EVENT. SMARTLY TAILORED IN ALL COLORS & SIZES OUR REGULAR PRICE S2O NOW Jg Jg ° ur Price $32.50 NOW 2§ - - - ■ - - —■ - - - -- - - - . - , , | FINE QUALITY SLACKS NEW CHECK SLACKS- BELT TO MATCH SLIGHTLY IRREGULAR—ALL SIZES THIS SEASON NEW COLORS IN CHECKS A REAL OPPORTUNITY TO STOCK UP ON SLACKS ALL SIZES IN BLUE, GREY, BROWN OUR REGULAR PRICE $lO NOW <£2 9Q ° Ur R ** olar Pric * $,2 - so NOW - - - ' - - - " ' ■ ■■"■■■ ~ ' ■ - ■ - -■ - - - linWHaiMMLnit S U I T S SPECIAL MIAMI TIMES, MIAMI, FLORIDA teacher. Mrs. Alma F. Brooks, Prir.. I. J. Fryson. reporter Gcing To Church? Editor The Miami Times Dear Sir: Will you kindly publish the fol lowing: Going To Church? Then visit St. Agnes at 10:45 o’clock Sunday mornings. If you are seeking God. Hear the priest administer the mass such mass as was admin istered when our Lord lived here Hear the glorious sound of our Mooler Pipe organ sending up tc God our praise, fingered by ou’ efficient organist. Mrs. Luella Nash. Hear our soloists. Mr. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17. 1953 Harold E. Brown and Mrs. Le nora Braynon Smith with thei melodious voices, lifting up thah hearts to God. Saint Agnes choi in harmony, blending their voice together, sending up their prai-n to the ever-living God. Tt St Agnes you can see God, hear hin and touch Him more easily. Gee is drawn closer to you at Saint Agnes. Going to church? Then wor ship at St. Agnes 10:45 o*clx'< Sunday mornings A Parisioner Join I h* A< 1 PAGE NINE A L