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The Miami times. [volume] (Miami, Fla.) 1923-current, July 23, 1955, Image 14

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Sunday School And BTU
Hold Successful Meet
The 24th annual session of the
Sunday School and B. T. U.
Congress of Atlantic Coast Bap
tist Association met
through the 17th at New Bethel
Baptist Church, Liberty City,
Rev. G. G. Jones, pastor. It was
one of the finest meetings in the
history of the congress.
The welcome program on Tues
day evening was a delightful
affair. Three sessions were held
daily, with Deacon Chas. E. Gio
son, district superintendent, and
Mrs. K. Trotti, district president,
in charge. Almost two hours was
spent each morning in studying
from the textbook, “The Bible
and Prayer.”
The discussions and essay con
tests were quite interesting.
A discussion was led by Mrs.
Augusta Newbold, Rev. I. C.
Miekins and E. J. Clark.
The educational address given
by Mr. Wm. Washington on
Thursday evenirfg was inspiring.
The highlight of the meetinig was
the musical and oratorical con
test Friday evening. All of the
contestants did well, but when
Alice Moss of New Bethel was
winner of first prize, Miss Mary
Johnson of Olivette, second, and
Mr. Ronald Hepburn of Temple,
3rd, in the solo group; in the de
clamation group the . winners
were, Miss Malvese King of
Olivette, Ist, Miss Betty Robin
son of New Mt. Zion, 2nd and
Miss Lillian Hepburn of Temple
was given honorable in the solo
group by judges. The contest
solo was “Ave Maria” by F.
Schubert, and declamation, “The
Charge of the Light Brigade” by
The devotional messages by
the Rev. N. Sears of Westminist
er, Hyde Park, were inspiring and
enlightening. Touching sermons
were preached by Rev. E. J.
Clark, Rev. I. C. Miekins, and
H. W. Moss v n.
the assembly Sunday night. Evan
gelist P. Rolle preached for the
women Sunday afternoon, while
the president, Mrs. I. G. Bingham,
The choirs from New Bethel,
Central Baptist, Carver Ranches,
Temple, Mi. Olivette, New Mt.
Zion (Homestead) and the West
Palm Beach Harmonizers all
helped to inspire the delegates
and visitors. Rev. Joseph Smith,
Rev. j. A. King, Rev. T. G. Tay
lor and Rev. C. C. Gray alter
The entertainment committee
of New Bethel, headed by Mrs.
E. Bethel in co-operation with the
pastor, officers and members, left
no stone unturned in making the
delegation happy and comfort
All officers succeeded them
selves, with the addition of
Shedrick Clark as parliamentar
ian and Mrs. Sherman as group
leader. The 1956 session will be
at Westminister Baptist Church,
Hyde Park, Rev. N. Sears, pas
The Ushers Union Association
will hold its monthly meeting for
July on Sunday, July 24 at 3 p.m.
at New Bethel Baptist Church,
Opa Locka, Rev. W. K. Smith,
Contest between New Bethel
and Usher Union seniors and Mt.
Zion juniors. All members are
asked to please be present on
David Hudson, president
Adele Bethel, secretary
Mrs. Cora Allen who formerly
was an operator at Pauline’s
Beauty Salon, 1348 NW 3rd ave.
is now located at Mabel’s Beauty
Shop, 1136 NW 3rd ave., three
doors from the Modern theatre.
6900 N.W. 18th At*.
Woman’s Day at New Mt. Mo
riah Baptist Church came out a
big success on last Sunday as the
women of the church banded to
gether and put over a great pro
gram while raising $906.81.
After Sunday School directed by
Mrs. L. G. Shipp, devotions at 11
a.m. were conducted by Mrs. Vi
ola Summersett and Mrs. Charlie
M. Reid. Choir No. 2 and usher
ooard No. 1 were in charge. Re
sponsive reading of he ''
Psalm was lined by Mrs. Lucile
Goodwin. Scripture was selected
, a uy ivirs. rwuen,a
Brown. Mrs. Lottie Butler prayed
for the Foreign Mission offer
ings. Miss Meianee Taylor gave
a wonderful welcome address.
Mrs. Bertha Morris of St. Mary
Baptist Church sang a solo. Mrs.
Henry H. Green introduced the
guest speaker, Mrs. Athalie
Range who spoke from the sub
ject “God’s Trust in Woman
Mrs. Jimmy Carson, presented
he speaker with an orchid in be
half of the women.
Mrs. Lucile Shipp, mother of
Rev. A. L. Shipp, opened the
doors of the church to receive
candidates for baptism. Miss Al
ma McLeod of Shilo Baptist ob
serving for the Woman’s Day,
gave a splendid observation.
Vlrs. Marie Jenerette and Mrs.
Erma O’Neal made a wonderful
report in the public offering. Our
visitors were acknowledged and
welcomed by Mrs. Mary Judson.
Splendid and encouraging re
marks were delivered by Miss
Doris Lee Hayes, chairman.
Mrs. A. K. Brown, chairman of
the dining room and co-workers
Tr, s Elnora Bell. Mrs. Lillie
Jones and Deacon Willie Soloman
served a delicious dinner.
The 3 p.m. program was called
to order by Mrs. Amos Redding
and Mrs. S. Harper.
Little Patricia Simnkin gave a
wonderful welcome address. An
excellent panel discussion, “A
Fair Play Sunday School,” was a
part of the service. It showed ar
n movement of our Junior
Church. Brenda Williams and
Gloria Mclntosh made a wonder
ful report in the offering and
Odessa Carson welcomed the vis
The 7 p.m. devotion was con
ducted by Mrs. A. K. Brown and
Mrs. Freddie M. Black. Choir No,
1 and usher board No. 2 were
in charge. Mrs. Carrie Thomas
£ave the responsive reading and
Mrs. Flossie Marshall read th
scripture. Mrs. Thelma Howard
prayed for the Foreign Mission
appeal. Mrs. Jeraldine Gee did a
wonderful job reporting the newr
to the church all day. Miss Doris
L. Hayes made a wonderful wel
come address. Gertrude Pickett
sang a solo. Mrs. Samuel L.
Glenn introduced the guest
speaker, Mrs. L. A. Moran who
was presented with an orchid.
Her theme was “The Power and
i .results of Prayer.”"*
Mrs. Nellie Sheffield opened
the doors of the church. Mrs.
Thelma Jamerson and Mrs. Erma
O’Neal made another wonderful
public offering. Finance report up
to this writing is $906.81. Grand
total will be announced at a later
The chairman of the Woman’s
Day program wishes to express
: her sincere appreciation to friends
i and visitors and committees of
the church. Special thanks to
Mesdaraes Oscar L. Range and
associates; Lucile Goodwin, Ro
berta Brown, Lottie Butler, Henry
H. Green, L. A. Moran and as
sociates, C. Thomas, Thelma
Howard and Flossie Marshall.
Doris L. Hayes, reporter
Rev. A. L. Shipp, pastor
* * 4 * a* , ' A I
m >•', . j®- .vln
Kjtev " Jfpv
KF.;. m
Mrs. Josepnine ITogans, born
in Key West, Fla., Oct. 31, 1874,
departed this life July 5, 1955,
about 10:30 a.m., Jackson Memo
rial Hospital after a very short
period of illness.
She leaves to mourn her. loss,
four children, 14 grand children.
21 great grands and three great
great grand children.
Having lived a very conscious,
Christian life and having set a
modern pattern for others to fol
low, we shall miss her greatly.
Sleep on mother dear and take
your rest, we loved you dearly
but God loved yop best.
A card of thanks goes out to
all for the pumerous cards and
telegrams, also the very lovely
floral pieces.
The Family
Thank You
sHT ft

I wish to sincerely thank all
kind friends, neighbors and reL
atives, who were so considerate
and thoughtful of me dtirin * mv
ecent sickness and confinement
in Jackson Memorial Hospital.
Especially do 1 wish to ex
press my appreciation to those
of you who sent cards, flowers,
etters, telegrams, made inquiries,
made contributions and offered
To Fr. John E. Culmer, Arch
deacon of St. Episcopal
Church; Rev. H. E. S. Reeves of
the Church of the Incarnation and
Mr. Chas. Johnson of Bethany
Seventh Day Adventist Church.
Many, many shanks for your bed
side prayers and for consolation
and relief. And to the doctors,
nursing staff and aides of Chris
tian Hospital, my appreciation for
all your services. May God bless
all of you.
Although not completely off the
sick list, but recuperating niceiy,
I am now at home.
Mrs. Henrietta * Sweeting
211 N.W. 15th st.
Phone 3-0308
Furnished Rooms
For Rent
241 N.W. 17th St.
1749 N.W. 3rd Ave.
Clean Comfortable
Reasonable Rent
Phone 3-9271
or PL 7-1089
We, the family of the late,
who passed on June 30, 1955,
wish to thank one and all of our
neighbors and friends for their
kindness and service that they
rendered us during our hour of
sorrow. Flowers, telegrams and
jards, too numerous to mention,
so to all we say thanks.
Special thanks to Richardson
Funeral Home and our pastor,
Rev. R. J. Blaine of St. Paul
AME Church, for their kind ser
vice rendered. So, to all, we say
B. F. Roux, father
Plinnie Roux, mother
Thanks and
Miss Annie J. Hudson and
family wish to thank her many
friends and neighbors, her pas
tor, the Rev. Mr. J. N. Byrd and
members of Mt. Tabor Baptist
Church, her principal, Mrs. Alese
Gill and teachers of Liberty City
Elementary School, the editor of
the Miami Times, doctors and
nurses at Jackson Memorial Hos
pital and Dade County Teachers’
Association, Inc., for all kind
nesses shown during her recent
Special thanks to all who sent
flowers and donations and those
who rendered other acts of ser
vice, including their prayers.
May God in His infinite wisdom
continue to keep and bless each
of you, and let us in our small
ways ever remain grateful to you.
A Message of Thanks
To the friends of the family of
the late Anthony F. Twine:
Dear Friends:
How ever much I would like
Lo thank you individually for your
kindness -and generosity to us, it
would be almost impossible, so
numerous were your efforts to
ighten our sorrow. Everyone of
you were so kind and thoughtful
and in so many ways, that just
saying thank you seems inade
quate. The doctor, the staff at
.he Christian Hospital, the minis
ters and church members, the
sororities, the clubs, the neigh
bors, the press, the Afro Family
were all helping to bear our grief
throughout the illness and passing
of our dear one.
We felt that nothing was left
undone lo lessen his suffering,
and wish you to know that it
made us happy to know that you
understood and cared.
Gratefully yours,
Mrs. Anthony F. Twine and
In sad but loving memory of
our dear husband and father,
who departed this life July 21,
1953. Gone but not forgotten.
May he rest in peace.
The Family
In loving memory of our father
who departed this life on July 22,
The Reeves Family
In sad but loving memory of
our dear one,
who departed this life July 21,
v»one, but not forgotten.
The Jones Family
William Littles takes this
method of thanking all those who
sent letters, telegrams, etc during
the illness and death of his father
Richard Collins Littles of Tampa!
20$ N.W. 10th 8L
Ezekiel Woodward of 1202 NW
70th st., died in a local hospital
on the evening of July 19 fol
lowing an extended period of ill
ness. Mr. Woodward can remem
bered as a pioneer Miamian hav
ing come here to live over 46
years ago. Survivors are his wife,
Mrs. Mamie Woodward, five sons *
and daughters; Etroy Woodward
and Mrs. Elizabeth Smith of this
city; Ernest, and Mrs. Paralee
Hicks of Detroit, and Mrs. Eleree
Candy of Chicago. One sister, Mrs.
Mamie Hall of Deerfield and one
brother, Thomas, of Cocoa.
Funeral services will be con
ducted on Thursday, July 28 at
2:00 p.m. at Mt. Tabor Baptist
The infant son of Mrs. Lillie
Ruth Townsend of 1720 NW 70th
st., was still bom at Jackson Me
morial Hospital on Thursday,
July 15. Graveside services were
conducted on Monday, July 18.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Alexander of 2305 NW 74th
st., was stillborn at Jackson Me
morial Hospital on July 20, ser
vices will be conducted on Sat
urday, July 23.
Deaths at Francis
Lottie Toney, died July 11. Re
mains were shipped to Leesburg
July 16.
Jessie Albury died July 8, ser
vice was held July 18 at St.
Mary’s Church.
Susan Dames died July 13. Ser
vices will be held July 21 at the
Church of God.
1 Obediah Johnson died July 14.
Services will be held July 23 at
St. James Church.
Eva Mae Footman died July
16. Remains will be shipped to
Tallahassee July 22.
Edith Forbes died July 16. Ser
vice will be held July 23 at Af
rican Orthodox Church. •
Harry Everett died July 18.
Services will be held July 23 at
Mt. Olivette Church in South
Baby McNair, died July 9,
13. burial July 18.
Baby Girl Deleveaux died July
13, burial July 18.
Baby Boy Tucker, died July 14,
burial July 18:
Liberty City
Say* Thanks
The staff and pupils enrolled
in the Liberty Citv Elementary
Recreational Center wish to
thank wholeheartedly the follow
ing firms and persons for helping
to make their program a full and
profitable one. They are:
Ideal Picture, for such splendid
films, free of charge, as “A Day
at Florida’s Silver Springs,”
“Glamour Birds of Florida,” “Fun
for a Pennv” and others.
Jefferson Stores of 7th ave., for
the loan of a television set on the
dav of the All-Star Baseball
Game; Range Funeral Home and
Frank Johnson, for taking pic
tures of the group on the day
of the Silly Hat contest; Tommie
Thompson of the Florida Power
and Light Co., for the loan of
such films as “Orange Bowl Fes
tivities and Game of 1954” and
“City of Miami,” and the gift of
over 100 pencils and comic books
for the children of the center.
There were distributed the day
of the Talent Show.
Mrs. Alese Gill, principal, for
making available any materials
and equipment which we needed
to make the program a profitable
one. %
Again we say thank you,
Thomas Pogue
Ethel Counts
David Bythewood
Juanita Hurd
Helen Bush
Rose Stewart #
Brow® Sab. ami Liberty City
sectio*. Small 4owa payment.
Phana 9-991$ between 8 a.m.
and t p.m. ar HI S-7541 tndf
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