Newspaper Page Text
u TOffi HEADLIGHT. lOUTHtfUTIM PUHHSHINQ CO. BAJl'lIHOAY, I AHOU 1, IBM. Jfiidge O'llrlen win yesterday ooiifli mad as Oliief Jusllcoof Now Mexl6o. They hifl 5HW'T"iliyT continu ous and heavy rain, nud n tornado, In Control Illinois ft fsvr duys ago. The flotiuieriPtoicgrnpli vrlrss on both sliiee of tlio Mississippi River were blown down on Tues day. AnotlieT DemooniMo tnembor of Gongross was ousted yesterday to give tho Republicans n larger ma jority. l.'J ..!. .1 ... I".! The Durham Tobacco Factory, togother witK-two others, wero destroyed by lire en Saturday night last. iijjj -- i English Byndicates nro now lyiylng up tho whisky trusts, Such a deal wun mado in Ohlcngo on Thursday. A Boston dispatch reports the utenmor Dominion, from Unston to Nova Scotia, foundered at sea, and sixty lives lost. isjll a J Senator ilcngatt on Tuesday in troduced n bill to provldo for n great system of reservoirs for Ir rigating the arid lauds In tho west. tiL' L I1-.. .1.1 Delegate Josoph has Introduced a bill to npproprlato $18,000 tor the agricultural experiment sta tion in tho territory of New Moxloo. Tho Bantu Fc has now tho Uncut fast freight servlco norosB tho continent, and promises to hold that high distinction in American railroading. Gov. Holes, of Iowa, was In nugurated on Thursday. An im mciiBO conconreo of people was troseut, aud great enthusiasm manifested. The snlaTof tho Union Stock Yards of Chicago to an Un dish Syndicate for the sum of thirty million dollars, is aunouncod ns practically closed. Disastrous storms swept the eeasts of Ulilniv and Japan about a mouth oko, by ivliioli from throe to four thousand fishermen, will: their boats, wero driven out to sea and lost. Tho Wostern It rtfcAman, a prominent Catholic newspaper in Ht. Louis, unuounces tho suspon slon of the Lenten fast for this year, owing to the gonernl prova lence of La Orlppe. The senato committee has de cided to bring in u bill to increase tho monthly purohuso of sliver from two to four millions month. The Window 1)111 receives very little nttontion in Congress. Very Importnut gold discoveries nro reported in Northern Mou (nun that Is, they will be impor tant if tho rumors do not turn out to be another immigration boom. This Is about tho time of tho year for such. The Snutn Fo maungamcnt is working for Immigration to the south west. An agent tins been sold to Russia, another to Ger many and another to France. Spoclul efTo! tsuro mado to bring fruit growers. Thondmlssiou to probate of the wlli of the late John Jnuob Astor on Thursduy, makes his son Wil Ham Waldorf Astor tho wealthiest man in America, If not In tho world, their consolidated for tunes nmouuting to two hundred million dollars. Atorriblo hurricane nwopt over n part of Northern Texas Tuesday morning. Tho Mnsnnio Hull In Galusvillo was torn to pieces, tho court house was unroofed and the Santa Fo railroad depot was wredked. Twenty buildings woro blown down. No ouo was killed but sovernl Injured. Latond I vices fr.u tho Cllerokeo Nutlou nro tu tho effoet that nfTalrfl in the Chorokoo Strip am becoming quite complicated nud that serious trouble Is likely to occur between tho Indian pallco nud boomers who are congrogu tlug on tho border of the strip ready nt any timo to swarm over tho line In dolluuco of the Indian nulliorltlos. Chief Mnycs ' has ortjered Lieutenant KnIghtof tho Indian polloe, 4o uso nil tho powors at lis coiumaud to eject tho In truders. Should a conflict oiihuo, thero Is likely to bo hot work nud btood will undoubtedly be shed. THE ARlltOlT A D AM DISASTER Tho Walnut Groredam across the Uaasnyaiupa, about forty miles south of Prencott, was broken by an Immense Hood on Saturday Inst. The dmn was somo four hundred feat long ut the top, about one hundred feet high, and Is said to have cost $800,000. It is n com plete wreck, This saddest of all, however, is in tho loss life. It (s ascertained that at least forty mou were killed or drownod. Tho company's camp threo miles below tho lower dam contained about l2aporsons two weeks ago, and there woro probably that many in It at tho time It broke. Fears aru entertained for their lives. A oourltr who arrived ut I'hunilr, says ho was nwnkenod about 2 o'clock on Saturday morning by tho shrieks of tho people, Tho wnvo was fifty feet high when ho first nw it and was stiatkllng In tho darkness with millions of phosphoric rays, mid with a terriflo roar It almost, in stantly swept nwny tents and buildings. Tho canyon, which was full of cottonwood trees, was swopt out clean. Tho lower dam, a structure- 230 feet long nud 00 foot oboTO bd rock, with 30 feet above tho surface, was also swept away. In a narrow nbova tho dam, tho waters backed up n hun dred feet high, nud with n crash and t our rushed through tho nar row gorge like lightning, clean lug out tho last vestige ef every thing vislblo, leaving tho bnro, hard rocks. This is n most uufortunnto casualty. Asldo from tho loss of life and of tho money Invested, It will have n tondeuoy to dlscour- ago investments in Ilk enter prises hereafter, and is nolunllke- ly to soriously retard nud iutorfero with tho development of the country. AHOTHEtt BAILIIOAD 11IT0 TlEW MEXI CO. A Richmond, Virginia, dispatch of tho 20th Inst, says tho house committee on railroads roported that day a hill to inoorpornto the Virglnlu, Missouri & Western lioilrond company. Tho object Is to construct nroud from Norfolk, Virginia, 1o u Junction in Now Mexico with the Atlantic & Fuel- flo nud tho Atchison, Topekn & Santa Fo roads. Tho dlstnuco is 1,010 miles. Tho capital for the enterprise Is nearly nil Knglish money, and thai 810,000,000 in bonds of the now company have already boon Bold In Kuglnud. Survoyors bnvo commenced oper ations in Tonuessse, and will go into Virginia ns soon as tho char ter sought thero Is granted, Tho projeotud road Is to begin at Nor folk and pnsB through tho counties bordering on tho stuto of North Carolina, thou proceod through Tounesseo, Arkansas and tho In dian Territory to New Mexico, WOKLD'B FAIB LOCATED. Tho locution of tho World's Fair was finally settled in tho House of Representatives on Monday last. Tho final voto was Chicago 157, Now York 107, St. Louis 2C, nud Washington 18 Chicago having n majority ovor ait. Now if they will make It a World's Fair, indeed, and not n political machine, tho country will very cheerfully bear Its portion of the oxpeiiBo. Thero am indica tions, however, 1802 being n Fresldontial year, that thero will bo more politics than Fair nt tho bottom of It. Rotter to postpone it another year and arold the risk of such flpootiti'lc. Tho director of tho mint has appointed Wullor 0. Hndley, of Lako Valley, to gather statistics In regard to tho production of metals In this territory (during tho year 1880. It Is nu excellent appoint ment. There nro few men in Now Mexicu who uudcrstuud as well or know ns much about tho mlii Ing Interest of tho Territory, ns Mr. Hudley, nud none hotter. Tho Fornlta Land Grant clnlm has been finally dUposed of, Com tnissioner Groff of tho general land afllco having decided against tho clnlmuiits on every point and ordered the caso to be stricken from tho surveyor general's docket. Tho clnlm was for nearly ff,000,000 acres of luud covoriug some of tho richest parts of Arl zona. Goo. Cuylor Preston, of Snntn Fo,luto mtndldato for Chief Jus tlce of Now Mexico, has licou designated special United Stutes attorney to take toetimony In tho matter of the claims which citi runs of Now Moxloo have against tho government for supplies far nlshod to the regular U.S. troops ahd volunteers during tho' rebel lion. cosvHitW'jiEroEr. Something tnoro than a year ago Col. T. 11. Mills, of Las Vegas, was appointed by Col. BwlUlor, Chief of tho Bureau of Statlstlds of tho Treasury Department, to bo U. B, Treasury Expert for the collation of stntlstlcH relating to tho resources, trade and coin, ntorco of tho Territory of Now Mexico. Col. Mills' report is published in the last volume of tho otllolol report of tho Rureau of Statistics, for tho fiscal year 1888-0, latoly published, and occupies seventy six pages of flue print In that vol ume. The report Is replete with very interesting matter relating to Now Moxleo lilstorlcal, statistical, commercial, financial, nud geo graphical nt once tho most com plete nud instructive resumo of tho general affairs, nud of tho economic conditions of the Terri tory, that has ever been published. So wido in tho ran go eovorod by this report, and bo voluminous its statistical data, that It would bo impossible to ineludo In a nows pupor article a sufllclont synopsis to dojustlco to the report, or to convoy to tho mind of the render nn ndequato Idea of Its contents, but wo shall from time to timo mnko oxtraets therefrom of those portions of most general publlo interest. Tho portion of most Immediate lutcrost to our renders of Grant county, is that relating to her towuB,mlnos,8took,otc., and Grant county towns. Tho reports says: UKMIMt. l'uinlatloii, 1,000. In the patttrn port oi untiu uoiiiny, m junruov or mi ai clilion, 'lupukn nud bAwln ' Jtallnwwl with the Bmithom l'aelllc, 'JO mile north of the Mixlco line. nif 80 miles cast of t!i llnpj In the contcr of n level ihmm (nitwit 70 mile north ami lotith. nml 100 nillwt fiiitt nml wostlnf good grazing land, nml nny crop can ho raised mi It by Irrlgitllntr. Tho town In waturwl by wi'lls from ISO to ftU fort (Icon. Watur mipply liiuxhaitstahlo. tins Jul)- liliijr l.onevs that ncll to nil point rast wcki, onrtli, nml smith, within MO miles. Supplies a very largo scopn of lotiiitry ilurntod to Rtoek niUlntr. uml also tho mint's of Cook's Peak, Trcn llonmums, moms nuts, iiiieniiii, Apacne, tno fiort hi, nml othurs. Mild, drv olltnittc. One pulillc ach(M)l, oiio weekly ntnvspaper, Tho Denting Headlight. Two, mo i.uiirrej;auoiiai nun jieinouisi. a untlounl hank. Four hotels. An opont nouse. .Masonic ioiiup, eininier Htm eoni niiuidery, nud 1. O. U. f IihIjjc. Dcmlnj; U th contor of tlm Inruont mineral nro- dticltm portion of New Mexico. It hn n good trade with Mexico, mid U n sup lily di'i'ut for colonic In Bottom nud Chi liunhun, and for the ullver rntuc of those tnto. Ml.Vlill l-ITV, Populntlon, 11,228. County tent or (Irnut County. At lerinlmwof silver City lirnnnh of tho Atchison, Topekn nml Snu tn l-'o liullroud. 8tnge tn Port llnynrd, (. eiiirni i.iiy, nun Lorenzo, tutu unorgp towni Alum, Cooiiuy. (11 lit. nud I.ordn- hurgh. Im n well hulltcltyi wnter works) lighted by electricity. Altitude nlmut 0,111 00 feet. ('11 mute, m d. Trni o In mining vuppllea with nit tho surrounding mining camp, umo witn oiuiiwenterii Kooorro lounty niiiiiHiiitiieuiiteru Aruoim, anver uty iiim iiovernl inrge toiuicliiff uorkM nnu trot tho gronter i.ortlnu of tho output of tho Riirroiimlliig country buniille tt lurae niKl well-itiM'ked urn.- ing ruuniry. jTinuipui uxpurtH, goiu, or, eon nor. nun lemt millions ores. beef, hlilot. wool, nud neltn. IlUtrlot court, lhreo fchoolit, thrno chiirclirs, I lire i) nanus, ix mump mint, tlirce (iimi- in, ip, ji. u .imuje, iiihi tii.i iii'i'mj mppN, iiio j'.uterprito aim Boiunwcm 30IIIIIIOI. eiKOIKICTIJWX. Ponulnllon. nhout 1.000. In uorthcnit cm urntit County, in the umlu musu of tlm Jtocklen. 0 tnllPi oiut of the coiitluiiu tnl divide, 23 mile northeiiHt of Hllvor C!ty. u mlli'B cunt of tho Hlo M luhrei, U n llourlithlnir inliiliiir town. Dnllv ntnge to Hllvor city. Wmercd by spring nud wolln, In hhick ulnte. Trnde chk-lly from II o Mlmhren. Bnnollo. nud rnnuhcii on tho L'nnor ( ruiiuh mid itilulnt! upplleN. 1'lnoor mine yielding nhout Koliool. Two cliurclieii. Two qimrti! sow.imi nuuuuiiy. riuo en nine. (J no mill. Uuo hotel nnrt novonil lioanllng huuso. 'I'lientr. A. V. & A. M. Indue. Milieu numeroiw.chloliy hlli-erudoorci corhomito, chlorldo, nud horn ullver nuununnt. llt'lWIM s. l'onuliitlon. US to' SO. In north oentrnl Orntit County, uenr Hmlwin'H Mntlon, nn tho Silver City, Doming nud l'nnlfle Itntl itmil. Stiiao cnm.ootH with nil trains. Vaterou by hot ami cold unring. Trade from the Mlmbrci Vnlley Incorii, barley, wlioNt. etc. DfitMiidt for IiikIiiom on uprlugu mid nn ttock railing nml ngrlt-ul- lure, itaiinn cumnte. une nunooi. One hotel. iioiiiwni'iia, rnpulAtlou, lix). In wotern Clrnut County, ut Junction of the Bnuthirn I'a Hflr nnd IU Cllflou (ArU.) Untm-h. (.11 mute mild. DUtrlbutlng point for mill ing nml run oh iuppIIm for noutliwmturii Omnt County Htic MutliMMeru Arizona. Sleln'a 1W Pymmhl. Vlrtlutn, mid HiinKipenru nro mijnceui mining Uiib ncliool. Two hutelt. cam. The Gnllup J! Ik nuuoiiueoB that It has seoured the printing ma torlal of tho dofunot kttct-lteghtcr nud is now tho only newspaper published In Gallup. Tho JM Is n good, live uowspnpor nnd Is published nt a good, live town. Vlee-l'rosldent Morton's Shore ham buffet vua lately tho scono ol what would elsewhere bu called n bnr-roniu fight. Tho SO-cont Mor ton whiskey doesn't sacin tn illfTer much In ltHoffeut from other tar antula Julco. AViiat Is uonsldered good tin lliorlty fixes thodcaih rate of Now Mexloo for tho present decade an oue-clghtb of that of tho Now Kit glnud olatcsj oue-flfili of thai of Minnesota) uuo half of that of the southern stales, por ratio of popu lation. i, "tr JOBLK J. QXJlNlSr Sz Clothing, Cry goods, LAMES' and GENT'S Call and Examine Our Pine Street, Doming, New Mexico. MR, JOSEPH'S SCHOOL BILt Delecato Joacph has introduced a 11111 in tho Ituuan of Representa tives for tho support of common schools in New Mexico. Tho fol lowing is tho text of the 1)111: For ilx yen iwxt from nnd uflor tho t nJfniro of I tin net Here minil nc niiuiiNiiy niiproprlnted, out of nny money In the Trtnuury not otherwUo npproiirlatcd, the turn of one hundred thoitemid dollnro to aid In tho support of free common ioIiooU lit tho Territory of New Mexico. Hw. !? That before wld Territory (hull be entitled to receive euld uppro prlntlon It Dlinll have jmivldod by law for the froe miucnllon of nil It children of school nite, without dlMliictlou of color, lor ut lonM inree mount in earn yenr, from the fund provide! fr ichoolii under tho lnw of mild Territory. Hw. S, Thnt nu nnuiiiiit not oxccodin (lv to per centum of tho until npprnprluted nv he iiihi hv nld Territory for tho may diicjitlou of tencheri In mirmnl lehools, tencher' lintltuten, or olhcrwlo. Bi; -1. Tlmt tho ntnoiuit so npproprln ted shall be drnwu from the Treimury by wnrrnttt of the Secretary of the Tronrntry, upon the monthly entlmnleii nnd ro.iull tloua of the Beeretiiry of tho Interior ns the mine tuny be needed, nud shnll be I uild ovor to Hiich olUcora in nlmll bo liy Iho laws of the Territory to recelvo me snmo. Btx, n. That the Iiutructlon in tlio common kiiooi wnerein mil money elntlt bu expended khnll lucluda the nrt of wrltlnp, reading, nud HpenkliiK tho KiiRllili liutgtiiKe, nriiiimeiie,Beosnipii,v, lilitnrv of t to I'llltcd StntCH. mill Klioll other branches of useful knowlcdtfo ns limy bo tniiRhl itmlcr local laws. Hi i- a. That If It Khali nnnenr to tho Rocrctnrv of the Interior tiint tho funds received tinder this not for the preceding car by salU 'rerruorj" imvo peeii nnu ully iipnllrd to the purpones contempln ted by this net, nml that tho conditions thereof hnve been observed, then tho Rrcretnry of tho Interior shall dlHtrlbuto tho next year's appropriation ns herein before provided. Tim Secretary of tho liitnrlor xlinll have Dower to hear ttlld ox- amine nny comnhiluts of mlinpiroprla tlou or unjust illscrlinlintUm In tho uso of tho funds herein provided, mid tdinll report to Congrats tno rcmnm tuoruoi. ASINQUL&n QUESTION. An eastern oorrespondout wrltos tho Tombstone Prospector iuiiulriug "whethor ornot ronpout able ladies voted nt a school elec tion held In Tombstone!" Whsronpon the Prospector queries, in nuswen "WHY NOT?" 'Cerlrtlnlv: married women nro ollcl- bio to voto at school elections lu Arizona and have dona so for years punt, Thoy nro alto usually .appointed us judges anil Itispevtors of Such elections receiving therefor tho usual salary ." Surely, why untl Women have vastly more at stake than men have, in the proper education nud rearing of their children, nud should hnvo nt least nu cquul volcu In all publlo as well ns pri vnto regulation to thnt end. Cor talnly, wherever that right has boon given, thoy have oxorclscd It with quite ns much intelligence untl judgment us nnvo men A quoer consignment of freight was received in England n short time ago. It consisted ontlrcly of cuts 180,000 cuts, from Contra Egypt, nnd supposed to be about four thousand years old. Hvcry eat was carefully swathed lu bunduyos nud thoroughly muniiul iled. Vtiet doposltes of theso mummies woro discovered lu ypt somo time ngo, stored away in cat-aoombs, us It wero, nut somo sharp Kgyptnln Yankeooon celvod tho Idea that they would tuuko good fertllljors and find a market in Europe for that pur pose. The first consignment wne orrtir tons to Jingium!, and round . , . . .1 . ! .... rcauy flitio ni lour iiniiuro u ton i.j.i.u. , r The destruction of tho Walnut Orovo dntu. with Its deplor able loss of llff, of vastly moro oousrquenuo than the $800,' OOOlnvcutod, will bo likely to turn tho uttcuilon of irrigation inter cuts moro nud moro to the now good nud constantly improving uiethods of drawing water from the earth by stoma pumps, for purposes of Irrigation. Tho ,,hrecell-clou,, stntoHiiisn. Oil. AV. U llynsriwii, who has been sojouriilug In wnihliiBtoii City for some timo twst, thinks he mutt have his old MrtuPt, juipy mm j.iowenrn, umro soon, ir new i wiuro soon, u now statn Uurllitf this loxico damnum a stale uurllitt soMloa of oa(freH.-lltaton ltiune. -Dealers kx Ol'.DKllS HIT MAIL Oil KXIUIES8 The Las Orueco Republican I not pleased with DUtrlot Attor ney Fisltc, It lutlnialoB that Mr. Fisko is not ns big ns Tom Catron. Which, being iutcrpruted, menus that Fisko is not a boss, nor a bull-dosor, nud that that oflioe will not bo used under his administra tion to harass and intlinlilato Democrats Into voting tho Jtepub lean ticket to keep his party In powor. A ltctnibTlcau niembor of tho Homo Committee on nnimiiulntlons nrmlotl ngnliut the World's Fair appropriation on thtt iirouml thnt the surplus Is already I Utiosed of. Thnt U about the fact of the case) except that some bills which will bo pmwed nro not yet passed! Noth lug cqunl to tho lteniihllcun"dlstloslllon" of the surnlus has liccii seen sluco the (tUappcnnince of the Juno snow. Ht. iiuis ltopuiiiic. V. It, llyiiersou makes n political ap ical for a crowd of New Mexico Honuli Icnus to come on to Wnshliiutoii to help convince Congress that New Mexico Is Kopitiiiicmi, no tins territory etui no nu inlttod ns n rtate. This Is n elenr "ulvo way" ns to the matlve of tho llepuhllcaii CouKreos lu ndmlttliitr territories, nnd Is anything but vredltalilo to Coii:rcH, n u I tno joke or it is tno proposed ni tempt to prove that New .iioxica is ltd- iihllcau -with n Democratic delegate lu onuress for n third term, by nu over whelming majority. -8autn Fo Bun. 1ST. A. BOUGH. -DEAI.Klt IN- i BOOTS S SHOES I Carry A Full Jjine IN ALL DEPARTMENTS, And My StocV ut GENTS' FURHISHIH6 GOODS Is tlio Most Complete IN QRANT COUNTY, Having Hoeu tJdeuteil Especially (Or thts Market, Fine Shirts & Underwear Of Every kind and lu all Hues. CALL AND TEST PJtlOEH. Next Danr to lit. 3nUonwl llniiU. Mtf Notlcs for rabllcstlon. wilUr IMS Altai IIOIIM ot 111 h)i.ltfll Ml lll(!k niii iirotu in lot rWflw jiii.jmi' WlUsUwBf.isW lisniF. McOasi, K$'Ur It i Mlt" ' feul wtrv?! t i t tto hi Boots, shoes, Hats. FURNISHING COODS, REOUlVJi rBOMPT ATrESTIOM, Silver City, TIMER Single Rooms, Booms En Suite T&bla Supplied with all tlio Dolicies of IN Season. Under the new msnseemnnt llils popular Hotel will fes STItlOTIiY FlItST-OLASS STYLI3, JOHN A. MOSES. HARRY DOBSON, . - PIONEER Bakery and C FRESH BREAD, ROLLS, PIES, CAKESffc. CANDIES, NUTS, FRUITS, Cigars and Tobacco. 0r. Silvor Avo. nnd Spruco F.8TBMSI1ED 1883, Quiet Club Rooms , ttachedi, H, C. MOORE, Proprietor. DEMING,' C H. DANE &CO uEHkiUL aoknts and dkaleub in WIND MILL DEMING, NEW MEXICO. JOHN CORBETT, Manufacturer of Soda Waters and Denlor In ICS, EEG cl UDMiNO, CO Stock, New Mexico, condtMttMl U PropriciQr. Manager, onfectionery. ED. PENNINGTON, Proprietor. l.ll.l Il ll. I Hi St. - - DEMING, N. M. NEW MJDXICOv CO crt BOTTLED BEER NEW MEjCIQO, 'O