Newspaper Page Text
HSYW Bfa'AtJi' i. tt. x. .Alt: .. . D1HKOTOUY. L.ttHUMtll'rlae, iwHiewty, U.s, J)lH,Altwr, U. a. Munth!. UMldmrUi. Rivena. Au4ltr, rrurer, itll(or(lnrt, IMwaitt tf.ileUrt. K. A. Mike. TrlHldmllKmnwo. f. P. Medrurty. TilnUsd AUtld. Ante.Urtlt)ftsr K. U Usrt'stt. Hid Wyakeop, 1, H. AtirAhstnt. ?, ( r. h.) M JACINTO DAY. April at, the Anniversary of a Great Battle. Unlet JHttUs, JnitU Dlt Judge tnt Dlst., CUtkM DUt. Coorl, K.V.I)nif. L iji Teem, vr. II, Wltltemsn, Santa r AltitlJUI'MU Jbo, H. Merle, I.s Crtte. A '..t-hririy. l.ilUMl Dl.t. Ml'y UtHM.CoarVJ. A,", Hirer tlty. , countt urrfiikna. tSasuaUV&tri S hCarnenter.Cii'n. tiamjtta ttioi. w Unbb, aiivrr Oliy. fbwISJ, It. II. Will I, Miter t uy. reht Jedx, W. ,., itim. vr t'jtr. rtU Ulit A. II Morelwad.tMlverCUy. fres.itrer, M.W.MB. , f vdHi jr MKOIXUT orriCKii. Jujtleoof ihoTtM. Bosnian Tltld. UotnlMe, rwwk MtxJliaclisy. fiOIIOOL UlRtCTOIlS. T. noiun.on. Jntaa Cutbttt toul Alliusn. W, JI,llndon. TWO WHEAT MJUTIIKKN VICTORIES a IltiUi and. Xw Or Inst Wi Hk Atlkt, kml fto Wrre Jneki-tn suit lieu- i-Tit uuiM r itta mtii f Jrlla N4 Hat f K'td, tint Horn VorW Should II RIIJ, loppy rtsfct, iiea 8am Houston and 8an Jacinto hold ths same kdorlou place In the hiitory of Teca that Jackson nnd Mow Orleans do een tin. In the hlitory' of the whole country, for I lllM( mit WM urroundod March 10 at Thirty-two men ferectt their wsjr to Trtls, nuldng 111 wlioltf emtnand cbeut 1T3. Oil the Gth of Jlurcli tlio "KorrmiHriit" rreld word freln liliu that lis wm cl(Hly (nmtsd nml would flKlit to the dentin but it wnn too lute for rclltf to result lilm. Bantit Anna, tiomUnltd th Alninii rlcvctt mid thtn carried It tty nwrta Muroli a. Thft wtiolo Rntrivm war iut tutlm (uvunl, vter matt flttlitlnB ih-ajnTftU-ly to Hit lnU Of nit within tlio wnlU only n wonmu. child nml nint Hwrvnnt worn tpartHl. Yet It cunt tlio victor nt lentt 1,000 of hU LnivvAt iiicii. nml ltoma his loftk lit pl.icfil m hlli ho 1,01X1, Tlio dead licroel had uct)inplllai tliulr ol lect. BanM Annn wh wwikciitnl mid do Iajcd and the youni; Mate wiw aved, A gwatr horror followed wwn. Col. Kftnnln. after IwrnltiR tlmt the ndrance t'xiwdltlim loworuf MatHiiiom Hml iwn defeated, at toni ttJ h rrtn-nt fnim Obtlrtntn, VtMuifr, OKrHi Jt. ,rr.... totfar Cnitom. Colly lor. HO0lETIE. Demliitf Ijdifo No, 13 tVllltbald Urr A A. M. thousli Yorktown wieured our notultml Indrttidiic4, New Orleans and the lut war with Oreat Drltnln really completed our notional emanriimtlrn. Of all battle in modern times these two mulled in the iuot oompUte and politically do eUlee rlctorlnv Quebec ended LAtln domination in the far north. Ban Jaelnto endivl It In the touthi Wolfe and Houston were the alpha nnd omega of a louit utrugRlo for reco (upremaar, Washington nnd Jacliton trero the arbiters between tho to crest brnncb'of the mlma me, Ute Colcta rirer by an orerRhblmlnir force under (len. Urfett, The Aluerl cans fought braroly for two duya, then capitulated on n gnaraiilca that thvjr should t trratwt as prlnonvm of war and tent to the United BtnU On the fillh an order arrived front Kauta Anna that they should bo shot, tour physl clans and their ruinUtnnU worn iwrcli the remainder. W7. were inarched out In e'parnied deiaehmenti, nml nt winrUe on I'ftlm Sunilay, March HI, tho awful maanacro begani Tint "YiiontcfloV' tan Indian reglinoiit from Yucatan;, to wham meet .Ird 'ChursilHyo of muutb, r tv. a . t.oul Altmin fJecty. Uemlnff Chapter No.fl F. & A. 11. raei 4 b 'Ihnnday of mouth. iFJeliuman.K. II. P. teaman Field Socty. Denting Council No.! F. it A. M.i tnetl lit nnirnlriy of molill). i J. Jt. Ileuill V. I, 31, Louts Aliman lUcorder. McOmriy Oominandery No, 4 mee' J;nl Thursday of month. 0. II, Ju K, O. Heanmn Field Recorder. OUtmCii' bEUVlOEB. MelhndlitChiireh: Buiiday ir a. in, PieHchliiK U u. in. and 7 '80 i in. Prayer im-eMmr WedneMfii) 7:3' p. m. Koijt. Uoihiium. ';iior. Uopj;rfjrnlloiiiil Uhnruhi Preiiehlu eyervmiidat a- 11 a, m and 7:ll0fi. it. BHlidar Huhool 10 a in. Pram meei liu? Friday 4 M m. I'muiminliiM U tiuhday id Jauunrv, March, em. A. M, PlfRS, Pallor. Kplfcnpal Church j Vow helnic erenM d. Tiie tiwstruction. atrango to ty, mih thowork hod been entrusted. Ilrod by moat exactly tun umo at wow uneans t0,, upoM t,p ,,rWCrti tho unarmed and at Ban Jacinto. dMpltotnedlirerenco.,,,,,,, rUl(flw, up(,:, ,)vir ,urdmni, n nthenumberacngBedi but at New Or-, wm(. CMl wrenched Ihii arms from leans onoduUf the Ameileaii force aid tlieut. ariil iimiiy bmka thmtiKH tho Hnt not (Ire a shot, while at Ban Jacinto only j ml. k, pUnmcd ami shot dSwn by tho one man failed to take an actlre and , caValry Yet It Is liellevrd tlmt twenty bloody tnrt. . ecTen escaped, of whom n few lived to Tlio history of e unta loading to Sau rfnct tw states. JaclnU Is of common knowledge. It fa ; n,0 had twwa flaw fast. On all sides too late to reopen the tedious wmtrover-, ,j-a TPXnn fnnilllea (led before the In- sy aa to tho relaure r RhU ana wrongs or Tmcni u,p ntr foltowlnir. burnlnjt nnd Anglo-Amerlcaii ana mspano-Atteo in i .lestroylng. The"gocniment"dl!iotvrd. nnd fled wildly to the timber In the tear. Their left, already thrown Into cwfnalon by the Tcaait urtlllery. won liroke, but the eentter uxh! tolfnibly llrm till the Tmxbiu were tut them. There wna no lime to reload, Tim two Hum nut with a murderous crnali. TIih Mexican trlHl tint Imyntieli the Texan. Imvlnff no bayonets. uIuMmI their spins. ThcWbrofeoii. they eulplled their ptatola, then drew their Iwwle knlvea and Itewwl their way through Mn tb'h. Rrnto of tint MirrlvornriHiUoof tlilsconiiMt ua "an hour long." In tact, it did not exceed lire minute, It wits man to innn, clubbed Utiii to bayonet, nnd Iwwle knife ngnlnst iwbcr. The whole Mexlran lino gave way, and over all the dreadful Held waa heard only the Texan yelli "IteiiieiuW the Alamo! Vengeance forClolhtdt" And from the Mexicans screittua and nrlesi "MenoOollndt MetioAlamol U.J win Maria, pltntadl Pur el amor de Dion, uledadr The retreat divided apparently Into three columns. Those who ran aouth and aouthwest into the tipen prairie wero luoetly taken alive, A aectioti ran more to the left. Into the mlro mid hum mocks of the bayou, and nearly nil these were killed In the heat of vengeance. The cavalry Rationed westward only to Hud Vimo's bridge over tho west bayou destroyed. With tlio yells of enraged Texans rinsing lu their caw, they plunged down tlio steep bank. Many were drowned or killed, uut enough m. ca)tcd to carry tho nowa of tho calamity, C. II HA.tK W. KHo c. HE. d6 CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS, IN Furniture,Carpets,Upholstery,Wallp8per INVITK ATTENTlOX TO TIIF.tU 8rK0lAT.VrlK8 OF IHAMBER Parloi Suits, Sideboards, Wardrobes, SUITS tnw.n nnnne wait i nsuuri U iH H- 4 ll IM SM K Mt ,. T AftlMniv f I r ftnC itorrtrftln l'hKll?l L-UwlVU Its' VJf iClOut-vJ iimi.,rMwi-r.ATMi vr Texoa. We need not follow the laborious re-1 earche of Yoakum aa to tho French right by La Salle's occupation of 1089. or Hubert Iiowe Bancroft's rendition of tho Franciscan records at Querctaro and Zacatecas. Were not ten thousand ar ticles on tho dispute printed In the United Staten between 1819 and IS45, and Is not tho controversy spread over 4,000 pages of The Congressional Record? Onoe It detracted a nation and spread sectional controversy from the HL Croix to the Bablnc, It Is enough for us now to glance at tho map and aee that the end waa Indicated by nature "lloo ernt In Fatls" tha Rio Grande and not the Sa bine Is the "ssientilla frontier" of the United Htates. T. S. ROBINSON'S GROCERY CQNFEGTIONERY Is located en rino Street, threo doors west or FirfltsNational Bank. Hit Block ol STAPLE AND FANCY 6 A. -flr-K .JjF? i GROCER IS Cannot be beat In the Coauiy. lilt Candbtt are of the FRESHEST AND PUREST, Seal Assortment of tiwoetniciito IN DE.Ml.NQ. Doom always open, and Orders Promptly Filled. IT. A. BOLICH. -DEAT.EU in iloiliing Mats E0MS 5 SHOE I Carry JM WHHMM M oM 9 A Wxm Line in All departments And My block of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Is the- Host Compete IN GRANT COUNTY, Having rTern th-h eteil Especially fOr this StoTlUt Fine Shirts & Underwea , M Every kind and all giiet, hh AND TKBT PRICKS, riUI.RaitMtdlMaHli. -jetf JtBHtf MAP OP THE UATTLtt Of BA.t JACINTO, Suflloe It to itdd that In 1810 John Qulnoy Adams and Don Luis de Unls leneu the much almseil treaty by wiucn rench(and consequent Amerlcan)c!a!mi to Texas were Hurritndercdt and Mexico, becoming Independent soon nfter, sue- reedod to tho rlghtsof bpain. All Amcrb can who located in Ttixa agreed to be come Mexican cltlxens the condition being exiireHMed or clearly implied that Texaa wo to bo a state in a federal re public. Uut even while Stephen Ausila waa locating ills colony I'remueut uur- bido (1833) overthrew tho constitution and made hlmsolf cutperur at Augustln I. Ucforo tho Tctan envoy could reach the capital Santa Anna and other chief hail overturned uurmdo (March, and net up nunthur rapubllu. Oat. 4, 1834, tha constitution was proclaimed to which all Annlo-laxans awore allcKiance, and fur. which they contended aa long a I thoru wa hope (if Justice under Mexican . rule. In 1833-30 (len. Uuerrero overthrow President Pedntxit and made himself president) In 18U0 Vice President Iluatn uiento overturned Ouerrcro and becumo dictator-pretddunt, but was soon over- thrown uy I'edraxa, wik was in turn overthrown by Hntn Anna, who nbol- lilted the federal republic of 1831 and rmde himself dictator in 1880 There havo slnco been nine complete revolu tion und many minor contests, but they do not concern Texans who made their stand against Bantu Anna nnd tho con solidated empire-republic of 18M Hut by n eerie of rapid movemenla and bl(Hdy oattlee the Inst a mawacre Bantu Anna annihilated' tlio "state rights" party In moat of tho stole nud In the other won tho allegiance of tho people by exciting their hatred against the Anglo-Americans of Texu. uustumeuto had Iteguu tho work or do- prlvlngTexasof her constitutional right, tod Santa Anna now rapidly hoxtened It, In 183J the Amerlcan-Texans, nuw Hum boring 2V.000, preiured a state con dilu tion and hdut Col. Hiephen F. Austin te Mexico city with its he wa thrown into Jul) to remain there till 18-1-1. nnd &tuta Anna begun looatiiie Ixxiteaof wildlersln rexaa. Uommltteea or aatety were or zanlusl and lite ilony drifted Into war rite ttrat collision was at (lontulea, Oct. 1. 1833 Tito Texitns captured (loltad Oct. . and fought the battle of Concep :ion on the 38th. Nov. 8 a body of delegates met at Ban Felipe nml organised n provisional gov irnuieiil. with Henry -Smith aa governor. J. W. Itoblnson n lieutenant governnr tnd a general council, Sam Ilouktun wa iivtue cotomandcr-lrvchtef and Ste phen Austin appointed commlsiiuner to the United States, Santa Anna was coming on by furred marches vltli about 8.000 tuu. The Texan took Hjii Antonio Dec. Mr. Uean while nil Texa east of tho military lae was reorgauUIng the civil govern aient, and on the 3J of March, at Wash ngton. on I he Prates, the ' declaration of Independence'' waa Iwued. David U. Hornet waacttoseu proviilonal president ind other officer named. The early mir-;ce.M-t of the Texant hail relaxed their tuergynnd created it dangerous confl denne, Volunti-er had arrived from tho United State. Fannin. Ilonhnin. Crock- fit and mmiy others, and dlsseiisiimt had artan amoug commanders. Houston jiitd railed for 0,000 volunteer, and was busy attettinihig to nrganlte an nrniy. CoL J. W. Fannin wits at (lollad with n ituall forcv. designing n miireii upon Mataiuora. Col. W. II. Truvl ha 140 hunt In the Alamo. There waa nn tin certainty aa to ihe aupreme conimand, ui 'heteiulU wire fwl iliuiKton nnd a demoralized remnant of ai army wn the only authority. Santa Anna now divided hi forceni tho Collttd murderer came on by the southern mutoi (Innna, with it motley baud of In diaun nnd Meatlxoe. started by the north ern route, as If to march on Nacogdoches and Ihe Sabine, while Santa Anna, with a much reduced force, aimed nt llotuV ion, Houston retreated from Oonralcs to the Colorado, and thence to the Dra km, thenrmy, mmtewhat swelled by ro erults. waa once tuoro In spirit and will uur to lluht, hut lloutttm' Idea wa that the farther Santa Anna had to como the weaker he would he. Hero Houston llrst learned of the Oo llad mttwutcro. but eouiH-nled the extent of the dlsiwter from hUincn. Hecromed. moretl up the Mtrcam and formed camp on an Inland, while Santa Anna crossed U'lowand (llnctitl liU course toward Hnrrlsburg nml Wahliigton. Ill north urn UlvUlun, under Uuotm, wa mlded by the guides and went too fur north, the southern, under Urnia. wn prevent id by high water from pasolng the lira to, and Houxton had for tlio lliuu only Santa Anna to deal with. With about 1..KK) men that general di rected hi cour. burning HnrrUluirg a ! ho piuned, along ilte south nldo of llulfulo , bayou to San Jacinto and his fate, i IlousUm followed along the north side of the bayou, crosaed and advuueed to meet ilie Muxlcnua, who were moving up to rms the Kan Jacinto Itnd carry dektru' Hon eiuttvard. On tho SOth of April the irmleHciime near eitch other and there wero light nklruiUhcH.tho mult of which I tomewliat oiicountKiil the Tcxun. If ' defeated, Santa Anna wa In n trap. North and cant were bayou and rleert to j the west some tullci wo another bayou, 1 with hldi. steep bank, and the only bridge over It was destroyed early in the morning by Houston' order. South ward only did the Mexlcuii havo open .round, nud not much of that. Engravings, Motalic Caskets, Undertakers liccds, General Agents Giant Powdef Co. Ajax Triple Force Caps, Best Brsmds of Fuse Ahrays on Hand in Ash, Imitation Maliagony, Antique Oak and Walnut. Rattan Goods, Office Desks, Baby Carnages, Window Curtains, Chromos, Etc. CcEstenlly on Hand Etc. Agents for tha Celebrated Harden Hand Grenada OM B) kail deceive mm mmm. iTiTit'aUiTi'ia-ftirrftiTi NEW GOODS! FRESH GOODS! PLAIN AND FANCY A BCl'NK lit Tim nATTUC April 31, 1880; the eventful day dawn, td clear and bright, and Houston de dared that ho .'tit nn Inspiration of vic tory. Nevertheless ho refused to move In the furenoon "tho hour tho Mcxl tans usually tako their siesta is best." Till iiienitt the hour ntler the midday meal. The Texan left was near tho ferry and junction of tho San Jacln to with Buffalo bayou. About three hatrthsof a mile aouth wa the Mexican line, their right on Sun Jacinto bay I'liey had made rude works foi Ihelr extreme right nnd left, but direct It In front the way waa loft clear for tholi irtlllery. The Texani were 783 all told. Tin Itexlwtn were, by the lowest estimate I.OOOi by Ihe hlghet. I.DOOr tliodlder nice rises from uueertnlnty a to tlio re tnforcouirnu brought tlmt morning b tl .. In.. i.n t i.y ititue' and wero vIitII iiit tlii noui then Suit., Annn decldol to tit' a ivt nud uttu -k tho Tcxun the next dity. Iletweeu the tw.i urmle wit nn "Isl and" of timber, which enabled the Tex an to get much nearer their enemy Iw fore lielng observed The ground rose to the Texan right, and tlivru wit a low ridge, In which the Texan artillery (two sis poundcit) took position to open Ihe Uttfci. At the hour they Judged the Mexicans to be least watchful Hie Texan moved forward slowly till they had passed the tiutbcri then Houston sound ed the cltarge and shouwd the famous war cryi Itemember the Alamol" Along I lie Texan I Ine ran one prolonged yell, "Itemember the Alamol Itomem ler (lolladt Texas nml vcngeancel" and burning with mge they rushed on tho foe. The Mexlemts hastily manned llmlr wlrb. but the Texan were within one hundred yard und heard tlio word of comitiaiid in lire. The Mexican volley we splendid, but aimed high lnrt nf thf Texun dropKtl to the ground as tliey lieiinl the word, but their Una waa tihj luoken. Tlie next Instant, every iiun takluu aim, they deliveml a ittur ilppii'i volley "Die effect wa awful. . VVubte platoon of Mexleans wemtd to I fit n lluf. Their right brv.Ve t once RAM IIOUBIOX Houston saw that tho battle waa won. nud, bletxllng profusely, with an ankle shattered by the first Mexican volley, he tank fainting from hi horse. He had scarcely retlved when the prisoner be gun to oome in, and among the Hrsl the suuve, courteous and cultured Almonte, who had tipetit hls.outh In the United State and spoke the language liueiitly, The next day Santa Anna, In tho guUi of a common toldler, wa drugged ttut of tho tall gran of the buyuu, half doud with cold and fright. The Mexican hud 030 killed, and nearly nil tho rest weru captured. The American l wo 8 killed and So wounded. The liulepcnU- ence of Texan wa settled forever, One Texan lied from fJm lUld without firing n ahol Hi cuptaln Interceded for the man when he wa brought before Houston. "I will pardon him," said the generul,"on condition that ho will marry into n valiant race ami cms the breed. Till man volunteered at the llrst of the Mexican war, and nobly redeemed hi character. The news of Ihe wonderful victor" thrilled nil Americans, una to none brought mure delight than to President Jackson. Santa Annn was ocorted to the frontier and made a lour lu tlio Unit ed State, then returned, to hi uutlvo land to ll.ure in many a revolution and suffer hi Dual defeat nt Ktiemt Vista and Hunmatilhu Exicllcd again uud again from Id country, nnd more than once Mmtouccd to death, he returned at lut under the general amnesty, and in 1270 ended hi troubled llfo of 78 year Kt hi old cstato ut Mango Clnvo, Houston, born In Irgiula, March 3, 1703, died at Htintsvllle, July 35. I8C3. Hi life closed amid the lurid clouds of revolution, nnd when a troubled peopto illumed indiscriminately all who opposed tliciui but no temporary cloud could obscure the deserved fame of tile Wash lugton of Texas. He was twice presi dent of Texas, twlca a member of her congress, and twice her senator in the congren of tho United Slates. Tho sound Instinct of manly men bids theiu roMeut the founders of commouweullli, whether by military or civic taleiitsi and Houston, uniting both, rank with Itoin- ulim and Lycurgus, with WmihinKtou and William Peiiu. With tlmo and de velopment, men two more clearly the real grentnee of such men' work nnd the Inslgnilicance of theiriJIegcd fault) and so It I that with the marvelous Krowth of the Empire Stale each revolving year anus nrigiitne to tne iinio that sur rounds the Hero of nr.n Jneiuto, J. 11. IlKADUC SRC EERIE Demine Drug Store supply the feiftfi' HHrlnt; hiiiight tli Demiug Drug Mutt, will he peaeif In of Dfiiilnir mihI tlclftll) wiih Drugs, Medicines. Stationery, Tellet Artiiie PAIN rs, OILS, And ercrj tiling unnerally kepi lu nllrsi oluis I) ug Biorivi' re'ionnhl pileetr Pure Drugs and Medicines Warranted t3rrri rrlpli n uarefuily coiyipounded nt alt hour. SUGAR. COFFEE, FLOUR ALT MEATS. CANNJ GOODS, -AT Tony Clark's Uew Grocery V & Bakery, On Gold Avenue South 01 Floe Street. Thompson's .-. Hotel, Opposite tlio Dopote ON THB EUROPEAN PLAN A. II. THOMPSON, I'mii'iifiCTi it Call on Thompson for thtap Railroad Tickets. Having inoriuighly renovated and relti ted the room lu llm C'iik.Meniriy Illnek, fnnuerly ktiuwu a ibu Vienna, we liNvn laid III a Fresh Assortment Of Qoods, ami feel sure wn will please the Public. Out Bakery & Confectionery I.n lending feniurev n m: a u Ann smorair.a Promptly Lollvred. CLARK & GO. HANhAft cattm; i'nrAY. SIM. HW.STKIS Maimger. O. W. Ml I.Kit I Secielary. MIMIlHEa.N.M n tlminti n lilpknti ie k, llhwk nai'ge How Lnnef Ar )!1. "Tlio lotciigo inakor die, but the lotoiigu uover," wild Robert H, Hose, it wuultJiy ox-merchant. "Yenr ugo," lin cotitliiticd. "nil lot engrst wero inutlu by luiiid. The dough or oaato was rolled otitn n piutry cook roll out Iiih work, and then ttani(H.d by liiiud Into tlio circle, nourt ami lluitiondt bo dear to tho juvmule oyo. thoiw dityg there wero umiiv lot- Wuilntulll liurio brand, N A N nn left thigh. cooita liKiiTiiKim. Hons omnd mint ss cow lirsml lit, est i inti tiiotuaur n hill. lu. east nt utiles i' mi met, KhKsV.gsi, d lu vuire iiutuur. Uut into tho trt. n, tut into every other Industry, tint Inventor liiiiud hi wuy, nnd lit a few your .nude to ninny lubor saving niuolii .4 to drive tho workmen into t trade. Today lotciigo making i tint plicity itself. Tlio Ingredient utv tiiruwii Into n largo trough, and a Kiieudiuir imicliinu convert them into u Hue dough. Tint I put Into tnu luzeiigit iiiitculiiu lu nuuiitllie of uftv to a hundred douiiun nt U lluio, litu iimclihiu roll it tutu llnu aticots, cut it into any noasiblo pattern, ro vulve tltu dough between tho sliujies, einuosae the loictigv. pnuU tiiono- gnillin, llllllllia iir lliiinm Uruu mvui, or write nuclt pit'tttuul fioutmice us '1 liivo vou.' 'Yes. diirllntr.' '(Joiuu olf. pleiiHo,' unit thuu tiui"U ttiein oil' to drvliiif bourd uud rings tuu bell to aiiiinuiieo wliaiiouuli bourtl I covuroil. 'i'huv nm dried in huL'O erutca. uud then cleaned, polished uud barreled or boxed by it third niucliliie- Tho en tiro cost of uitiiiufuoturo 1 no ullglit it lien tlieso niucliliie uro ciiiiloycti tlmt k lit txiksihla to turn nut iluUhod lozenge ut ix (ruction over tho tioet of tlio biigur. Under audi conditions U is luiitotoilhlo for liuud loor tccwnnieto." -JMew xorg mar. When tlio current In ctetlrlo rati wgya pasea from the car wheel to tlte track, it earn n coiiidderablotiicreaw In friction ttetwwn the two. Expert opinion accnm to lavor tlia theory that this nddltlmml tWMnncB due ifja IIkH weldjiiK.actlfiH caused by Uw mi generatw flio ourrebt. MMIIAUKUOITT1.KCO. a. Ltrtiunaa. Msnnxar litnftleyi lixinliiir, K. M llcRnlalitlDI nexs, on Uppet WHUWIBV, lliir-ebmndi .8 L nn lbs left snoiiiaer. J, A lAhKIIAItl'M UIUNU. I'OttofflCBI Doming, M.M ftUIIRM : , I'tdtr (Jrov Muuntslns an( esuprina. fst , t'ouuty ..WW VIVU (.oa imt lilp, JltNUV IIOIATE. I'oitnfiU-e. DsistilR, N.U nnae,tls mils IIIIUI UOWIU HUOKKTE WNB MVK BTOOK OOIirAVy n, A. IUXT flimimUl Mi Ml MI9 m,m sxir.'.imii.nQi V.'oilitluli l(StlKMH ti , o. Tu to Legal Tender Stable, NTLSTJ "WARE NOTON, Proprietor, SIl.VEIl AVKNUK, DEMIKO M, M. SINGLE and DOUBLE TEAMS and CAFRI 6TS Ladies" and Gents' Saddle Ho res. Outfits for long-distance tri s oh skcrt acik INTEHNATIONAL STAGS LINE FOU- Las PaJomas, Mexico Loare9 Doming Evory Tuesday r Thursday and Saturday, at 8 O'clock, a. m. oFFirn at the s'ioue of i.iM'Ai eh, uoiaeo (ompa? (Faro for tho Round! Trip, 5 00'.) Beautify Your Homes I wilt furul.b all varieties Trees, Vines, Ksstern ami Uallfortlh; Shrubs, XJ A. Vu' Aud l'latit Samo If iletlrrrl PBIOES IOW and STOCK FIBST-CEASS, tnttniirouufes sdmcitjid. VV. H. MEAD, Deming. N.. M A. T. & S. F. R, R. reral.bss the best rouw to any point Iserer ffortb IIICAOSBi l has a splendid rosij bsil laid toftlis west psrt wllb .ml rsllsi IIKOAUI-R' ltlisstUHiiessequlpweot-ieisxBf -liiy coeHs and fullinsn sl!. ow tnro uibrexulrp..enBtrtrlB. nKCAtfoKi Toiuist siespmx esrs re itimi. EXPRESS TnAINf TO AIL POINTS trsSDlncesrsthroutb from Kb rABO to KAXHAt t'lTV without ehsuge. THt6sliti Chicago and St. Louis, one change ror f ut latBrmstlop with rext terst-s ito. apply f U. R, llud.OM, (Jsnarst Xuent, III sad t'nket Aaont, Topska Kansas I'aio, or Mu, T, Mt'liei.nn, uenerar ..wiw J imeQulim, AtiMtili)B iMiIlnsr. N Ihiibk. iesr itH)wn-nrlHu iSlTei touttj W itotaluir, norn ,iiiii tiiB.m iris. unv . . ttrjitrt ea let! tut MtaiSBrpe vviu bra E DBAxa im Ae liixerAoiDKNN r SADDLES & KAr.NESS Hf failing Bono on Skt KolIce Gol& Av., liIow Pi. iipwiKa, n. M. PboteKraiMn of. iny T&h' Satolt fiirnlihta 9!i WM'w'