OCR Interpretation

The Miami times. [volume] (Miami, Fla.) 1923-current, October 27, 1956, Image 15

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83004231/1956-10-27/ed-1/seq-15/

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Thumbnail for PAGE 13

The Democratic Party is in your corner!
Remember ...The Golden Era
The Democratic Party is still in your
corner. The record of this year’s Demo
cratic Congress has again proved that
in office mean money in your
DEM(SCRATS expanded the Social Se
curity System to include 9 out of 10
workers. Women are now eligible to re
tire at age 62 and disabled persons at
age 50.
DEMOCRATS raised the minimum wage
from 75 cents to sl.
♦ *
DEMOCRATS passed a highway-build
YOU ...Play it across the board
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, the first lady of
the world, has said of Adlai E. Stevenson:
“I know that he believes we must be a
nation with equality and justice for all
our citizens."
STEVENSON believes the Supreme
Court decision is right ,
STEVENSON, as a Governor, ordered
desegregation of schools long before the
Supreme Court decision.
ing program which will provide work in
areas of serious unemployment.
DEMOCRATS provided free polio vac
cine through cash grants to states; in
creased funds for medical research to
combat t)ie nation’s top killers, cancer
and heart disease.
DEMOCRATIC Governors of Pennsyl
vania, Michigan, New Jersey and New
York, following in the tradition of Roose
velt and Truman, have made state gov
ernments work for YOU and not just
the few.
STEVENSON, as a Governor, ordered
desegregation of the National Guard.
STEVENSON, as a Governor, had as
signed deputies for the first time to inves
tigate civil rights abuses.
STEVENSON, as a Governor, ordered
the National Guard to protect Negroes
against violence and restore order in
the Cicero race riots.
THE MIAMI TIMES—‘The People*' Newspaper”
Still in your corner
The twenty years of Democratic Party
leadership under Presidents Franklin D.
Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman have
aptly been called the "golden era of hu
man rights.” These two great Democratic
Presidents added humanity to the science
of government. They made government
work for YOU and. not just the few.

DEMOCRATS opened top policy jobs to
v Negroes; ended discrimination in federal
employment and fathered FEPC.
DEMOCRATS desegregated the Armed
The return is always greater when you play
your politics across the hoard. Bread and
~ butter issues plus civil rights makes good
•sense. “Tight-monev” and "trickle-down”
is not for you. See what has
HOUSING—key to integration
• Republicans stopped the low cost housing
program. Eisenhower fired one Frank
Horne for insisting on a policy of non
PRlCES—highest in history
• The cost of living is up Credit buying costs
you more. Taxes are higher. Rent and food
are up. Your dollar is down.
n g/
\ f
Services. Today’s Army, Navy and Air
Force integration results from Executive
Order 9981 issued by President Harry S.
DEMOCRATS pioneered the field of low
est housing and slum clearance; gave
birth to Social Security.
DEMOCRATS appointed liberal justices
to the Supreme Court who gave new vi
tality to the opinions of the Court
DEMOCRATS honored all war veterans
with the GI Bill of Rights.
SCHOOLS—your child's future
• One child in five is in a-tiretrap building.
Double.sessions and "practice teachers'*
rob Negro chilarcn of their bright future.
FULL EMPLOYMENT—the right to suffer
• In some areas 12 per cert of the working
force is unemployed Recublicans believe
' "the right to suffer is one of the joys of
a free economy."
PROSPERITY—"far who?"
• "Prosperity for Who?" demanded Manhat
tan Borough President Hulan Jack, “Have
you been able to save any money?" "NO,"
thundered 20.000 Harlemites attending a
recent Democratic rally in New York City.

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