Newspaper Page Text
THE' HISABLlQHliT S0UTHW8STBr 'pUBLlSHllo 'O. t !i Km Mil ha ti:may. May si. use. It In rcjirtrtetl Hint nliumlant mills Iinvo lately fallen in tlio nortliwGHtoiii (ttulos, nml (Joiihc qttcntly tho fjrowhiff nprJug wlient tltore Is in n very iirouiUIng con illtlon for n full crop. Tlta tnriff: bill wan utidor tils mission In the Beimto I'itinnrie uoiuitiltteo on Tiinrmmy, nml n very decided tllHiionlUoii wna tiimilfOHtcd. bj Kcmtlille.iuiH n well an Dismocnila, to pretty tlior oitKlily binartiln)c it. It la nlnted from WiiHliltigton, nttitnrotitlv by nutliorlty, Unit Mr. lllnliio to llnidly out of tho Prosl dcutlid rnco, nnd tlmt his present intention Ih to ro back to tho Miumto In plnao of Utile, whoso toriu osplruM March Itli, 1803. Tho HI Paso Times niitioitucca, nnd nppnrontly upon pood author ity, tlmt 11 plan is being matured by wliluli ii reciprocity treaty with Mexico will bo (secured, ineludlng tho abolition of tha frco zone na ouo of itH features. Mr. lllnliio is iiiotodns pushliiK the scheme. Tho puruhnso of tho St. Louis & Ban Fruiiulseo road, carrying with it, us It docs, control of tho Atlantic & Pacific, places under tho Bnntu I'o uuuuigumcnt tho most gigantic railroad system in tho world, mid nil brought nbnut within tho flpnoe of thirty years. Tho completion of tho deep har bor projects on the gulf coast of Texan, now only n question of tliuo, will cnstiro Bevoral dlreat rail lines tliurol'rotn to New Moxfco poluta, especially Albuquerque, Las Ve gas unci Doming. Tho avitig of flfictiii hundred miles of land cur riae In favor of the Toms ports over Now York, on Now Mexico freights, will forco the construe tiou of these roads. Mr. Carlisle follows the MoKIn ley tariff bill from tho House up to the Senate. Ouo of tho last speehes made In the House against tlmt political debt pa,lng contri vance, was bj Mr. Carlisle, and now ho gets Another wliai'k at It in tho Senate, whore there nro no one minuto rules to choke off de bate Mr. Ourllsle will be again heard from on that bill, nnd to good purpose. Tho tonor of the vustaru press eommout on tho recent purchase of tho Frisco road by tho Santa Fe Company, Indicates a gotiorul expectation that tho gap bstwoou Sapulpa, In thu Indian Territory, mid Albuquerque, N. 51., will soon be lllled, and thus afford tho San ta I'o a muuh more direct lino mid a saving of some 18 hours between St. Louis nnd Sun Frnuclsco, nnd mnko it the shortest and quickest xouto across tho continent. the ousaon ilection. The Oregon oloetfon comes next Monday, mid judging from the columns of tho Portland World, theynrc hnviugnroiisonnbly warm cmupuisn. Deingtho first election of the year, nnd having a posslblo bearing on the general rennlt In November, though on the lists its n Itopuhlicuu state, tho vote will bo wutuhed with more than passing lntoroBt. Tho following Is the Demoorntio ticket: 1'or OunetoM, 11. A. Mlllerj CTovtrnor, Srlveatar tannoyert Secretary of Hist. W. M. Trmiw. vU Htuto Treasurer, 0. W. AV bU 8ujirm Judge, II. 1'. Ilynlmni) Bunt. Piilillo Instnietlmi. A. I.attoyr tuate Printer, Joint O'llrlen. HEBltABKAnEPUIlUCANS SOARED. Gov. Tuny or has called n iipo o!al Reunion of tho Nebraska Leg islature, to take notion on tho fol lowing unmet! suhjont-n Find for tho -uirpoM- of enacting n law cttiaiillililnc mnxliniiin railway freight rate and To tm tlmt tertian or the statute, cratl'i a itatti Ixxtrtt of troui pfljutilmi, Saeond --For tlio purKMo of consider lii Rti't amandin our election lawa hy Uii (tilo)t'.l hi of what U know at the Australian hillirt system. I'Ulrl-To onuMtr awl gin esprit slnn lu favor of an lucres la the vein hp of curnmey nnd ef free coinage t-f Ur. Tho Ornngers nnd Knights of Labor of Nebraska recently held icoret convention mid demanded certain Hiill-ninnopoly legislation, ntiil Uluro In Iiuk i on. vnrv niHniin I dissensions and dlsfHitisraollon j Bintillg the Uepllbllonnsj nil which i.mlA i.i. ,-rtii tn. ti,.v n,ii,ti,,.. bntiO lin good lo tho nopitbllmui wtfise In that slato. Tlils will for rt fiinMlili. nftho LoglRlnlnio Ia niiiilfvslly to oIiook this threat- Hlliug niovcinent pTrtf. nnd sure tho A halt oAtxta. mmm mm , i no uoitnoii Bciioot mw in wis- Qousltit and tho cdlicatlotinl forco bill in IllltiolSj under whloh those states atlotupt to assume Jurisdic tion over tho inothodn of educa tion in privnto sud parochial schools, nro creating great public tllosntbfactlon, nnd tlirontcn to bo oouio conspicuous fuctom in the coming fall elections there. Tho Catholics' and tho German Lutherans nro urouscd in opposi tion, nnd thoro is n very fair pros pect that thin Issuo ttmy become n doclsiro onoiu both states. Thuso ohurches, as tlo nil others who lmvc n correct idea of tho proper function of govorninont In educational nflidrs, Insist that tho stnto cannot rightfully assume ju risdiction over prlvuto or parochi al schools, any moro thtiti it cuu go into tho family nnd say what or how tho parent shall tench or truiii his child that tho limit of govern mental authority is reached when tho stalo osUiblMica schools freo for nil with a strictly secular cur riculum, nnd provides n uniform public tnx for their support. Tho domestic circle nnd tho church nro tho places for tho Inculcation of religious or theological tenets. SCENTS THE COMING WHinLWIND, Bouutor Plumb Introduced n resolution the other day that bodes a world of tribulation to tho Mo- Klnlcy tariff bill. Tho rosolutiou is an instruction to tho commlttco having in charga that bill, "lu prcpnro and report, in connection with tho tnriff bill, n stutomeiit showing tho duties leviod under tins existing law, tho duties as they would bo under tho House bill, and tho duties under the bill to bo reportod by tho committee, such duties to bo stated lu parallel columns, especially If tho commit tee should recommend now duties, or tho increase of existing duties, to Htuto tho reasons in each caso for such addition or Incrcnse." The resolution was adopted with slight ninoudmouts, that do not diminish Its pertinency or force. If Its evident intent is ol- serrod by tho commlttco it will be a death blow to tho McKiuloy bill. Thut bill can never stand such an ordeal us that. One of tho Kansas thiol; and thin Tariff Congressmen hns just bcou retired by the nominating Convention of his district, nnd two others huvo announced In ad vance their determination not to bo candidates fur ro-cleutioii. The signs ure manifestly too pregnant of n ohnugo. Mr. Plumb bus ninny of tho clomouts of states manship, nnd is a shrewd politi cian. An antl protoctiou storm is breeding In Kansas. ANEW CONVERT. Kyon tho iYeie Mexican Is at last forced by tho hard logic of super ior conditions to tuko fddes with the ureal mass of the people of Now Mexico in favor of admisslou without tho Santa l'o constitution. It may bo an uudosirablo convert, but its conversion bus n value In tho indication it tiffords of tho palpnblo trend of public sentiment Tho JYcir Mexican says in a Into number, that "Tho territory may not bo admitted this sosslou of cougrcss, but tho chances nro ex ceedingly good und nro constant ly Improving fur Its admission the next session nnd in time for the presidential election in 18011. Wo may huvo to wutt n your before an oiiubllug nut will bo passed, but passed It will bo und (hat within u year." Tho U precisely what tho II had i.toiiT hns boon urging through out this oontro'-cray to postpone ndmiitBiun till Congress shall give us mi Uunbllug Act under whloh the objeutloiuiblo conditions now existing, iuoldoiil to and Involved In the ponding aahemo shall be corrected. lint tho Immediate statehood conspirators wotiid lutvu none of it. It Is so l'o to say that New Mox luo will booomo u state in 18DL', und will very likely then have the company of hur slstvr Arizona thoynre twin sisters, nnd will bo twin slates, und once in tho Union iinilrr proper uondltlons, they will beenmo cnutrcs of pro duction, of mantifauturo und of wealth, to u degreo that will as tonish even l bono host informed ob to tholr wonderful possibilities of I'cvclopmont, M 71100 IS To! AX 0i aXFOJVTa. r. Mum LKirrrr, of tun i uy Mr. rtain Lwlrrrr. of thn ( llv of Mox P.WCTtr!i' 'fiKT K... wldrti tn run fnmi Hattello aoro to 8fl hlnoa that lino of tlio MbxIkiiu Obutml. 11m n.wirt that the line will jiHwlH wjtiiln fh ut ycr. He alio pTS'SSu&S'm; fVi rr, July j, iwiif, win put a tutv on niuni oxiHint tuiiin i intwi Mutr lrotti tin) comilrv. allinvlnc bullion to en tfm El f P' ".)W ' AMAZtHTFdttY. Tho proposition now pending In Congress to ntiicnd tho Intor-Blato OominercA Act so tin to glvo n state tho power to exclude intoxi cating liquors from its borders nnd thus ovado tho rocout decision of tho Buprctno Court, In fairly Illus trative of tho Insanity ofdemti. guguory that sooiiih to huvo taken possession of the Congressional lenders of tho lloptiblleim party. Tlioy might its well, nnd it would bo moro honest mid consistent nttompt, ut once, by net of Con gress, to amend tho Constitution. That liiRtriimout gives Congress tho power to "rogtilnte" ooinmeruo between tho states, but not to do stroy . Tho proposed bill no- sunies tn dclegato to tho state, which Congress cannot do, not only the power to rogulato com meroo botwecu itself and other stntoB, but what, If iiiiythlmr. it hns still less power to do, to an- tuorizo a Btato to destroy com morco botwocn itself and other states. Tho Constitutional interdiction ugnliiBt tho lovy of tariff dutlds by tho statos, was clearly an Interdic tion tigalust any luierferunco by any stnto, with tho Intcriuil com morco of tho country. This Is ouo of tho rights which tho states sur rendered to tho geiiorul govern tuuiit when thoy rutifled tho Con stittttinn, nud Congress bus now no power to rostoro It to them. To permit it in this Instance, would bo to warrant It to mi llllin tlablo oxtetit us to other articles of comuiereo besides nlcohollo liquors, till tho mtprrnl commorcc of tho country would beconio se riously demoralized, and grave political dissensions Inevitable. There is ono gratifying sign in in nil this tomfoolery that the prohibition craze has nbout rim Its race consumed lu tho Arcs of its own kindling. Kveu Kuiisas is reasonably certain to repudiate it within tho next two years. After till and tho country is gradually but surely coming back top thrro is no absoluto safety but in the old Democratic doctrine of strict Constitutional construc tion. IT IS BEST TO OEtID DEUOCUATB. Tho Socorro Advertiser stutos iho present sltuntloti unit the paramount issuo of thu fall elec tions, tersely and to tho point, when it says thai "tho ling at Santa l'o has mutlo Us last great struggle for mastery in trying to forco statehood upon tho peoplo of this Territory under tho Santa Fe constitution. Its leaders fully understand tho situation us it is to-day. They nro wenk nnd tiro only kept In power by tho unfair apportionments of tho Territory for senators mid reprosoutiitlvos, which would bo perpetuated by tho adoption of tho Santa l'o con stitution. Now thut they huvo miido n failure of tho statehood movement they must uso tho party whip and return u innjorlty to tho Territorial loglslatitro lu ordcrto continue in their political inlqultlos. Tho only rsinody Is for tho pooplrt to return only good inon mid truo to tho Territorial legislature, and to mnko sure that they will stand upon tho right side of tho school question und not bo controlled by Cutron, Pritchard, Otero & Co. It Is best to send Domocrnts. I- - L.J A SUCCESSFUL AOIUUUI.TUHAI. BEOIOlt. The Whito Oakn Interpreter has tho following description of u prosperous locality lu Lincoln County, mid n development ol the ngriculttiral resourses of thut re gion, not borotoforo rcoordod in tho press. It says: "Texait I'nrk" I tho name of a sottlo mentor farmer, who, to nay the lean, have Iimii Ignored by the preM, In speaking of the lix-al haniin iiIiiuh about White Oak, Thte delightful trntoh of eountry He about from II m tn twolve mllui H. K. of the town of While Oaka, and I fm.t aattllug up with farmer ut no alight pruloinloni. Auinngllio many, tre can inuiitlun the fnllimlitK aiproiluc cr ami nrwiorfliu faruiere: Capt. Janii'i Stcpheniiim liaa this year 70 ucrPH feuoed ami unitor eiiltlmtlou -I a noroa to oat. corn no auroa, ingar caue, 7 noret, Imhlen ttirnliw. hijuhuJiwi, puiuhklni mid other vegetable, nil of which look very pmmUlujr. W. It. Hoxford hue (iO acroi planted to oorn and oaue. l loy, ID uurw corn mid cuiin. L'rmnti aud (lardnor have 60 acri'n nlniitiMl to com, oatx, caiio, Ac, Dave WolklS nnrea rciru. William Alexander, 110 acre under cultivation, corn, ontu, cimo and gurilon veetauluii, John Cheater H ojienniu op a now farm mill liaa mo nerea itUMianuiiur lenctxi. Jlurer, In tho iucmiii nm., linn a jarue aoreaao under uulllvallen. nud tho mliilnlug iirin, Mr. DomiweyV, Inn in acrei iilanted In oorn. The SImkm. York, I'rlHillln, and otliera hae po(Mi nirmt. Many of the above muniloneit farmer! mUfil rlue urnoj lunt vear nllbnueh tlio eaioir wm tinudiy dry. What hns boon nouoinpllshod n tho Miction dosurlbed can bodoiio with oqiiul onoesss in ovary coun ty of Now Mwlcohere on tho "plulup of Hewing," as well as In Lincoln county. JOHN J. QUXNN & Clothing, Cry Goods, LADIES' and GENT'S Oall. and. Examine Our Pine Street, Denting, New Mexico. I.OOAI. A.MITIJItltlTOIltAt.. A alioolliig ngray ooeurrcd at HI l'afo on TtnwWT rvonluR In whleh 'Hud Har low vi an killed by a man named (latulln, mid two othera woniulcil, though not diiugertuMly. A valialilo tract o norra within one mile nf the M4tlltop. at Ucmllia, New Mexico, van bo pnrcliwcil wlthtii thu nniilii); alxty daya at n tory low price por acre. The anil U leen nud rich, eplendld op po.tmilty to obinln laud that wllliln two jeara wfil bo worth r miafli pi r front foot m U now atkod for ono acre. For particular call on or nddreM Mi'Kitvw A WAaitisoTox, lD-8t Itenl etUte agenti, Dcinlun. H. M. Col. It. M.Johnaon baa gone tndoflhcii, Ind,, where ho will lie man led to Mlra Jeatiiielte Unrtner. n Hitter of XV. K. Uortuer. He will rottirn to New Mex ico via California and Kettle dawn. Wo curry the belt Retorted and largest tod; of dry gooda In till aeutlou. f.lKlMi'tm, WoiiMaun A Co. 1). II. Cnncy of tho Corouado ranoli will ship nbout ouo hundred cnrlnajW of cuttle from l.ordnlnirc In about two wink. The ratllu will be xhlpped to ICuiiHiM mid nut on pasture for tho fall market.- ll.Ibcrnl. Arc you mi'.Jc miserable by Indleca- tloil, CdllKtlp.'l'lon. (llM.llK'JIh, Iimi of appitlto, yellow mkIiiY HIiIIiiIi'k Vlltillrcr Ian noahivo euro. At Kllte Pharmacy. The clllri'iii of Hoeorro hove no online to complulii of dull time, tin oihertoivua lu tho Territory are In the anmo lamt. There U uh muuh moi'iy nnd mi much buiduena In Socorro for !iu population ni In any town from Trinidad to I'.l I'uxo, Incltialvo.-ISocorro Advertbier. Shlloh'a euro will Immvillatuly relievo croup, whooplntr couitli, and liruuchltli. At laito Pharmaoy. A dlaattroua tiro lately occurred at CoolldKc, Valencia, comity, a station on tho Atlantic it lAit'lflu road. Thn More, of P. Kin n or ty, aalooii of A. llouaiilez, and n dwelling liotme owned by !.). KeoL-au were doatroyed. There la noihlni; left 6f tho village hut Iho rail road eating hotiau nnd llie ileiot build in;, The outiau of tnu flru la not known. Ulyrcrlne Lotion, tho moat oxiiublto preparation for tho aklu. Prepared mid Mild ht the Kllto Pharmacy. Harry Whllohlll lina grnduatod with hnnora at tho Ada, Ohio, college. Jto tin excellent oiidoriemontH from the oniccru or tno coiieeo n well, lie wna olfured a ponltlon na teacher In Iho Com tnercial eollugeof the aiimn town, but lili father haa tout for him to come home. ISentlnol. "Jlnckmetack"tt Initlnc and fragrant perfume. Price US and 6U canta. At hllto J'harmaoy A. H. Houghton, of Uoston, MmhiicIiu autt, mid at one time a rohlUuut of thla city, where ho atllt owm iirooertv. nrltei to Vlto & llflccttUiu real mluto diuilen, inai i mm miormaiioii in uia poaoniiiou he feel no doubt of the early comitruc tlou of another railroad Into J.aa . Vcunn. He gave no detail, but wrote na It lie felt perfectly turo about the matter.- -uptlc. btetion liaU in all ityica and qunlriici nt Lltidaucr, Wornuer Vi C'o.'a The northern portion of Colfax coimty will produce more grain and vegntatdea thla neaiion than ever before in one rar. lltitun Jtoporlor. The Itov. (Jeo. II. Thayr, of Uourbon, Ind.j aaya; "Jtotli. myaeff nud wlf owe our uvea to Shlloli'a I'oiuuinptlon (Jure." At Kllte Pharmaoy. lu a few years moro It will nM lie neccMary to tend to Kansas for provlnl oni and feed. For dyippiiHla and liver comnlnlut. you haven prlntMl guariuitee on oiory bottle of Bhlloli' Vltaihser. It notor fall) to cure. At Hutu I'harinaoy. A doctor of IlrooklVu aav.1 "the urlo" Is nbout as pravnlont now aa It was ajiy time during the winter. A new lot of Mmu UmniuJuit re ceived at Llndauur, Wormier A Co. The farmer! are In tlio midst of miltliie their tint oron of alfalfa, and u lame part of It haa been baled and ahlpMxil, La Crtieea Demoerat. chafed uud Kiilrd aklu, removes Inn and frooKlM. Hold at tlio Hllto I'hnrmnoj. Hay la worth (W tier ton lu TJlimua and aeoroo ut that. The nulv nlnun lu Grant cotinlv whore Kdwln 0. llurt'a line ladlei. mlwca nud ulilldricj h ihoea can be found la at, WoiiMHim ii Co. Perhnpi your linen has Ixeotiw xlluht Ir frnvetl. If to. vou nun reoleiilali it to ndvatitngo by enlllng on W. .1. itoti lunU lu Iho liockertAj lhtlthel tmlldlinf. nou celebnittxl crown brand, t ply linen oollnra, at 10 uenli eaelu aald evorj"wliore niwiceuu. a tun uiioorfut, iictuircu hlrta nt t cneh. Neck wear, mid everv thing lu mfii'a wear at correspondingly low prices. nti. Uit of tstUn- The folIowliiL Inlt'eVa remain In tho Kwtofllre at Denting for tile week ending HByai.lBOOi wjoill OwarM l)avl ll ll 2 Nelwn Mr Kelt lienlna U It (loimr. Framlto Calrftrwn Alfljuoa s i Henry Noyca MlwMoJlle WllllRini0li8 B rvimlteT rtnanlii I'eruve Adelfe. fu Ilftfmnrv P. JL, -Dealers ixi OIIDKUH BY 31 A IL OK ISXl'llF.SS Henry Obnnl, of Itoawcll, has gone to Utah to claim n fortune left by hli'fnther. We mako a apcolalty of men's fine tmoUand shoes. IitsiiAtmn, WoiiHsitu & Co. Tho land ofllco la crowded with binl tieas, the Itcglntor nnd Iteoolver say they oati not see ovor thn work ahead of them. Itosni'll Iteglitrr. Ooontmk, tho flneMl propnrntlon for cieaiiKiug aim wniioning tno tccin manufactured and sold only by tho Hllto Pharmacy, put up. In SO and 00 cent botlloH. Eighteen tnllea northwest of.Mr.gda- lena, ooct to county, moro are large depoiilta of he lineal conking coal lu tho world. Socorro Advertiser. Neatly furnished abobo rooms for rent. Apply nt the residence of Mrs. Hopkins. Mrs. K. C. Nollnamimod the ollleo of postmaster at Union last Monday week. An endless variety of clothing and furnishing goods nt Li.ndauhii, WmtnuHn & Co.'s Tlio hotola of Hprlngor have been crowded with guest during tho pant weeK.- -latocKmnn. Arrival of uw stock of Hum mer Goods ut J. J, Qtilnn'N. .latncH I'lolder, Kc., tho junior mam tier or tho law firm of Fieldor A Fielder, will soon dopart from tillver City and tnko tip his nbodo In Chattnnoogn, Fciiu-essce.- Hentlucl. Wh will you cough when Shlloh'a Cure will give luimcdlato relief. Prlco 10rts.SU ota. mid t. At Hllto Phar muey. lu thu aoulhwest corner of Socorro comity are large deposits of alum, Somo of ll la taken up by n company and Is being mined. It wna located by iv So corro boy.8ocorro Advertiser. Our slock of staple ami fancy groceries, liquors and cigars surpasses utiythlug In uie souuiwcst. LiNDAunu, AVoitMSKIl Si Co. Tony Meloche'a barn, on his ranch east of llaton, wna Inirntd on the 10th, consuming his hny-lmlor. Loss about $000. Hupponed to be tho work of a cowardly Incendiary. Kangc. A nnsal injector frco with caoh bottle, of Shlloli'a Catarrh Itcmedy. Price 60 cents. At Ullto Pharmaoy. Yesterday inornltic nbnut U o'clock an Indian girl from tho vlllago of Lagiuia, named Nminlo Kxllno. died nt tho cov- orummit Indian school from diphtheria. lAio. vuiznti. 0. II. Dano & Co. have Just received a largo consignment or new patterns of carpew ingrains, tapestries anu ilrui sols, nnd Smyrmn rugs. Fifteen car loads of blooded stock mostly mllcli cow ., passod through Tucs nay night, llicy are iicstiueu for City of Moxlco and wore shipped by J. W. Dawson, of southern Nebraska. (San Ainrciai iteportor. Look nt our Intent styles of norjfo .-iiiiiioh oiii-iiwny Hinta, i vuniu it 1.1.11111, It, III tiiatitiructitred espculnlly lor our iruac. ii. Ut tjtiiuu. Jlr. Uiirkhart haa returned from Tres Pledraa In Itlo Arriba county, and saya that village Is growing nicely. Tho population now fa about 1100, most of them saw mill employes. The lumber finds Ita chief market In Denver. No employe or lite mini is allowed to visit saloons. fihlloh'a catarrh remedy a poMUVe euro for catarrh, dlptherla and canker mouth. At Elite Pharmacy. Mr. Sol. Myer, for lovcrnl years pop ularly Identlfitd with tho busluqss In terests, growth and proiporlty of llaton. takes Ma leava for the oast In a few days, where he expects to engage In business. Knngo. Wo will show tlio largest va riety of nllk HeurfH, lour In linnilfl, Wlutlsor Hows lu Troquo, Vropo, untl Wash Linens. Our UHHorf nieiit the Inrtrest, our uoods the best, nil prices tho lowest. J. tt, Quinii. It will bo well for oaoh ami every householder to keep a loaded gun handy thoso tlmoa, and he should not bo afraid to uso It. Several housos have been entered tnU week. Hocorro Advertiser. We Invito Inspection of our novfllnoHof Oonts Bilk NuttllKO Hltlrts, " PotHo ISiiitIIsIi Llnoii " Muilrus Clotlia, Silver Crolso In lionittli'iil styles uud similes, lit (illlllll'H. Mnjor-Oonernl Miles In n telegram to tho war department saya tho command lug general of the department of Arizona has been directed to make such disposi tion of tho troop aa will make It unton nble forlioitllo Indians mid glvo protec tion to tho settlors. Wolinvo been niipnlntotl ii(rnnts for Ilrownlntr, Itluur&Oo, Now York, tlio In iff est inereliant tullor ostubllsliiiieut lu Amor lea, mill huvo Just received w I it run und oloKunt Hue ot'Hittn plOH, Fit Riturunteeil, no fiuiey prices, Ulvo uh u call, Wo will bo pleitHcd to show thn uoods, J. J. Utiliut, A. II. Hilton, of San Antonio, has secured the government contract for hauling freight from that point to Fori Stnhtoit. The contract price Is 70 cetlis pur 100 iteutids, He was awarded the rjontract for liaujlu freight from Wjti gflt Matwn to Fort Wlngapv-lBooorro Attvertiier- boots, Shoes, Hats, FURNISHING COODS, JtKOEIVJR PKOMI'T A'rEEMTiON, IDOLS! INDIAN AND MEXICAN CURIOSITIES! Old Pottery, Paintings, Feather & Hair Work, TWOTHOUSAND I'HOTOQItAril) OF NOTED IHOIANSr Including Apacbes, Viuna, Hmas, pueblos, Nnvajoei. Sioux, Uomanehes, Ac Bows. Arrows. War Clubs. Shields, So. TARANTULAS AND Kl-Jl'TILKS MOUNTBI) ON GAUDS YUCATAN CARVED COFFEE AND CACTUS CANES. ' Headed Moacosms, lliankcts, Scarf. Ao j Mexican Hats, and Indian Jewelry NEW-PAPERS, BOOKS, DRUGS & TOBACCO. MEXICAN OPALS. JGNACIO BROWN. Uepti Nona Stand, Demlag. TBEGBIIET- ESTItLLSHICD lBSSr Quiet Club Rooms AttaGhed; H, C, MOORE, Proprietor. BEMING, (Cadet aipli at Ilia IMih CoiiiuiiKin.)' THE AOUAHIUM! Evorytlilti)j lit the lino of liquid rofroahmuiit. Tracy 6i HannigaNj Proprieters, Dispensing Druggist. J. P. BYRON Wholesale and Kstail Dealer In Pure Drugs, Fine Chemicals TOItET ARTICLES, STATIONERY ona SGHOOL D00K5 bimiitioa...rdnyoy DEMINGr NEW MEXICO PIONEER Bakery and Confectionery. ED. PENNINGTON, Proprietor. FRESH BREliD Etc, 0ANDIES, NUTS, FRUITS Cigars and Tobaggo, Cw, BiWr Ave, hfm Refuse St, - - DHMING, Nf Vt 0O; fStock., IDOLS!! NEW HEXISO