Newspaper Page Text
if 1 r A i?EAT.rttrhsirtfflSi. STOANQC HKPRIItlNOil OF A fcfr IPECtABU QU44MMMI. MAN, Vhraa rim la ltt Cttr n HI fclfs H lt th Htl of Hi. jw4: Mitlitr, nHtt Jhwft Tlaiw Sh fftoniml to ( tu TrjIiiK to vram Him of I)acr, "Tliwe aro morn thltifsi in Iwavon and HorsKo" Pit twino to tha knowIsdKeof n reporter mnt by nculJeut thit (it an ohilnonWy Msjssiblo Imiiw Miik totwen Mad ' IfEwrahtl Vlt th ttvt nun, on nn ornlnontlr nrwt, a Kentletuart well Jmotfji (fntlHM circle has nrjntdlr Mlrienwl whnt iuy l called, on lack ( ft WtWW word, visitations. ThU tha Mimrtw loarnod, whllo thn gentleman vras qulto nnawnro uf hla connection with the prwa, Thanksgiving evonltifr, ;whencwtYomtlon tnrtiwl (irtinosinerism timl otlisr oosmlt aubjtwu. Prom talk ;to oxporiinstit tho t)i Vas oaay, when H wi tUsooYerml tlmt Uh man in nnM ihynn$M Infiiiatico. Tho (UK IWwery mi tiroliablr ntnrnrlin to tnimt uf ttiwo tu tho room. Tim tnnii 1 per lot forty.llro j-oars old, tinder tho 'inoattiin holjtht, stont and Inclined to ImldnpM, rona of tho good tuliuja of llfo, n shrewd business tnnn, yot ho was nb lnily nt tho ImwU and will of an nma tluut, of tolornbly dovelojwd hypnotic MW4r Vheit, uftor somo grotMino llimnifsstatlotw, thosubject wai restored .to aonitKutiH, the ooinpany, with ouo 'accord, pressed liiin to czplnln his fool ing wbjfo under tiro iufluunoo. y "Yon aro asking luioosslbillllos," onM ItTio man good Immorally, "for whllo p tho hypnotio slnto my waking rclf (Si submcrued, mid I real I, tho ego f tho metntdyrdclans nm what la callod unconscious, nlthough something .that must Imi n second I, or, nltsr effo, la elxxjiootly noMvo. It U nil n p-oatn jsmrrol to mo nn it onn bo to nuy of yon. I nm not n weak willed tnnn or 0110 cany jjo lnfltienoo by onlltinry lucthodi, yot 1 uifivQnhvnyo been hoeuly somptlblo to iMyphlo Inllnonowt." 'Jltlla oonijwny. r "iti .... L 1 ..1... lit i rvfntoii tho mnn ufwr n llttlo mum. "'Stioli n untnre in tnlmt mujt sni tin knnny to otlwr. nnd to 'io f rank, In n biulnou wny I conld uc: (Toril to lwj jniowit nun "onIMv," bnv I think I am afa to pa1( nndvr tliU roof. I can romambr when cinlto n nmnll jboyacelug mytmolo dritro townrd thu country lioiuowhiro I thon lived. Whllo ho vtM yot far off, mid neither fnco nor altltndo could Intro liorno to mo any jriNttiil hint, 1 know that hi ton, my eoium wtiiiam, wiui ueaa. i ran nnd toiJlwt In my jiintlior'a Iapt 'Oh, mam mnl Wllllo'fl dnndl Willlo'adendr Bho 'ehldad mo for my folly, n ho bo- illuvutl. In n lung two mlnutea my undo flrovo op, looking nhoii gniy nnd nd, Mid tho quettloiui ray mother would Imvo puhllod upon her ll)n. Itwnstmo. My 'vousin had died nuexiMctodly nfter tho bilafcut lllncdn. I couldn't Imvo boon woro tli.iii nix yearn old, nnd had nover lo.inl of oooult nrt of nny ort, for our woro old fiwhlonad ixmntry folk. "As I prow tip experlencofl of thli kind fwcio moro common. I wit n atupld, bullet bended fellow In tho tniitn, but 'iti thU special Bonfto, na I mutt think it, 1 was nnd nm ustraordinarily gifted. To this I uttrllmte yJie fact that on three .oconaloim I Imvo aoen tho ghost of my mother, who dlod vory aoon nfter tho Incldtnt which I Imvo jnat rol.ttod." . K allr of Inoredullty caused n nutlo In tho room, and ouo foetlvo chnp whistled bar of "Ovor tho Pcnoo I Out," "Oh, I don't o.tict you to bellero it," ibaumod th narrator onilly. "In u way 1 don't believe It myself. That is, 1 ,cnn't account fur it. and my mind re (volis against accepting iinythlngugniutt nyroitMu. Yot I nut brought facoto fa;o with thofuot. Thrioo in my iimturo tdlfo, whllo wldo nwnko, fully clothed and ns much in my right mlud na 1 nin At this mluuto, I huvo Aeon tho slindo, ghost or unrn of my dead mother, eoem liig not worn nnd thin, as I romomber Iior, but young nnd fairer. And horo is tho cnrloua pttt of it. Bho wus c)othod na iu tho days beforo my birth tiicro wait older children than I in n 1ro vhluli I had never seen or hoard 'descrlbad, and of which no plcturo Is in lytlstouco. Vol, by my description of tho drrs.i as I saw it, my oldest alstor reooKtilzM it ptrfoctly." "What did Iho ghost any to your" Hiked olio of ho party. . . "Wotlilug. Yot In ouch cam tho visit came beforo aotno tuUfortutio which was Iu a tieimo nvurtuble. It seems to mo us if tho wraith of my wether wns trying iuollMttially to warn her fuvorito nnd yonngNt child. The set fnco, thu mount' M air, nil o lndlstlnntly aeon, might gonvoy that impraaaion, All tho visits M'Cro at night. Twice tho vision oauio .wiifcu I wis uloue. Tho lost tluio my Vlfo was with. me. 1 raid nothing to Sernttho time, not wlthlflg toalarm her. ' "l)ut she SHit tastlty thnt 1 woa wldo nwska. Tlw room in which wo ml U jarga, nml was nt tho time llghtetl only by n wall shaded-lump, which left tho artlMrond of the room In aemlobMurity, lutitfjH tlgtiro Motiioil iutvriienetrntod with A light of ita own. Itdtd not move ur b9lm. It simply was and then wua An odd Thanksgiving night tote, wai It notr "1 don't want my lltislueea nsan enttM to Bttapeot me of teolug visions," Iho gentleman oonohnUd, "but this U iiiy atory, and I would llko to know "what yon mako of It." Naw York He corder. Tlie Olilcit Amateur Oreliplr. TJio oldeat ninuleur oruliestnt in Jim Aim is tminod '"Ilio Wandering JUit struls." nnd is ootnpoe1 of naonla Ik. longlnir to the highest social nitik. ThU aoalety waa orjculd about thlt ty yoara ngu In the aiuoking room of tho Guards' barrnj&s nt Windsor tinder the direction of iJIrBeymour Mgertou, nftorwnrd earl of Viltou- I'or twenty yanrs it wn led iiy U'tA Iltagerald (u hU house in Bloaao tlreet, New York Tree. AiUttinuKm ot gttaliiiiif(, Kothlng nan bo mneh more dojiifulng thttii iHMUMakueaa. mid for tbla tvaln Vo Ihotild strongly ndvlao hU weak iriwuiJ hot to nwHintr If lnwalblo the rialof I to oeau rraiKie. It fs MtViiUlildg how &m nit'l how completely lltoeo who nro favored with it fair mewmto of mislltu. itoiiitl elartldly teoovar front its depros tlou. Iu tlialr i-aeo the Iwitflle of h sm jrjp may finis, with cmpensatIoua of iitr, diet fld upnetlte, y atihaueed by a fw hours of tneehMltsAl iuiuim It is In truth fsjr soch ffm)9 onl that tour ff tW kind are adyf W4Usdo,'i Lm tlrth'l Tun Many Oranfr, ' j A PWPEt)IOWAt "WtBI'Brt." j 'owtminyornuiteoiirenotWlKilceomo1 A Ta Mpvi.vid nraaiee Mr. , f.r "y Jl'lT" 1t1el1eney lo.K? I'tfiHuVs Thn weihie. '',u IroahUi," says a well knowu iilivsl. "Jaek the- Vceir" IMwell known oln"' 11 Wrnly auopoaed tlmt About tho lower pt ofOTtown. Ho omngeanro par loularly healthy, nnd In has been exploited (n tliMypaiters In the ttantar wn- (Hinnwtlon with arrest nml"liieoreora' Hon, has Wen interview! nnd lmd hU plctnrtf takmt, and on various ncceosloui fiaaanorn oflf from profeMlonul weep ing, "Jack tho Weeper" (a n dlrulnu live looking apwiiiuen of nsovon-yonr-tld boy with a twentyytmroM faoo and n stock of fcxpertenoe and cunulug rarely accumulated by mankind this eldo of firry. Uo Is ottanslhly n ttowslwy, but the fraternity liold him iu reat con iemit or know him only to thump him. Ills "racket" bus been to got u bundle of papers together Into In thn evening and weep at the foot of tha elevated stairs down (own. Byiuiutthetlc peoplo cost him pennies and nickels nnd dimes, and sometimes nn occasional quarter or half dollar found an abiding place in tho wconr' iiisldo Kwkot nil nn tho upioltlou that ho was an honest lad who had been "stuck." Thus IhowMiper fonnd that tears eould bo coined into cnh moro easily nnd profitably tlinn by tho ordi tmry courm of tho newa trndo. Put just ne Jack had worked up n fairly regular tnulo In camo a iwllsemau, a cold and cnleulatlug man of tho world, with n club, nnd broko tip business by nrrost, examination and consequent publicity. At tho foot of n down tfJwn statrwny of n Sixth nveiiuo elevated station in tho roost fashionable part of Now York ro- cently occurred n acno which demon. atruted Hint "Jack tho Weeper" had not only not gtio out of husfiieM, hut had vaMiy tinprovca upon former metneds. It was nbont tho fashlcnablo ahounlua hour nnd tlm swell women stud dilettann. young men woro flocking to tho dawn town trains. A dclloato lad, with a con sumptive cough and n bnndlo of ciistoff morning neurpapere, stood shivering at tho foot of tho ttatrs, two great 'jig hoiuomado tears plowing their way through thn dirt on his cheeks an tho muddr waters of tho SliMourl segk tho aea. Several of iw atopjied ont or aym pttthy nnd bognu to quesilun tho boy. At tho soma time nearly overy hand In tho crowd Instinctively sought for otmiigo. An exceedingly sharp o) ml lady Impulsively pulled out n bill and pushed it into hla trembling fingers, accompany ing the net with nn ap-nallog look uround upon tho rest of us. It worked. Bveryhody In slghtgnvosllver, and an old lady who camo In Inter on the eceno prrswii a two dollar nolo upon tho child. 1 missed two trains to nolo tho goodly eight, nnd I felt prond of my fellow creatures and tho beautiful sympathy of my kind. Tho boy never said a word. I Io merely coughed and wepti. ud ceooped In tho coin. Iu tho excitement of tho moment 1 forgot nn errand I had nt tho noxt ntatlon . ud went wH it. Then I got out, wont up tho other side and rodo buck. i inoro was a uttio inou gutiiorel on tho down town ildo ot tho foot of tho stairs. Bo nearly like tho other mob wn it thnt at first I thought I hod made nimther mlstnko and gone back to my starting point But noi it was tho uoxt station. Well, "shlvor my timbers!" ns iho old salt enys, If thtro wasn't tho sumo boy with tho same graveyard cough, tho samo weep, tho wimo old jwpein, utid, what waa mom astonishing, here was tho sninu shnrji eyed. Iionevoleiit lady In tho midst of li group uf aynqiathotlo wmneni just etnrtliig a liberal sntsscripttuu. My first impulw was to Jump In nud grub her and yell for the police, but 1 conquered tt and walked away, wonder ing now much money there was In this now snap of the woman and the weeper. -New York Herald. N. A- BOLICH, -DEALHIt BOOTS AND SHOES . a. I i-firry a Full Lino in nil Gents Furnishing Goods Ib ilic most oomplwta iu Gxnut County, Having boon soloototl with oapuoitil roforonco to this nitirlcot. Of overy Jtind rtnd all sizos. CALL A1ND TEST PIUOES. National Bank jBloolc, Deminy, H4 Thompson's . Hotel, Opposite tho Dopot, IN 0?H33 BtJUOPSAKr PLAN" A. II. THOMPSON, PitopJtiETOB Gallon Thompson ibr thinking tlmt they ninat neceaeai lly bo wlmliwoino, wlinrooa Iu aotuo cases thoy nm HmiviTuijr injurious. "One of my iwttletitH.n boy of twolvoor thereulHiute, hut had n Wvtro nltaok of slomaoh trtmhlo overy winter for aov eral sneeeedlng yeitra, uttneks for which I cnuKI tlnd no nppnreut oauso until 1 impiwned to find out by ticcldeut that every your nhout tlmt tliuo the family received a Utrrcl of oranges from Flor ida, upon which tho chlhlreu woro al lowed to regnlo themselvea freoly. This was tho whulo tronbloi ornuges did nut agree with tho child, end when ho ale them freely ho waa 11 L 1 slop-vid Ida eating them, and ho has novor had n io currenco of tho trouble. "Mow York Ttibuno. mmm Tim tVnjr Crlont Turn, Tho qnoetlou ta often asked, Why do cyclones, "whirlwind." nnd tornndoes all persist In tho polar whirl from right to loftf Astronomical speculators Imvo nupoed tlmt nil tho planets onco ex luted ns rings of thinly scattered matter around tho snn. nnd thut theso rings woro nnnnlar evgrvgntlons from a vagus, irregularly scattered mass that turned ono way In spiral coureoit, thus deter mining tho direction In which tho rings ruvolved. nnd nil tlfo rest from this took tho same course, "Hut," you any. "why did tho nobula evolve nt nllr It grew from cliaos, . and chaos presumably pooteasod an In- lieront motion from right to left. This wii'd tiw vwv a a issis vuuu fcM VHIVs sun, moon, stars, planets, oyclonos nnd tornadoes Imvo aduorod to tho original habit. St. Louts Itepubllc. The Demand for Woman flutr-Hf. Wo used as It for suffrage Iwcattso women needed It ns tho tiionus to aruer. being tho caso, from that tlino to this, ! opportunities. But tho oiect of tho , woman question haa oltangeiL Women i nro now snylng, na In tho dnyo of tho I war, "Tho c tntry needa na." WBmen need to star by tho nubile schools as , they stood b tho iintion without mnoh fighting or "istling, qnietly, but effi ciently. .stary a. blvermora. FRANK PHELPS.. Eng-iixoGi' & Machinist, llHAt.Hlt IK WIND MILLS. GALVANIZED IRON, WOOD TANKS, Pump? and Pump Fillings. e 9 IN DopnrtmonU, and my stock of Ghp Railroad tlokets, rtfVlrv; to 2. 111 ciS 8 i B 3 J 8 : 1 1 - ? f II - l J 4 111 J i S -a ? mil jW A tfnll rsp' ' tnlae" SUiMi. The Utile tillage of Derated, nciir llognor, iweeea n imlqiio curijalty in tho form of nn Innrcom mimrl with poatngo slnmiHi, Tin nportmont Is fan cifully decorated with laany descrip tions of ustMUtampa, and even thopaa sagi) leading to tho room is almlltirly impered. Soino II vo years woro occu pleil In making tho collection, which numbers anmo thousands of stamp. Tho room being coniplotod In IWi7 It, will naturally given the iiamc of tho "Jublleo Btainproom." Indeed some iiiHtnlHiri of tho royal family Interested In tho collection nro said to Imvo added to It n number of stamp on tholrowu account. New York Hecorder. liar. Vrngiiiu anil Tremp. Ouo hardly expects to find humor in tho reiiorts of town officers, hut occa sionally somo of tho unintentional kind crops out, n In this Item of disburse ment In a Hartford coiiutr town, "Mrs, M. Leak, for maintaining watering trough, threodollars," or this from a town in MiuMaohusotts, "A now building has Iwun erected tho pnt year for tho pur tioso of storing hay, wagons, farming tools, tramps." tU-Hartford Tost, Woman ns an Aiilmnt. Professor (to boy In natural history claw) Aro animals known to possess tho sentlmeunif affection? Boy They oro, Ir. rrofor What onlmnt has the groat est natural foudnces for manf Boy Woman. Exohange. Beer Hall JONH DECKERT, rropilotor. ICE COLD BEER I mpor todifc Domostio LIQUORS, AND Best Brandsof Cigars Gold Avatttin, DonilnirK M. of lilntt, MMiftfaiirtU, li pKli;lI itoii)r, A xir vmii'm piii(inm npii.r iiw law 01 to. lit foisnf In lorilolilf r. M n inn till aiw l IVmlnr In Mid Sow Mt r Nw ft (It IndonUr '! nuwlcnim mail In Tliuniai in, MMMrhsiwlU, iriulM, itM . IMiallU v.irttml In lit oMf ot Of lit puvnljr of Orsnt aadterrl lory nf Haw Maslcn. UiiiwrSd. A. n Hm MWplol Mid irutl, In F. Hunt, whs lis realfnri III VOlSlll John f sav, anS in iua oi riu i uomaa it jflbeUmi H. 31. Mlsry. I'teWMtf 4, ISH. lllisuliilliiii Notice. Tli Bin of John J (Inlnn A OomT. lnlni nnwMmiM uwimu nl ooiu n. 1 snu si t'ooK-a iraii. m si , la llilailajr aiaaelnal 1 mm ni uotuinc, jnaiv V(aflnr ia .mili!lSf'li'lliiaflM ttlaM JMa nnd j is Ilrina8n,imlrlh al;l uf Mux Oft TIm iM.twinad ana fonts- M tSMnf lit all lniUila f ll. lila listn IT nftiwlB'stSlft Slid raeaR'f "nl? nt&&S? sWltnitK aaaadMcttu fltm. Janailj, 1SV. utiuai iimiins, awMtleo,lUll sotli lr et Janx J. QcitJW A Co. Nollio fur I'liiillcullim, Lsml oifloo nl 1 Crates, N. M. Iiaj. lalil, irvu KiMlrA la liAriilrt. iiImh IIii iI. V..tir..Arn.. naiartMiW Ti'-SMnnlliw nf hi lulwilloii Fn aialut OnaJ pfBwf lii .import nf hla elalni.aint thai ajifST prnef. trill ! mufti Mora I'fvMUt .lifcljonf eniillaaaiw i,kjii .nd ulutluhef, Mll lAtsUi til ; J'S! Wf0?-w tl- T7'r, Manual Tnijllliiiif, Jf. AHnwrn'i"iWiri lo nrnleat aotlnat Ilia slloaiaf audi iinf. or who fciioSi nf ur sansi ffs-.ii, nnir ilif law and lb nenlil Of lb tnl'-rtur llaparinmiit, mh aiwli nrtHif il onl Iw allnwnl, will U vlvon utl onunMfilil Kotleeror I'libllenlluii. Ijind omet si IOruea! N.SJ. bi fu vi Imj nlaili ii. mil, I m. I MR I I. I . I. .t .v' ri.1''.,'" Y"" J rimf In .piM uf til claim, and thai - WHm ... fm 'urn ... ,.u r, hrtkff will Imi ItlUfli. ld.f..M. nuliat. or , via: Jomta I'nlann f lIsTjmii. M. f, trim mi Jtutryo. ISIS), for lb H, , mo. 0, iimOKM lb following wltnaM to prm hla tsaotia raldc Ukiii and culllralton uf, Mitt eon law A?Mi$.n.3'Mnn,' ... ii. airaw ... nwu uf aaub limlul ..uln.l 1 1 . . ttffuol. lir wlui kuuyraikf mum ul. Ml, lyaana, anqor tho low ami Mm raatnlsilona 0 III" lolMtof l.aiM'lH.wl, nlijr ue nmnf amiiiu hoi immiowMi, win iHvtn an omiofUnl ! and iilae Iu efiHa- Nnllio lij- I'lilillrnllim. In Jaallres' f'oiirt, I'rtcluet, Brant Couulv, San- loluo; ii. tvuiHiaur rvo . vs suit on open aceount,to TVf ".ilUdsri'iidHiit, IV II. Allen la hereby uoililwiirintihi-aalil ulslutlffa. il, Wormser AOo. have eoinniiiev(l salt in this roiiitOj W. II AllMI sltselitlioiit. luminal Int. iliwin a clnini fm Uinneya dne Hiu.ii for goods, win. -a mw inniei-iiiid aaoul mnl ilnllvrred to tlmas il OjUMMtlatiiby anld pmh.l.ffa nnd by wlloae Glsliiis aald iiliilnt (fa Iihvu fn a vain alio ennaldrrnil n iiiiiliod, Uoilur ilm Willi leVHllmiHlllttiiknf li inlnir liiia brimi ssrted as, unU In rsnonaii tu in iftirpRir.u ii isa iw. m found Mint snlit h ik una in ita in. (Kwalnn, IJOloiiRlnir ijpH Hum daf 'tidan. mid .Hlsnfniit (1 HI'lH' nnlUli'd IIihI imlaaa lui nnlrra ln an. i erimeelitKitraiitnij m betiuotliftSOIH itMVOf r ebumry lw, ju iiiiiiaat Uv iloMtnl lU'SAnevsoassbiivelii tnir Uliimint will IMIUI'llUIUrU UFHIIINI. l IRril,, niHl BB. Vl"i"""lV " naouiiiioii iMHi'iM upon faJil juSaiiiAji. Ainnmittuedfar, Mtl I St SUA5UN til: LI), Juallio of the t ciaoo, J. A. Lyniiuurs hiiani. t'natonici; lleinliiif, N. M . (ttdsr Urova Miiiiiins nor: Oratit Jbmr MewMialeo; HoiseBriuti t,oa 1st! hip, Aueaat IS. A fi lhnanlr I W Hi l.ip BWi'i- mnill.lir-1 lll una ihacw iu fin a BUMflw lbs alinaaau of aald eU ISBUL SIKlto offer Mnea In rabutial uf thT salaWllleTby cJaliiniil. Samuci. 1'. MecTntu, TGcUler. Noil - Sk SMaLaa wad lf st IW bu iaenUoM4 Urn utnin inn wiiimaaM nf mm ulanasnl, nnj to oTar Mldane in letmllsl of llut sabnlttni bj eiahnlni. Smi, p. McCiiia, l(il,r, tin "ki'.'v frtiuii nmiy tfr iu npmfi I to lny onrr mm Ur.' Vim aorlntbu. ror mawuili aiiaswa, b nereeM tovwio Willi Unit, tl . utere s no ii desen't beiiefli Ht'a an tm. .It II or itr n?, fn all tex, ialn laetliaal iho enrotiiQ ArMbiMMMK. fut disorders aad Tuna (Ilsturhauoos that oftllct wottisiiWnd, yen hare yphr mimey luK lint yen won't nek itf-youll bs etirwl. pfif'tftt. The trout lies tiwt eahie slflwly, haV- Vi mi slowly. Hie sttrsst and sjietjilHl' reiflwly Is ttw ,rl'avorlt rre'rlittfon." ft build up and fnvfaarates the syVtil, regu lalea ami promote fie nwier functfeiw, and n turpi health ami uurtietli, iw every Uiinjr that's kuownaa"fikraae eommaltit." It's n ntwlllrri ntin If you'ro an ovirworIiTor suffering wo man, It's n innllcfue tlint's mods especially to help you but you iay only for the h)u tbt you fpt. ' v Oa theto terms It's Uia chseutst soLL Tho Wclfuro or Chll.1rn. Thero Is n distinct advance in intelli gent grownup intotvst in child llfo, Mr. llowells, Miss Lnrcom and Kdwanl Everett Ilalsharo all uivon m intoroet lug books ombodying tlioir own recollec tions of childhood. Mm. IX' Lnnd is writing a charming novel whose main intercut in iu problems of childish psy chology, nnd Mrs. llumctt promises n similar volumo. During tho recent meeting of tho Association ot CollPfa Alnmmu it was evident that one of tho most mtorMtiug branches of work taken nn by collego brod women la ryntomatla and soicntlflo etudy of tho development physiologic paychologlo and ethical er very young children. This rccogni tlou of tho interoslluif notnta of the young human animal is significant. -Ig uo or.'.r uruuusos ueticr imiigr 'or tuo child, but better times for his ciders. Knto FieWs Wii Mngton. I1 I t llll. Mo mitt Ilia lift, "flpenking of atrango licts on nn elec tion," said Colonel Joo ituokcr, of Col orado, "tho ono thnt takes tho ribbon over any I huvo ever seen mentioned was bet, lost nnd paid by nn enthusias tic Urenibaokcr many years ago. Ono of theeo enthusiasts nt that Unto, whoso view of the political situation was aecn through the rosea to hued spectacles of a reform organ, wns oertuln thut n man by thu mtmo of Drown would bo elected governor of Missouri, nnd bet every thing ho hnd except tho clothing on his buck nnd ri young wlfo. liltlioi' tile af fection for hla wlfo or his knowlcdgo ot law prevented hla mnklng n wager of her, so as a last bet ho wugerod his sorv- tees ror n year mrnitist I-IW. "Of conrao ho lost, and borrowing a fow dollars from a friend ho sent his wlfo back 'to her folks' in Missouri, whllo ho presented himself to tho saloon keener In Oonvor with whom ho had -ado tho bet. Tho latter, moro na n joko thnn anything cluo, grubatuked him nnd scut him nut to prospect. Tho first month a small find rewarded his labors, and cupidity then caused tho sa loon kcoper to Insist on tho payment of tho wngcr Iu full. To curtail tho narra- tl vo, ho carried onl his wager of n year's siirvleo scrupulously and located two moro mines, front which tho winner, though now wcullhy, is still drawing dividends. Upon the fulllllmniit of his obligation ha sent for his wife, nnd Is now omiiloyod by ono of tho afreet car companies nf Denver at about fifty dol lars a month, and will probably never got above that figure." HU LouUaiobo Democrat, Nnlra Tlmt lirugBlata IlMrlro. "You'd laugh If you could tea i.oiuo of tho homemade prescriptions wo recclvo tiro sometimes," mild nu cast eldo druggist tho other day. "1 mean tho notes mothers glva to little children when they semi them horo for luodteino, "Hero is ono written on n pleco of nowaiinper margin 'nrnloy a, n nor fot,' which, translated menus arnica for n roro foot. Another, on n pleco of card board, was easily lulolllglbte 'powdorod tnaguishey for phisik,' 'Pol ton. Uro&s of Hu'iiormcnt for boilbugs' callod for corrosfvo mibllmnto to rid it bed of tha terror of tha tvticmetite. 'I Polshon Insect powder' meant I'eralan Insect powder for tho samo purpose. " 'Dangle fot lly wpr was for paper ta tnnglo tlio rest or tuo II I oh. 'Uia car bcrt of Hody' meant tho tlmplo baking smln, to bo ttsod tit this iuatiuico iiroli- nblv for n disordered stomach. Tlnctnro bf lobolhi was naked for on u torn scrap of billhead uiidor the disguise of 'llnctur lobstur,' and cnt .no tnirous plaster was tupplied when 'cnpploliio plaeoter' was reipnoateit, "Homo mother with a crying baby, in ordor to get sleep herself, naked for '5 ct pnrgorink' to quiet tho Infant. 'Tink tttro of jrtdltie for extertmi uso,' aomo wotunu ciirerully wrote when alio wuuUd iodlue, mldlng In nn csiihiintory mail ner. 'Inward. runholoHalttt.' "Now Vork I'ruiM. Are Benlt nnd lllcktus UItolelT Who reads fkott and Dickens nowf To that nuosUon what is tho true on swor? The Implied answer of oourso is thut no ono roada th-in or that' their readers nro getting yearly fewer. It may bo said at once, nnd it tuny bo stl(l flatly, that it is not tho caso. l'hoy nro not only still read by many psople, but they nro read by moro people today than tuey ever woro uerore. This foot Is sub stantiated by the copies of tholr works that aro sold) indeed it stares ns in tho faco nt overy railway book storo. Bcott and Dloketie, If measured by the numoer or ineir readers, nro growing In popuinruy, not ueciimng. I suouid cor tatnly any that, bo far ns my own ob isrvntion can inform mo, no two writers aro moro universally familiar at this mo- wont matt uoott and DIokens. Thu old imvo read themi tho young aro rending them, nor need nny ouo doubt tho faot neoauso they mo not discussed liko uov cities. W. II. Mullock iu Forum. A rmnoua Unprnalou. "Thoro's manyn allp'twixfi tho cup onu me up - is a very out saving, aim was first uttered to tho king of Bnmos, on tsianu in tuo ureoion nronipomgo, 'iius King, Aticams uy name, planted i Tlnoyard and treated tho slaves who mil tlvatcd it so badly that ouo of thfjni tpld him ho would nover II vo to tasto tho wlno inmlo from It. When thoMriuo was ready ami a cup of it poured out for tho king ho sent for tho ulavo who hud prophesied his death, ami tsked him what ho thought of hla prophecy now, Tho slave replied, "Theros many sllp'twlxt the oup nnd tho lip," and just as ho had spoken the words Ancmus re celved warning that a wild Iwar had broken into his vluoyard nnd was ruin ing if.. i'uuinguowiitiiowinouniftttHi he mshed out to attack the boar and was killed. -rllariHirV Young I'sojile. Mb, IT0' "I AND SO DOES MADE ONLY BY N.K.FA1RBANK&C0. SL Louis, W. BERG, OliNKUAlj AOfiNTS AND OKALKRS IK si o 1 2 2 55 tj Hi 11H WIND DEM1NU, NEW MEXICO. ESTCLiailKD 1882. Quiet. Club Rooms IL C. DEMING, TRACY & HANNIGANTPropSiefopg' nirojiTKD. Vouvo Cliquot Ponsardln, LouIb lloodoi'91, G. H, Munn &Co.f Pipor IToltlsoiok, Joa. Monnossoy Brandy,' Ilollnnd Gin, Duff Gordon Shorry, All BEST DRAHDS OF WHISKIES, DRAND1LS AHD'Wl Domestic & Imported cigars PINE STREET, DEMING, NEW MEXICK CAMTA ThU? PrifvT The Great NORTH, EAST, AND WESTJ ; Only Line riinulug 8olld Trains through w . ,. Chicago, St. Lou. 3, From Iho PULL! AH PALACE SLPP110 OIRSy HUN DAILY , S rrom all Points to all Points JN Texas, Mexico, New Mexico, ,j Arizona and California. ! tOrSco Ihrtl your Tlekels read "via tho Atchison, Toprkn & Santa Vo RH- wny." For Infiiruiatloii re(nrdlug rains, eoniieethins, iitf., call n orsddrsis' CrHOa NIOHOXSON, GJ-. 3P. tfe W. A Toneka, KnnsRs O, II, MOIUSHOU8I3, D. F. & V, A. 15! PitooA'ckiiH, . ' 11 VI, m latk a aaitaa . m ' i. llMtal I it 11 Just the same; ' ' a . . .., mm B saw. 1 5 3 91 f a m MXLXSr s -ml PropTietoi'i noJt'mp.i 0. F. 0. Trtylor, rr- W.II MoUrnyor, T J. Monorail, Taylor Rohnport, Old, Popper llyo, GuconhoimoB lly All Cordials, Trunk! Line and Kansas City, South West, HEiriRDHAOS AAtUt IK N MKCr.jctCBRBS SADDLES & JHARHSS Repairing Dono"t Iw Gold Ay, low-FliMi. DRMINOJ N. I 2 1 ? .iafa" 2teh. tttx