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N.T.L.L.S.S.A. Growing into the 14th year, the National Truth of Life and Light Spiritualist Science Association carried its annual convention to St. James Baptist Church, Miami, the week of Oct. 21-28, 1956. Opening the convention, Rev. James A. Poitier, president and founder, thanked the staff for ser vice in the climb to success for the NTLLSSA. He urged thte aux iliaries to keep up their good work, keynoting the role of the National Missionary in establish ing more branches, to be charter ed by the association. Stating that there is still a great job ahead, the president emphasized his message with a prayer for peace and happiness through the ses sions. During the dicussion on com mittee reports, the president ex plained that toleration and peace were constant facors in all work of making up and rendering re ports. He showed how work is pleasurable when the mutual feel ing is affectionate and that the cultivation of tolerant attitudes is of prime importance with re ligious group meeting for a busi ness session. Day sessions includ ed devotional before each busi ness meeting. Those giving the devotional were Sisters Rosa Lee Rolle, Marie Howard, Mary Washington, Florence Roberts, Harriet Johnson, Gertrude Saun ders, Mildred Todd, Dencie Wil liams, Kathline Smith, Susie Rol lins and Princess M. Johnson of St. James. During the open forum of “What is Spiritualism,” it was explained' that man is a spirit and has a body. Delegates and visitors alike joined in the symposium on “What is a Seer or Prophet?” with those attending classes leading the discussion. .In explaining just “What is Spirit”, the president said that each human being is a spark of Divinity, working to be come a torchlight, a lighthouse, so that everyone can see the Christ in another. “Only God can destroy light,” he stated. Rev. Poitier emphasized the necessity of observing the laws of nature to live hygienically, not to mis treat the body, which is the tem porary vehicle for the spirit. From the glorious rally Sunday, throughout the week, day and evening, delegates came dressed in white. The convention was greeted at St . James Baptist Church, also by Rev. A. Allen and Rev. George E. Johnson. Rev. James A. Poitier said that the goal of the NTLLSSA was to follow the way of Jesus, the greatest missionary the world has ever known. Inviting the public to day and evening sessions, the president urged punctuality to receive spirit blessing. “Association” night opened the first of member group programs for each evening of the week. After devotional by Madam Marie B. White, Rev. Leona Ward intro duced the speaker, Rev. L. A. Thompson, pastor Temple Baptist Church. The inspired talk on “Divine Relationship” was well received. Declaring that the chief purpose of life is service, Rev. Thompson urged his audience, which included some members of his church, to help their leaders live long and praised Rev. Poitier as a leader in the community who puts his vision into action and that he was happy in their many years friendship. The Tempie Baptist choir en tertained the congregation with superb singing.. Participating “Church” night, Brother King Thompson opened the devotional followed by the speaker, Rev. John L. Johnson who spoke on “It’s Later Than You Think.” He urged that we make use of time alloted to us on earth before passing into Etern ity. Rev. Johnson implored his listeners first to make -up their minds to do better, to live for ‘>oul improvement which brings peace now into the heart and home. Kis choir sang beautifully each night, seeming to outdo themselves in glory the closing Sunday service. “Missionary” evening devo tional was given by Madam L. Shephard, welcome greeting by Madam Samuel responded to by Missionary Gladys Robert for St. James. Chairman Lillian B. Blackshear welcomed back to the platform Judge John D. Johnson who had frequently spoken be fore the association as an attor ney. Hi* topic was “What Price Desegregation?” He called tci more concern about behavior “here” and now in Miami, and then the “hereafter” will tak care of itself. The judge, whose Reports on Convention oeech was much applauded, cautioned that desegregation calls for greater responsibility. Ameri can Legion members present voic ed an invitation to thetproup thru sergeant E. Blackshear to visit Lhe Florida Post. The audience was entertained “Club" night by their own Rev. Leona Ward who was presented to the audience by the president >f the NTLLSSA. She spoke on “Spiritual Unity.” Rev. Ward pointed out the the Military spiritualist Unity Club is more than a social group for it empha ;izes spiritual unity. “We are all for one and one for all,” she de clared. And by that token the weaker explained the “Host of God” was with the M. S. U. C., which means a spiritual force, so that the club is never alone in its *ork. Referring to scripture, Rev. vVard showed how God does not help us when we have negative .noughts one against the other, jut that all thini;s work for good Ahen we have unity. Rev. John Johnson urged club members to hold up the hand of neir esteemed leader, Rev. J. A. 'citier and remarked that he nimself had received fresh inspi ation each night during conven tion. For “Mediums” night, President oi the Mediums Circle, Madam .vlena Samuel introduced the be loved friends of the Association, Rev. J. J. Knowles who came from his Palm Beach pastorage to spend time with the con vention. In appreciation to the unselfish work of mediums, Rev. xCnowles urged the people to show gratitude afler receiving olessings. “We live by the spirit .orces,” the speaker said. When nose blessed give thanks and love ileria.s to the medium or chan nel through which good came, .non prosperity remains with those icsscd. During the Memorial ser ice for NTLLSSA members now n spirit world, Rev. Poitier said nose passed on try to attract us, „ut it is our shortcoming that we ,o not see or hear them. Mrs. Ne u M. Felco entertained with a solo. Before awarding certificates, .tev. Poitier explained one has to ea Spiritualist in order to study n classes of the association. The ollowing received certificates: Renewal of Mediumship papers ,o Madam Mena Samuel, Madam Lilian B. Blackshear, Mauam Jarie B. White, Madam Letha .hephard and King S. Thompson. Renewal of Missionary certi jates were given to Mrs. Lillian j. Blackshear, Mrs. Harriett jhnson, Mrs. Mena Samuel and A rs. Mildred Todd. Renewal of Healer’s certificates as given to Mrs. Dencie Wil iams and Mrs. Gertrude Saun .ers, and a new Heaier’s cernfi „ates was issued to Mrs. Mildred Todd. Ail bills were paid during the _onvention so that the association starts its own new year with a ciear financial statement. During attairs, the president urged -.a to practice what tney are taught in church and to show -ourtesy to ail. Rev. Poitier left no stone unturned in smoothing out ruilled feelings and praised tne delegates for good behavior, urging them to strive to please eacn other. The Sec’y Mrs. Letha Shephard and Rev. Leona Ward voiced appreciation of the dele gates to tne committee on the re porter for having the association’s paper ready for the convention. Tbe secretary expressed thanks u> st. James on oenaxi of the dele gates for fine cooperation all week. At the final Sunday morning service, Rev. Poitier cnose as ms “Knowledge.” Whether Knowledge is pnysical or spiritual, u»e pastor snowed it is the spirit that puts life into it. He urged the congregation to consid uie ways ux a.xxinaxs and ouus how they care for and protect > nucy xmw wnat to do through God’s inspiration the speaker explained and in like manner knowieage can flow tnrough to us wnen we live clean and sane.’ “Life is what we make it” he said and that everyone is *x .u-- mitiaeu oeiore God. Rev. Poitier urged youn& and u*d to attend enuren, Sxc.e dj side, *,.~x*e to tne Lord. Princess Marion Johnson ex pressed her enthusiasm to the as ,-moiy for tne work of the convention she attend ed daily and aiso of her aunnra jn for the orderly proceedings. Bringing the convention service u a grand finale, Sunday even ing, Rev. Poitier, spoke on “Ship of Life." The esteemed leader showed that death is a change from human or natural body to a spiritual body. Death is a monster only to 1 the unsaved. At present death is regarded as an enemy, whereas it ( is only a change of raiment. Rev. Poitier compared the body to a ship, the sea to life with its confusions. The captain is the person, the spirit is the passenger. Since the high seas are full of storm, worries, temptations, we should be careful where we go and what we give ear to. Lis .ening to the wrong things affects •ou Ladly, the D.eaker explained, for thoughts are living things, vnen yuu allow your days to be spoiled rirht from the start by .iskning to evil reports you run your ship again-t a reef. The pas tOT urged that each' one keep to a straight course by righteous thinking and acting. Rev. Poitier continued his analogy by saying hat when you step out of the body you leave the ship. If we weep we act like wc are not sure of life eternal, that we pass from death to life. The Rev. exhorted his eager listeners to remember that God is too wise to make a mistake when he chooses to take one. Rev. John L. Johnson acclaim ed Rev. Poitier as a Bible schol ar, a great leader, an inspired arator. Rev. Johnson said he was lorry to see the association leave, that the NTLLSSA is always wel come to return and bid one and all Godspeed. Sunlight Chatter Box A merry round of entertain ments has been arranged by the entertainment committee for all visitors during the week of grad uation at Sunlight. There are many former graduates of Sun light in the city for the gradua tion exercises. The Sunlight family extends a special welcome to each of you. Bishop E. L. Pet ersen will be guest speaker on Sunday, Nov. 11 at 3 p.m. at Mt. Zion Baptist Church, NW 3i;d ave.,. and 9th st. You are invited. Other events are: Friday, Nov. 9, prom; Monday, Nov. 12, open house, Tuesday, Nov. 13, final get-together. Thought for today: Keep your sense of humor in good working order at all times. Add a whismi cal touch, or a dash of merriment if you feel a bit self conscious, or if you halfway anticipate a re buff. A good natured laugh is a priceless gift in many a situation. Remember we are trying to make the world more exciting each day. Miami Carver Hotel 899 N.W. 3rd Ave. Phone FR 1-1633 Appearing Nitely In The Celebrity Lounge FRANTIC FAY THOMAS AT THE PIANO Air Conditioned ROOMS At reasonable rates Air Conditioned Dining Room Lemuel Kemp Your Congenial Bartender THE MIAMI TIMES —“The People* 1 Newspaper*’ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1956 OES to Give Hair Style Show, Dance Unique Chaipter 115 Order of Eastern Star is sponsoring a hair styling shop and dance at the Booker Terrace Lounge, Tuesday, Nov? 13, 9 p.m. The public is in vited. Freewill offering. For re served tables call Mrs. Addie Dowten NE 4-9388, 27th Ave. Beauty Shop, NE 4-4449; Mrs. Susie Boonhill, NE 5-5067, Mrs. Vashti Morris; NE 4-0127, W. M. Merle Gibson. % Booth Renting Denounced by Guild On Tuesday, Oct. 6, the Shop owners Guild held their regular meeting. In this meeting, booth renting in beauty shops was de nounced by the Guild, and okayed by G.. C. Dupree. Anyone found guilty will be penalized. Shapowner Guild G. C. Dupree, supervisor A BEAUTY CAREER OFFERS BEST FOR' WOMEN AND MEN So here is your opportunity to learn all the modern technique in the Beauty Profession field by enrolling in Sunlight School of Beauty Culture for a complete course in Beauty Culture. Also a Refresher or Advance Course In Hair Styling, Hair Cut ting, Coloring, Waving, Charm, etc. for Beauticians, Private Lesson given two nights per week. Monday and Wednesdays For information call FR 4-9998 LAST CHANCE TO SEE AND HEAR THAT FABULOUS BLUES KING B. B. KING AND HIS BAND PLUS ELMORE MORRIS “DON’T LET IT END THIS WAY" » FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDAY November 9-10-11 SUNDAY MATINEE 5:30 p.m. - 2 a.m. Opening Mon., Nov. 12 The Dynamic and Sensational BAKER l And of course the MANISH BOYS ** vtK * BAKtR Opening Adm. 75c r* a r ixr i “SWEETHEART NITE” Rest of Week 50c EVERY MONDAY Except Holidays 75c ALWAYS THE BEST SWEETHEARTS FREE FOR LESS AT THE PALMS HALLANDALE CHILD CARE MRS. JAPHETH SMITH 6939 N.W. 20th Avt. Phone NE 6-5795 • COOPER & SON ROOFING CO. 6306 N.W. 15th Avenue MIAMI, FLORIDA PL 4-7032 Res. NA 1-5264 Yes, he says he is the top man. He must be because he is on the top of the house. He gives Free Estimate and a Free Coke too, If you can catch him off the top. His prices can’t be beat and his work is not too cheap. He’s an Experienced Roofer, Repair Man, too. No job is too small for him to do. 21 years roofing ex perience, 8 years self employed, so’why not give him a call. Li censed and insured. PAGE 15