Newspaper Page Text
n Oram County Clerk. if'fn, S M r -. . t ' j. - ' M,, . !ii.-. . eJS-. inn, i i, i1im? mJmL ". 1 if l Jjm&Ll mBm VOL. 10. DEMING. GRANT COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8. 1890. NO-a. WQFlSBBlONAlj OAltPb P. T.eoMir, IwhjX. iTtlinMBT-At ww. . Hnotn II and It nnk BullMuIti Will prs ciloe In All the f oiii-l clt Ino tf nl. nil in business With tit Dcpnttuient t Jorr Unci Wsklnt.tan. t"omiT Bnrneon nt M.X S. ' '' UV 111 UUHMI1 UUIIUIII. -kiiv r, v.iintVAi.r. JJ riijrsltiUn and u. neon. IH7 Oft " Tw. wn.T.l au. "m. ti tj . I'Ryilrlnlt Slid Kurfnon. Offlo In flilfltii Ilnuse, on HlHsr AVthwa, Alts lt HttiMtli u? iif iilnltt. OtiAitijsa a. iiblu ATTOMN TAT-'AW. iWqfflos Hiilldln. up stslrS. fKvtrotn. at Mexico. SjT ATTOUKSr-AT tAW fcllver oitofflcti littlldinn, up-tlr. IO 111 T. TiC)iiwji U.H. roiry, W. A. Hawkins rifWWW. l-0Kir A HAWKINS. J T-AtWUHI(t AMu 001111$ LOM-AT-tAW. AIllBSFKIiTKIt A OO.VAIIOK, AitumeyyittliW ,nnd sollcltoi In Chanoety. Demlng, Harry P. Morrill -Desist In- COAL & WOOD, Ordsr iltlt M Mlioi".y A Allsn's. THE ST. JAMES. On Silver Avenue, south of Sspot. !NWly Opened! Thor oughly 3&ottovated! :ommi:st. Tho latest nud most rtmnrknble rim 05i railway investments is Holly lily's run on tho SauU Fo. Thomiocoss Umtllu3 attended raising grain and vugotflblos with out Irrigation lit tho west, bus stimulated ranchmen In the mouif tnln districts to luercnso tho hero ago mid variety of crops for the coming; season. Ills snid to be In contemplation by thts Santa lfo to put on n fnst troin between Chlongo ouu Son Frahclflco via. Kanaua Oily. The Nelllo Illy epculttl ovor that route fcna developed a posIt)io Bped that BiirprlBcil vry body, evou tho ooinpnny. Th democrat snys it la not itm ptobublo thul Hon. W, B. Ohil- nhw Miifo. dero of Albmtncrquo will bo un- nuliiiouBly oliosen by tho terri torial democratic central commit- too no ohninnnn of that body. 1'he flolcutlon of Mr, Ohildors would be moat oicolloltt and JL-.i. i Tho U. B. Louato sat down on Bouutor Ulnlr'H Kational Kilucn- tlon Dill tho other day in a way that must Imvc been very disgust lug to Mr. lllulr. That rainbow project of the government taking cbnrgo ofti'-O eduoatloimlliitorcstft of tho states nitty bo considered dead. Mow tloilao. Tl'10 Albuquorqno Democrat In noting tho circumstance that Mr. The tabic Is furnished with well Leonard, of tho Silver City J-kter eooked, subituutliil food, ltooms prtie, had had n setlloinont with clean and airy? " , tho Arcw Mexican peoplo of their public printing deal of lltflt winter, romarkH that "the decency nud rrleo reduced to Ul.t$0porlny respectability of tho Itopubllcnn for triiitstcnt gueMn Keifiit'r press camo in contact, us it wore, taoiird W5.00 pur .vrookt Jlonnt wllh a hired mercenary in tho unit lodging, 9700. siuno business. It was n meeting -r- ,. of tho foul nud lllthy with ono of .t W FOSTER Protmetor, E olmroter nd acoiisclonce." It -TIEIOH:!- HOUSE ft SILVER CITY, N.H. MUI Robert Roycraft, Prop. mtictlmfii lntorostltiL' to look Into flairs of llfo. For cxnmple, prlcci at which tho grncur up hi (worn 111a poiMia: urnuuinipu It collect, iloclm nnil Jnvn, 113 cnutu, Arliuckic'a, SO tents nnr nomiil; corn It cuu, tomatoes 10 uans. fur Si: linniH 10. lircnkriMt Imeoti 1) cotitH ncr tiouutli lunli 10 noimils far 70 renUi ttntwborrioR, 2 ioilllil rum, 10 for si i koniii u;i imm tor sij oinoim i'4 coins per pound) cotn inoni 1 ' -0 uoiitt par pnuiiil, ninch huttcr S3 ceuUiior pounds ol'lts lfl4 cents tier dor.pii. What would the-Hntita l'a niprchnnt sny If ho hnd to jflrst-olass Snmplo ltooms Oomnferelal'TttttoIersi for compote with (ho: o prices? Theraithould ucre oi nam union Headquarters for Jlltilitg Stoolc Men. BAT8S! bo no coninlalnt I wow iioxicnn. why didn't tho Acw Mexican hdd"another nrgumcnt foratnlO' hoodl" Thoro would hnro been nti out na milcli tenso and coho renoyiu that as thoro is iu mast of lln lirrriininiitn tn Mint iinnHnniloii .50 Pflf Djy I nud quite iib much forco. mull French Restaurant, JIMt W1SO, Proprietor, TEtStt OTSlEaS ZVZBX fiTItB. All Ik nlleaUttlioHcaiou totrtfsrMt HUiAbattni filfcYBIt AVKKOR. DBMINU .W. P. TOSSELL, lit I The OLD RELIABLE JEVEUSR of DEMINfl. Tho ilUtri'sH for food In oiuo narts of. Itttlv lust now ill bo L'rent thttt tho author- lltledoulor tint liiirlnl hytilulit lu nccrct plucoi of nnlmaiu tlmt dlo of dlicasc, foarhiK lent tho ctumng pciuanta ma; - ii i n-M-t iiiniutertiiem and uso them tor rood IBSI ClllnR nUUSB IN UCIllllig. TMt U tho heavy prlco which Italy pay I n te.M I lill ll I . id HlllH.billll ...III. Ilfl nn.l . I lUl IIIllllllUl II 111 U I1IW11UI i II T . HI II lltt I lynppenuttKM ni army mi navy, tuio which uie mo ukoi oi inn country is drained. ICltlzcn. The oxpendlturo whlcli this Itepubllcuti Congress proposes to malzo of somo four or uvo liun drod millions navy, to be log loally followod by corresponding expenditures far an army will bo a pretty fair beginning lu tho oamo direction of "costly appendages of nnily nnd navy, into which the lifoddood of thfl country Is to bo drained." A itrong nnd united oltort would ho of sroai nciifiui lowaru puiung inn wm iory rUlit before tlf Jiwiple of the coim trvand bofhrc ronureM and would with in tuo lien inn jiuis iuuiku iniuiiutni for us. If tho people of this territory know their own IntoretU best they will muke tho effort. IXow Mexican. lJou't frot souliy Now Mpx oo trill become tv HtnU In just about two years, and thoro Is no nso being lu it hurry, liy that time tho gang of public plunder ah hhiI il'lfcnfii ililnvna wlin trnrn mi watch niriiuiKn a specialty consploiiatis lit th Into statehood Alia wwrmtliea. nimrmnnnl, rtf W ll nil t ha Neo MeiX. ican was chmf advocate and w Melt iuip3tor 0f A. t. & 8. v. It. . mouthpiece ttiul how chief mourn. CENTRALISM AHD TUB SWORD. SjiCukcr Head, in giving an cx niifte, tho other day, for ono f his unprecedeutod rulings, apparently unwittingly disclosed the pcrjiodo nud niilmufl of bin nntloii) when ho saidi Thoro was no other remedy than to tiroceed with luminous which wni Hot to lie Interrupted by either ttjlplniue oi- What Tns that "builncsij'whlcli must not bo interrupted by cither applause or clatnort Simply this the Itepubllcuii majority in the House Is very narrowonly about six or eight. As a rule, (hero nro always, on both sides, somo sick nud others absent. Thoro tire now so many Itepublicitus ou one or tho othor of theflo lists that it h imposRiblo for them to tuustor n quorum, and when tho Democrats rofiino to vol (t on nny given ques tion there Is not a majority to ro spoilt! to tho cnll of ayes and noes, uud consequently no quorum, and no bill cun pass or motion prevail. No buaiuess what'oroi' can be doiiQ without ll quorum, except under conditions specified by tho Constitution, ltdlio of which apply to the present controversy In tho House. There arc elghtoon contests for seats lu tho House, and it Is to sny tho lGnot a suspicious clfonm stnnco that they nro all brought to unseal Democrats, nnd all. or nearly all, from tho uoutli. Ono of those tiasos had been roporlod by tho commltteo on elections, nud tho attempt to first fordo that to ti decUlon, and mako It tho basis of llko action lu all tho others and sent oightnon Ilopubll- eans lu the places of cightoou DcinocrntH, was the Immediate occasion of all this turmoil, nnd uli Mr. Read's arbitrary and un constitutional rulings Tlioy brought up first) as an en tering wodge, confessedly the weakest case of tho entire list of olghtcon, of courso for tho pur pose of getting un additional voto for tho unseating of nil tho other Borontccn, ns every contestant so admitted, still further increases their majority for the indenting of tho balance. There Is certainly method, If not logic, lu tholr pro cedure. In tho light of mcro mrtylsm, It is good pnrty policy having no reference to the fu ture outcome of such a policy. Tho purpose of nil this is not dimly foreshadowed in the somo- what general demand of tho Ito publlcnn partisan press for the Us- sumption by OongroBS of tho con trol of election ilmolllliery in the south, and still mora distinctly lu tho introduction of n bill a fow dnvs uro, In tho House, for that plirposei It is well understood that WATCHES, dLOCKS. JEWELIIYi PLATEWAREli Just KoceUvcd alt and fixamlna Now , Qoods and Prices MWiiSmMi tho speaker of tho HoUse. These liro Mr. IHulno's wortU on being appcidod to lu the Imlikutt case by his own party friends: ' "The ipeaker of a leRlslallve litnW isali take coirnlr.iiiico of tho nrooelieii of a quorum only ns the ineniburn of mjlt uouy uy rpiioniiing 10 tno roll-rail nro recorded by tho clerk of the House.' In 1876, In tho courso of tho most prolonged and bitter strug gle bIiico the wnr, tho bnttlo over tho forco bill, It was propoood to Speaker Ulalne to do whntSptnk. or Heed is now doing, but Mr. Dial ne rofllsod, flaying: "Tho chair never heard of that bolus (hum. Ho bogs to remind the House that whereas It might and douliitrt would lie etitlcnmu from lndlalm (of having tho true that there Is n quorum In tho hall tho very principle otimifelated by tho Si IjINDAURH, DKM1NCJ, I. WOltMSiilt, Sak Fwanoihoo, Q. WORMSKIt, DMMlftsu LINDAUER, WORMSER & CO., Wholesale Grroceri3.- Mnhufneiurflr of-- or. will havo beoh pretty offooluul- ly killed off, and Hew Mexico will be ready for ndmlssiuu, and will get It Of course tho New Mexican will still sssay to cimmplon the o movt'tnolit, but It will bo In por- KOOTS OL bMOES, funotory Way-nt thi tall cud of Flni Wnrk a Smi . . I ' W II Milt v oi.'r-T ntirti?tUf sud lrnltlr one C8lrVA'ntlt, Hear-Sprues Street ttiiW MKXI0Ojs mavsrloksj tho procession, us It were, where It can do lit) harm luoro ns & mourner than u celobtttiit for sUtohootl then will tueatl oblivion to alt ttmt brand of Cattle. Tiley Wilt iidt tio allowed to pusK even number of llepubllciiue iu the House will opposo nny such measure, as a ruio uiey wouiii be glad enough to sub such a bill nassed if its operation could bo rcstrintud to tho south. But thut a iumoBBiblo. Such a bill must bo general lit Us scopo, and apply ns well to tho north as tho soutln But these goutlomon, whllo per- lactly willing tn see tho aouthcrn states brought under tho Federal yoke, no matter how gulling or degrading to the sovereignty of theso states or oppressive to their people, so' it produces lie publican Congressmen thorofrom, yet do not ent., and do not doro, to have that despotic and control Uiug machinery Introduced iu their own stales. Houoo tho neoessity of in creasing tho existing limited Re publican majority, nud of seeing Mint that Increase shall consist of pllablo material that can ba do neutlod uiou-comtio8cd of men Indebted to tho itoud faction far their seats who can bo trusted not to bo too independent, nnd who wilt not be nt all punctilious about tho relntroduotloii, if nones enry to tho accomplishment of the liurnoses of tho ruling faction, of oven tho baynot rule that oluirad toristfd the reconstruction era. This Is the real Issue and pur peso of Mr. Iteud's caucus matured nud caucus declared plan of Cam paign In tho ortfillii2tlon of tho House This Is tho "business that was not to bo interrupted with dither applnuso or olulilor," ant! for the accomplishment of Which lie violates, usage and precflflcnt Ami iloeg that which ovuli 1 la III (J deuuvil ;ulil not be tloito by peaker dtsresard the rules and deolnro lins neon tno rnuuilatloiii proimhly, for the grealest legislative frnniU iver conunltteu. Where n quorum in the lutlnmentof tho chair ban bren declared to bo present in tho llovac. ntrnmst tue revuu oi n roji cnii, incite tiro- ccodlnni In tho different legislatures have bronchi scandal ou tholr uaine. The moment you rtotho ymir speaker with onwer to tro behind vour nil! Call and assuihl' that thro U a sjuorum In tho iinu, wny. gotuicnicu, you sitimi ou me ery nrinji oi n volcano." On nuothor occnslnu, while Mr. Iihiluo was speaker, under pre cisely similar conditions that pre vailed during tho recent contro versy lu tho Hoase, that is, thoro was not enough Itopnblicuus present to mako a quorum, tho Democrats refused to voto, as that would show a quorum proscnt nud nsRttro tho ppnnge of the ob- noxIouH moasuro. Mr. Butler de manded that Blaine, "aeo" a quo rum proscnt nnd announce tho pussago of tho measure, as Itoad has dono In this case. Blaine, however, respouded,not llko Bond, that The roll has been culled, The Demo crats tictTltiir fulled to vote I havo no official Kitowlodtto of thlr prOsouce and must itHtidu the point, of order no quorum. Indeed, Mr. Bead IS convictod out' of his own mouth, of insin cerity nnd tho grossest partyism In his recent course. Iu a hitor Oougrosa Mr. John Randolph Tuokor, of Virginia, proposed to enact a rule that tho Speaker might declare a quorum present. Gen. fin'rilcld, Oen. Hnwlcy nud other Republicans uud Diiiuoornts strongly opposed this as mischievous nud Intoler nuioi us won ob uiicouaiiuuionnij nnd In tho courao of tho debate Mr. Roed, then a momber of the IIouso from Maine, said: "If It was my purposo to reply to tho irciitlmiinll wlin n in liisllilKen Ills seat. ft seems to me ihitt it would be a suitable and proper reply to say to lilm that the rousiiiiiiiomii men 01 a quorum is 1101 1110 prosonce of n majority of all tho mem bers of the llomti'. but a muinrlly of the members present and participating in the business of the lloiife. It Is not (he visible nresoiipe, but tholr Judgment and votes which tno i.'onsiiimiou cans lor." Yet Mr. Read presumes to rule directly tho roveraa of this, nnd to doclaro measures udoptoi whlolt have lie mi voted on, ono wny or the otliur, without it voting quorum, u thing which the con Btltulion of the United States pro hlblts and tho purposo of thn procedure Is to re-lntrodiico con ti-atlsm and tho sword as n factor iu National politics, Wholosalb jand Botail Benlors ill LubHraling ft feal Oils. FloarJIay. Grain & Potato, Nails fete, Stccl&Iron, SaJiles 4 llamoil FARM AND SPRING WAGONS. ANHEtJSEiirLEMPS, PABSt, SCHILT2, f A'LKS,11CMMeR ipr Meidsick, Grand Sec and Ec'ipse CliaMpagne, Tbe .Largest Slock Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Furnishing Goods, & llats, From. Stetson's To Select IIS 1 j5iZa W are prepsred tO '-V IUIUISU guuus IV iafload or tmaller COlt- -zzy. luantltles. .UU ... ltttsrunuKHUK so- UCITSD. A 0000 REASON FOR DELAY. The Kingston BhafU in a Tory timely and considerate nrtlclo ad- vising delay lu tho movomcut for statehood till somo other and vory mportnnt interests nrc carod for, umkcB this suggestioni Congrci shbtild grapplb tho land ques tion in New Mexico, take an Inventory of tho stock oil hand, nnd declare who aro tho lejinl lltvners of those grants, It will havo in no done sooner or utter, nnu Time, that forlorn hope of Doubt, shotild bn heroically but honestly set aside, mid renei givvu iu iuu ciii(.-. ho uinuum that a great ninny peoplo aro JloldJtiffnud reftpliiL- the benems of lnrce tracts of lima witltotii paytuu n tiotiars tax upon LINDAUER. WORMSER & COMPANY, DEMING, NEW M.I3XIOO. We nlso presume (hat they are not their titles to remain ns they are. It. vernnxlous to have their rights (ll tnoy i nir lonuow tncro F. U SIEllOlib, OAthleK 0. II. DATCK) rmtde&U First National Bank: capital paid in hooo. Transacts a Gonoral Banking fiuixiMMit C (I Mti PresittenL I cAft. SADS ohtb flitmr. Cnpt. W. M. l'lada, of Bast Las Vegas, recently vlslled his old homo nt Onrrolton, Mo., and whllo there was clveu an ovation uy hi old neighbors. His long residence nud high standing there, and his ong time position ns n political endcr, was naturally tho orotaxl for a demand for a political Hpoech, of which tho Oarroltou Democvai saysi For two Hours or more, ami wiinout tho least Indlt-athm of wmirluesf. tho vast nudleuco llntoned to dipt. Knds. Ills ipoocit was one continued iirjiumeni free from sophistry and unsupported theories, nud delivered with such pluln nessnnd telllutf ollect that It i lmllenged oud received tno situcllou of every un biased mind present. Hint it win near good fruit, wos evldonccd bv tho unspar ing complltnouu that fell ujioit every side after It was over. Asldoftolli that. tho surprising uarciopuicui oi interest manifested mithuiiHd tho democracy nnd thoy wont forth ffom tho plnco yester day With their hearts and hnutlsstrmiKth- enett tor i oiiuuhiiuk 'u- ;i iu n bMt one sentiment ten or immigeui aim that was thatarovcr Clevelund mid tariff rofortn aW lis sure to win iu I'Srroll county niul the nation, aHtlittll6 day for another test of sp-nngtll nl the polls shitllcomo. inueeii ll w.usn groai nay for tho domoeratty hi Cnrroll county. It Is td bo hoped that Cnpt Bads will consent to (nuke many audi Bpoooucs durltig tho coming campaign In tills territory Ho has nil the political Isstits tf oil lu hnmMrl n olcnT, forcible, logical Hirtuktifj and oanabls of doliitr much good It) the Deinoohitlo ointse in this Territory. 3 uny) noted upon, pfofcrl r lilies lo roimiui ns iun iur, bv culovliiif the tirotlts nnd rscantne tax nfloni or, In other words, pomcsslon, without taxation. Tho Shift Is probnbly not Uh aware of tho fact that thts olasoof lntld grant claimant and their attor neys constituted a vory consider able tpropnrtiun of tho Constitu tional Con vcntioti,nud nro the moat zealous for immediate admission under that constitution, lu tho hope of thus securing conflrma- tcry action by congress direct. This fact is or itseir sutucieui to warrant delay. It is rumored that Hon. Felix MnrtlnoB, of f!is Vfcgiis, Will soon Commotion tho publication of u Democratic wookly inthemendow cltv. Mr. Mariluez is a man of. brains nud good busiiifss capacity and nniinlrtitiiclitwi iitid would make nn nKurosslvo Unlit for Democracy nud deconcy In Bun MIkiioI counly. Ho Is tho gotitle mnn whom the Inst Territorial Houoo of Rcifrosentntivcs un seated In n most brutal nnd Groundless maunor, simply bo cause he was a Democrat nnd eotlld not be used, to mako room for n mcro tool of tho gang of thieves thai run thnt body. We slncoroly triut tho rumor of his nowflpaporlnl venture may prove corrcot. Editor Marlon of Broscolt stntoa tho cold fuels and right to tho nolnt when ho snvs: Tho Courier, although n belletor iu Democratic houestr. admits that HxOoutity Treasurer Cook, of this county, stole from tho people, jmsimso stated thnt Geo. II. Stovoiis stole some money; also Fred Smith. Wo can th hilt of no others. Now for ofllcors who called themselves Republicans: Wo can name ilvo or six ex U. S. Marshals, a fow county treasurers, somo post masters, men who wero In tho military service and others who undoubtedly got away with piles. Tlieio Was, too, a RopublleUh gov- eruorwhdlmd himself liable to tue charge of "bleeding" tho school fund. And it Is rt Womlor if big sums wero not tnuen irom me vast sums that havo now and then been added to tifti pnbllo debt Uy rooorstuehdatlofi of Replibllcnit govornorH. When a Democrat hna goii'J wrong, ins party paper havo straightway dontniiiocil him. When Republicans Wont Wrong, their orL-aiis cxotl&fed tlieiu and endeurored to cover np tliclr tracks OUST A V WUltMSkJt, Detlilhg, M I. KI.KIHftMAM. -i -i T. I. McOnOHTx-, Bantil Ko) N. Mi J 0. II. DANK. ,t ,J, F. li. tilJ5l0Wi Doming, ft. M. f At t tii.ctiM 4 It. Ki At sli III I ?U3Jtt aiWUIIUUI lV Alt Ml IIKfiUY OIIA8B, Lyndon. Vormnill. KitAKlC TIIUHMOND. o.r. nodua TURF u THURMOND & BtiGER, PropSs Bo Quality of "Wines, LiquOrs aild Cigar ANHEUSER beer on draught. fcpui' lino of Irrlportotl rttlcl Ddirlestld dljjrtrs ltl ciiuttis nil tho host brnnds. Wo invlt coinpitrisotii i .U A : OUR CLUB ROOMS dorirtdatctl with tills dstttbllstullolit rtro ltl dlinrgti of tHMi ti oxpcrlonuo nnd tho houso rtgroos to bo rospoiiaible that thtf troatmoilt ol tho vlaitors will bo Uniformly fair and cour'-' teouBi "Whllo in Doming", dull riFdUtid nnd priss rt pleasant ovcnllig. Deniing Meat Market Albert Lindaiier fc Co. BOTCHERS. FI1ESII BEEF MUTTOX AND Ulil Always on Itttnd. Spring OhicbM, Ducb and Sids Alt KINDS 01-' GAM15, VOlttl ANtf XMU, Thd Bt Assoriiest Of Cbotcttt M XMts td li Mi it li MH ORDERS iif Mi MMimn RECEIVE PROMPT AtTEWl; Slook bought wutsoHt'i illgltiM ih mitl V, Ul. ti n W I o