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The Miami times. [volume] (Miami, Fla.) 1923-current, October 20, 1956, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83004231/1956-10-20/ed-1/seq-1/

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Bus Boy cotters Win
dividual defendants in the four
month-old Tallahassee bus boy
cott won the first round Thurs
day .when Henry Smith, one of
the defendants charged with il
legal operation of a transporta
tion system testified the four
people in his car when arrested,
were members of his family.
Sgt. R. J. Strickland, city de
tective, under questioning by de
fense attorney Francisco Rod
riguez. testified that he did not
inquire into family relationship?
until after he got to the police
station following Smith’s arrest.
He said that when he did in
quire that Smith told him “two of
the passengers were his daughters
one his wife, and one his cousin.”
Strickland later testified that
he and other officers had observed
Smith picking up passengers on
three separate occasions one week
earlier at Intercivic Council
Headquarters, but that he was un
able to say whether the ipassen
gers with Smith on the day of his
tnest were the same passengers
Smith picked up on the earlier
The trial is being conducted be
fore City Judge John Rudd with
-2 Killers
Go I ree in
30 Minutes
The ease with which Miami Ne
groes can get away with killing
other Negroes was demonstrated
W inesdav in Judge Ben C. Wil
ls d’s court.
Judit WJllard disposed of two
manslaughter cases in 30 min
utes. He found Lee Alexander, 27,
of Perrine, and S. Q. Armstrong
31. of Chicago, innocent in two
fatal fights.
The Perrine woman was charg
ed with stabbing Willie Jenkin r
in a brawl last Hay 11 but tes
timony failed to prove it was she
who inflicted the wound.
Armstrong had been held for
the knifing of Ellie Mae Simmons
at Princeton last May 31 after
she attacked him with a shotgun
and a knife.
A 15-year-old girl, is free by
the grand jury on charges that
she committed first degree mur
der of the man with whom she
was living.
The grand jury returned a no
true bill against the girl, a juv
enile in the knife slaying of Stan
ley Brown, 21, at their apartment
n Princeton in August. Jurors
said that the girl acted in self
>ut a jury, as is customary in
micipal Cqprt cases.
Wednesday, segregation*, was
maintained in the courtroom and
the aisle was crowded with Ne
gro spectators standing, although
there were a number of vacant
seats on the other side of the
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Miss Dorothy I. Heights of New
Tork City, grand president of
Delta Sigma Theat Sorority, Inc.,
»nd Mrs. Thelma Cobb of Talla
hassee, Southern Regional El
ector for the sorority, visited with
3eta Zeta Sigma Chapter the past
week-end. The 105 Deltas in the
Greater Miami area were pleased
to have both of these national
Goulds Man, 44
Killed by Auto
Two teenage boys brandishing
a .25 automatic pistol robbed a
Miami Transit Co. bus driver
Monday night at NW 11th ave. and j
-4th st. They took $43.64 and the
driver’s money changer,
The driver. A. B. Shirley, said
no passengers were on the bus
when the holdup occurred.
officers In the city. Miss Height
and Mrs. Cofbb, who registered at
the Sir John Hotel were present
ed with orchids upon their arri
val. They were dinner guests of
the Alonzo Fannins on Saturday
evening; Saturday night, Beta
Zeta Chapter held a social meet
ing; Sunday afternoon, Dr. and
Mrs. Colston were hosts to the
First Round
Robert Temple, 44-year-old mi
gratory worker from Goulds, was
billed Sunday night when he was
struck by a car on U. S. 1 near
Princeton. He was Dade County’s
lC4ih traffic fatility this year.
Florida Hijhway Patrolman
Joseph Bertrand charged Willard
G. Shiver, 22, of Leisure City, with
f ilure to have his car under con
trol. Shiver was released pend
ing further investigation,
Bertrand said Temple was
struck by Shiver’s car as he was
crossing the highway. The im
pact knocked the victim 36 feet.
He was killed instantly.
visitors. Mrs. Charles L. Williams,
Grand Anti-ißasileuse of Alpha
Kappa Alpha Sorority sent flow
ers to her long-time friend, Miss
Mrs. Lugusta Colston is the
newly-elected (president of Beta
Zeta Sigma Chapter. Mrs. Linnie
West Fannin is the immediate past
president of the chapter .
Thieves Rob
Gift Shop
Two young men grabbed $2lO
from a cash drawer at the Carrfo
bean Driftwood Shop, 1859 Bis
cayne Blvd. and fled on foot in a
daylight robbery Tuesday. One of
the thieves was nabbed by Sey
mour Terr, :n accountant at the
shop, who ran .after him and ap
prehended him on 19th st. He
was identified by police as Theo
dore Albert Bcnamy, 20, of 1614
NW 2nd ave. The other man was
sought by police. Miss
Gladys Eveler, owner of the shop
:aid the men c;me in on a pre
tense of asking for work.
Man Killed in Tamiami Trail Crash
ed Lutheran Church Wednesday
condemned enforced racial seg
regation an outright endorsement
of the Supreme Court decision
outlawing it in the public schools.
In a hectic closing session, the
church’s biennial convention
voted down a proposed declara
tion that the court ruling is “in
harmony with Christian convic
That portion was stricken from
a statement urging church congre
gations to tske the lead in dem
onstrating '“the possibility of in
Pleading for the convention to
give specific backing to the Su
preme Court’s action, the Rev
Negroes to Get Beds
In Hospital Boh^jssne
HELP "Get-Ort-ne-Vote" DRIVE
A ...v* Tail
“DEMOCRATIC MAIL CALL”—a nationwide personal letter
writing campaign to get out the vote waa launched this week by
Mra. Todd Duncan of Waahington and Myraa Loy, famed Holly
wood metres*. Democrats have bean aakod to aao their personal
stationery to write a minimum of fire letters to their friends urg
ing them to rot* Democratic on November fi. Mrs. Duncan, whs
is the wife of concert singer Todd Duncan, waa named Co-chairman
at the campaign by Mrs. Katie Louchheim. director es wesson's
activities far tha Democratic National Cennittoa __ -
Leonard W. Wall, 52 of
NW 48th st, died early Thursday
morning when his speeding car
went out of control on Tamiami
Trail and sideswiped a tree.
Wall wcs almost decapitated by
the impact. The accident occurr
ed about 5:40 a.m. about 10 miles
west of the city limits.
Highway patrolmen investigat-
Harold C. Letts, of New York,
“If we le:ve qpt any indica
tion that this decision was in ac
cord with Christian principles, we
will cast doubt on the whole pro
cess of integration going on in
our nation.”
Many of the nation’s major
Protestant churches have hailed
the court ruling.
The convention here, represent
ing America’s largest Lutheran
body, voted 340 to 159 for an
amendment by the Rev. Wynne
C. Boliek, of Greenville, S. C.,
eliminating the approving refer
ence to the 1954 court action.
“Many of our Christian broth
ers, especially in the South, have
Continued on page four
ing the accident estimated th t
Wall was traveling between 70
and 80 miles an hour when his
car skidded 225 feet on the dry
pavement before sideswipping the
tree and ending up on the oppo
site side of the road.
W 11, who was riding alone, was
thrown to the highway. Wall’s
death marked the 106th traffic
fatality for Dade county this year.
12 to Graduate From
P olice Academy Monday
F.leven men and one woman
will receive graduation certifi
cates from the Dade County Fo
liee Academy Monday night at
Dorsey Junior High School.
The group has completed a long
and thorough course in police
work from jiu jitsu to first aid.
The school is under the direction
of the county board of public in
Members of the claa are:
Richard H. Barley, Victor But
With only two more days left
to register for the hospital bond
issue, Dade Negro freeholders are
urged to vote for the issue in the
November election. A total of 260
more beds for Negro patients will
be gained if freeholders register
Registration will close Monday,
October fig at S pm.. This is a
special registration for all free
holders to decide the Jackson
Memorial Hospital expansion
bond issue. These are the facts:
1. To vote you must be a free
holder who has registered espec
ially for this bond issue.
2. Registration is now taking
place at the courthouse hi the
3. Previous registrations for
any other purpose are of no value
vith respect to this bond issue.
It is your civic duty to register
low and vote in November for
>r against the bond issue. These
~e si mc of the facts why you
hould vote for the bond i*sue.
Memorial hovoital has
colored bed cap:city of approx
imately 220 beds. That number is %
most inadequate. If the bond is
sue is passed 190 additional beds
viil be mide available to color
'd. making he total bed capacity
This bond issue also provides
*'\ r rn additional 100 beds for Ne
\'t*oes at Dcde County’s hospital in
Freeholders, you know the dire
need for these 290 hospital beds.
Register now vote for bond
issue In November.
A Circuit Court jury has found
Mrs. Victoria Adderley, 33-yesr
old guilty of first
degree murdWrrf'the fatal shoot
ing! of her husband, Lawrence, by
reason of self defense. The ally
ing happened on July 2.
ler, Jr., Miami Police Department;
Charles Gordon, Nrthaniel R.
Lacey, Thomas E.- Pittman, Jr.,
Nathaniel E. Robinson. Ruphus A.
Shepard, Nathaniel Dean, Ernest
Ferguson Sheriffs office; W. A.
Miller, Miami Police Department;
Jsmes T. Love, applicant.
Mrs. Frances V. Wood, the first
colored woman in the state of
Florida to take the examination
is a graduate and applicant. She
will be given a special award.

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