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THE MIAMI TIMES—“The Peoples* Newspaper** PAGE 2 Good Morning Judge News from Miami's Municipal Precinct Court JUDGE JOHN D. JOHNSON, PRESIDING Bv ELLIOTT J. PfEZE. Times Staff Writer An excessive total of 114 cases was listed for trial in Judge John D. Johnson’s Municipal Court Monday morning. The ses sion lasted well into the after noon, and a large crowd of spectators remained present un til the final cases was disposed of Cases from the Coconut Grove area commanded a major portion of the day’s docket. Among these sensations was the case of Jaj Scott of 3360 Douglas Road, who was charged with assault and battery on his common law wife, Mrs. Annie McGhee of the same address. Scott was also charged with resisting arrest. The incident occurred on Sat urday night, at tbout 8:30, at the home of Scott and Mrs. McGhee Officer E. Cotton and Officer P Farrington were the arresting of ficers in the case. Officer Cotton told the court that he received a call to go to the house in ques tion in order to quell a distur bance which, according to the in formant, had been going on for some time. Upon arrival at Jhe house, Officer Cotton said, Mrs McGhee told him that Scott had been beating her severely for no reason at all. The officer added that he could easily determine that a scuffle had been goin go ing on in the room, where Scott and Mr*. McGhee were, by the disorderly arrangement of the furniture and blood stains on the bed, floor and on Mrs. McGhee’s clothing. Cotton further told the court that Scott (pushed in bodily out of the room when he first at tempted to make an arrest. Later the officer returned with his part ner, and was forced to brake the door in order to arrest Scott. Mrs. McGhee agreed with the officer’s version, but Scott de clared that Mrs. McGhee had hit him first, and that he did no more than defend himself. But the evidence was too strong against Scott. Judge Johnson fined him a total of $175.00 or 70 days in jail on the two charges combined. Among other cases heard and disposed of were the following: Riley Conyers—charged with disorderly conduct, creating a dis turbance, and with carrying con cealed weapon fja knife)—fined $75.06 or 30 days on the two charges combined Samuel James Rive-re—charjed with assault and battery on Jane Young Democrats Elect Officers The Dade County Young Demo cratic Association held its annual election Monday, Jan. 7 at the B. Solomon Funeral Home. Mr. Hutcheson, chairman of the nom inating committee gave the re port of the committee. Those elected to serve for the ensuing year are: Dr. Howard A. Hadley, presi dent; S. Hutcheson Jr., Ist vice president; Mrs. Henrietta Lind sey, 2nd vice president; Rev. A. J. Reddick. 3rd vice preadent; Samuel J. Moncur, executive sec retary; Mrs. Annabelle Ward, re cording secretary; John Barkley, treasurer; Atty. Henry Arrington, parliamentarian Dr. Elmer Ward, who did no! wish to be elected to any office, gave a few remarks of admoni tion to those who are to serve sot; the next year. He pointed out the areas where we are weak and hated that we would rally to and support the new president-elect He cautioned us to be beware of those who would sacrifice O’jr litica! future for a few Ku!v H*' p’“dved his .... »- ■ Jill gk y ■ 'A .... SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1957 Rivers—case continued to Janu ary 15 Louis Jones—charged with pet ty larceny (theft of a ladies” wrist watch valued at $25, the property of Mattie Lou Ramon), Jones pleaded guilty to the charge. Mr*. Ramon explained that the watch had been returned to her by Jones. Jones was fined onlv the SlO cost of court. Viola Thomas and her husband. Samuel, 1648 NW sth ave. charged with disorderly conduct by fighting. Fined $25 or 10 days each. Geneva Butts, charged with as sault and battery on her husband. Willie, caee continued to Jan. 16 Ashley Fuller, charged with as sault and battery on Bessie Jack son, fined SSO or 20 days. Kazah Srriners Install Officers i ■ I WRRr ■It 1 ■_ - . ■ ' I CAREY P. BENTLEY . . . Illustrious Potentate Installation of officers was held Tuesday night by Kazah Temple, ’49, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Officers installed by Deputy- Noble Rudolph Bradley were: Carey P. Bentley 32 J , illustrious potentate; Samuel Sweeting, 32 J , i chief ratoan; Andrew Roberts, 32’, I assistant ralban. SAMUEL SWEETING . . . Chief Ralban Melvin Jackson, recorder; Eze kiel Wallace, 32 , treasurer; Ben jamin Rodgers. 32% high priest and prophet; Nathaniel Kimbrell. 32*, oriental guide; John Taylor, 32*! Ist ceremonial master, Ben jamin Clark. 32 , 2nd ceremonial master. Robert Reeves, captain of guards; Emanuel Roberts, 32*, outer gut’-d 1 Granville Cambridge, 32*, mar hail, Rudolph Bradley, 32*. marshall. fe ■eco'-dcf , I Kajeah BL. Travel Films at Main Library Films on Hawaii, Nassau and California will be featured on the Jan 17 “Travel Treasures” pro gram to be presented by the Mi-1 ami Public Library at 1 and 8 pun. in the auditorium of the Main ‘ Library at I EZscayne Boulevard “Highway to Hawaii” :hows a flight from California across the J Pacific to Honolulu and Oahu and the Islands of Hawaii. Kauai and Maui; “Nassau"' describes a typi- j cal holiday in Nassau showing the hotels and places of interest and “World in a Week” depicts a Cali- + fomla vacation with scenes of; Death Valley and Ycsemite, the Beach cities, Los Angeles, Holly- - wood, and Santa Barbara during the Spanish Fiesta. Free tickets for these program* are required and they may be ob tained at the Main Library and branches at 6 p.m. Monday, Jan. 34. Edison Center and Shenan doah branch tickets are available on Tuesday, Jan. 15 at 1 p.m. Announcement Nu Chapter of Chi Eta Phi Sorority presents a Winter Tea j at the beautiful Fiesta Room of the Mary Elizabeth Hotel, Sun day, Jan. 13. from 4 p.m. to pun. The public is cordially invited Guest speaker: Atty. Henry Ar rington. Mrs. Hunter to Speak Mrs. Mallie M. Hunter, well known civic worker, will be the speaker at the Recognition Tea for the James E. Scott Commun ity Association on Sunday, at the home of Mrs. Maud Ross. 1520 NW 62nd terr. REDUCE ADD LIFE TO* YEARS AND YEARS TO LIFE SPECIAL MEDICATION Dr. Long’s Clinic 21 SW 13th Av. r R 3-2748 "tutu-ms ( Rupture) (Hem or r holds! Non-Surgical Treatment of 6-8 Office Treatment* Low Cost - Safe - No Loot Time Dr. Long** Clinic 21 SW 13th Av. FR 3-2748 AIR-CONDITIONED CAPITOL SATURDAY MIDNITE SUN., MON.. TUES. Sarah Vaughan, Nat ”King” Cole, Lionel Hampton, Count Basie, Amos Milburn in “BASIN STREET REVUE” with other great Rock 'n Roll and Rhythm and Blues Favorite#—plus “Mills Brothers on Parade” RITZ SUN., MON.. TUES. John Wayne in “THE SEARCHERS” VietaVislon - Color plue “HOLD BACK THE NIGHT’ With John Payne BUNCHE OPA LOCKA Tel. NA 1-7322 SUN., MON., TUES. “THE HARDER THEY FALL” AND “OUTLAW TREASURE” Montgomery” Bur . Film at Mt. Zion The film “Walk to Freedom” will be shown at the Mt. Zion Baptiit Church. 301 NW 9th s: and 3rd ave., Thursday, Jan. 17 YOUR WATCH CLEANED. OILED $4.75 ADJUSTED AJdO GUARANTEED HjjL SPECIAL SALE Epl 4m *' ‘ ON 17 JEWEL WATCHES $8.95 BULOVAS, ELGINS, Etc. . . from DAVID JEWELERS MH~QAV\o 11 88 NW. 3rd Ave. - FR 4-1522 Flibcityl oaivc-iw TBBS* —msozmsa FRIDAY a SATURDAY NO JAN EVER NO ON r Sy'«* - Y'Vk | AgUW < - • JBl * m . *H| • v V KAREN JAMES REGS HUGH JOHN booth mm nioKY »n Directed by Ray Nizam Screen Play t)y Rkftard Scdayer and Stm Fisher - Stay by Steve fftfter jHpv Pradueed bv Fame Pictarei Inc.- fetatd ttra tinted Amsts ALSO “SEA DEVILS” Rock Hudson—Color SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY f#o£? OaORBDONtDH^fe^^ "■"* VMifc plus June Allyson, Jack Lemmon, with Charles Bickford “YOU CAN’T RUN AWAY FROM IT” IN TECHNICOLOR STARTING WEDNESDAY dCljk H| S 68EATEST HIT SINCE HIGH NOONT I ALLIED ARTISTS orosonta (Start* at 9 p.m. only) Plus “NAKED SEA” Thrill* and Action at Jr! 5- p.ns. lier Edward T. Graham will lead the discussion after the film, the keynote of which is the relevance of non violence. I JOIN THE N AACP!