Newspaper Page Text
1 J 1 HP, HBAfcLtGHT. .NI) 0. U08S, Editqiu IV lie ftIrotf, Amociatk Jtwron. IATUUMY, t'RilRUAKYll.teWl. The Territorial Outtnull on SUweky last puftBod ft bill to oa. m)Hsli two Normal Sutiools, one at Silver City nml tUu othor at JU Vcgnp. ; Tlio Wo oTllon. Win. 0. Whit. py, BeCrntiiry otlie Navy (taring Mr Cleveland' udtululBtrntioit, rilctVof licnrt trouble nt hor homo Iii' Mow-York toot Sunday. Surveyor Oonerol ilobnrt tolo grnplied tlio Now Muticnn from WMlllnjrtoiroii Wctliioflduy thnt Tbablll nuthorlzliig survey uml pHtent of small land LoUllis In Now MpxIoo him pn8ol both houaefl." This will admit of tho immediate survey mid eegrejmtlon f Rlnrgo amount of laud bold by small owners in common, tho lltlo la which, until tlio notion of the Innd Court, had been lmposMblo flf division, for dUpooul or other i --m-.j.'i MlahlgiSu liM alremiy grown lircil of eluwslnij prealilcndal elector by con. Urcmloual districts. Ouo eipotlonoo ini ib havo !ntUflcxt thorn. Uotli homes nf tlio present loglslaturo or that state liavo pr.nml a. 1)111 to repeal tlio now fcwmnttu return to tlio old ouitotu. tQptlc Tho Optic Is "off"' In Us logic. Tlio'faols In tho ciiho nro that n domoerntla legislature clmngeil the wanner of Bolootfiig Frostdeiitlnl electors so that they were elected by Oongrosslonnl Dlstrlots, tints securing to overy District nn op portnnlly to cxpross Its political preferences. Tlie present Login Intnre being WdjiUnildnn, this plnn Is now ohnnged, returning to tho lei system, whereby tho hoavy .Republican innJorllloH in o Jpsr counties nro nblo to overoometKc lighter Deniocrntlo mnjorltlos In ninny comities, and scenro the dlsfrnnehlBomoiit of practically ono Imlf tlio Congressional dis tricts of tho ninto. This Is not tho result of dissatisfaction from txpcrlenco on tho part of tho poo. plo,but tho result of political greed m tho purt of pcoplo determined to tttllko overy clement to keep themselves In powor, fulr or foul. ". thd outriaus sr atkmooo bili, Tho Snntn Vo Sun, whoso cdl. tor lately returned from tv brlof Trlslt to Washington, romnrlts that "bousfdej-ablo eurprlso was oc. ensiotietl nun expressed among we irionds of Now Moslco Washington by tho hasty notion i mo xegtsiaturo In passing i rosolutlou In favor of the nronns ed omnibus bill for tho admission of tho territories bofnro oiinli bill had been Ihtroduced or terms xnown, Wo want stutohood um wo wunt It btully, but wo do no so badly ns to uoeept Hon sny sort or terms It may pleaso t prcjaiUeod Bomito to allow When tho proposed omnibus bill was Introduced it was found to bo rory unsatisfactory bo far ns Now Mexico is concerned. Its ernnt of luuils for nil pnbUe purposes territorial institutions, irrigation system and common scIiooIb -nro less than ono half of tho quanti ties contained In tho Josoph bill, already passed the House nonrly a year ago, and nro just that much less than our right and our Just demand. Utah Is. granted Just twfco as much public bind for these purposes ns New Mexico. This Is manifestly such nn unjust discrimination us to condemn tho iidasuro for poidtire i'ljustluo." Woman rkaeblit. MRNiqiurM TlntM.) . A inimbur of tho newspaper's of 2?jft Moxloo, the' majority wo bo "llovo. have nlrondy given their tfthrly endorsement of the bill framed by tho Hun. B. fl. llodnoy. iid Introduced in tho House of Keprosenttttlvos by Hon. Krnest Meyers. To Albuqucrquo belongs tho honor of both tho birth and iMiptism of .this bill which will give to women a voto on ull public school questions and ninko thoin eligible to bold olllco lit boards of education, etc. Albuquerque women founded tho first freo pub lic library In this country nnd thero is no doubt that tho success of thnt great bonefuctlof hns Btilu mated both tho above trout omou to give women gouorully nu op roriuiiiiy to oxort tneir iniitteiieo ir good on the public schools, j. no Kingston Bimft comes out relbly and untnlstakubly lit loynl jpori ot tuo measure, it snyst Inn, E, Mejm, momlicr o( tlio H lit renreiitntlri frnm Alhiinuip. i llM ItltrtMlllCMl n lilll III (lint tihinnl, rnt tllti laculatura In (e.tnr of llin of New Mlco rating on nil puliilo j.'liool qiifitiam, nnd ty lie will flalit v. r""Ti" hi n uiii.u. jit, irynrr. Hi ftbfcfriocoail jour wollou sod will Jr thf U no one hi lttr right to ;."f.i"i""K wwu oinr um ohm fSA Ik ttAiil el thtt eIMrV m40tH' - II I I . ... . I .VV P ' w - - ' Wmr " '' nip l . "' XNTKX SAKS BOAt Tbe Kingston Shaft says: Many towns and cities IhroiiRtiout Now Mexico bavo heavily bontled thoiiisolveH (Including Kingston) for tho erection of school build ings, under tho present law, not uoiiovsng inat tlio present legiBiu turo or any ono In tho near fa turc would even tbluk of such n thing ns dimming It in nuy mater ial manner, but ItsoeniR that there nro always parties who do not bo llovo In lotting well enough alone. A time may come In New Mexico when It tuny be fcasnblo mid Just to plnco this fund In the gonornl sohoolifnnd mid distribute it ns tho pending bill calls for, but III our estimation that tlmo has not nrrlved ns yet. Thero nro of course two sides to tho question, bnt while wo bollcvo tho distribu tion of tho fund as this bills friends would wish, would bo probably the cnuso of moro poor seboolB throughout tho Territory, It Would cnuso tho deterioration tf many good ones, nnd would not bo the cnuso of a slnnlc one being grndod higher. The Bantn Fo Sun, on recent udvltics from Washington, an nounces that "stntohood Is rcnlly dead for Ibis session of Congress." This Is unquestionably true. In ftiut thero has never been any real vitality in tho statehood move ment. The Ukadmuht lias been Insisting for tho past thrco years, that Now Mexico would not bo admitted till 1803. nor till tho Domoerntlo parly eamo ngiiin into control of tho Government, nnd that it would bo admitted then. All tho preieuso of Ilepubllenn congressmen and sonntors of fav oring the admission of this Terri tory, with few individual excep tions, has been a sham. More over, tho Territory has not been In n condition to warrant admis sion. Hut the Laud Court mid tho School Law, now in active operation, are preparing Now Mexico for a dlgiillled, rcspoct able, responsible statehood. Tho process of ndmleslon will bo prac tically complete nt the oud of this year 18U3. Thoro bus beon for several weeks a good deal of talk about tho removal of both tlio Territori al capital mid tho Petiltontlnry from Santa Uo by the prcsonl Legislature. It Is not nt nil likely: tliat uiiyllilug of the .kind will be done with elthor nt this tlmo. Hotter wait llirNfiw Mexico be comos u state, and moro general dovelopmont of tho Territory li had. New Moxlco Is too poor Just now, to Indulge iu luxuries of that sort. . MEW MEXICO THE MEXT. (Dnm Nin.l "Tho noxt country to boom will uo jnow Mexico," said Martin ,1 Mtttphy, nu old tlmo Lcadvillo citlKon. "I havo been through thut country, nnd tho undeveloped resources inereiu mo wonderful Tho Mexican population, speak lug a foreign language, tho inso otiniy ot iiinu titles growing out of Spanish and Mexican lain grants aim us territorial govern incut combined havo so far kept out ot tmu country tlio ontorprls lug, go-ahead American, with his push nnd capital. Now, all this will soon bo uhnuged. The prl vnto land court, now Bitting nt Santa Fo, will soon settle definite ly mid for all tlmo tho many com plicated questions mialng out of the numerous grants iu the Torrl torv, so that horcaftcr ns good ittnu titles can uo uad tlioro as In nuy of tho states. "In nddltlou to this the Terrl tory will undoubtedly bo admlttci as ono of tho states of tho Union iu a ycaBpr two moro. That dono, ATfieriaan capital aocoin limited by tho restless, pushing Viinkoo poople will make a rush for this long-negloctod country that will astonish thOsn of us who liuvo witnessed tho rapid develop ment of this state since we wero admitted to tho Union in 1870. Thnso who dcslro to got in on tho ground iioor can mnko noutlstnko In getting n foot hold Iu Now Mex ico nt tho present time. "When dovolopod, I would not be surprised to sco tho mineral output of Now Moxlon ovjiiI that of Oolorndo, while her lauds nro capable of producing tho most wonderful crops of all kinds. In fruits tho Itlo Orando nnd Pecos valloys rival Southern California. "Too mountain ranges of tho Territory nro eovorod with tho fluent of Umber. Coal bods abound in various sections. Mar bio, onyx nnd turquoise, In nddl tlou to gold, silver, copper nnd Iron uro found In largo quantities." MMr. Vclter A lllldnnr Intro pnrtlnl ly derolopml, on their place, firs mtlru frnm thl city, an Inoxtmiiiilblo quorry nt as lino onyx aa nan tin found any where. Th faco of tho quarry It oror iwelt hundrnl feet Iu length and oror tan Met nt depth. How fnr down tho ladoH oxtnd thoydouot knowi butfn otijtu hat litMl cieortained to conrinca tto wsit ieptl?altht jha .quarry it at Iwoirptleslau vlu. IRomllBocord. WITHDEMLHO, risUWs rtailiaXtferNt, s:,1. v . . ,, . (St. tMU lUlitlbllft) When tho l'euslou approprii Hon is voted at this session of Congress, tuc inn omuouying it will contain provisions for post' lug tho l'onslou rolls by counties In post olllcos nnd other public plneost and also authority to ena ble tho President to conduct tho Tension ihircnu under tho War Department Instead of under the Departiiiout of tho Interior. iib now. Vho transfer to tho War De partment wilt bo n very great gain. In tho first plnco. the ox potiso of these pensions Is a war expense. They nro no part of civil government, and in no way iv necessary part of Its ox poiiso. They ought to bo charged to the war account, so thut when tho total appropriation for war Is mado tho pcoplo will bo nblo to sco what ft Is without having to go through a sorloB of calcula tions. An additional ndvnntngo to which moro weight la given in tho discussion Is tho possibility of gutting tho Tension system out of politics with an unity officer nt tho bond of tho bureau. This will dopoud very largely on who tlio nrmy ofllcor Is, for It is possible, oroourso, that tho bureau may convert him Into n politician in stead of bis converting tho bit roan away from politics. It is not to bo doubted however, that President Cleveland will be nblo to llud tho tight innii for the place, and it Is oortaln that tho right man will slop tho granting of nen- sloiis to wlu votes in (bo doubt fill states. "A NEW TIUHO UNDEU tUE SUV.' A Bombay dlstmtoh states that (Mexnuder ltussell Webb, who re cently resigned his ofiloo ns Unit ed Stntos Consul at Manila, to nroaoh Islnmlsm. Is now ntllvdor- abad soliciting contributions to n fund to bo spent in sending Isla mite missionaries to tho United States. Ho Is having great sue. cess. By a fow duys' work in Bombay ho Bocurod 10,000 rupoos for his work, and In Calcutta nnd ltnugoon, 20,000. In Hyderabad tno ouuseriptlous or tlio iMnuomo dans already amount to moro than 23,000 rupees. Ho wilt use much of tho money scoured iu India to cstnblish Islamite newspapers nnd octuro courses in American cIMos. Ho will also publish a now trims ullon or tlio icornu. Mr. Webb says ho was converted to Islnmlsm by a careful study of tho Kotati and tho works of Us interpreters. Ho mado this n study during his leisure hours In Manila. Ho lins tuDut ivmi iiu pin n. it. ituiiiiu lllu liAttlilfntl 1 1 m li In iImi Ini n 41im remainder of Ids ilfo to preaching to mo poopio oi tuo united mates tho truo religion, and endeavor lug to convert ns tunny ns pes slblo from their present false bo- llof. Tho Wostorn world, ho says, is watting to He isiamlxod. trnihltir in vYloaela County- (Aid Ulllnn.) Tlio Utile Mvxlcnn mttiomontnf Cet)ol IMtu, In uli-iii'in Co., In ull torn 1'iiHt nt , Htt-iiria ii mi mm i uvcr iDililonl illMiotnioag, ntut a law ilnyt nuo rcueo Qournles and roil of i;o8iiirlo Bamlovnl, a rich sheep raiser, engaged In n very bitter miarrsl, which brought the two men to blows. Last Bnturdny, soine tlmo during tho day, aonznlrs was In C'ebollea, riding on his horse and net lug in n boliterous mnnner. Uo passed tho houo of Mr. Baudoval's sevenil times, and llimlly 11 red several shots through tho windows. Ho was reported to tho conitublo, who followed tlio man, arrest ed him nnd brought him back to Cebol luta. Tho Snudovals were worked up to n wliltn heat, and In that passion they, wlih a fow friends, surrounded tho con stable and took from him tho prisoner. securing a rope, Uonzalos was luusood around the nock, dragged at a high speed through tho town, and then taken In the night time, half dead, to a convenient truo and lynched. . American Tumps la Mexico. Kl Centlnoln, of Cludad Juarez, records of llftcen American tramps latoly put to work cleaning tho streets of that city, that thpy had camped opposite Mio smel ter on dm Moxlunn sblo, and smashed several cement burrvl to make n lira nnd scattered the cement. They wero round ed up and brought hoforotho Mayor, Col. Unrcla Marllnex. Tho sentence was "UO days or $80." They did not havo "el dlnoro" to pnrchnio freedom and as they wore being led to tho bastlto ouo Pureed tho Mayor. The keoper heard him and told his Honor, who had tho culprit brought to him again, and In Chesterfield Ian Ungllsh snld 'Slr. I understand Eng lish, in nvlllog me yo.t show your dU- resport of the law. the dlirnlty of which I am hero to uphold. I commit you for nu uuj'B mum (or caainiupi JU uuurt, nun ir you porsist it win uo W days for oaoh olietiio," I hat tramp Is now tho sweet est blrd-of-passage In Juarez. Hero Is a good thing going tho rounds oi in-' press, "win your uni rovcrontM who. you pass tho tcaohor of tho prf mary school, fiho Is an nugel of the re nubile, Hho takes the bantling fresh frnm tho noit full of pouts nnd postlons An ungovorahlo llltlo wrelch whoso own mother nonestiy numits that alio Bonds him to school to get rid of him. Ths Indv who knows ner bniluess tnlccn a whole cart-load of these little nuarohlsts, mm ni wiium euigio jtnuueu nnu alone is moro than n match for his parents, nnu u uncu puis iiinin in n way to lie up rlnht citizens. At what expense of toll. nntleuce and soul weariness? 1.1ft your tint iu uur. Tho leglslatuao ot Now Mexico has been asked by soma Colorado man to memorlallzo congrots not to repeal tho sugar bounty law, on tho ground that such a law will help to develop n beet sunar Industry In tho west. If the ma Jorlty of tho members of tho lower house are Democrats, as they profess to be, this Is a message they ran consistently rolegato to tho waste basket, for oun nf the rhlef mUslons of the imrtv to which they belong Is to annul and defeat every elms of ! legislation wiiion taxes the pen- pie for the beneilt of any Industry.- Btock Oruwrr. Ranchman In this counly who havo a fow botes this year are In luck. I'ork coutlnuss to adrauco aud still hlglwr mIm tr, ir-48nvcr tiati. v City an- ' .-mm 1 sr"I Tr Tr 1CTTT H IT 1 TL T T "Cy Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, hats, :A : LADIES' and GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, OltDEUB BJf MAIL Olt 13XP11CSS ItEOEIVIS PltOMl'T ATTENTION, 4' Cml and Examine Oixr Pine Stroot, Doming, Now Mexico. HI PftfttONAliV CoNouorto GxouNiioNa TO CALIFORNIA. Jack Front stimulate travol. When ho tuushoa nur tiara, wo tlduk about get tins wArrn. Chllfornln lias ho Ideal winter climate iiut far ouoiieli South to lie aunihlnv and frotlcta,midyct wltaaulllctvuttoido in uiooir. Batita Vo ltduto takei Jack Froit' hint and has arranged n tcrlcs of per-sonally-couducted wookly cxcurMotig to Cnllforula. Pullman Tourist Blooper, furnUhcd with Ijcilillng, toilet artlolon, etc., jeavo Chlcagu nnd Bt. Ixnila orory Saturday evening, and leave Kansas City overy Sunday morning, via A. T. & 8. 1". and A. t: V. Una, for I-o AnRoles and Han I' rnur.lico, op fast oxprett trains. Bpciai agents nnu porters iu attonn- anco. Hccond-clasa tlokcts honored. A small ehurgo for use nf totirUt sleepor, juveryiiuug neat, mean ami comionauie. Initilro of nearcat ticket agont, or write tnu, t. rs icnoisim. u. r. t. a., Banta l'o Houtn. Topeka, Kas., for a copy oi loiuoruciicrioingiiicao excursioui. Governor PHnco sent the followlnir an pointmonts of the sanitary hoard to the council! J, JJ. tfnint, or llornallllo counly W. 8. Ilcpewell, of Blerra county, and B. K. Hooth, of Ban Mlguol county. Banta (OOUU. Mayor Flemln received h telecram last ulght from Messrs. Fall nnd Hall stating that tho Koriiinl School bill had pasted tho council unanimously, IrJIlvo UIO Sentinel? Vnlentlnos, Comlo lit Ellto rimrinacy. nml Fancy, Tho United State Court of Trivato Land Claims will meet at Tucson, Art zona, on February 21st. whoro It will rc main In notnlon for nbout ten days. Then It will adlourn to meet In Santa Fo on March 8. District Attorney Iteynolds nml Btcupcranhcr l'arkor will leavo Ban ta Fo for 'i ucsou In a day or so. Banta ro pun. ' ! This Is tho lam) of golds u opportuni ties. Thero nro more men In nlllimnt circumstances, and n snfallcr number of people under the yoke of grinding pnr city in tins country, man in any otuer. r-an Marclal llee. Lost A long black leather pocket book, n the road between Homing and Columbus. Tho pocket book contained two letters from tho Department at Wash ington, nnd twenty dollars In money. Tho Under will bo suitably rowarded by leaving tho samo at the Cut'om House Iu Doming. j Tho 11 ro alarm that sounded yesterday, shortly after noon, was caused by tho discovery of Uro In an out houso Just back of tho carrjago repository of 0. T. llrown. Tho troublo wat nrobahlv causod by somo ono carelessly throwing a cigar stump mio somo papers, wmcii soon started a flro. Buch nu act of fool ishness may caime much damage somo day. Bocorro Adv. LoHt A nlr of eyo ttlasses. Tho Under wl)l please Icavo at l.llto l'harma- Tlio renort of tho statistician of tho agricultural department snows that New Mexico's fnrmeni obta In tho h ah est prices for grains that nro paid In the United Btatc. IBlock Grower. Klnncar'n dlycerlno Lotion tho finest preparation for Chapped Hands, Chafed ami ociucil pkiii. uemoves inn nnu Freckles, sold, exclusively by tho Kllto t'harmaoy. VnlnmltieHof nil tleucrlptloiiH nt unto lMiurnmcy. Ml SI Ml On Sunday Taut, In this otty,at tho hour nf 10:30 a. lil, T. J. Lewis acoldeutnlly shot, and Instfntly killed T. J. Morton, both bslniriatlhe tllun eneaKed In shoot ing at a target In tho wostorn part of town, unuup uionuer. (7. irorMor d Co. now call ei- pedal (ioifo to our large, new line of geidlcmcix, Ladle' and Children1 fiirnlthlnp good. Our itochof latett ttylet was never o large, J. Hi BEELAR, L1VEIU, SALE k STABLES. Conducts a LOCAL EXPRESS. Hay anil Grain Bought & Soli, LetTO Orderr al Llrory Slablca Oil 8Jfw JgjHf National "MAa JtlUXMAJNlN W, SucooflBors to JOHN J. QUINN tfe 00., Dealers in BBA3STCH STORE Just received a new line of Stct. ont ami other brands of men' mid boy' hatt, nt 0. Wormier ib Oo'i. uroccricH, Hardware, Hay and Ora(n, General Sunnttet. ITarojutt been received by 0. Worm nr (0 Co., in carload lot. THE ADOBE Rooming Home. By M. 0. WEAVEll, Rooms En Sulto and SInglo. Kvorytliing Now and First Class, On Silver Avenue, west side, bolweon Spruce and Hemlock sts. STEEL AERMOTOR 0 2. OSei P Id CO 0 w mi 0,3 eS Pf 2 1 3 C 2 S U p g he c a LTJ f o 0 i i. S5 IPs' S. u Qj BaaBBB 1 lJJt iff 1 1 Hill 1 I ! if K f s M w y 1 1 111 .22 I 2 " go ri AT COOK'S PEAK. RIO GRANDE Smelting Works. Buyers of Gold, Silver, and Lead Ores. i '1 H. M. MoOHESNEY, Manager. Clark & Co's ITew Grocery On Qpld Avonuo, New Goods! Plain and GROCERIES, SUGAR, COFPEE. CANNED AND irVlR luorougfiiy renovated aud rclltted formerly known as tlio Vleuna, wo havo laid In a Fresh Assortment of Goods, And fcol sure iwo will pleaso tho rtibllo. Our Bakery & Confectionery 13 a loading fonluro. Broad it Grocorios promptly delivered; Harrv P. TWarrilL Livery, Feed and Sale. SILVER AVE., SOUTH OF GALENA HOUSE, DEMING, IT. M. Hay and grain dealt in. STOCK BOARDED BY TUB DAY 0R-WEE& HIBES and PELTS BOUGHT AND SOLD. ALBERT VrilOLESALU DEALnn m LIQUORS, WINES( Champagne, AND CIGARS Anhenser & Budweiser jO 3ES I carry in ntocl; Borne of tho Oigara to ha Stock & B&kory, south of Pino Bt. Fresh Goods! T rancy MEATS. SALT GOODS. PLOTJE the room In llio Olark.McQrerly Dleek US JFL m choicest brands of Llquora aud had anywhara H S il if sE Rb cordials, 1