Newspaper Page Text
ft V 9N liiftiWtfoitr. ttmnmiii (imbnks. 1 Bradford Print. K. M. Thcwin. Xdwftld r,Hbarti. X, A. llakt. Trinidad Komtro. J. V.thOtoUT. Tilnldad Alarld. AMo,mii)ttlar K. UOatllttl. m Wrnkoott, l). It. Atirtiiatni, MWttgrar ttsdwral, AU4ltr, Traiinrar, , S.Miwr ucastM, AdUunt tfeearal, l'Htttlary Ward, lHtm of ait bov9,8iint U, It. ti,) C'iiUI Jntle, Jarfga ) 1U JudJad Dili, JaSgalrlDlit., Clark Id Dial. Csvrt, E. V. Jennie, Laa viai, Mr. It. Wklttman, Mats Tn, W, tl 1S, Albuquirqu J no. it. Wprle, Lai Crnca. A.U hrlty, Liajirueaa, liUt. Atl'rUtlit.Cor1,V. A, Ahehctit. Bluer 1 1 tj. COUhTT or HUMID. Cttsili'Kri S.r.CnpanWr.Oii'o, Doming Tlioa. VT. Cobb, slim Oily. John nrKw, flsorgatown Shtrltf, It. II. Wliltablil, SIItm City. PrabMa Jadie.W. U. Ilolmsn, SirmCity. Probata Ottrk, A. II. Morcliad,tlltir City. Aiititor, ill. CUurn, terdbr. Tftfr, M. W. Sefl, IllwOlir. Hurt. itehoola, It. Iorali, ftllrcrClty- niruFkot orri'oKiu. Juitlca or tU rue, J no. D. Modgdtn CJm.iblo, Frank rntr. sottooi. DiRtcrom. Unit a. rtvld, X. I'tnnlnaion, 11. Mardlisa. BISTER JEAN WA8 MARRIED, Whn tktrr J mo wm twarrUi Tt ehsreli wm 'ay and grwn Wtth fknttra aM Jet woctrrltd To brwttf r male tha aeroo, A wtddttvt bttl u hang to Atora lite altar rail, AmI bww mlcht hear lt elangtas fists abe who vera tha tall "Tho lotllt ef no war, It'a jutt yotttwlf," It mM, An I pcUU fU It, allow r Whan atattr . wm wad. Wlien iWr Jaan mm trmrrlwt Tha organ slowly rUrd, A If Ibarauatfl tarrlM To knap bar Mill a maid. Tim womrti wept, ami cMldraa fair aummtr roam flung, And praUoa of her buly Can faat from ery toagu. "No maid h etar awwltr, tkxt blM your p rally had,M Tha neighbors aald to grwt bar, When iUter Jean wa wed, Whan tlctar Jian was marrttd Tb gilhry waa dark, And In tha darkiwt corn.r Bat m aha did Mt ouuk. Who, whlla hla hrart M breakb(, UotkI bit wan llpa In prayer That bar heart knaw no oeJilof No Uula ot hit drapalrt And no piayrr wa ao Mtvt I Aithatboaoflly Mid Vp In U falhry comer Tbn atttrr .lean waa wed. -1-bU I. Pakar. Tha Dfflftatt ttuanlng AnUnai. In it rvcont mtmberof Tho Bun I mtr a cUtcmout thai tlid ffrayliound U prob ably tho ttvirtt-st nuadruiwd. But ilioro ii an animal on tho Colorado plains which in much snifter. It is tho small ml prairlo fox, commonly known n "tho nwlft," A koo1 groyhound will pull down two or llirco from a bunch of nntolopen, but tho Rwift encap tvmllly from him. In tho cliruw tho fox will atop still and wuit until tho hound is near him, nnd thon coolly diitxinco him, and repeal tho samo tna imurer. It doc not jump, liko a hound, but rutin with a peculiar elid ing motion. Ita Icgsnroof medium length, and muscular. On ona occasion one escaped from a box trap, by tho sido of which I was standing. Near mo was a shophord dog, who was a good enough runner toplalc up n jack rabbit occasionally. Tho dog jumped for tho fox as tho latter oamo out of tho trap, ret at n diataiico of ISO feel tho fox stopped till 1 and waited for tho doir. In regard to jack rabbits, they nro not ro swift as generally supposed. Their nronrrcat Is br tremendous iuuips. I have measured twenty-four eel in the snow, in n straight lino be tween succcsslvo footprinu, and tho animal was troliicr up hill, too. But in heso lllglits they loso Umo, and tlfo hound, .wolf and fox, whoso feet ttriko tho ground mora constantly, will readily overtake thorn. TIicm facts nro from my own expo rionco, mid may bo relied upon. Wal lr L. Wilder in Now York Bun. Tha Tomb of den. Grant. Night is over tho great city, aud tho stitrs, with their silont eyes, look down upon tho tomb by tho rivor, as, In tho long ago, they looked down tburonjx5ii n wildorncss sec no, when tho prows of Hcndrick Hudson moved through tho over flowing waters. And thorp l')3 waters will coutlmto to flow on and on until another great leader rhall nrlso nrepnrcd for tho lust great conllicl. And l .ls conflict will not bo ouo of blood, but intellectual and moral cut: that shall adjust to tho tusoof tho tolling millions a righteous measure for their labor In a laud over Uawlucr with wealth nnd abundance mora tlinn sufficient for tho comfort 1 nnd of every desorvlng ono, tven to tho very last. h humblest son and daughter of toil. But victory will nover eusuo until character, nnd not gold, has becom tho general meas ure of regard, and tho raco has at tained that high moral piano where no ono con wield vast possessions and llvo under tho withering scorn that would befall him If ho lived for him self alone. Howe's "Historical Collec tions of Ohio." A MIIIImi and n Mf. Two men walked rapidly down Wall street yosterday afternoon nnd entered ono of tho prominent banking institu tions. Tlioy wnro stutdy, heavy et nion. Ono carried a small black satchel, Both kept their eyes roaming from sido (o side. I followed them Into tbo biink. Hie man with tho satchel sat down, dropping tho bag carelessly on tho floor. Tho othor wont into tho rc- cciving torku-s inoiosuro, reached down into his lircasl tocket and ox tractod a paoUapo uf bills. Tliew woro hastily coimtud, and tho two strangors iciu IM toner jamincu mo oius into an onvoiopo, scaled ti aim ttucncu it Into a snfo, n f tor ward closing tho door in a crfuiictory manner Thoontiro transaction occupied lus than two minutes. Thou tho teller turned to mo and saldi "How much do you think was in that puckagat" "Why, about $800." "Yes, and uliltlo mora. It contained ono million four hundred and forty odd thousand." "You don't mean III" "Yes," ho said, showing his memo randa. "You see, It's nem.v nil iu 10,000 bills. Thorolsnot great dan ger In carrying notes of that denomi nation, becauso, except hero in Nbtr York, they aro so seldom used that suspicion would at onno bo directed toward any ouo wbo attempted to no gotlato them." One thing still puzzled me. "What did tho mcssonger hava in his Mitcliolt" "NotliifK but a half brick. Tho satchel is carried as a blind, to throw any posslblo thief off tho track." Now York Cor. Philadelphia Press, Two Waye lo rropoaa, Hero aro two kinds of "proposing." Tlits ono is the kind you road about, but tho other is tho ono most popular In tho realm of fact: "My angol, I havo long wailed for lhlflopiortunity. You must havo detected oro now tho growth of my lovo for you. From iiio day 1 first met you, that lovo tori VALUY OF THE WINDINQ. ATER. The -alley of ths wlndls water Wear tha aatna Itgtil It worn ot pvt. BUII o'er tha ptirtilaptka tha jiorttbl Of illnarn. and dealra ilafaU JMIU broak tha fielda of epesl" ToemraM. la their andaiit way. Tha aajiphlra of the aumtner he.tea Hlonnlte,Mywiwly My are ara on tha arnalns earth, Tba eiultar.1 bbUSlnVa wild wlnt And ret. of all tbU kindly lA.lnox, Ky heart behold not aathln. Cut In a Hill iwraldf wy- , , . With laouwera round ber alleol bead. Bllod to tlw quanthlea t-am, tha anguUtt, I km, loiiay, wonun dead I -tlwloa U U Itolnrta la Century tlnnbllns tP Anntbni brltrht littlo CIllcOCO girl line. Iwen Irarnmg to spell, nnd slio has tmxtrlonced crcut irouuio wiui uio .liiuhln letters. Her nlllll.who Is tench Ing her, InsUts upon tier saying "double" when tho samo letters occur together, Instead of rcpfatlng each ono separately for Instances liianoll lug "bubhlo"sho must sny "b ti'doubio b f-e," instead of b u b-b-f c. Tills meth od annoyed tho littlo ono greatly, 8ho could not tret It llxwl In her head, and whon wading or spelling sho brtcaino all mixed up with thinking of this "doublo" rulo. Tho other day sho was reading nnd lllngmit tho story of a littlo, girl who wns eating nu tip ple, nnd sho beenmo mixed, ns usual. Bho camo to tho sentence, "Up, littlo girl I" and sho rendered it, "Doublo up. Httln rrlrll" It nilcrlll httVO n 111)1 led to tho apple rplaoito, but it shocked tho lima onospaiieuiiiuD. immcakurauiy. Chicago Herald. rim r art oily, Liverpool, tha queen of BrlllflH norU. was onea an in hmllloaiil fish ing hamlet on & small creek Irttlnu; tm lite ImprlMurit far Debt. "A matt who will Imprison tho father of sovon children for n debt of f 30 ought to bo prosecuted criminally and civillr." said Judao Tuthll) with rrreat. iuditrnutiou this morning. Anher Ijitrirus. n ttotldler. asked for his ro leaso from jail on n writ of habeas corpus. 1Io was imprisoned by Fin kolfltoiu Ilros., butchers, for a debt of too. Tho petitioner presented a most woo begono nnd wretched appearanco as ho took tho stand nnd testified that nodo mand was tuado on him forutchedulo of his property before ho was thrown into jatl, as is required by law. "What was tho debt fori" asked tho and whisky." " W.lsky from a Imlehorl" said tho court, lather staggered. "Well, dJd you jiiro any property?" "Nothing but what my family and I havo on our backs." "How much of a family havo you!" "A wlfo and sovon children,' re plied Lniarus, as tho tears camo to his ores. Tho etiort of tho man to ruprcsa his tears iilfected tho judgo. "Let tho petitioner bo discharged," ho said In thunder tone. "If your honor ploaso" said a lawyer who stood besldo Lazarus' coun sel. "Who aro you!" asked tho judgo ro"? am tho nttornoy for tho creditors of this man." "Well, 1 want to hear nothing from you, sir. Tiio urrcstof this mini is an outnigo. No malice on his part is shown, nnd tho man who will impris on tho father of toven children for a dobl of 30 ought lo bo prosecuted erlmittullv and ctvlllv." Tim creditors' root, aud to-night it is strong nnd Inwyerditl not stay to faco Mm judicial i Morsev. and frcn limited bv specie nf birds called tho liver. Tho place) thon contained only a few huts Inhabited by herdsmen and llihortnen who piled their colling oil Ilia river banks. Today Liverpool Is thogreat el shipping center In tho world. Its mnritlmo Irafllo makes a far greater display than that of the port of Im don, , harbor. Its docks, IU ware houses and counting hottc presenting a scetio of thu greatest activity arising from ths vast scopo of It shipping operations. Uverpool continued to bo a small nnd obscure town until tho Seven teenth century. With tho restoration of tho monarchy, after tho plaguo and groat (Ire, many London merchants removed to Liverpool, and trado be gan to establish Itself hero. William III gave ft new charter to tho corpora lion i laud was purchasml from tho lord Of tho manors tho river channel was cleared nnd deepened, aud In 170 tho first iloak iu Kntrland was con structed on tho Mersey. In tho reign nfUeortro I Ilia Damnation of Liver pool was 10,000. At tho end of tho Eighteenth century there wore 77.000 IniiubltanlSi tho docks had increased in number, and tho annual dock charges ninountod lo 33,000, anil tho customs charges woro over 1,000,000. Between Liverpool and Manchester Iho flrsl Kngllsli railway wns built. Tho lost great engineering work un dertaken by tho Liverpudlians was tho Mersey tunnel, which was begun In 1870 and oponed for trafllo on Jan. 0, 1680. Tho tunnel extends under tho river from Live-pool to Birkenhead j it is nearly n mil in longth, nnd runs through a solid bed of rock. It Is used oiiliroly for railway trafllo, and con tains n doublo lino of truck. The tun nel Is likely lo como before long uudor tho control ot onoor tiio great railway companies, In which event It will form a very Important nnd dtnlrablo link iu tho railway system of tho king dom. Ono contemplates Liverpool's tin eauated shlnpliiff facilities, nnd tho ou mm i 0. 11 tu.NE tJKHtt CI JEL DANE & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Furniture, Carpets,UpholsteryfWallpap6r INVITE ATTXNTIPN TO TIlJCIK sriOlALtTllH Of CHAMBER SUITS cmcusmd rv. chrap utcrrti rnnntr. 'r.""!"" xt m una nnibll I liuuil rMnH in Ash, Imitation Haiiagony, Antique Oak and Walnut. Rattan Goods, Office Desks, Baby Carnages, Parloi Suits, -Sideboards, Wardrobes, Looking Glasses,iSislS Window Curtains, jtLngravings, vnromos, nic, Metalic Caskets, Undertakers' Goods, Etc, Constantly on Hani General Agents Giant Powder Co, Ajaac Triple Force Caps, Best Brands of Tuxa Always . cm Msmm, Agents for the Celebrated Harden Hand Griiaties.OuDER 3f WAIL ieceiye prompt attehtios, galifqrhia REswiiRSHT, T) g min,s Drue; Store roxB it l arc), rrt.. C- O rose uixci, rrt., ASTII1CTLY FIRST.CUSS EITLN8 DOUSE. orsrjsua w Evmr sttle, All tho delicacies of tho season to Merchant Tailor Thompson's A Hotel, of apoplexy out of 0,000 casco of brain X An Olil HarM. Tiio oldest horbo in Maine died In Bangor not long ago. This was tho ninro Kato, owned by J. L. Craig, and she lacked out ti few months of being H years old. Bho was nover sick, and on the day before her death was doing Iter work ns usual, appearing as smart as a 4-yca'r-old. When thoy wont In U) hitch her up Iho following moan ing, however, alio was found dead iu her stall. Bt. Lou's (J lobe-Democrat Commmlnro Vsntlarlillt'a rtrtl ttnat. Mhi. Wilddoll'a frlundahlti with the founder of tho Vnndurblll family was life long and her recollections of tho grwl tnonoy gclter nro of a nature lo ouil n strong light upon his fly. Tho following story illiutrativo of his push and cnorgy Iu early youth was told i It isn well known fact thnl for yon r Coniiilodoro Vatidcrbilt sailed a '"ihiH HUgor" and in it took u dally cargo of grfeii groceries lo tiio Now York mar ket. Tho shrewd wny In which ho bo camo skipper of his first craft is Ihor mighty chiiracterUtio. It seems that tit tho aguof 1G "Noilly" had devclotwd a groat titroction for rowing. Hailing J nil othw wutr smirta. An old Btulvu slaud lishormau Imdu saillHmt whiuh ho oirercd to holl for (100. nnd Nelllv" thousht if ho could oulv bo- coma tho owner of thin particular boat ho would indeed be happy. lie hudu't tho tnonoy, however, and as u lust rosquroeitppiiiHl to Ills mother. "Noilly. " sho said, "you tm that eight acre lot out there, itointing to on iiiinromls ntr looklm? stony Held. "Noilly" said ho did. "Well If you plow, burrow and seed that lot you shaji havo tho $100. "Noilly" Induced wjvcrnl boys of tho nclghlorhood by nromlscs of lolly excursions to turn In and help him. In a week thoy had tho iob done nnd tho 1100 was paid over. "Noilly" thou bnt tho owner of iho boat do wir lot)3.nnd purchased the craft at thnlnrico. Tho iMJiiimodoro UrtbcH'iid of hw days nover ceased to regret that on tho ilrst Kill ho broko a "hole In tho boat's bottom that It cost $5 to repair. Mrs, Waddell ouo remarked to the commodore, "I r my. many wealth v Nnw Ytirkrrf Arould bo ban- pisr If thoy hsd ttookots in their shrouds. In whlah thoy oould carry to iu next wonu tuo wimitii nicy atuu Mr, Vandsrbllt. els Ilia strife uud klroeU won 111 btt in fourfoliL"-.New WrV Tri tndlalo in this." "Ah, no,'' roplled tUWoll Oil WW ortAMd UHC. sturdy, unwnvorl;.g, undying. Your sweet smiles havo lighted up my llfo, your ovory word haa been to mo a noto of oxquisfto inuslo, thrilling, enthrall ing ine. You hnvo llllod a pluco In my heart. In my directions, that no ouo has ever before occupied. My lifelong happiness dcpmidB solely upon tho an swer you givo me. Bay you will bo mino to love, caress, cherish, idollso through Umo and eternity, and mnko mo of all men most envied. But If you ref Oh, 1 cannot I Icanuotl Tho thought is madnoM. You will bo my wlfol I sco tho answer of your heart mirrored In your lustrous eyes, you know I lovo you as no othor man over has loved you or over can lovo you, thirling. I know you will not thrust mo on. Tho ainrol assumes n stereotyped real- ly-this-ls-so-stiddcn expression, and as sures Mr. woruto slio would uortvo great pleasure from being his slater. lloro ts too oilier wnyi "Moudo. I'vo been thinking serious- lv lotclv "Really. Fred, yououtrhttobomoro judicious Uidit to do anything so rack m that," "Yea. I know it is a heavy tax ou my mental capacity, but then 1 was al- wavs reckless that wav. This timo. howovcr. I think I havo been thinking lo soma purpose, in inci, rvo ocou tiiiUKiug you wouiiiu i ou ice i to uuv- iug your oamo changed," "Whonr "Just as soon ns possiblo." "Will IllMihouioordiurohr "Church, of (loursoi wo want lo do this thing In stylo." "Iiavo you iwkwi jmii "Certainly not. 1 don't want to mar ry your father." " Well. I It no w t but for form's sako, " "All right, clean for form's Kiko. I will too pa, and tnnybo you had bet tor prepare ma for tho orueal." "Oil, sho won 't mind It," Deep sileuco reigns again, savo as it is broken bv tho sluhlntr of tho treo tons, swayou by n gentlo broexo. Qleo- Hilly inoniuni iwiukio, moiiiuun iuuku bonmlugly down from hcuvou lo earth, and dlwovcm ou a vluoboworcd piiusu two forms with but a single chair. Kunsas City Jouruul. Wouun at liantltta Annum. Recently tho dcntlsU of Bt. IjuIi havo begun to employ young women as oillco luiUtauU. Probably a dozen UM limn riniiloviHl. Thrv are nald from tO lojlOn week. Among othor things, it is their duty lo assist in bracing tho nerves of patients. Ono of thsm in vi i "If tho natloiit is a woman 1 frequently stand by her sldo and hold hor hand sympathetically, Homo pooplo may laugh at this, but It's nn immuiuo help to tho ponton in tho oboU Ouco or iwlco when n vory nervous man was bolng operated on I havo taken hit hattd, nnd It really braced hlsuervo woudorfully. N. x. Telegram. Til Dull of Travel. If vou hnvo boon traveling nnr tils calico on tho cum don't wash your fuco lit com water iiiotnomoniyou rcaou n washstand. If vou winitlo romovn all tniro of dust and smoko rub your faoo wvll with vafcllno or cold cream, and "vipo t oir ou a dry towel. Tho towel after the wiping will show you where tho dirt has gone. Then you may wash your face In hot water If you will. 'I hero Is nothing Ilka hot. really hoi, water for tho com ploxiou. ItkciT oily cltflh, but clear - Boston storm, nnd us ho slipped nwuy tho court said: "I havo had an experience witli that lawyer before In tho crimi nal court. My court canuotbociii ployed by such ns ho to twrpclruto so llngrnnt in injustice." Thowifoof Lazarus, Laznruahlmsolf and llvo of his sovon children wont away weeping. Chlcugo Mall. Iluitiful Katera, There is no end of tho straugo no tions chorished by somo people. Mou wlif in all other respects nro coarso and vulgar almost boy o ml endurance will somutlmcs bo so squeamish in ono or two minor particulars that it isn constant trial of patieuco to livo with them. An English travolor in Abys sinia, lor example, draws tho follow ing picture of his sufferings at meal timo, Iu this country it is considered un becoming for persons to eat in public as ut n picnic, for inutanco, or in a tavern. Whon at homo, tho pcoplo tako their mculs within a fonco, so as not to bo overlooked i and whon on a journey rjveral of tho attendants aro iimi'o to hold up a cloth before litem, witli their bucks turned lo thoso who nro eating. When no servants are nvtdlablo, tho members of tho party sit round tho dishes, throw n cloth over their bonds. and proceed to cut as if afraid somo ono was about to snatch tho food out of their hands. M v comtmnlons and I had frcauontly to submit to tills custom. No sooner did our escort ueo us scutcd on ouo sldo of tho road, than thoy directed somoof tho people lo extend their loose robes III ortior lo screen usirom passersuy, uud those- who ncrformcd tho task were nlwuys careful lo turn their faces nwny from us. As most of the garments thus iiimnctl out for our seclusion had not heoti washed for mouths, if thoy over hiul neon, tun reauera imagination inuv bo left to coucclvo tho odor which surrounded us ou thoso occasions. But oven if tiioy had been washed only tho clay before, ino smeii ot itiorunctu mu ter with which tho natives bosmcar their hoadf would have sufllood to ran-1 dcr any euoh curtain nlmost intolera ble Youth's Companion. A Tian That YIldMllk. Tito cow tree, that botanical curios ity of Bouth Atnerlcu, grows an the broad, barren plateaus of Venezuela, whore it would bo next to impoaslblo to find iluid stitllciout to slack ono's thirst wore it not for this wise provis ion of nature. Tha sup of the cow treo, as ita name implies, resembles milk, both In looks uud limo. A slight bnUatnlo toslo has been reported by somo naturalists who iutvo drank of the strange liquid i other wisoil wus said to "havo tho ilrvor of rich cream and to be very wholesome aud nourishing," Tito treo itself frequently attains n height or 10C lo 125 feet. It being not unusual Iosco a trunk of this species seventy to eighty fuol, pirfcclly smooth and without a limb. A hole bored into or n wound mudu Iu tho berk of this wonderful treo Is iilmottt immediately (Hied with a luctcnl liko iluid, which continues (o (low for some clays, or until It uoagulatesnt tin mouth of iho wound and forms a waxy mass, which stops further How. Humboldt, the first to givo it Helen tlflo description of thv buobad trto of Afrlea. was tha first to toll of tho won ders of tho cow tree, m it tros called in bin time. St. I-oiiU Republic, rrreat fleets that enter and leuve tho port every day, with nothing short of admiration. Hero ono socs every day tho shins of tuo nations passing as u in revlow. Cor. Boston Herald. Abuia of tlia nraln. Dr. John T. Naglo, of tho bureau of vital statistics, of New York, suys: clitcascs or disorders. Apoploxy seems lo causo more ueuins timet niniosi any oilier discaso. in ouo year, out oi 11. 500 deaths. 815 were caused bv ntm nloxv. COS convulsions iu children and 578 by meningitis. Paresis isn form of nurulvals and n suedes of in sanity. I'arcsis isn slight, incomploto narafysis afl'ectluir motion, but not sonsuliou. Bofleuing of thu brain is cerebral hemorrhage, or obliteration of tho cerebral arteries. It usually occurs in persons from fifty to eighty years of ago, uud is usually caused by intcnso Intellectual exertion, or by so vcre and protracted emotional tlimurb- auco. ii it uiso cuUM'ii uy over inuui L'cuco iu iilcohollc drinks, ami it usu ally cuds Iu death. Sometime--, when young persons aro attacked with this inniuiiy wuo uavo oeen ccmpcraio in Oppocltu Csblnel Salool', Silver Avenue, DEMINO. THEODORE BERGMAN. IDgraJ. J. -bciJrJUD tlsvlnff bought lbs Demttig.Urug Store, will bo pleaid lo supply Ik ptj of diamine and vicinity with rdr. Drugs, Medicines! Stationery, Toilet Articles PAINTS, OILS, And ercrjihhvj generally kept Iu a first clan Drug Store, at rioab! priiren Pure Drugs and Medieines Warranted, tSfPreiorlptluns carefully compounded st alt hoar."fiM Silver City, N. M. On Broadway Bt., cibovo tiio Poatoffloo. ' tr A large slock ol.rfroucb, Eng. Halt hiiiI Amrrlcan suit goodi, In quia! and lancy pallerni. I'KHrECT FIT OUAHANTEEP. iltf Hatlet of rnblicstlon. Jjind OBlc l t. Crac, S. M I Jknu,t IIL ftAV i Hollra Ii hrrrtir ulrrii Itial tha (iiilnwlns aamrd illr lii Bird notl uf U Intanlluu l Miaka snl nu in tenrr, I'rolnt CUtk al Hllvtr t'fir, on IVbruarjr OpppBtto tho Depot. 1 ON THE EUKOPEAN "PJjAN A. H. THOMPSON, I'KOritUTi'H Call on Thompson for Choap Rallrod' TiaktU. Legal Tender Stable, NEI.SE WARE1 NGTON, Proprietor. their habits uud hnvo good coustitu lions, tho chances of their recovery ore very favomblo, Men occnsioipilly dlo from overwork t that is. bv orcr brain work. They nro liko machines Ihul huvo been overtaxed and break down A great many think their bruin will ktniiil niniosi uuv niiiimiiLdf mirk. ,i i.... ...... "I...... .... -...I .... n.lOO rtiWMrrt """..V"' " "f ,!!,. Ilui,drl Dollars will b siuuyiug biiu worumg wiiuoui any in u; ,i,o fi0., HlookmaR'a elf cot arising from so doitig, In this ciaiiimotursBieaiiBty. New Maiico.fcrnij they mauu u great mistake. Tbo brain SILYEU AVENUE, DEMIKQ tf, M. SI. Iiv), vli: Jowpli Mfk, of DrMlnff, N. ., wlio mill liomr.ti'iMl Apillratlnn Nn. HID for tha Ifanamtatlie lollowlns wlln(j In ina lila mnllnuuiK rldiira luwn, ami culllvilloii uf.aaiu lanil, u ,..., J., I.. Well, Vlioi. A. Car. all ol I mlne. N.H. SINGLE and DOUBLE TEAMS and CARRIAGES Ladies' and Gents' Saddle Hosres. Outfits for long-distance tri .3 om shori notia is tho most dullcuto organ. Its wants lots of rest aud lots of caro. And thoso who. when they aro young, tax It too much, or try to work for too long u time, without giving It proper rctt, will sutler for It in nftor years. The brain must havo plenty of rest, and brain workers inul havo lots of sleep uud recreation. lUudents must nut uso their brains for more than llvo or al tho most six hours a dav with continuous hard study ; nnd merchants ami busluecs men w ill do well to try and rest their brains as much as thoy possibly can." A fitorr Atioiil Edltan- At Orango you hear numberless sto i e i.-. 11.... r i..i.. im.. i.i I Ouo man. who had bceu for rears in bin employ as an experimentalist, told or a visit mat n numuer oi cupiutiisui, iiicludlncr Juv (lould. Bldnov Dillon. Bam Bioau and Cyrus Field, paid to laiinon at ins laboratory onotiay to in snect tho workluas of somo inunction experiment iu devising tho scheme for telegraphing to moving trains. Edi son camo out of his workroom, whore ho waa busy, and shook h anils with Mr. Field. At that instant something popped Into his head apropos of tho experiment ho was nt work on. Ho never gives nu idea lltno lo escape him. Without a word of excuso to tho four mairnates ho turned on his heel and hurried into his don again. Thoy waited aud waited, and by and by, tired out with delay, womleil their way .lawn stain. Shortly afterwards Edi son come out and asked, "Where did thoso paupers got "Down stairs." "Did thoy walkt" "Ye." "That's rltrlit I don't want 'cm to wear tho oil olf my elevator." Then ho stood around for an hour and snapped stories witli the men in the shop, Ho is tho greatest man living for atorios. and it Is a tradition amouir Ills employes that thoy can toll hlui tho samo slory every day Tor a week aud he'll never tiro of it, nor in fuel show any slxii of having .ienrd it be fore. Electric Ago. "Adtmlta NlNt," Exafffroratlou is n sign that wo feel ntmiifflv and oxnrcM oui-belvea coarso- ly. A great master of words, says the author of "Thoughts AIhiuI Art," ex presses himself strongly ralher by the exact and adheslvo Illness of his words to tho occasion than bv their violence. Tho essayist's explanation of what ho moans by "adheslvo lltnt'w" should bo luwnrdly digested by every young writer who sincerely wiihos to suc ceed In his profession. Ho eayst "In good joino.'s work tho strength consists very touch iu exquisitely truo lilltig. If a pleco of wood Is perfect y fitted to its place, It Is easy to mako t ttluk there without using violence, aud so if a word is well fitted it will stick also aiTd forever," Youth's Companion. annafounl n.ilawfnllf tlaaiins la lit,, or unlawfully i ih.MiluiK, or hauil. wtlwlPK or arrnlaml toiivlcHiin f my raronr pen in III poliimiiw anjr alock belonahis If any mem (... nt t,A uHa.mlttilitn. In all faun tit aala uirmbna arn rrnulril t . dollvertilll of aala with aaaioraituciaiiun anatu. aeaSb KINO, "f,""i 1 ron- fcVBals. X mlr ef larco. bar rairllt hnttf, cant!, Itirt IninunrfninillUftn anllabla for famllf u,a, AI'O naa Ino trulfdmrrlaitt, tad a mi; t riame aor. Tha enllta eutSI. Mllb btnu, iflddln tic., will U sold cheap. Applj at lk U IIWUUST omrj. coons nuoTiiRtiH. Las Palomas, Mexico, Loaves Doming Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8 O'clock. OFFICE AT THE STORE OF LlNDAl'KX, WORM6ER JCOKf A (Faro for Uio Hound Trip, 6.00.) if? Beautify Your Homes Brinliis.11 milea rj fiiatuWca, I w Moras ornntt V. UNDAUBH OITTI.K CO. i. Lunittis. Manager Pnalnmcai I.nralnf.N. U Raaaa- MrKnlnttlaOfe nrsa, ti Uppei aiimuraa. Ilur brand 1 will farnlih all vulstles Trees, Vines, a Lnuctialafl luooiocr. I.OCKItAUT'S UrtANI). J, A. PEIO is Ktsisrn and CsSfarMt Shrubs, Etc. Aud riant Sme if Dtilrrd IOW and STOCK FIB6T-CLAS4 I'nulnflleai Denilnf, K. U baairai . t'edar. llrov Muuntalna auf Ha ilarlnita. i Uranl Cohiitr, I Horaa Bfanrbi Los latl Ijlp. CaRIlESrODKNCK HOMCIT1IU, UKNKT 1I01.VATX. W. H. MEAD, Deming, N. M A. T. & S. F. R. R. furuUlie ilia bait rovla lo any pohii KaM si Kartk Ji- Poitnfflca.. Uamlli. KM. Ransa.llx lalfat aattof DamlnKl willow srnfut ranch. O. f. HoniiL. rroprlelur. Poilnnlrai llRUlilta.K.M tlanf fit HlllawOprlnsi nanrii, iiaomii DBOaUbBi II has a spUndld road bad laid tor tha mou pari with steel rslli) UKOAUaK- II tiaitlie flaaaaequlptur.ot-KltKant lay coaohia s4 raUwan afeapar tm Ibra ibraulsrpaangr tralna. IIKUAVOKi ToucUl lpln s EXPRESS TRAINS TO ALL POINTS Slooplngeafattirougb frcat Et, TAHO ti KANSAS C1TT wlthoal tbauga. Ttiiaa ! Chicago and St. Louis, one change ror toll Information with rsgard to rstas ate. spplr c (Ml.Hndion, danaral ,hdi, SI 1'aia, or (its. T, Kmbalion, Otawat raira sad tlokat Agent, Topaka Xanaat J D Mcqclnu, Aganl Daming rli. iiaar is, M, II. tU'UKBYi: LA1C1) A L1VB UTOL'K OOllPAVV 1-maiiH a I ll H lln til. Illll HrjVtd on La4. B. A, fliXTSB, ismiiuiki aian. lor.l.lma.OMti FIsmiiu airor.l.l l, UIUI-NAM, HanaoMsniiLrr ilniuluK, H Itiini, 'dar (linittnoli,M mile toudi ot tM'wing, lioria lr(tld. liaikrd, ikarpoft tiolti psALas nt as Mixv'Asivsaa v SADDLES & HARNESS Rppaiiinj Done on Slurt Kolice, Gold At, "below Vih9 DKMlKUi Ki Ut ii 1