OCR Interpretation

Deming headlight. [volume] (Deming, N.M.) 1881-1948, January 04, 1890, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83004264/1890-01-04/ed-1/seq-1/

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pwMHpiMmHmanaOTV'l'" ' u mil an . . . I...... .......... ,i "uFOTn"uHpQppajHHHMgHjnBUBH
JJJilVllJN br JdJi ADLllxH 1 .
VOL. l.
NO 88,
AttftFlHir-A-f UWi
8. 11. . kWI.
Row 1) audit Hank Bunding,
IlmiilllOi M. 1.
Wilt nrttl Irt Ml llineoBHa ot tlieTyrrl.
iri.tl ttUiiJ UlUdu ut BriivM ami at-
Intiri In bimnr.. ttltklne UepMteteutS at
tab. ji. r.VroTAi.ij."
JU I'uy.lclsn antf)a.B,n.
Company flurrtin tor A. T.8.l.Ji. R.Co
oao. in Duslop building.
T W. wiluiMn, M. . J ,
d ' t'fiyslclsn nd Hnrseon.
OfflM In Galium Itnune.en Silver Avonve,
AUeslls MtiRj(a(1. Ut ur nlulit.
pBARLIM U. )RU. .,
rOUr. A '0
MSvr (ilir
Congress ro'convenee on Mon
tiny next.
Judge Urowor lina decided that
tlto celebrated mammoth Benin
grunt, which claimed jwariy nil of
eastern New Mexico, Ih a fraud.
Want l tho msftHr wltfi"jo. 15. Sheri
dan for county eommlsdoner next fall?
Hia polltlonl comploxlon, uud
Intimacy nt tlio Bnfcrprhe ofllce.
the Jurymou In the Croidn (mo, ami
ha brought milt for $83,000. A
1i(,Jfll0 llulMlllK. Hf
T.r cur, .MsMMti
T r.Cinnir, O. M. FaMtjr, W. A. lUwUlBii.
il, Atlornoir-n-liW
knit falleltoil Vliknccrj'. ,
JmIm, XewMMlcn.
Harry P. Morrill,
Utlr In-
Ordir Ut tt Uthtnojr A lllan't.
0 !lTr Artoaa, louth ot lpot.
XTorrly Oponed! Thor
oughly Konovatod!
Tho tablo is furnlsliod with well
eoked, snbatautlal food. Iiouuis
olenuttud nlry.
yrlco redncctl to ipi.CO nor dny
tmt triuiHlont u'UCHtfl, ltcgulnr
ItearA $5.00 per weak, Uonrd
uid lodifiu 97.00i
J. W. FOSTER Prop . vt
Robert Roycraft, Prop.
nnnr rouul not alanuer n Jtirymnn m
New Mexico. Cltlnen.
Isn't tlmt n llttto rough on the
tmmmmmm iwi
aka. "Do grofA. L'lOHL'litH burn
4lt the rnotn of litiethair!"
auU tlmt imfif Ai0ndMl mou itro
polnlinj; with pride to the- fnt
tlibt "nonrly all the Justicou of the
Un'tod Btntos Bupromo Court tiro
mora or lemi baro'hendod."
Boorolnry Ulnlno in Injluj; the
wire fur the Itupubllcuii noiiiliiu
tlou for tho rruBldeuoy in 1802.
Olorelnnd la already tho Demo
cratic) noiniuco, bo we nmy look
for a repetition of tho ontiipnigu
of 18a, with tho difference of an
onoiiiiounly IneronRod nutjority
for tho Dcniooratlo vnudidnte.
Work lma actively coiuniouecd
on two moro grimt irrigation on
torpneon in Now Moxluo one
along tho lower ltlo Grande In
Dona Ann ooituty, and tho othor
at l'eim Ulimoa, in Uetiiallllo
eouuly, rtiuulujr southward over
tho nioaao borderius tho ltlo
Orando. They will enuh cot
fiovernl hundred thousand dollars,
and wilt redeem eonio mlllioun of
auroH of now uaoluBA but natural.
y prodmdlvo laud.
We'ro not proud not n bit,
and we havo no vanity) but itdoeu
c ratify no to be tho recipient of
huc1i kindly expressions na that
used by tho Iintorprite In Its Dcm-
In; article, and tho following from
nn ojitrttttuUiir- kULcjr .UUbjahed
in tho Las Vegas Optlo of the
Let mo say ft good word for the I)m-
ItiK llRAiu.ioiiT. If tlmt impor km u
dully, iuiu not to (tt lUtfly ilomorrnilc. I
Firit-olais Sample Booms
Commercial Travelers.
ttwdipiftnors for Mining
Qtook Men.
$3 00 Per Day
French Ftostmrant,
JIM WIVO, lrpritar.
Best Eating House In Deming.
il tk nUuoiiottli Uition to order it
Just iiooeivd.
ftwrilio Ontli! would l oomiwllwl to
wy, "tne gcona-uott itatHrr m tuo lur-
The Albuquerque College
(hocato ndvortisea tho beginning
of the winter trm of that Inotltu-
tiou on tho 0th instant, and Bays
that it Is "Just eloping the most
atioocfiHful term of ita hletory. It
has had moro thnu double tho
number of pup'ls this past torm
tliuu it over had in any previoua
term. All tho depnrtmcntH juive
been BuooeRsful beyond expecta
tion. That our mu&io depart
inont has u superior teacher in
churgo tho publlo rccltul in the
college, chapel Inst month con
clusively proved."
Tho old Whig loadei-A porslstent
ly dental that a tariff n a tax, and
their Kcpubllunn oxeeutors for
long tlmo persimed in tue entno
fallacy, but Mr. Olevolnud, In his
speech nt Boston n few duya ago,
aoeiiis to have oonviueail tho fol
lowers of Daniel Wobster that n
tariff is atnx, mm ho will In oon
sequence get many an old Whig
Itonubllcan Uoston vote for thft
Presidency In 1802. It was
"campaign of education" of very
lai'i'e iifi far reaching rosulta tbut
Mr. Olovolaud started In Ida bmve
mcBsngo of 1887.
7ii e linn ovvxnnaz.
Tlmt Qrovor Olftteland U en
dowod with qttnllllrH of atntos
nianahlp to a degree rarely exhib
ited in tho long lino of Amnrlnnn
statesmen, past or present, nnd in
to-duy by far tlio nioot protuiuoiit
man in tho country in tho public
estimation for the uoxt term of
tho Prnnldeuoy, tins become con
splououR to tlio publlo npproheiu
sion of every man In the habit of
observing tho tendency of tho
times. Tho TitusoiNjjfrtr but
volcea tho imbllo vordluT "Whon It
It U quite jSVIJcnt tlmt ('lrclnil U
m tMtMiU lfiiA eUrttrliy no rapidly tu
wiw prmlnlftufc Tho frt ti, to-day
Orjivnr QUHfiftDli.I ttlllni mora ruom In
tlifl tnliiilS hfRTTnwelloii or Urn ieople of
tlu I'nllml RIhIwi than nny mhur man,
imlillo or tulftdo. IIU uolilu trulu of
character, Ids pure and utmdultfrwt.-d
ntul(lnniiilili 1 vrorklnx luclf
Into ttn hfartR of tlio iwoplr, hU erory
iiltrane nnd liu tnovainouu nr nolrd
with m much Inlorvtt m nra thiiM of
irmltlent Hitrrlmm. CIovoIhimI li n
gwit man with grout conrlotiout, ami
ucli men nnvrr o Into otMFurlty.
Menu (lovHfnur illckunU, of Montann,
holds tlmt terrn lhnlillriiiii itnutlttitp
n miijortty of tlxtovn inctiiltem of the
Moiilntm fcnnto. Thht It tho way tho
Itotmtilloniii lmpt to ttwl two unltMl
Slnii't toimtnn from the now ttnlo of
Mofitann. tTuoaon Stnr.
Itlckards had apparently taken
a pointer front tho rocord of the
New Mexico House of Itepreson
tntivos of last winter, wheroiu It
ia fihowu tbut the distinguished
llepublican boss who notod as
speaker ruled thatflfteon was two
thirds of twuntj'-four and declared
the bill passed over tho Govor
nor'a veto. Tho llupuhlhmu
boBROd uro strong in political arith
metic. mii'i-j '
Wo hoar It tiald that atatobood
means progress. Did it over oc
cur to tliono that raise this bowl
tlmt mi Btato progresses only au
hor people progress. Progressiva
people umku n progresolvo state.
If the peoplo of Now Aloxlco are
not nrogrosalve onougli to own a
Blugio publlo aohool Iioubo us a
territory, will it change thuso poo
nlo any to make It tt ntate and
Wlion Iho Torritor.v of New M5S
co onn snow' iicnooi laws unit
school facilities tqunl to those of
othor torritotleu now being ud
mlttod with equal papulation, then
will wo favor atatehood. Socorro
' 1 1 1
AVo will bo In fnvnr of tho ptonlo of
Proud Quonn of tho South and
tho West.
'mm iihi num riff miinu.
m hy n sky of oorlilenn hluo,
In- (h inouu(lns fntml,
m1 wttli onriet of Bmny a lui,
Call and Examine Now
Goods and Prices
vivd withii ni'niinivii 1
nn Haifa nuiiami' a c
Ami W'rrMia.
Wttch Impeclor tor A. T. & 8. F. It. It.
Manufiteturpr of
Boots & Shoes,
v F hi Wnrk a Snao ia v.
Pft!ithijr NMlr snd Praaiptly Dons
Cld Ayenu) rteacphllos
DKltINO, . - Ninv?i
tf mm im sum nt? HflMrtH.
"Itoofwl l
WttJIeu v
I.tM thii hotutlfut wtm lain).1
The lotMtlon of Dtmlng m tho tlio for
n railway twitter I dno to ihe foroeitlitof
the (.njrJneen In charge Of tho preflmlu
nry tnrveye or tlut A., T. 8. 1'. It. It.
f'o, CtHigranhSvaUy ooastdered, the lo-
cntlon It cmtceutu by tattle rniiiptttjt to
iidee or itieli irmtlom, 'to one detuned
not only to benmus n ralmXtd, tmt a oom-
merciai anu a nmuuiHUiirinK twutar m
wall. It alnre ttatJjU laVUli In the
heetownl of her gifts, nail tho euternrlie
and energy of hercltlaoni In dovelonlug
and ullllrtlnjc erory Rtidlahle rseottnni
won to the ontital olMerver It will ua
readily noted that Denting U fltutltiwl to
hecome one ot the "ntture grew' of tho
Tiie town elte It laid out itfton ouo of
the tnoet attractive and deiiruulo ilnt&niiu
of tho eouthwtMt, having nn Altllltile
nbore ton level of 4000 feet. Situated ne
It l nt tho Junction of two grant oontl
tienlHl lluee of mlhntyn, tttb Atoldtoi ,
Ijiokft and Bantu l'o, nnd tho Southern
1'itclnc, whleh iiin tho continent, and
the Blrra Jladre A l'atdilo, and the
Uonora, Blnaloa nnd Cliltunhua roadt
now under active poiittruotlon, whlclr
.will afford prei-tUal inenni for the devel
opment of the grifflt InduMrral reeouioeo
of the itate of Solium, ('klhoahua, and
ainidoo, In northern Mcioo,lt Is ect-
nlly deelgned to otter every Indueeinent
to the various inniiufmiurliig luterottt of
the ootiutry, tho bett fuclllllw for hand-
ling the euomiotni amount of trafRo grow
ing out of tlii' development Of tho greet
mineral, ngrioultumt nnd pastoral re
source trlhutnry to i)tiulng,
Ooinmorolidly conaliteml the loeatlon
give to tho town eupvrlor adrmiuiKet,
nnd tho cuiuplutioa of thotoit'.horn llnoe
of rnllroiul luto tlio Kopubllo of Mexico
hi connection with thutu nlrcfidy estnh
llnlicil, will glvo to Doming tlm prcctlgo
of being u rotitor of wenlth, of commeree,
iitul manufacture, In n territory wIimo
area U nn eiuplro In extent, tho roiource
of which embruoe urery kninvn urilelo
uied by civilized man.
In addition to tho railroad lino nlrcmly
mrMtlouotl, a connection with tho Chlcn
go, I took Islnutl A pnellla ti talked of,
I, WOltMSHU, Ban Kkanuihgo,
-zzrWliolesale Grocers--
Wliolosalo and Retail Dealers in
Lubrioadng & Coal Oils. Plour.riay. Grain & Potatoes. Nails k Wire, Slocl k Iron, Saddles k flamc
Piper Heidsick:, Grand Sec arid
Ecipse ChaMpagne,
The Largest Stock
.ry Goods, Boots &
Slices, ForolsiiiDg
Gcods, & Stetson's
Hats, To Select
Yt ire prepared tO
farnhh goods lq
ttPlnXft nr itrmllfr
wtttlos. COIt-
The Old nnd Now Moxloo Imnrovo-
Wont oatiqiauy, ownen of tho Doming
town elte. encourage nil logiilmnto on
terprlew iiv making reauiunulu terms In
the sale of town lot. Should n iiur-
olineer, within u limited period tunke Im
nrnvemenu of a ttlnulntod value, n ro.
duotluu of SO per tcuL li utftile on tho
regular price ot me int. I mot nro guitr
nutovd. No lionui it denlrod by tho Im
provement cninpnuy. They profor a
Mcndy, hcnlthy growth, nnd tuoli it
growth Is innultost nnd npimrettt In this
now orn of tho city's prosperity.
Tho mIcuicii of civil utiglnueriiig hits
daiuoiutratod tlmt thorn Is stttnclcut
hydrostiillo prcnuro, when sulUoIeitt
deplli It nttnlttul by boring, uud the ox
ieriaii(io galnwl by the oxierhueuU nl
rauly ; IniiugurnttHl, ludlcntu tlmt tho
theorlea advnnoed by tho uucluecrs will
bear fultful result nnd mhi greatly to
. i. .... .i.. ..t .1. ..i.. ..rl ...nl i...
tlio iltrtwt means of Inducing Individual
I.. .1... iliiHi,ln.1i.ln.ll Pit
'l I A' i, jtk .Al"--.. "I II. ..O.WiWJIWIWH. w Mil. .illn..-
tho Now Mexico libel law I in
Q(lkH etatea that
law It a dead let
tor. Tho CWma may bo right, nevorthe-1
W it win voiitmuo to servo to some ex
tent the piiriii)e of thosn who framed
nnd ennetod It. (Hillsborough Advoonte,
That Is for tho press of the Ter
ritory to say. Tito law was aimed
primarily nt tho press. Its odious
imd roprenslvo provlalona nro a
menace tu tho freodom of tho
press and to independent Journal
lam. Tho law Is n disgrace to
Now Mexico, uud litis done great
harm to tho reputation of hor poo
plo for iutelllguiico nnd capacity
for Bolf-govornmont for state
hoodamong till who do not
know of tbo corrupt and debasing
mutlioda that produced the Logla
latum that passed it. It should
bo tho duty of tho press of tho
Territory to see tlmt not a umn
who tided for tlmt travesty upon
lekUlHtlen uud American govern
iLHiit. over again sees polliiuni
Ml In Wow Mexlun, 'Jtyl
$rJeo.tlljft IIS BJiectly ropcnl,
Kvw Mexico aesuinlnu tho resnonsthlll
tloe of etntehnud when wo oan show free
school buildings, and ulher evidences of
tho ndoptlofi of Ainerloau Institutions.
ISooorrij Advimtlinr,
Tho position or tho Idrenucris
or.iineutly oorreot. Olve ub n good
American publlo school syBtout and
wo will havo an (minlgrntloti tlmt
will ooon lit Now Mexico for state'
hood. Til Amerlonu immigrant
doca not go to countries where
thcro are no American buIiooIn
nor where It ia uuuesiiary to puss
laws requiring Huliliol teachers to
know how to road and writo their
nativo language, bo it English or
Spanish. Tlio sumo tlogreo of
effort (hat ia boiugmndo to souurc
tlio ndoptiou of n very imperfect
and bugitB Oouotittttlou would bo
sufilolont to get a Congressional
school law for the Territory. That
would ousttro immigration nnd
Bpeedy stutohood ofti desirable
oharaetor j
Ashanfelter, nf the Hoaiillght,
ee h. A. Leounru, ot tue nnter-
nrotmte Judge, nie Honor is
With thniiKt. However. If
a of the editors of this raner were
ereren HNfurtomate as to be nomluated
for any oflloa tMtieath that of cnugreas
msn or governor, they would umae a
tieltnr showing when the votes were
counted, out thnu did Ool. Aaheufelter
six yenrsNafo, or they would leave the
country, vlllver City Enterprise.
What lio ingratltudol what
totullnokVupprooiiUU.il! If Pink
tho editorial
nrMa. mr
a s.-ii:..
Leonard goes up to
convonllon, we'll gut our filend
Maxey Krost to "run n bliuter" on
him. Put, seriously, Mr. Leonard,
in tlmt matter, we manifested tho
aplrlt of Christian charity which
lias coma to bo regarded ua our
lendlntr characteristic. We moved
right hero into tho prueinot In
which wo wor.o principally "ulaugh
torcrt" and to-day, wo oan repeat
tbo sago reinurk tnutlo by tho dog
when boiuo uruol wretch out off
the nnlmnl'H talh "You can't do it
again." We havo mado our onu
mlea to lovu us, uud that la much
bettor than leaving tho ootttdry.
Uinuluto our example, nnd yon,
too, may yet oomo to bo regarded
us b OlitlsUnn gentleiiinii.
Tho ex emproAs of Urtttll died
at LIflboh oil the 28th of Duoetu
bor ot1 heart disease,
uerth Uirotigh the limueiNe ore-irodu:
lug districts of western X ow Mexico nnd
tho productive aod well-watered moun
talu valleys and eiUmslre c(wl llnlils of
that tcctlou, and on tne uorth to trot tho
Atlantic ik l'aclflo rnllroiul at the roal
uroducliiK town of Gallup, and ''.siipc to
burntigo, Colorado.
Doming is almost In tho center of the
richest lead nnd silver producing iotUoii
of New Mexico, nnd Is one of the most
deslmblo point In the southwest for the
location of large smelting nnd reduction
works. A olrelo with a nullus of 100
miles will Inclmlo na feeders for Doming
tlio mining dtslrlols of innuy of tho
aninM In and nrnund Silver City, the
True Hermnuae, the Florida!, Cook's
I'oal:, tho liurmoM, Kliigston, IIHUhoro,
l.nlto S'alley, Pluos Alto, Ilaclilta,
Aiwuho, Voloftui), nnd other producing
mining camiw. Mnuv of tho mines In
thoto camiM havo been ntisidlly workeil
foryonre nnd nro mnklilj rugulnr ud
profitable ehlpmouts to dUtaut smeltors.
One mlnu owner ulono, la the I'lorldni,
will guaranteo a smelter 1000 tons of
good lead ore jwr month. livery pound
nf the productions of all these canqis will
be reduced at this point at no distant
Two oompnalea havo filed articles of
incorporation for the purpose of ditching
nnd conducting the wntarof the M Im
brue rlvor, aouth, to the rich laud sur
rounding Demlng. nnd oxtemllug to nnd
far below the Mexlcau line. The meea
of which Denilug Is the oentjr is about
I an by 80 mllae in extent, every foot of
which, under Irrigation, will produce
any crop known to Ike temperate xoue
equal to the best portion of California.
A careful ecttinaU of the atnouut of
water in ihe Mlmbree rtm baa satisfied
the Inoorporators that they enu control
water sumcleut to Irrigate n trnet of innil
much greater in extent limit that over
whleh they expect to tun their canal.
Tlio oxperioiiee of every country where
croiM are produced by Irrigation has been,
tlmt It is tho safest mid surest system of
farming. Itmnkiwtbo furuiernnil frult
ruliwr (Tidepeudont of the "mmsoni ," nml
eunbles him to moisten the ground when
ixuliul. Tint nut nf lrrloAt.i.ii is tint
worth counting when oompared with tho
mlvuntages derived.
The osnerlmeiita made In the cordons
of Doming and on neighboring rauohee
F. 11 SHillOliU, Onihter.
O. II. DANK, Vrteidsnt.
First National Bank
Transacts a General Banking Busihesii.
C K DANE, Piesitlent,
may nt n sngut oxpontiiiure ns compared
wiiii tne njiieni to ne ierivei, secure
borliiK niUNtruttw and the reiulte ma
chinery, he enabled in necuro a bountiful
supply of water aud reclaim ninny of the
now ul most woitMesa tnble lnmls. unii
reap rich Imrvests of every known cereal,
to say nothing of the fruits which tho
soli of New Mexico produces In ubuu-
ditnoo when projterly ttlleetl.
i ne city m tne wit nus suiroreii grant
ty by nnn, uud three times hoa nltuoet
been obliterated by the devouring olo
ruiut. Yet notwithstanding Uimo re
verses of fortune the Inborn and lulicr
out faith of tho peoplo came to tho resouo
ntiil eaolt disaster hns ittmulAted thorn
to greutor emlenrur, and the result Is a
uniuiKtetly built city of substantial brlak
resiueucen, dwellings nnd store looms,
and vlowlng it to day ouo can scarcely
realize that ten years ago, the nearest
dwelling or cabin to tho prctont town
site nnd city of Demlng was 30 miles
distant. This energy, this culorprlio,
aud this unbounded mltli hnt not been
mlsatmlled, and tho iuuvltablo result of
shrewd buthioss tact uud talent has
wrought fur tho Quoon City of the nlalnn
nn euvlablo position among the towns
nnd oltiuB of New Mexico.
Tho mormon settlement about ninety
ml lee distant eotitributwi largely to the
mercantile growth of Demlng, aim It Is
gmttrylng to uuUi that this peculiar re
Tidloue wict nre rflvlni their undivided
uttentlou to Uie eduradou of the yoiini
vouiik of their commuuttlus. At nreien
tho nubile school within tho lKiundarlM
of Did Mexico and without tho limits of
the .ona i.innt. there Are over ono-nuu
tired children receiving the benefits of it
common school education, and this ad
vantage has the effect on those tint of the
Mfnllir to aeud their children to this ubly
conducted eriioai mat tiiey too may tic
rive some of the ad vantages of an eduen
lion. The weekly retell its of ores from
the Bablual mid Carrltallllo mines inakea
FOI.POM, AllmmicriunjfN. M.
Ion. veruiMU,
5. W
HtNUV CI1AK. Itfti
I'. MeOKOUl'y;, 8n
uiii rv. N. it
v. ii Bir.uoi.ii,
F. II. S1EQ0LD, Cashisr
: 1 WWWS
fU.ll DA N li, e se
Demlng, N. M.
O. V. UOQliK
mm m mm
1 OIEh
I U If r.
Best Quality of "Wines, Liquors antt Oigfartf,
esrOlir lino of Imported and Domestic Oigarg lu
oludos all tho host brands. Wo invito comparitiont
ijulte a reenectable tonnage, ami tho ng-
aregaie oi tue year win nppnupunis
fully seventy oar loads of ore nnd tattoo!
hate shown that every teed pminto the
mill mid nronerlv ciirod for will produce
bountifully. No hettnr toll Is found
anywhere, and the altitude rendu fruit
cron safe from all the Insect (leete that
annoy uud dlseournge frultmlsere lu the
east. All that Is lacking toiunkethts n
ganlen spot wp.ial to i'nwtiletm or the
host ports nf Fretno niul Tulare counties,
fall'orula, hat been the wntor, and now
that tho eauie menus nro tu he used here
that transformed thoso tactions from
desert wastes lnlo orclmrils and vine
yards, one onn look uhend thruo or four
yenra and tee toe town surrotmiled by
orchards, vineyards, market ifarunlii, aud
farms, that will vivo a sulwututUl back
lug tlmt can only come to a eeetUm tlmt
produces wjiat It ennsuuiee mul wind
others must have, This will make home
for thousands of farmers, hiiiI eauisa an
lulliix of popuktlmt never twVive kpwn
in the Mtllement and olvlUMdlAu of two
far wt.
laneous merohamtlse, Including an
prectable anmuut ur wool. etc.
The eilucattoual facilities nre flrst
vlasa, ami the ih-ouIc ot Demlng take a
groat deal of pride lu their graded
schools, 'ilie average (tally aUemlrjire
varies from 1B0 to 9Ufl. The school edl
llee Is alike creditable to the enterprise
of the iieoplo nnd the rapid growth of
the city.
While the drift of publlo enterprise
rind opinion have milted upon the cen
tral ld ami ambition of making a vast
entropot, the question of religion lute not
beou neglected, as the ucnt and oonimo
dlous edlllcea attest. The vartoui do
nominations nro represented mid tin-
communicant of either the Catholic or
i'mtnstant denomination ran llnd n place
to worship Uod necordlug to tho dlctatts
or ma o ii ooiMHiienco,
The Doming IIkaouoiit, by tlio
Southwestern llibllshlng oompany, Is a
live, local )pr. dovnliil to the interest
of Deiutog uud Democracy, It 1 1, per
haiw.tho most niily edited ncwspjqwr In
the territory. Bxdoveruor M. 0. (loss
nnd Hon. H. M. Ashenfulter divide the
editorial honors.
Tlio Mnsouio order Is well represented
by Doming 1nlge No. 12, nud was char
tered lu December, 18W. Iteming
Chapter No. 0, In 1H8I. Doming Council
it a. R V in tasii. ami McUrurtv com
iiuiiidi-rv mi. Ciistir Post. 0. A. It., nud
Odd Fellow's lolgos uro reiwrteil m
good condition.
Connoatad with this cstablislunont aro in charge of men o
cxporionoo and tho houso agrees to bo responsible that the
troatmont of tho visitors will bo uniformly fair and courteous,
Whilo in Darning, call around and pass a plonaant
Demins Meat Maii.et.
Albert Limiauer S Co.
Always on Hand.
Spring Chickens, Ducks and GoigJ
s ' y v
Tbo B:st Assortment, ot Choicest Fre-sti M to k hni la tkts iirlit
orders mm on TELEGRHPli RECEIVE rROMFT ATtEHfier-
gStodU batiiit m sold, HIJIiU omH Raid for
ait-. i
i "y 1
- )

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