Newspaper Page Text
u , 'Jf ua r TfW' UmmttflApHMi. 'seettis'i ejai I BHf W 111191 U, & IMtt. AtMrMr, V. 9. tthl. It. A. tk, (MltMHrlai, Krai, )iti A. HumIm. JreaiMirw, Al(H.tillsySlar toMter ', . t ItttrlUII. i'aMiMitlnrjr Warden, h1 Wjntcpt .(,( A-ldross all abof, Hflwtii r, M, W.) OhltUeUlf.e, Ultftstrilit., jldjotMuiit., mi ja uiM.V.k . . . ftsai fis W. II. M, 4nu. It fir" . . liM.Cru. A !-tJbrlty, tftt,Al'yMjWMJeurl,J.J. A. AuHiotaY ' . , . . . surer iltr. ComiaUi'ttwi 'l itoit. n uotjii. to, w (MjIi, Hllri lilly. Hhn HrtMMw. fltorsnlowii II. II. Wit 4il l.9ll i;il v. its Jud ttaltMit-t. St r''tr. erfMslo OUrh, A. M Motelinuit,!Mir utr. JUW&jjft it. (ItMixHt, 1trrt-VuiK. w. - 1'ttpmn. sitter uny. H-i-T-: . - I'alKIIKoT drriORRI. JiuHee of iho i'uitoo, tPM Flrld Slfl, Frank WoUllncUy. WHOM D1AK0T0US. qnniriont, Y. tl. ItoHiiton. JoUn liorlietl. I.OBU AltniAB. lf jiuty (JwHuiru Colle tor, w. ii.Bua.oH MQiJIKTJKtf. ;lj So. t: r. At xi. l)le. ruBri'layJ at uionib, V BMil Bare . Demlng Chapter No. 6 F. A A. XI. meat (Vn iiiurtuttr ul tumuli, : Fleishman, K. II. 1. , i. Seaman Field Sooty. Iiemlntr Counell K. t P. ft A. M Wt HtlliUNtUv of mouth. J Jl. Heuilfs f I, XI. I.ouU Attinnn lUconltr. Mmitorty CmiMaiiUery $io. 4 meal ami 'inttrtutiy nf mouth. U. If. Dtiuo E. O. Seaman Field Keeortler. OHUjUTH MKUV10E8. Mstumlltt Church i Sunday clul 10 A. in. Preaching 11 a. in. nU 7 HO p. m. I'raysr nicetlnK Wertontlajr 7fJ0 I', in. jiuiiT. uuiiusun, ruiior, Conijrcffallotirtl CUurub i Pif ubIiIiir nrvrv SuiitU)- m 11 a, in. nml 7i30 p. ra. ilxiidAV Hdbool 10 n. m. I'mvnr tiifot DK I'rlduy m( 4 p, ui. Cuiiuntiuluu lit nuuuay in jauimry. Aiaron, uiu. A. Al. 1'iria, lUiior. El'ncoil Clmroli Now IicIiik vreotcil HAIUIO L TIME TABLE. I.OOAt. TIMK. A. T."T H. F. No. nrrfyov from I tie wait at 11 :45 am OtiparU fur Sliver Oily liilf) iu Ko. 71 rrlveafromsilvi'i-oli -1 :00 pm " disrl for tlio unt at ti.lOpin All couiivvtllig with trains to and from El I'rtio. fiOUTIIK.nX I'AOirio. Wo 20 airlfe (roai Bl l'ao at 7 HO pm Jt'puris lor iho wen at BtOOpm Wo. 1U nirlvi'd Irntii a It w west t 3:20 am ' tlmifirM for til rao at 9::i0am 11. J. MoQUlK, Aut. Tmil.Mi, HiRKitA XUtMtt; A I'apii'IO. 1ni'iilnr 0iiiriicilnn Train. A8 VOU 00 THflOUOH LIFE. Don't look fur lbs Dtn m jou go through llf Ami otcn nlicn rat Qml tliwi It UwIm nut llmf to be mrtwlidt uUml An-1 loll for Um rlrtuu Uhlnil titetn. For thu cloii,lli nlxtit ItM a Ulnt ut llf ht Bfiinowliero la Ita iliaJaita hlillngt It 1 bettor bj Ur la hunt for n mar Tluui ape 24 on th utin nblilln. Tlio cum ut fcf life runt etrr nway T pie Lkmori of OoJ' cnutC owiiub Don't your focta 'gsltut tliarlrrrM count AnJ ttilrt loaltnr IU tnotloa Don't fMto a uurno on tint unlrrra-. Ppicmlir, It llt bffo.-o tm m l tt trra with jrwir purf fwm- Uut bond Bud (at It go o'er rou. Tho worlJ will nef r btjut lUrlf TO xtlt your wlilion to tli kttar. Seitto lkBd miut (jo wrong four vIioIa UU long, An l lli Moiwr you know It Urn txtttr U U roll to flzlit wltli tlm InOnlln, An.l ko un.Iur nt Lwt In tlm vrratlo. Hki wr man lii)wt Into Orwl'n plan An tb wntr ihaiwii Into a vrMeL EU WbwUr Wilcox In LvJIot' 1 1 onto JouruL rUtinrM In Ctillilren. Thcro la n cittuw of pcoviahnoaa In chtlilran whloh requires conxlduration, anil tlmt la tlio want of anfllclent frenh cirjtnil bodily esurclno. Healthy chll ilriyi oro nliuost cotmtnntly iu motion, nmJUipy rrpiiro proiwrtlonately mora fa-ell ' ntr nml out of door lifo than do aUultfL. To ulint thorn up In thu honao III badly vuntllntod and ororhoatcd rixnilS liiovltnlily mukti olilldren hy Ish when thoy would otlienvltto bo good toiiitifrtil mid free from nervou Irrt taWllty A mm run In Urn fifld. or fruit In (ho fttrwt. If thoro la no lttr plnco, will oft'ui bo tho itittfttiH of iirnk liif? a, illhiKTi'1-.tblo child b aourco of ptapiuio to those nbout It. Vhatover tlio cnuso of pcevbiltntna tuny U It ahonld bojjot rid of not only lii 0ti1r tlmt lltu prent comfort of tho ttltlld uwy U ituurwl, hut In order tlmt iw foumliitfati Iw luld for rjuonilonBiioM nflTOaWlftl5iblinefla In mnturo rMm, wlilali ao frwaut)y owo their ox UtiftBa to itilMiianaGreniuiit In oarly llfo. -Y0Utli'a Uompanton. A HtroDff Vonmn. Bingrwa Prdarlk would beeotno a howrful fnatnr nt oourt If alio remained lotiK lit HtuflMid liar tnlltitnco lina boen itwwaaoilljr oxvrted with tha queen to imlnte liar uiajwty to ulbw tho Unnnl'a band e play on thowwttenwwnt Wind nor t-HltloBundny ufttinioons. ruid oho hna also obtnlned thu ipimm'a (xirnilMtlon for I'rlnstm Umitricc tn mitlto it laiitfthy tour abruttiL Tlio ntieon hita nlwnya Indlg unntiy raftuwd in allow tho band to play Ml th wtat UrrNiMi, where no iiinalo luta lriieiirl atnoe 1801 until thootherdny nnd I'rinsuia Dwitrlce'a mintial nttvmpta to obtain leavo of nltwuuo for an oxte41 tlon thrmh SwlUarland had Invariably fnllati. but tha KtupruM I'retlorlck ano tt&lM lit both cuaw. nnd rune poopla now HHlltit that If tho mpre ahonld feHjlWn tij come nrur next yrnr about WflWliitlifM alio will baublutoKut tha MI is lattronlaaAseotratitA London TrHtli. One oatwo wljrttwl by cuveml pliyal. (iaru and dnutliU for tha fact that loony bewu vllim to the opium rioo lAfrom toof untlpyrHtfc A grat tmmbar iif iwuif wouian. and eaptelallr It-iUiile clwks, take antlpyrwo 111 auou nnantltlM tlut It floallr leiM lis rMtora. tiro ihik-w. Tlwn (bay rort td trior' pblHc. 'HdNKS T DAY SWkaJ itMf AathHhHaa .f ,M Vrt MftMHi Sfllt Think ef tha I'reMHt. bpafltM A tnlllraW pwiWft freni IT Wi,WiMiy tlwbaftrtof Anllfta mm vim knew th KogiMi 1angtufa Ownawlhly, bat wlw by wd fctto IhhI tW htm nt it iMaeball fjam-ittlilf uwH to read skillfully wilttennocount of prit contest like that between tho 0irloa Mid tha Now YorV. To jiiaVo tine pelnt plalnor yet Imajrlna thin wliol- arly ntlemati m Uting 3.005 years bosce, nnd m having Aug up from tho ruirw or utmaio it jierftWtiy prwwrved nowwwtwr of tha data Jnnu 21. lfleo. In wrchteolOKlott! wjataay ho amta hlmaolf jld tho ruhw of tlig toldlera' tttouu Hifnt looklnjt Jut &t they do n5ir and prewwda to reitdt "Qlanta jntnitod on. Buffalo wipe tho dlnmotid with Now Tork'u peta. Dnok ISwInir told Iho mighty pltoher to gather Hp Ida lolna and mow down tho Ilkotw. Whett thd Dbsona pat on n ollnoher lu tho ninth Duok took oft his rod overfhlrt, donned a blaelr end whllo biam and packed lip tho Olauta' Uoih, Towinjr nxat no niui neoio would em uo wfiona to-morrow, orano soaked one Utan. Wldto wiw nailed between aeo-' otul nnd third," etc Now this naturally will puttlo tho Boaoinny Ranuoinnm nor Will no recelvo light from otlier ooplea of other papora of tho aama period. Ho will road how ono mighty man fanned tho nlr,Mhow Brother "dtod at third,1 ami how several woio "aaorincer amid cront roiolclnit. In lib erudite hlMory of "The Aturfent Anltixiaan Uopnbllos nd Uio CSuues Wh'.on luedto Tlielr Decay " v WOnld flndsouwrniohparairniplisaatheaoi 'From tlw iorfently preecrved record of tholr aiKirtu it may bo nanertod with- out quallflcntlon tltat Uio Ainerloaua wcro Uio most brntnllxed nnd blood thirsty pooplo who eve." laid claim to any degreo of eiillBhlentt. X Tho nrenlo Bporta of Rome wero laaa debasing, and ahowod far greater reRnnl for human life. In tho priceloer Ancient Print col- lection miulo by the author is n iwrfect rocoiu cu oun oi tuo wiaonio row uaya. H In mutter of fact In tone, vet tlin old chronicler was gifted with rnra aldll, for, Hlra Ilmttor, ho plcturos tho most thrilling events In thosfmplost language. Hero, too. la undlnputablo proof that Uwro wore glanta in thoao days. Tboy wero so largo nnd nnvago that tho loo tators sat In Iron chgea, nnd tho young men who dldcombat with tlusm, sometimes riding or possibly driving wild bisons, braved denth for victory. Often at these no called games, tho con testants In which eottght to p'toh oauh other out of tho arena, tho overwrought roon would often dlo whllo running (evi dently pursuing or fleeing from Uio glanta). Those who survived woa often aaciUlced on n hot plato, whllo tho iwpu laco, iwfo In their cagea, would howl with bloodthlruty rago of delight. 'Fronuent allusions to soAkhirr'-. probably In boiling oil and to tho con. iestnuts bolnir 'nab iV ahow tlwt theao horriblo diversions combined thohasards of n Ilomnn nrona with tha UendUh atrocities of thd lmiuislUon.H Duffalo Expreoa. A Btrnlultl Btoiy, Tlioro was n oao logaod man nt Uio Btmh atnxit depot tho oUior day who was aakltig for alms, nnd who clnlinod tliiit liia leg uau Ijoon lAttcn off by it elmrk. Ono of tho mon accoslod looked hint over and salili "I bow you in Duffalo about n month ago, mid you then told mo that on alli gator bit your leg off." "lea." .. ri -1 1 1.1 m street car.' "Yes." "Do yon clinngo your story In every townr "Mwt always." "Well, now, toll mo how you really did lose your leg and I'll glio you a dimfc" "Honest" Yen." "Well, sir, I Jumped in front of a mowing madilno to savo thu lirip of five or six llttlo children, and whllo I lost my leg not ono of them got a scrnton.'' 'Dcm'-t bollevo it. but hero's your ton." aald Utouianasthocrowdntldalaugl, Detroit Freo Press. lllllliiril Cuo Tip. "Fow peoplo," wild Harry Davis tho othor day to n rtipoxter, "understand anything altout Uu tip to a bllllnnl cue. I daro say thcro nro hundroda of tho best plnyent in Pittsburg who know only that Uio Up lu mado of luaUinr. As to whero It comes from, how it in made, or whnt It cost, they nro totally ignorant. Thero aro aevernl gradon of tips, coaUng from I.C0 to$3iicr100. Tho$i.COklndnrovory Inferior mid aro nut used In flrat-cloaa rooms. It la economy in tho Itest liill lard rooms to tuo flrnt-cltvts tips. Tnkn n room having from flftepji to twenty ; tnbleg, and tho Item of Him Is n big ono. i In n jtvtr ltwlll roach at least fMO to pw. , j "Ordiiutry leatlisr is not used in Uio manttfaoluro of billiard tljis, A very choice quality baa to bo nsod, and it is tanned and otherwise prepared by n spe cial process. Thtro nro 110 billiard tiM mailt) in thU country. .They onitte most ly front Pari, where much cure is used in praiwring Uiem. Paris, turn out tho beat tip in tho world. Thero is u loss, ; however, to the purolinner in tho very best tiiM of nbout 10 per oent. !eotttioof imperfeat ones. A fbtw is (tenernlly tho ! result It is found in tlm patted fiwitlon ' holding the leather tip proper to Ita ' base. A tin with 11 flaw in it makes a rarv unaatUfuolnrv ri!B.H Illtlm itwuiiimmiinstwecir.nn.i tho other with tho Hint of hlswoapou. 3rfm,tf,r,C.1.alm01blWVO f,Ulc,,m,der,lFlnaUyono rtohtii tho shock mid li nioTiaini. " tnndo iu ft iwoiiuot or his own ruotory. uispaion. , Thg (i,oUi wm Mhl i) N(jw Y(jrk iwiM Homo iiiuitruni Cotuo from. 1 who sold to Philadelphia mnutifncturora I visited the vineyards nt t'route, in who mado it into cjia nnd wiitl them to Sicily, whloh nro 800 noriH in e rtent, nnd Boston wholesalera from whom tho Ban where eomo 110 men, under it surveyor, fifor merchant bought. Lewiston Jour wero trenching the ground in ono long "al- uiu. Aiioy woren Hmr looKiiig lOv, nut iippenrtH to use their Implumsnts, which nro mare like axes than spades, to good imrjioee. When they do not, ut utich times ns English oye nro not uiton lliem, the surveyor's stick or whip plays pretty freely about tholr liacks, believe, mid wHlidut -lgilaiioe they will not work nt nil. They come from their villages tm Monday morning nnd return on Batttr (hty night Thuy are lodged, receive three meals, nnd about elghtpence it day. Tlio first two meals are given in tho vineyard, onch man having n sardine, a liunoh of excellent bread, nnd n "pull" at thwlne Imrrel, The third meal, be fore dismissal in the yard nt night, con IU of iwrrMge, servetl lu li trough, from whloh tlwy seoop jtout with their fluem, having tllsoorded the spoons orig liially provided them.-JRiijilUh Illtw- , tratinl Xiagaalne. fOMlilUYllfi 6 ttHOTWtfTTY. A Pnrtblil Illry .ftr rrHi4 ItwU. lion and rarrarx itw In Tk arieaw of tlw iwinprrlriif Imlty, tmirrt)oU'iMitOf, il feotpajl mitl iillwrA lHw Ilk fin) ft drawiitK to t el oat. Kb lottiMr will tho afhall, weak man mo out at night with tlM ftr of lwtng tt)bbetl liy n footNfl or gotla ttm atuffi-' injif knocked out of htin In on ntipinKiit with it invger titan. A check la put iv.n tho ravaHa of tlio bulldiw, and tho most timid nnd rollned lady vfll be nWo to ho anywhere at any hour of tho night with out fear of iwlnjr Insnltexi. To tlm won- derftrt Invent! vo talent of Meorgo A. Duekel, tho electrlelnu, l this KivMit achemo of phyalctit enttAlltatlon dui No tnorconary tnolivo rwtuattw hlra In tlio matter, for ho glvai It without prlco to tho imblle. Llko tlio ohtvnlrota knights of olden tlmo ho labora only to protect tha weak front oppwilim una to do good for hnuiftu kind. Uimldo this In ventftm all of tho eleotrlclan'a prorlons efforta sunk into olmnrlty. It ccrootnU Mtnply of nn dtetrlo w.-lkl!f enno heavily olwgel. Thu oauo hi nmda of ' wmv! nr tiuilliAr. vAi)t n 4liln Iaa mi runnlnff through tho conlro of It. A i man pub a wunll battery In his hip 1 pocket, with ono lino wlro ruunln down Into tho left hoo and connecting with ' Itect piato nt His liooV Another wlroruns from tho battery un into his coat eleovo nnd tormluntea In a hook nt tho wrtot. Upon tho bend of tho cam Is a wire eyelet, nnd thohoolc liftuit enod toil. It la only this nnd iiotbluK more, and n man thus emitunod cnuld ' hold out AHitliit twenty men ivt tutpert ' oven na John I Sulftvan. For lUuBlrntlon, t short, ellm gent ! mit'.u wnlijlilc 10 bounds, nnd knowing nothing wlmtover at pngllum, baa ocoiv . blon to ro down town after dork. A short dUtanco from hla homo n do with extended Jnwa nnd nu I'll-blto-you nlr about lilai loops out. A touch with Uio point of tho enno electrifies nnd lnya bun out flatter tlinn tlwno papar. Coutlnulun; hla Joumoy tho contleman ' suddenly cornea upon n man with wbom ' no naa not won on koou tenna for n ionir time. Tho latter is largo und io-ttotod ns n fighter. After first trying to nrrongo their dif ferenced amicably tho small man pro vokoa tho ahor to itasault him, and then alectrilloa bin assailant, rieucoforth joplo will havo to bo careful about call ing even a puny, rash-wearing dudo a liar. No bmlna nro necessary to work tho machine, nnd ono round will bo suf ficient to put a atop to a fight. Police men will hnvo tholr clubs ohargsd In this way In order to facilitate the malt ing of nrrosta, and woo bctlilo tlio luck lesfl individual who la so rash 0.1 to iv slat. Ladles carry their batteHea in aeon vonlant place, and Uio steel rod goca through their parasol handle). In the crowd on Fourth uroiSuonmou anatchca A Jady'a pockotbook. 8ho eo&i hkn just in time, nnd touches htm with tho end of her parasol. Of CQUrao ho falls, mid eho thon easily taken liar pnrso from Ids fingers. Later on a pollcomaii find 1dm nud takes him to Jail. Tho romilt is tho eamo it au impartlnout mnn molcea an oblccUonablo remark to her. wlicn UiU invention la iwrfocted thero will be no mora of tho old ntyljj duels In Kentucky, mid ltwlll lotte Hi reputation for blood siillllng. TSvo guntlemon will cngitgolnadlsputo, nnd ono wifl ehnl lengo tho other to n bout with ckotria canes. Tvo batteries of equal atrcngth will bo Bclectod along with tho other apparatus. Facing each othor, they etaud with crossed canoa, nnd nt n alg- tun agreoa upon cacii ouacavors to prcxl stretched out. Thoro nro no black ores. no ugly sword or bullet wounds, nnd tho : fallen man la not uoau. uesiaes, tho law has not been violated, nnd In a day cvcryUilng Is lovoly. Loulsvlllo Timet). Not ISrpert LlngulM. I went Into n store to look nt coma Eastern hnttglnga. A very pleasant young woman attended to iny requests, and I asked her what they called tho variety of hangings 1 was cxnmlniug, "Doories," said aho. I naked her how tho word win nnalled. ,D-li.n.r.r.l-MiJ lVon Uioy ! Z , oven more remarknblo than n reply I I onco received from n girl at Moca on inquiring tlioro for u certain French con fection. Aflcr a gooil deal of explnnn tiou on my part sho finally k-ciikh! to 1 get tho Idea, nnd turning somewhat con-1 tomptuously to it llttlo cash girl standing 1 by, eho bado her fetch a "can of Marion glar.0." This reminds ono of tho man ' who went to nn English costumvr to get ; n Henri IV coatunto for a fauoy drosa ', party, and was nstouliihcd to hoar tho ! man call up to his assistant, 'Arry, I bring down tho Angry Catl" Boston I xraiuwnpt. HetU Tltat At" OuM, Even tho hens at Byron hnvo caught , tho gold fever. Two inuit got n tan of mixture supposed to contain nbout $3 worth of the precious metal nml set It tinder the stove to dry. Tho next morn ing two her 1 wandering about In senroli of good things ventured In through tho I door. Spying Uio prtn they ntaice helped I themselves to overy bit of yellow they ' could find and probably went nway wondering nt tho iioor tnsto of mankind who could prefer that kind of fodder to yellow corn. Bangor (XIo.) Letter. Tmuli of a Cup. An OKI town manufacturer bought a cap for hU little boy in Bangor, nnd nt .t At... ..1..AI. B ti wy irv.w. . .. . . n.ilui, Mr. Ifoden, tho great Engllili etcher, .pent two hours on his well known pinto, "Tho Agamemnon." He has real feed, I mn told, over f.10,000 from the rAlo of prints from this plate. umi at tso. Bridget Dooily. tho Mineral Point (Wis.) centenarian, mid who was un doubtedly tho oldest person In tho Uttit-1 ed Btates, died Aug, 18 nt her home iu tho above named city after a brief ill nesn. Hlio bad been n resident of Mln-, cral Point fAr years, lliollev. James 'J'Keefo wrote to her natlvo iarish In Ireland soma year uga and received In-, lonuatlon lu return on tlio indisputable authority of tho record books of the parish flint sho Wji? bom lu tho year) 1710. 8he was therefore 130 years old at the tlmo of her dettth,-Cor. 8t, Louis ' OlobtxIU'iiioDlnt I ; A ftaiwti 1111. Aftria)jitwrftrpwditwrlt thfl beiki UT the iwiniM this year wan Mm Julia MofMiil. 8Ih mm down DrtNttlway In Mlor made habit of lllt nrar, a Mlk hat getting (wpiaMy on tiw eoll of m dark brown hair. "There I nothing fi(ilrltuelli about Miss Metro ImI," be wlds. "She Is well put up, nml there Is plenty of avoirdupois. She sits her plump chestnut maro with great dig nity, and looks straight nhwtd bvtweua the mare's him. At txaelly tho proper distanco the groom In n buff ooat, oordn roy Itneo brveoliw and top boots, follows npfjii n stout bay gelding. Ho has a cockade on his hat and he ottrries n riding whip bmnA ngalnut his side nt just the correct nugla When XIIm Xtonwlnl trots the groom trots, and when Miss Moroln winters the groom oanteni, Tho chestnut mare and tho liny gehllng nra usually allowed to walk tUwn llrond way hot wwn tho hotels nt it dress parado gait. When sue turns into 11 side street Miss Mortwlnl touchca tho mare, and! away the procession goes. "Quesbion Uiepbu&tahave noted that 1 tho groom Is young nnd handsome, with a Quo Hibernian tint on bis smooth cheeks, XIUs Moroslni's oldest sister is oald to bo tfavollng in Europe. Tha fresh faced groom is in no danger. Miss Julia will mjvor wound tho family prtdo as Virginia did. MisaJnllaisherfaUier's own gtrl." ' AI17 nnnati for Worttlng Olrtn. Tho Xlctropolltan Bell Teloph'ouo com pany has Just commoted nmuigemptiU for tljo benefit of the girls in Its employ. A largo sunny sitting room baa been jirovbkd, with wldo windows, affording lovely river and har1or views, Turkish rugs cover the flor and lounged and rocking clutlrs Inrlto renosa Three largo tablea nro laden with cujw, sancors, platen, siKxms, sugar nnd milk, whllo be hind two immense urns ntnnili a woman wipplylitg l nnd coffee to thow who wish cither. AU this la freo, and the telephone girls at lunch In their hand fionio room present tho npponraneu of boarding school pupils. Besides tho noon hour each operator has two rcccsaes n day known as "tv-Hefa- Tlio "Central" tlton makes luintclf oomfortnblo with book or fancy work or morn often catches 11 litUo nap. Ono portion of tho dicsslng room Is at Vldod Into lookow, every girl having one to herself. All this Is n sharp contract to Uio eoml-dark basement, the rowa of iwgs, with dangling hats and sacks, and tho lunches witon from brown pajier bags and swallowed In conjunction with clow air and tepid water, with whloh most working girla nro familiar.- J?ow York World, Ulcnldet! Mill tlntiila. Tho best class of factory girls lu tho Union aro thought to belong to tlio Nor folk mills. Tho black sheep has yet to bo found nnd tho smallest scandal writ ten nbout thtw blithesome mid beautiful Kouthurn girls. Most of them aro Vir ginians by birth, ptud as their ances tors uvor wero and hopeful of winning a bettor phtco In tho Industrial world than they now dignify. No foreman or super intendent would daro to address ono of tho haughty mnldena by her first tiamo. j When enrolled on tho booka aho refuse to give her Christian name. "What name'" wits naked n newcomer Inn wool en mill recently opened. "Miss Clayton "And your Christian namor "That la nn impertinent inqnlry. I wish to bo known In tho mill as Miss Clayton." And so alio is. 80 aro all thoao Industrious, unobtrusive young women, Norfolk Letter, Mr. Wltilow' fluoros. Mrs. Ervlng Wlnslow comes bock from London with the British stamp of ap proval mid a bndget of crested letters that will cuablo her to carry her Ibsen work all over 'tho American continent and reap social ns woll iui financial suo cesa. Tho intly confines herself to draw trig room interpretations 0' Ibsen's drnmas. Bho dreswa In "Bcntt Brum mel" and Joscphlno gomist tho odor of violets clings to her drapcrlcst sho tip tilts her chin, throws her eyes, sloitos her shottldors In the most gracoful way and never raises her volca above the gentle conversational tiitcli. Her only "pron- crtlca" aro n small stand and n slipper chnlr. Mrs. Wlnslow Is n very wiuuoiuo lady, nnd If tho whimsical public does not Btlck n pin in tho lbaen balloon she win uo tno rngo noxt winter. ew Votk Letter, S1U rutrrlt'n Tutor. Miss Clongh, principal of Nowham, who has tho honor of being tutor to tha Scnlora Wrangler, Is tho sister of Arthur Hugh Ulough, tho London poet It was Miss Clough who managed tho iam palgn when tho university seuato of Cambridge tn 1831 was asked to open iho doom to women student Tho ladlca gathered their forcosi every avail able man wru flattered, Imiohcd, dined and cajoled into Toting for tho girls, and tho opposition weni to plecea by n voto of 03 against 803. That was Fob, !M, 1681, nnd every uunlvoniary of that day has beau celebrated with special honors and favors for Miss Clough, who led Uio victory. Exobitngo. To C1110 !ll,ck Heads. Pink wiuiU to know how to euro en larged pores of the face, black heads rul dark Hugs round tho eyes. Alt three symptoms combined show A system vwy much out of order. Thero must ba Im mediate nnd thorough refonti in habits, coarse, laxative diet anil medlclnee, washing the face with borax water many times a day, and when dry rubbing ft sofUy but firmly with n rubber hand brush. This is a uioe thing for tbo complexion lu all cases, whether to rvmova Uio shiny look left by washing with soap and to glvo tho velvety finish (which It does bet ter tlitu chuinoU skin) or to clejtr tho cnlnrft jjtorosdf secretions. Mildfrio tion witii it improves tho action of tho skin and reduce the pores. Blackheads iudtcnto n constipated condition, com ploto rellof of wluch Is tho only perma nent cure for tlioso unsightly rpots. Tho dark circles round tho eyes will prob ubly dlsapiwar with tho othor eymp toms. Shirley Daro. A Ntory of tlyron, Among tbo Steele related in Mr. Will Urn Archer's mjw life of Mncready, tho actor, is thlst Macmuly had won dis tinction in the provinces, nml wishing to appear in London nought Lord Byron's lolluenro tn procure nu engameut nt Drury Lane. Among other things tho liuwen who pok to I-onl Byron In his lAibalf mention&l that Macreatty was a man of tixuttllent character. "Ah, theri)'' said Lonl Ilyron, "1 supixwe he asks Ave (hih1s 11 week mrt for Ids mi)rnllfyir' and (bo tiepUntlQit fell thiotmli, A TM .; In MM Air. Tkwe Is (o 1 V im a few mile frci (4 en rt o IWelmwna , Test. ,a wat ral Writntlty, tke like of wfeleli k mhm (0 be fHin4 ttewkere ele In tlw wot it is tm tmnmxt oak tree literally mummA el In iu air. It stands u tke mUM of b dee grove known as BenUty' woed, wid is wade qnlte n sltow of. The my, terytif Itti supenelen is tlwt MnmerotH hunHngjiMMwhaviiijfeamped beneaUi It duritif a jwriod of many years thtlr Area have gradually burned the knnk entirely nway for n dleUmoe of Mx feet, but Ik lare and spreading broncTiM are 10 closely entwined in those of the trees growing dowdy nbout It that it ts sup jtortetl by them, r Just how Ita huge bulk Is nourished Is A mystery, but that It is well 'nourished la evident, for It Is green nnd flourishing. -Cor. Philadelphia TImpa. lloiitMy In Mftlno, An Aubum business man was surpris ed the other day to see nn old cttstomel come Into his store aw! pay him a bill, with Intercut, which was contracted forty years Ago when he was doing buM wm in nnoaior town. It was a email bill, and tho ono to whom Itas duo had forgotten All about It. Lowlaloa Journal. an sum Avtmti.tstui, oV.ip.1. Mowly Oponodf Thov The table jl fttr.iUliftl wliii well conked, subulaiiltal food, Itnoim clean and airy.' lrlcorolttoootl to $1,00 par tiny for trniulant tfucHt. Itogiilnr bourd fjin.OO itor-wook. Hoard nml lotlglnir, 17.00, J. W. FOSTIiJR I'ropriutor, ro'.leti for Tibliatlcn. Init Ofllr t l.m Umtf, V, M., I Oct. a', isto, f Miitlro Is hrreUr cltn list the fallnwlnsi imiKil mlilor Iik tlli tinllin of bin liilcnllon W timfcA II nil) tirnof lit f miport nt Ills tlnlni, nl INI ml.l irol U nt via Mntv Crunk Hlfbold, V. M. CuintnlMtounr st Uxinlucr, f. M., tin I'ttfrmbrr s. IWi, Tint hatibirit It. I'i'iidlrUiit, tit j)tiilnjr, X, 51,, who tiuiln Muli!lt.r'4 lloni,vtnil tin. Hr for iho S. W. qr., Hw. 97, lp SI H, of It. 0 W. Ila tisinci-lhs fiillowliijr wltmwmn tniirots bl roiilliiljniiii ir.lil.'iico tiim, nnd culllvnilon ot Mid JlVuVlWt, tt'.ll. MMtlll.' DoUn, It. W MeJ, nil bt DcmllHf, N. M, lUMuri, 1', ilr(Jlii, lUsldxr. Molleo. Tnksn up br Iho olidofiljnut, nna bir man, ulrujod or itolru, b.iut eljbt mt old, brmdud "tB tmlttb(p. o Vroptity cn bo bid br nttllnx nnd psjlns tor IhltnolJo. Joint ItnecnitT, idaTr. Bltoo llvnnra. Arxwurdof vira Ilnoilrd Dollar will b ItuUI liy lltn Nn'ltll wratcri. ittislttnnn Xt.ii. clntlnn nf llrniit county. Sow Mexico, forth urroKt nml enttvluMnn of hit porion nr icr nuafntinluiilAwriillydMtiln In or IniBd tliitr. or ii nla m fully sttnuiine, ninltnlnx er mniiiniiiK uiu sinrs iivinnvinx is itity tltrm lir of Ilia nifttiolstlnii. Itiullnaais nf ssla mnmbnrn nt rrittlriil la il-llvfir bill of isle Willi sunt ni itigooiuiton nimciioii. saint. Kixo, . llt'tJioH, Sooioturv. rieildend FOHT 0UMMIX08 LAND AN I) OATI'LE COMPANY. lUint", Oi.-oW'i VrnVf, llondnlRltt lUotintalnn mil vlrlnlly, (Irsntasd Dnttn Anacountloi. Now Max loo, Jos. I'.,8np'i, I'. 0, ox IS, fiimlnx inerenn hrtndod a sbor. Jtnlb cnr r lf!.holbfd. laptonionf horses, branded on left )w, on loll tltoiililer. Old hotics brsnded : loft hip, and ad- t!ltlonl J on Iff t Jaw (Hot krpt tip ) T?S UfMlilBll , Titian feiikJi'' 4W ($&&) C M. DAN B &' CO., OKNKKAL AQRNTM AMD l)KATR iN ' SSyT" Jl J) J VJ- ,-ff 1,1. A K! f DEMING, NEW MEXICO. Thompson's .-, Hotel, Opposite tho Dopoi, Jl it . A, U. TIIUMfSOK, PwopninTK Call on Thdmpson for Chesp Railroad Tioketa. Legal Tender Stable, HILVElt AVEMUR, SINGLE and DOUBLE TEAMS and CARRIAGES - Ladies' and Gents' Saddle Hosres. Outfits for longrdisiaace tri is oh short xetice Las Palomas, Mexico, Loftvoa Doming Etory Tuoudny, Thurudny and Saturdity. at 8 O'tolook. a. sn. OFFirE AT THE &TOHK OV J.lKllAfKH.nTOKJiHElt .(OttrAflY (Fnro for tlio Round Trip, 5.00.) JOHN CORBET Manufacturer of Doulor In ICE, KEG & BOTTLED BEER. DEMING, A. T. & S. F. R. R. Fnrnliliei thsboil route to any point Batt ot Korth IIKOAUSMi II hat a ipltadld road bod laid frr tb mnm prt with Hr-fl rsRi nitOADSR- llhnttlillneiitoiHlptiiMiVHIitunt4ayeoehoaad fallmira iletpsr cm tbro u(hrRttlarisaien(rrtriilni, nBOAtnSKt Tootlil ilMplttg ears are earnidaa EXPRESS TRAINS TO AIL POINTS BloiplnBon through ftoia EL tABO to KAKSAI ClTTltb&tlisngs, TlressBJe Chicago and St. Louis, one charige Kor fall Information wltltroBsrtt to rates ee. spelyl 0, Rilfndioa, Uousral Aeol, XI rate, or 0. T, KlehfUoB, Usatirai fmisaie asdllketABoat,TopexKaniias JBMeQaUai Asatt)tla i - .- ,,. i i. KANAAH ATTI.K COMIA!V. 81 Jl. I10L8TK1N Manag'-r. 0. W.Mu.r.a fireieliiry. MIllllltES.N.M. Htm mi f'Mrken , ire h. lilsrk Itsitve Moutitultii. Hor.o brand, N A N nn left thigh, coom iiitoTilr.ita. Horse crsttil same, .as row Sirantt iu cat on nit ihoulrtor nr tip. ItttllRO Sttlt Ot mar 4, A. tAJOKHAUTfl URANII. PqtlnliHtoi , ., liluiliiK, N. M Hstiuit Cidur Urovr Muuntslns anC Itoa Hpttit, '"alolf'm,,. DKMINO iN, M. roR Soda Waters and - - NEW MEXICO. dsaLba lit Ann Miss riercaxi ex SADDLES k HARNESS llcpairfng Done on Short Notice. Gold Ar.t below Pi DEMIKG, N. M. Photographs of my makes of Saddle furnished ott appllsatlon, MNOAUKR (JlTTLK CO. fl, LlKDlDBX, llaaagsr fnitornosr tung,X, U, ItrfniihtsCle , oa uppM Mlmbrrs, Ilorisbrandt aLo.tholeft ihoHldsr. JlllNlir MOIAMTK. IxmInb;, Mitt. Rsnso.tlx.MllM llll( UCBllSJ UUUKKYIS t.ARlt UVK RTOOR COMt'AMT SiA. piRII, FlitssoUl Nan. uor,l.lata,0.ili "M, OJJArMAK, llanao Maniier BSSS" rewarstieh,M P" r W timing, Metae lls-llllll slCi I II PI l II tivll lllll. IIMIiil (HI IHt SlUtN M rail. mbtd, ihsrpen both dsr