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MIAMI TIMES, MIAMI, FLORIDA PAGE 12 f o Seelfyoit INKHURCH lj£sn Sunday J ' MT. TABOR BAPTIST Rejoice O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou that for all these things God wid 0:1 ng thee into judgement. Eccl. 11:9. At BTU youth will have charge so bring a young person with you and enjoy a fine program. Misses Ophelia Bouton, Shirley Ann Powell, chairman, and co chairman. Throughout Sunday past was a renewal of spiritual strength beginning with Sunday School. Misses Reynolds and Crockett re ceived two silver dollars each from the Sunday School for graduation gifts. Sis. Byrd gave greetings from the pastor who is now fellowshipping at the World Baptist Alliance. A young man, Leary Lovett, is taking charge o-f Sis. E. Cantrell’s class and Ralph Thompson hcis charge of class No. 7. Visitors, in Sunday School were Mrs. Dora Coleman, Bainbridge, Ga., and Mrs. Mary Jackson, Clio, Ala. Rev. P. S. Brawn’s 11 a.m. de liverance from Matt. 16, subject, “The Ways of the Cross”, was an effective message. Mrs. Rosell Frazier of Avon Park, placed his membership, also Mrs. Mary Jackson. At evening service we were benefited from prayer service and sermon, subject, “Be Not Over-anxious.” Choir No. 2 featured voices of Bro. Pinder and Sands. Junior ushers served courteously. Visitors were Mrs. Julia Cross, Mrs. Crosby, Charleston, S. C., Bro. Williams, Nassau, G. Green and others. * * ♦ NEWS OF INTEREST: Miss Doro thy Hall, teacher class No. 7 is on her vacation. She is a nurse at Jackson Memorial Hospital At 3 o’clock Mt. Tabor entertain ed the City Wide Home Mission with the Junior Chorus furnish ing music. Juanita Love gave the welcome; Maryanna James a reading and the lesson was taught by Bro. IHilton. Mt. Taibor re ceived the corsage for attendance which was pinned on our presi dent, Sister M. Shine. SEED THOUGHT: A little more flowers on the path way of life, and fewer °n your graves at the end of strife. Rev. P. S. Brown, Act. Paster Helen A. Franklin, reporter MT. SINAI METHODIST Hallandale Services were good all day at our church. Sunday School was conducted by the superintendent Bro. Mihael. A large attendance was present. Our pastor deliver ed two powerful sermons which were very uplifting to everyone. We are still moving on to a suc cessful conference year. Sunday night July 24, 8 p.m. the Stars of Harmony Singing group will render a program at our church closing out their an niversary. Several other groups will accompany them. Everybody come and let us have a good time together. Rev. W. E. Clarke, pastor CHURCH OF CHRIST 1263 N.W 67th St F. L. Thompson, pastor SfctfHtay School 9:30 am Church Service IHBO a.m Bible Blass ••••••••••••••••••••a* flaOO pm Night Service ... 7:00 p.m. SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1955 ST. JAMES A. M. E. Plans for the Seventh Annual Woman’s Day are underway. Again this year two groups, Gar ienias and Roses, will be spear headed by Mrs. Catherine Peter son of Roses and Mrs. Magede laine Johnson of Gardenias. Units comprising the entire church membership have been divided between the two chairmen. . Last Sunday morning, the pas tor 'preached from the theme “The Perfect Measuring Rod.” Brother Albert Jones delivered the even ing message. Infants Glenn C. Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ilosea Stewart, and Janet Mad dox, daughter of Mrs. L. Maddox of Opa Locka, were baptized. Mrs. Mary Madding of Payne Memo rial AME, New Orleans, La., was accepted for full membership by the pastor, officers and congre gation. Rev. George N. Collins, form er pastor of St. James, a candi date for the bishopric in 1956, will speak July 24 during the morning service. Everyone is in vited to visit the “friendly church.” North Miami District conven ion will open July 27 in Dania. The pastor will preach the open ing sermon. All members of St. mes are urged to join the mot orcade for this service. Choirs Jo. 1 and 2 and Usher Boards No. 1 and 2 will accompany the pastor for this service. All young people who have been selected delegates for this jccasion will contact the pastor oefore convention time. ST. LUKE BAPTIST Last Sunday we found ourselves praising and giving thanks to God for his mercy. Sunday School was capably conducted by the superintendent, Bro. Cleveland Bell. At the 11:00 a.m. service Rev. Rolle of Selma, Ala. delivered the nessage, taking his text from Cor. 14:31, using as a subject, Doing the will of God.” BTU .net at 5:30 p.m. under the direc .ion of Mrs. Claudia Cheeks. At the 7:00 p.m. service we blessed to sit and hear Rev. Lockett of St. John Missionary baptist Church of West Palm Beach. His text was taken from St. John 1:6, “Sleeping in a Time Like This.” In a very forceful and dynamic way, he reminded js that some of us was sleeping on the jab in a critical time like this. He cautioned us to be up and about our Master’s business, each person was able to question himself and say “Lord is it I ” The men are making initial plans for their Men’s Day pro gram on Sunday, August 28. The public is invited to come in and worship at St. Luke, 1809 NW dth ave. Rev. P. W. Williams, pastor Mrs. E. P. Davis, reporter THE CHURCH OF THE IN CARNATION Schedule of weekly service SUNDAYS Church School 9AO a.m ’horal Mass, Sermon and Communion 11:00 a.m YPS League • »*M«*H«tM**M* 5:00 p.m Solemn Vespers and Sermon 7:45 p.m. WEDNESDAYS Celebration of Holy Communion 6:30 a.m Holy Baptism every 3rd Sunda.' Consultati n with priest Mon day, 9 a.m. - 3 p m Fr. Lambert L Sands, priest Ir charge. ~’> > [ . . ■ - m f -> i ■ 'jj K■ . I ■■■Mt ■ M Mrs. Albertha Butler, reporter, and the members of the Liberty Choir Union, request the pres ence of the. public at another great program. Come out to New to Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, NW 67th st. and 14th ave. There you will see these choirs unite themselves together. If you like singing you will enjoy every rogram rendered by the Liberty Choir Union. We will be looking for you Sunday, July 24 at 3:00 p.m. at New Mt. Moriah Baptist Church. Rev. A. L. Shipp, pastor Deacon G. W. Smith, Pres. Mrs. Alibertha Butler, Rep. FIRST UNITARIAN “Free Enterprise, Free Speech, Free Emotion” will be the ser mon topic of the Rev. Hugo P. Learning, assistantAminister of the First Unitarian Church, Dixie Highway at SW 29th road on Sun day, July 24, 11 am. At 8:15 that evening the Jef ferson Club will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Platt, 2421 NW 15th st. On Wednesday, July 27, 8:15 p.m., the Miami Community Forum, sponsored by and held at the church will hear a discussion on “The Motives for the Narcot ics Trade.” Panel members will be W. L. Johnson, state narcotics inspector in Dade County, dis cussing the profit motive, and William H. Kimbro, agent in the criminal investigation division of the U. S. Army in Japan and Korea, talking on the political motive. MT. SINAI BAPTIST Services were good throughout Sunday. The Men’s Day program was well enacted. Sunday School opened as usual on time by the tiollowing superintendents: Bros. Charles JBrooks and Mack Moore of St. Mary’s Baptist Church serving as guest superintendent. The school was almost filled to its capacity with children, youths and adults—“ Men’s Day of Course.” The morning service was in spiring and full of reverence. The , male chorus was superb in the | rendition of songs. The Rev. J. I A. F. Finlayson, pastor of Mace donia Baptist Church, president of the General Baptist State Con vention, was minister of the morning. His text was taken from Genesis 1:26, “Let us make man in our image,” etc. Much encour agement was given the men con cerning their great responsibility, throughout his discourse. And the singing! Well, I have described it above, using one word. Dr. G. W. Hawkins, president of the local chapter of the NAACP was the evening speaker. He ad vised in his address the import ance of friendship to all, seeing people as human beings, instead of races of men. His message was full of eloquence and logic. More than SI,OOO was realized. Thus ended the efforts of Men’s Day at Mt. Sinai. Thanks to all who helped make it a success. The pastor, Rev. Thomas, and his wife will leave on July 20 for a short but much needed va cation, we feel especially glad for the pastor. Come and worship with us any time. You are welcome. Rev. S. A. Thomas, pastor D. 8., reporter BAHAT ASSEMBLY Chester Davison, Jr., will dis cuss “Spiritual Solution to Economic Problem” 7 p.m. Sun day at the Baha’i Center, 137 NW Uth ave. The public is cordially invited to attend. A.ME. District Confab Opens Here At St. Paul ST. PAUL A. M. E. Barbara Gray, Barbara Howell, Jacqueline Jones, Carletha Brooks and Dorothy Hall were elected by the Sunday School as delegates to the S. S. convention to be held on July 27-31 at Dania. With choir No. 1 rendering very sweet music the pastor preached in both services. Morning subject, “Alone With God,” Exodus 24- 2. Evening sermon was taken from St. John 11:41-42. The three types that follow a crowd. Usher Board No. 2 served for the day. Four members were added to the church Mr. and Mrs. Hence, Mrs. Virginia Mae Johnson and Miss Martha Williams for baptism. Mrs. Annie Lee Shennett was elected for our 1955 Woman’s Day chairman, Mrs. Lucile Tim mons was elected vice chairman. The laymen invite you to their anniversary on July 25 at 3 p.m. at the church. Also to the laymen’s quarterly meeting on July 31. Usher Board No. 1 is sponsor ing an Old Fashioned Fish Fry on July 25 at the home of Mrs. Tarpley, 745-A NW 67th st. Rev. R. J. Blaine, pastor SALTERS CHAPEL A.M.E. Sunday School was opened at the usual time by the superinten dent, Sister Agnes Davis, with a good attendance. Morning wor ship began at 11 am. In place of the sermon we had a wonderful prayer service. The Holy Spirit was felt throughout. Rev. Blake stated that our president, Eisen hower had asked for prayer which is so much needed in this day. Three young children join ed the church. They will be bap tized Sunday morning. Our pastor’s wife, Sister Eva Blake, has returned from the Missionary Convention in Wash ington, D. C., with a fine report on the affairs of the church. She stated that she had a successful trip and a wonderful time. The Calendar Rally was a suc cess. Delegates to the Sunday Schdbl Convention this week at Coconut Grove are Miss Clara Alexander, Miss Ruth L. Blake and Miss Doris Mills. The United Choir Union was held at Antioch Bap tist Church in Brown Sub, Rev. Richardson, pastor. A good time was enjoyed by all, and $277.06 were raised. Evening service started at 6:30 p.m. Be with us again on Sunday. Bring your friends. Rev. J. S. Blake, pastor Flossie Marshall, reporter TRINITY C. M. E. Sunday School opens at 9:30 am. every Sunday. Rev. A. Ward delivered the 11 am. sermon, choosing for his subject, “The Wonderful Works of God.” Rev. McCray, visiting minister and pastor of Hadley Station CME Church, Thomasville, Ga., delivered the evening sermon. Our pastor, Rev. N. Martin and delegates left Monday for Sara sota, where they will attend the District Conference and Training School of the East Florida Con ference. They will return to Mi ami on Saturday. Remember you are always wel come at Trinity, 2014 NW sth ct. Rev. N. Martin, pastor Julia Hammock, reporter TEMPLE BAPTIST SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday School 9:30 a.m Morning worship 11:00 a.m Pulpit Aid Club 5:00 p.m Training Union ............... 5:30 p.m Evening Worship 7:15 p.m Plan to attend services at Temple on Sunday. • see The usual services will be held at Temple on Sunday. Delegates to the Sunday School and Train ing Union Congress last week, will make their report. All roads will lead lo die St. \gnes Recreation Hall on Mon day evening, July 25, when, bv >opular request, the St. Agner dramatic Players, directed b> Mrs. B. Monroe, will repeat the three-act comedy, “And Lose Hi' Soul.” Many who saw the first lerformance are raving to set his one. The cast is all ready >e that “boy," Tim who coul< tot “kill a fly", get hot as a j match! Temple is the sponsor. BISHOP CAREY GIBBS SPEAKS SUNDAY Sunday School, ACE League, Missionary Workers and youth of the Miami District in annual ses sion. at St. Paul, Coconut Grove, have geared their workshops, general assemblies and programs on the theme “Training for New Horizons”. Saturday morning July 23, Miss Barbara Perpall will moderate the discussion of this theme. Other participants will include Misses Margretta Sanders, Barbara Johnson and Suvetta Tinsley. Ideal Picture Goroporation will give a film dem onstration immediatly following this panel and Mrs. Ermatine Holton along with Louis Jackson and Gary Brown will direct rec reational activities during the afternoon at Grand Ave. Park. Under the direction of Mrs. Lillian Wiggins, Youth Night, featuring a seven-minute religi ous playlet, orations, solos and musical selections from delegates representing some 13 churches will be held Saturday night. Presiding Elder W. B. Coffey, host pastor Rev. T. C. Kelly and other ministers of the district have set a record delegation of young people who have partici pated fully in such discussions as “improving the Sunday School,” “planning Christian Endeavor programs” and “youth and mis sions.” Rev. A. C. Mozelle and Bro. D. A. Douglas directed the workshop on the “ministers role in coordinating youth activities”. Mesdames Myrtle M. Davis, Con stance Douglas and Lillian Scott served as workshop directors. Mrs. Marian H. Shannon is Mi ami District Director of Religious Education. Rev. J. Wesley Jones, presid ing elder of the West Jackson ville District, delivered the op ening sermon on Wednesday for the Tri-Convention. Visiting ministers, presiding elders and district personnel administered Holy Communion during this ser vice. nighlight of the convention will be the appearance of Rt. Rev. Carey A. Gibbs, presiding bishop of the 11th Episcopal Dis trict, who will deliver the morn ing message on Sunday, July 24 at 11 a.m. Rev. J. B. Blacknell and the Greater Bethel member ship will be in charge at 3:30 p.m. and Rev. M. J. Fayson at Sunday evening service. MT. CALVARY BAPTIST Sunday School met at 9:30 a.m. under the direction of our sup erior dent, Bro. Grady Mann. Devotion was led by the deacons, and choir number two sang. Our pastor brought us a wonderful message out of his soul from He brews 11:1, “Now faith is the sub stance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” At 3 p.m. the Christian Society gave an interesting program. Our pastor, Rev. E M. Thomas, de livered the sermon. The BTU met at 5:30 p.m. with the vice president Bro. H. Mann in charge. Another high devotion was led by the deacons, choir No. one singing. The Rev. M. D. Rolls from Alabama, brought us a gos pel message from I Cor. 14:34, “Let your women keep silence in the churches; for it is not per mitted unto them to speak.” Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Thomas will celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary on July 22 at 8 pm. You are cordially invited. A fine program will be rendered, spon sored by the senior and junior deaconesses. Refreshments serv ed free. Rev. E. M. Thomas, pastor B. M. Kendrick, reporter ST. FRANCIS XAVIER N.W. 4th Ave. A 16th Terr. Phone 9-1424 MABBEB Dally ... 8:00 a.m. Sunday 7 a.m. A 8:30 a.m. Holy Daye 7 a.m. A 8:30 a.m Sacred Heart Novena W-dneeday 730 p.m. Public Always Invited KELLY’S CHAPEL Sunday School 930 aJb Morning worehip 11:00 a.m. Youth Fellowship 1:00 n A Night worehip 7AO pjn