PAGE 4 TRMI’ORA MUTANTUR BT NOR NVTAMVR IN BLLIS Office «t 1111 N.W. Third Atmu, Miami, Florida—Telephone PK l-lltl Plant at «T4O N.W. 18th Arena*—Telephone 84-6128 Entered ae Necond t'laae Matter, Aapnet 9. 1827. at the Post OffUi it Miami, Florida aader the net of March S, 1874 H. B. HIOIHMUNH RKBVBB, Editor OAKTH C. KEEVEH, Aaa«iclate Editor and Beninese Monaster Member of the National Newspaper Publishers Association Member of the Associated Negro Press , SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ONE YEAR $4.00 - SIX MONTHS <2.80 . THREE MONTHS