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THE MIAMI TIMES—“The Peoples’ Newspaper” PAGE 12 St'i'lJ/IVI INICHURCH life c / gUS s Sunday 7 ;■ • • - V. * %# • *■» J ■ ' •" i '~ - MT. TABOR BAPTIST Rev. J. N. Byrd, pastor Helen A. Franklin, reporter Friend, tourist, if you have not a church home, join this church — “the home of fellowship.” Sunday past was a day of holi ness, beginning with the Sunday School which was opened by Sis ter Gorgene Lambert, teacher of class No. 1. Teacher and scholars exchanged beautiful thoughts on the Ten Commandments. At 11 a.m. a soothing prayer meeting was led toy Deacon E. Scott, the male choir led in sing ing and Sister Blue chimed the organ. The pastor carried all to the throne of grace . Two were added to the church: Little Shar on Heard and Bro. Fad Ross. Among the visitors were the fol lowing representatives of the At lanta Life Insurance 00., Mmes. Georgia L. Jones, Blanche Mc- Kenzie, M. L. Long, Mary Ed dings, Miss Blanche Terry, Mr. Willie Sorey. All worshipped with Mrs. J. E. Grant and J. H. Port loda, Jr., manager of the comp any. The visitors were welcomed by Bro. Waldon. The BTU had a lovely program at 5:30 aip.m., Deacon H. Heard, director. Workers are needed in the vineyard. Teachers that give you their best are Sis. Cantrell, Sis. Roberts, Sis. Byrd and Sis. Powell. Come out on Sunday. All were benefited through the prayer service at 7:30. A touching sermon was delivered by Bro. J. P. Waldon, text Prov. 4:7, sub ject, “The Understanding Heart.” Chicken dinner will be sold in the dining room Saturday. You may call PL 4-6303, PL 1-6732 or NE 5-5689. This is for the benefit of Womn’s Day, Mrs. Sylvia But ler, chairman. MT. SINAI BAPTIST Rev. S. A. Thomas, pastor D. 8., reporter In spite of inclement weather, we enjoyed a very fine day for service and fellowship. The Sunday School opened as usual, 9:30 a.m. The procedures were interesting and profitable, and also inspiring to all present I am sure. As one member speak ing for all, we just enjoyed hav ing the pastor come to us each Sunday with the review of the lesson. It carries a deal of help ful information, inspiration, ad vice in regard to our daily living. Sunday was Youth Day. Al ways the second Sunday at Mt. Sinai, the youth of the church ’takes pride in rendering service, under the guidance of their di rectress and her helpers: Mrs. L. E. Thomas, Marie Nottage and Clara Brooke. The pastor preach ed from Romans 6‘14, verse, theme, “The taking away of sin, the basis of lasting freedom.” Tasty dinners were sold after morning service by one of the groups benefiting Woirian’s Day effort. Our BTU is putting on new life. Activities are being stressed, in terest increasing fast and atten dance also increasing rapidly. The theme for the evening ser vice was, ‘The Great Personali ty” The text, “What Manner of Man is This, etc.” Please keeo this date in mind: Pl?n to be present. We need your help. Woman’s Day program at the church, Sunday, Nov. 25. Watch for prrtial program of ser vice that will be rendered through the day. A Russian tea will be given at tb Q of Mrs. Daisy Benson, 1718 NW sth place for benefit of Woman’s Day. You are invited. Remember the date. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1956 FIRST UNITARIAN Dixie Highway at SW 29th Rd. The Reverend Glenn O. Can field, recently called to serve as full-time, permanent minister, will preach his first sermpn, “We Become What We Do” on Sunday, October 21, 11 a.m., at the First Unitarian Churdh, Dixie High way at S.W. 29 Road. Rev Can field, who spent his boyhood in Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas, graduated from Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas, and McCormack Theological Semi nary in Chicago, Illinois, He served in Presbyterian churches in Illinois, Oklahoma and New Mexico, until his Unitarian ordi nation in 1944 at the First Uni tarian Church, Clinton, Mass. Since that time he has served Unitarian churches in Syracuse, New Yonks, and was the organizer and first minister of the United Liberal Church in Atlanta, Georg ia.. Mr. and Mrs. Canfield have three children, two of whom are attending Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio. Mr. Canfield is presently serv ing as a member of several Ameri can Unitarian Association com mittees, such as the board of di rectors, Division of Churches, Extension and Fellowship, Starr King Press; president of the Min isters Association of the Thomas Jefferson Unitarian Conference, and General Chairman of the Greater Atlanta Council on Hu man Relations. While in New York, he served as president of the Mohawk Valley Unitarian Conference, and vice president of the New York i Chapter of Protes tants and other Americans United for Speratition of Church and State. On Wednesday, October 24, 8:15 p.m., the Miami Community Forum will present Dr. Herbert Sander son speaking on “Your Person ality and Your Job.” Mr. Sander son is a graduate of New York University, author of a book on vocational igiudance, and present director of the Jewish Vocational Service in Miami. METROPOLITAN A. M. E Rev. H. M. Salmon, pastor ‘‘That if thou confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Roman 10:9. Services at Metropolitan are ex pected as usual to be high, both spiritually and morally. Music will 'be rendered by Choir No. 2 all day. Sunday School will begin promptly at 9:30 a.m. with the Superintendent. Mrs. Dorothy J. Madison, officiating. Morning Worship will begin at 11:00 a.m. An invitation is extend ed to you, to come and worship with us. A variety program is being sponsored by the, Teen-Age Choir at 4:00 All members and friends are asked to come out and enjoy this worthwhile program. We are now in the midst of our conference drive. Each mem ber is asked to do his or her duty. The conference drive will terminate the Second Sunday in November. We are asking that every man stand in his place. All members of the Teen-Age Choir are earnestly requested to be present at rehearsal on Wednesday. CHURCH OF CHRIST 1263 N.W. 67th St. F. L. Thompson, pastor Sunday School .. «:30 a.n Jhurch Service ' * *• ... \ Cla»> ** *n ght Service ~ 7:00 y* I NEW HOPE BAPTIST Rev. J. E. Brown, pastor A. L. Stephens, reporter Service began with • Sunday School, opened by the assistant superintendent, Bro. J. D. Brown. We are still looking forward tc seeing more adults in Sunday School. Prayer service at 11 o’clock worsh p was led by Deacons I Snencer and E. Scott. The visit ing minister, Rev. Brown, deliv ered the message found in the Ist chapter of Ephesians and the 12th verse. He used for a text, “What ever happens to me, it happened for the spreading of the Gospel.” Rev. Brown spoke of some of his great experiences during the time he visited the Holy Land. At thr evening worship our pastor spoke from the subject, “A date with Death.” Among one of our visitors was Sis. Moran, president of the Cit? Wide Mission. She gave a very interesting and informative talk. She is one who always has some thing good to listen to and we are always glad to have her visit us. NEWS OF INTEREST The City Wide Mission will convene at New Hope this Sun day at 3 p.m. Revival will start Monday nigh* after the 3rd Sunday. Come out and hear this great minister of the Gospel, the Rev. MoClary of Ocala, preaching will begin at 8 o’clock. Let us not forget our shut-ins. Rev. Bennon, Lantana Hospital; Bro. Richardson, Christian Hos pital. Visitors are always welcome at New Hope Baptist. ANTIOCH BAPTIST Rev. O. W. Foster, pastor A. L. Johnson, reporter The Ten Commandments, a (temperance) lesson was the high light of the Sunday School with Miss Alsbertha Jones, the super intendent in charge. The 11 a.m. devotion was led by Deacon H. L. Lundy with usher board No. 2 and choir No. 1 rendering service. Rev. W. T. Thompson brought the messsge taken from St. John 3:3; subject, “A Spiritual Birth— You Must Be Born Again.” He preached a wonderful sermon. At 5:30 p.m. the B.T.U. was called to order by President Ross. The 7 p.m. devotion was led by Deacon M. J. Summersett, usher board No. 2 and the male chorus rendering service. Rev. R. D. Daniel delivered the message taken from Psalm 121:1; subject, “Look to the Hills.” His mes sage was very inspiring. Sunday, October 21, we cele brated our sth annual Men’s Day. A very interesting program is planned for your entertainment throughout the day. If you miss this event you will miss a treat. Rev. Daniel and Rev. Black are in charge of the services in the ab sence of the pastor who left on Monday morning for a two week’s stay in Nassau, Bahamas, where he will conduct a ten-night re vival meeting at one of the lead ing churches. We are praying for him much success and a safe re turn home. BAHAT ASSEMBLY Dr. J. Ben Stalvey, professor of Government at the University of Miami, will speak at a United Nations Day tea, sponsored by the Baha’is of Greater Miami, and to be held in observance -of the eleventh anniversary of United Nations Day. This event will be held Sunday, October 21, from 4 to 6 p.m., at the James E. Scott Homes Com munity Building, 7200 N.W. 22nd. Ave. Dr. Stalvey will speak on “The United Nations: A Path to Peace.” Dr. Stalvey was educated at Duke University and the Univer sity of Illinois, and has travelled extensively throughout Europe. He h.s worked considerably with the United Na’tions organization, v n -y,r S j{ S problems, and is of its future goals and hopes. He was European director of the American Friends Committee, with headquarters at Geneva, Switz erland, for two years. He is es pecially interested iii youth groups. The public is cordially invited, ST. FRANCIS XAVIER N.W. 4th Ave. and 16th Terr. Phone 9-1424 MASSES ' Dally 8:00 a.m. Sunday 7 a.m. A 8:30 a.m. Holy Dave 7 • ~ -~n a . m . Sacred Heart Novena Confirmation-Ordination at St. Peter* fl 11 Mm*,' Jpggt *B| KcJBH Rt. Rev. Richard Grant Robinson D.D., D.Clth WOMAN’S DAY AT MT. ZION * DR. UVEE M. ARBOUIN On Suncray, oct. 21 will be Woman’s Day at the Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Dr. Uvee Mdona na-Arbouin of East Elmhurst, L. 1., New York, will be the guest speaker. Miami will remember Dr. Ar bouin as the individual who de livered a most dynamic address last October at the Mt. Zion Wo man’s Day service entitled, “Woman: Her Personality - Her Position - Her Possessions.” We invite all who missed the oppor tunity of hearing this great lady speak to come out on Sunday and all who heard her are invited to hear her again. §||B MRS. HORTENSE LOVE Dr. Aroourn*s wealth of infor mation comes out of the fact that she has had much rich experience ■)v her extensive travel throughout the world. She is the wife of Severend Arbcuin of Brooklyn, N. Y. President of the Baptist Ministers’ Wives and Widows Association of New York, Brook lyn and vicinity. .Mount Zion ex tends a cordial invitation to the entire city of Miami. On Thursday? evening, Novem ber 1 the Mount Zion B:ptis4 Church will present Hortense Love soprano, and her Company the Ambassadors in concert at the Dade County Auditorium at 8:00 p.m. The public is invited to at tend. Tickets are on sale. General dmission $1.15; Reserved $1.70 ST. PAUI. A. M. t. Rev. R. J. B’aine, pastor G. M. Br;vnon. reporter Rev. Slayton W. Mathews and Rev. Cole g3ve + he am* friends food for thought kst "yn-’-"- Everybcdy at St. Paul is talk !nv 'bout November 11, 1956. Do vou know why? It’s Woman’s Day. Our •‘ha'rman, Miss Lucile Timmons and h°r capt-nm ar® ’■'ok-'ng forward *to the best Wcmnn’s Day in the history of St. Paul. There will be a “Tea” Sunday, October 2! from 4 to 6 p.m. at 1676 NW s'h Ave. This is for the benefit of Woman’s Day, spon sored by Miss Dingle. You are 1 invited. His Grace, the Right Reverend Richard Grant Robinson, DD, D. Archbishop of the South ern Jurisdiction of the Aifrican Orthodox Church, will be in Mi ami, Florida, October 22, on his nnual visit for the purpose of Confirmation, and OrdiraMk'n of the following Sub-Deacons, name ly: Messrs. Stafford Sweeting, Arthur Davis, James Martin. Also accompanying His Grace, will be the Rev. Sister Cecelia, Resident General of the Women’s Department of the African Ortho dox Church. On Sunday, October 28, at 11 tun. sharp, during Divine Liturgy at St. Peter’s African Orthodox Church, 1725 NW 3rd Court, His Grace will administer the Sacra ment of Holy Orders to the above named Sub-De:cons, and on Sun iav. Nov. 4, at 7 p.m. shanp, during Vespers Service, a class of candidates will be presented for the Sacrament of Confir mation. The public is cordially invited to attend these special services. Rev .Charles F. Cooper, Canon Nathaniel Rolle, P. R. D Women Day at St. Luke Baptist The Women Day program of St. Luke Baiptist Church will be held on the fourth Sunday. Oct. 28, and the public is invited. The theme will be: Christian women’s place in the world.” Mrs. Annie B. Sullivan is general chairman; Mrs. Elizabeth Espy is co-chair man; Mrs. A. L. Bell is program chairman; Mrs. Matilda Williams is reporter; Rev. P. W. Williams is psstor. TEMPLE BAPTIST Rev. L. A. Thompson, pastor i The program celebrating the sixth anniversary of the Willing Worker’s Club was very inte resting and inspiring. The quart erly report was the second largest in the history of the club. The “champions,” Mrs. M. Poiter and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hudson, held their part with much credit. The various speakers extended congratulations to the president, Deacon A . J. Hanna; Mrs. V. Strachan, secretary and leader; Mrs. E. Delaney, vice-president; Mrs. M. Williams, treasurer. Mrs. E. Andrews, Mrs. D. Thompson, Mrs. M. Thompson and Mrs. B. Major and the others mentioned above for excellent services ren dered. Delicious refreshments were served. The usual services will be on Sunday. MT. CALVARY , Rev. E. M. Thomas, pastor Ruthie Lee Mincey, reporter Sunday School began at 9:45 a.m. and was opened by the suo erintendent. Each class was taught in its right order. Services were opened by Deacon Nelson follow ed by Bro. J. H. Stephens, who brought a great message. The Junior choir sang great as the music seemed to pour out from their souls. The Red Circle of Mt. Calvary rendered a wonderful rarogram which was enjoyed by all.' At 5:30 p.m. the BTU held its regular hour. During the Sunday even ing services our pastor preached a masterful sermon. His text was taken from St. John 3:l6—God so loved the world tnat whosever believeth on Him shall have ever- L sting life. You are all ways welcome to come and worship with us at Mt. Calvary—the church with the friendly atmoshere. CHURCH OF THE •NCARNATION Schedule of weekly services SUNDAYS Church School 9:30 a.m. Choral Mass. Sermon and Communion 11:00 a.m. YPS League 5:00 p.m. Solemn Vespers and * Sermon 7:45 p.m. Holy Baptism every 3rd Sunday WEDNESDAYS Celebration of Holy Communion 6:30 a.m Meeting of Laymen Deague 8:00 p.m. GRACE PRESBYTERIAN 6895 N.W. 14th Ave. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning worship U;00 a.m. Westminister Fellowship 6:00 p.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Rev. James Culmer, pastor Eddie Edwards, clerk