Newspaper Page Text
Muotl Interent centers In llio oomiIiii Wentern CotiicrcBii which IconvciiosiU Ontlcn, Ulnli, April 1 24tti, At llile assembly the mem orial rtl-enarfcd by ttio Irrluntlou convention bi ban vegan bm niditeuto of wolglil wlilon tno ra Mfxifin WfMttirr ttknkn ftitva icnr and miuifleil by the recent I ..oniiiioiitlutloiiB of other tehiitR )iH8 tio fflitsl, l'h la certainly LclIaturo will play an Imporiant keuftSOUB eanymduninore W. . WALTOtt, JiMTOR. BATt'RDAV, APttti, 1, 168. Mr. Olevclatid'a ciuplialtcally dctlitrvii pnrpoito to ncoopt tli rocommomlatlotiB of Members of Congress nu entitled to Jiint that . 1 ft. . . . A .1 u . . pun. MiiiniiHB uccn nunpiou , ,eolluff with very ironoral an the fioitthneitt of New Mexico as j,rovni throughout tho countryj regard, the reclamation of arid but It la a bitter pill to tho "prao land, and will bo opposed by Oolo- Uctil poll ttofnn. Tho old theory" rado, Wyoming and other states tuni nn tio Appointments In a whuwlli to aocuro the Bourcoa eongreBslouat dlatrUt were tho of Bit the crt rivera rb atnto ,,riVato properly of tlio represent property. Tho eland tnkon by fttlvo or dolegnto, If ho olmnccdto this Territory In Just, nnd uhottld lje of tJj0 Bnwo political party bo outltl'dto every consideration. wIlu ti10 administration, ha boon Governor 1'rlnoo will bo the pre- flUadonly oxplododjnud while tnun clilliirr nninnr nml mnr n(irl unltinl . .. . m . M r...w...r TN,..,...,. i... u -! ""v I 01 t II 0 ti 0801)11 typo Win uewuil nirii mi Kiniiii ui iiiuuiiiiriiiiir uv i i. i. . . t t a? r i i - - - . . 1UUU0II00 IU UOIIUIl UI JMW A1CI1 the Democrats of that hustling . tho JienltU'grvIiiy country of tho wori,t Governor I'llee's commission exiilrea on April 0ih, nnd tho Agony concerning the Guberna torial appointment wilt floon.bp ovor, cv, ' " .' 1 1 ' Ncllt It. Field, who distinguished TiliiiHelf during tho recent Terri torial campaign, hns fiecn namln T rlty. Doming In Jht rtwakonlng to tho realfratron of 1ior. wonderful resources nnd advantages. A year-from thla tlmo will sco her imo of the forotnoat cttle In "Now Mexico. Tho parceling out of tho Feder nl patronage of Now Mexico by n relf'toiiBtlluted bonrd of would Tic political bosses, la opposed by fivery thrukiiitf Dtniocrat in New Mexico. Wo wonder If President OIovo fond consulted with Messrs, For fiiSfioii, Grist nnd Joseph con- corning tho sclcatlon of kls Cab Jnct. It la roiiboiinblo to supposo that they tendered tliclr ndviuo. Every mining ennip In onutlioru Row Mexico is allowing oiguB of rapid Improtomout and the Indi cations for n largo output during tho coming summer nro excellent. What u wnndorfu) country this will be when tho frco silver bill Is passed! Kot n half a dozen iceidontfi of Doming lmvo over aeon tho Mr. Poster, who 1b supposed to re pre. tent tlita District on the Hoard of County GommlanionorB. Tho in terests of Southern Grant County Mtnat bo in good hands. This Is faith wltlT vengonce. Thero la every Indication that thf Senators appointed by tho Governors of Wyoming, Wnohlng ton and Montana will not bo per mlttcd to tako their ncnta. At least tho Oommlttco on Privileges and Eloolloua has deotdod that tho Govorr.ors hnro lo right to appoint wlion tho Legislatures fail to exorcise tliblr right of oleo. tiort. Tho Couimtttoo divided on party linen, alt the Democrats bo- Ingngniuat Beating and tho Itc tho day as an evil one, aim pro test that tho country la going tho douinltlon bow-wowa,' think lug mon nnd tax-poyor will ro Jolco over tho Improved condi tions nnd prospootn. Newspnpor comment through out tho country Indicates that all except tho ''practical politicians" In our party, not only accept Mr. Olnvoland's nnuoutieoniout with cquaunnlmlty, but tako occasion to declare approval of his Aland. Tho St. Louis liepullk, In particu lar lino presented tho entire sub- MAX HE YM ANN & CO Have the Largest Stock in the South West, of Dry Goods & .; TRUNKS, Boots, Shoes, Hats, LADIES and GENT'S UNDERWEAR Clothing. i ..KP?drt!era by mail will rocoivo prompt attoatiou. Samples will bo sont on application. -wr .Wholesale. , :.V , MAX .HEYMANN & 00. , .( Retail. SOUS IKKIOUAXIOH HQUnSS, Bomo Idea of tho fcstont of of publloanBlnfavorof Beating U.o jcot In n vry taking light, and wo itl0 etatlattcal relating to gubernatorial nppolnteea. The canno resist tho Inclination to Ah.oMB OBloffloL oftheso DomocratB or tno oenato Jiavo ' "U"IDV mnii lhcro nro nvor 08.000. Ill air. ClcTolr.ud It wllllaff to treat tho recotnmciulstlou of n Uouureiiraau or a tienntor with all tho reaped he would ihow that of any otltr cltlzan of good ttnndtoir and Kood moral character. Ho It uot roIhb to oatraclto Bountort and Cungrctauifii, but uicrely to Imprett thiMii with the fuct that tit ofllcca art I uot their pomouai panmuiut. nrevloiiBly been on record iib nro poouuoriy oppitcauio io.hgw ntrlut ooiiBtruutlonlstB of tho Oon. Mexico: stttutlnn against Beating appoint ed Senator whero tho Legisla ture failed to eloct. They hold that such vacancy Is not tho kind of a vacancy contemplated by the Constitution. Tho Ilopuhlt- mi tm will linw llliilillllitKltlv lllllk ,,.,, i fvnr nf unit) Tho hsblt CongrcMmtn and Benatort a Btroug contest lu favor or Beat- haTB contrttcUU no( moetng a a patron- lug tho three Senators nppolntcd Buo board and dividing up the otllcea i.. iu ,i.,in n..i,.,.,D amoiiK their personal uoucliuien It a v r.i TcrvUB ' r nH If AllttH. I - uuuuuBi; i"u ui uivui ui u in, j u u- licnus. Thero will no doubt bo a very olaborato and perhups very Interesting debnto on tho subject, but tho result will certainly bo a refusal to scat tho throo ap pointed Gonators, which will un doubtedly result In the Governors aueerout eno. anpoiuttnonttt o navo ofllceB with porhipa ft greater av I UB. UIGI1UUO ...IU in. Senators have a right to adrlto tho I'rotldent ua much at they pleate when t la maklug L'oiiarpiiiinni to command an envelope and pottago ilamp to write to mm, uui uenner un urcMUien nor Senators ere elected to act at patrouage brokers, nud when they or irnulze theiuielves lulu liatrcnace boards to dltlributo thu olllcet as their personal has boon estimated mat an uvcr age of ton applicants exist for caoli offlco. This w&nld make an nggrcgato of 080,000. There wero DfinopQH votes cnat for Mr. Cleveland In tho entire country. It would appear,. there fore, If any degrrjo of confidence cu bo placed li this oatlmatO Hint about onq plovolnud voter out of eight Is afior n poatofllce Thin Booms inorcdlblo. nud whon one takes into consideration that JAS A LOCRHART JR Insurance Agent. JONATHAN W. UHOWH, Pieilfit. JAB. A. LO0KliART,Tleerrtldit, J.. U. UHOWH, oaihker. ONLY .RELIABLE COMPANIES HEl'ltESENTED, thorn la a vast ll orago numuor o tonishtnent is. Itici At last November's umber of other NOTARY PUBLIC applicants eased. as- oloctlon UHtno of Offlco In Nntionnl Dank of Dera lntr Uultdlnsr. there wna h mantby tho reported that Mossrs. I jbuouiiituiir A' tint ui iiiiu It IB Picmlhg, lleniiu, of Hllvcr Oily, will shortly nsaumo control of tho Bcntlucl, nud plndo D. P. Carr in ncttvo elifirgo. It U reasonable to sup poso that tho Sentinel will here after lo conducted us a reform Journal. An associate press dispatch from 'Washington Bays Hint Dele gato Joseph statoB positively that Captain Ends, of Lus Vegas, will bo tho next Governor of New rnrlnn. ft An fiirliitinf nlv linit. pons that Dclognto Joseph hasn't K0,u tho Bvcr,"nc,lt tllcro tho grip on Now Mexico appoint suontB that ho imagines, ho has. an oxtra session of the Lcglelu (urcB to select Senators. AJjfcv V--.JT Prosldcht Diaz lb very nnilous to establish closer trndo relations between Mexico nud tho Central Amcrlcnu nud South American countries. Thero are a great ninny vnmnblo prouuots raisou in Mexico which could bo marketed lu thoso countries If trado rela tions wero established, nnd in order to establish tho proposed Interchange of commodities, Fres- Idout Diaz has sont an author ized commissioner to Central America to bring the mutter bo- xncrl- Fedorul C LEVEL ADD AND THE POPULISTS. The lettor la which Senator Veat pro mltea to have nothing moro to do with l'ntrounge Hoards shows a chango of view on which ho Is gieatly to be congratulated. Mr. Cleveland has preflted by euce. and ho will not allow tho oftlces to be dltpoied of ujr any natren nge board, uo mnttrr who organizes It. Tho anuounacment Is now made from Wnahlusitim tliat thero will ho no more mooting of the Mlnaourl delegation, or- gauUed us n rntronuge Uonrd. Wo aro glad to hear it, and wa hopo tho an nouncement la true. Tho attempt to or gaulzo a permanent Patronage Hoard for tho control of tho Fedoral ofllces wat certainly mutt tcaiidalous. Mr. Cleveland understands the sltua- lion ion inoruugiiiy nuw iu uu urnjiTcu. and after his announcement that ho will not treat jilares of trust nt tho private no ill from seleotcd to represent the Third District on the board of County Commissioners. Mr. Thomas Foster, was his "fall iinmo, If we rcmombor correctly. Within the nast faw. weeks a Mr. Foster, n member of the Uonrd of Commis sioners, put itrnn expense bill for mileage from Gold II 111 and re turn, on the cround that It was his placo of residence. It 10 hap- neiis that this Mr. FoBtor has been for sdmo years past n resi dent of Silver City, which is In- National Bank of Deming. Transacts a Qonqral Banking Business. Foreign Exohango sold. Moxlcan Monoy bought and Bold. "3Soxx.&y to Loa;n On Good Security at Ourront Kates of Intorost. Dispensing Druggist. J. P. BYRON, Wholesale nnd Retail Dealer In Pure Drugs, Fine Chemical's" J. H. BEELAR, L1VEM, SALE k TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY and SCHOOL BOOKS rnripiioieB DEMING, NEW MEXtCX EIO GRANDE STABLES. Conduct! a iSmelting 4HHettttleltellietep Works. LOCAL EXPRESS Wo lmvo heard of the gall of a "government mule," but it striken us that tho sublime chook of tho gentlemen who lmvo formed them selves into n board for tho distri bution of tho Federal pntronugc of New Mexico with hondqitnrterb Fit 'Washington,, render tho old fablo IiiBignlflcont. poruusltes of Henatnrt aod Congressmen, must disappear from Democratic politics. i Patronage Hoard ought to dltap American politics, certain! dltappear it Now nil thla la very dlacourag Ing to our Now Moxlco Hoard Itepubllcnns nasert wi'h mnnl festutlons of glee that President tJlovelnnu lias reiuacu to carry out tho autc-clcctlou bargalua patronnco which so porslatently with Populist lendora mndo by nud oven nnthotlonlly persists iu some of his campaign managers. mB sessions at Washington. Thoy Those ngroemclits, It Ib assorted, nr0 elttlng on addled eggo, as It were to tho orToot that tho Popu- wore, nud really aro oblootB of eluded In the Bccond District, nud when tho nforcsald bill was pre Bonted n shout of derision aroso from those who wero cognizant of tho stato of affairs, and' Foster forthwith withdrew tho espouse account. Kow tno nueBtiou nui-i,. n, n .,vi t. c-. ..rally arlsoa-Does this Mn Foa- HHV UL1U j I til 11 UOUglll W vUlU. of tor ronreaent tho Third DUtrlotT i Tho IlKAuuairr ia willing to cor tlfy that ho does not. SIOOORIO, EST. lkm Buyers of Gold, Silver, and Lead Ores. H. M. McOHESNEY, Manager. Harry P. Merrill, Tho President has decided to re-convene the International Mon etary Conference ai Urusscla on Mny 30lh, Tho ililproreloii pre Tails thnt the United Slates dele gation will not bo materially changed In, personnel, with tho ox eeptloh of Benntor Allison, whose TntslnesB engagemouta will uot per wit hliu to aorvo. lists should share lu the spoils in tho event of Mr. Cleveland's suc cess, nuu it is ciaimou mat uy vlrtuo of thoan ngroomoutB Mr. Cleveland acquired much strength, and, lu fuot, was oloctod. SnppoBlug nil tins to bo true which supposition requires n con alderablo stretch of Imagination . Ilttlo eympnthy can bo felt for die. appointed Populists. Tho peo ple's party was called into exist- once nuu uovoiopeu strength pity. Wo nd vise Joaoph and Crist to come home. Fergusson might remain thero permanently, nnd continue tho denunciations of Cleveland of which ho was pro lido prior to the nominations. A email war fa browing frclwccn l'on tho con vlotlon that .. . .... . " . Ml... nlil imrttpfi wnro tinrrntit. nitn. Ilin llnlnli I'linilliT nnd Kiililn if n l " " " frolgut dfpnrlmenti. 'J no cu men who will be obliged to mare cattle from points lu Now Moxlco nnd Arisoun arc directly interest ed In tho outcumo. As uauni the Gould Intorostn nre ondoavorlng to oppress the cattlemen, mitt the Santa Fe people refuse to Join llielr aohoinr. The charge has been mnde that the Headmoht la not a Demo crallo organ, because It liua had courage to express Itself concern ing tbo outrngcottd proceedings of tho self-constituted patronage board consisting of Messrs. Fcr guston, Otlst mid Bilnilt the charge. LiaiiT is a Dcmoorotlo newspaper. mjyitroiieu uy oapitaiista nuu omoq- seoKerB nuu nuimatcii uy tno spoils idea. Tho great body of tho Populists was and la iucmo In thla belief. They do uot w'uut oftlocB nud have uo hopo of4 got ting ofllceB. Thoy know nothing of nu.v dei,1 for ofllces, but voted for the Populist doctrines as ex pressed by their tlclcota without rogard to whether republicans or demooratfl might be ulllmntcly benclllcd by their action. Ills logical therefore, to sup pose thai if, (is suggested, the president fulls tn carry, out tho agreements of tho campaign man lenders, I . . .te-ia ia.. Josonh. Vt Borfl WI,H A OI'Miw lenuors, tno Tll8 IIHAD-II OPUIISI -Willi IIUIB UUUI IlilllUIM will not care, Tho presumption Is fair that ho will rather lcjoloe Thank tho Lord tho mm nlv of lit the dlscoinfltiifo of nny trcuoli- "Fosters" in Ornnt County Ib lint- erons leaders of his party. iledl If wo had manv moro such bh the member claiming to ropro ieiitlhi) Third District on the Uonrd of Coanty Commlasloiicrs and the myth-IIko itecolverof the defunct Wanks, we might us-well As rule the Populisl Ib a tho nrlatnlidln some things ho la a dreamer. Uo ia bitten with lame. Mr. Cleveland may win Mm with turifT ffffonji, or Mr. Uariisio mny cantivftte him wlih n state-brmk THE BANK UECElVEnsUJP. Bomo months ngo thero wnB n rcnort to tho effect thut a mitn named FoBtor hud beon appointed by tho Comptroller of tho Cur rency to the Itocclveruhip of tho 'defunct First National Bank a of Silver Cltv and Deming. Not n word has been concerning the mattor from thn day to this, and Foster, if such an Individual exists, seems to have beau swal lowed up by tho earth. The tdiances arc, however, that Fostor Is drawing his Balary right along, and the exponses horo and nt Sil ver City nro daily Increasing, with no attention being paid to tho rlglilB of tho crsdltorB of tho de funct institutions. Tho failures woro rotten enough, without Buck mlsmnuntiement na tho affairs of tho banks arc rocolvlug. If mat ters nro allowed to continue by tho authorities In Washington for another bIx months, na thoy have beon for tho past half year, no other dlvl ' id will ever bo de clared. 1 jxpensos nro rapidly eating up what little monoy should bo parceled out to tho depositors. Bank In Moittlt, In eome parU or Europe rouoh mot commonly than in this country mumoU am used tvs food. Ther hare been quite frequently notod m poisonous, and fatal caeea havo been reported from nsing them cooked aa well as raw. New Tor k Hall and Exprow. Vorgvt to Atu Hhe The joweler say the diamond la say ring la not genuine. ileUtu er be told tno the ring was real cold. I forgot to uk hlin about Ui ttons, New York Weeltly. A contract for tho cutting and baaling of 200.000,000 fit of fir timber was en tered into In Tncomn recently by a mill company and a railroad company. It Is tho lunreet logging contract over made In Uw state and will take flr yeats to cuto. 'i ns personal estate of the late Unite of ManQUejter wtoVrotth only 3,tM. Loavo Orderi at Llrory tables Bllyer Arttiue, seulh of Nailounl this . i . a a 1 I will fill Uft llirnrtl inwnrii uiltcnii", J . "V. a n.i...Hi.i... V-..-ts(;. trn the MfTuIra of the Bounty Into policy. Hut tile .Populist iu the their charge, and seek greener aggregate cannot be captured by Col. Elliott F. Bhepard, tho or ratio odltor of tho Now York Mall and Express died suddenly at hla roBldonce Inst Saturday afternoon from tho effects of ctbor aduiln latcrnd for tho purpose of per forming a surgical operation. roisters fer Wetld's Fair- Fontnt tits on the sands of time 111 al is to be held. otptl will where tho wiiiu wiituinir mav bo cood. the ma ......... o . . - .,.-,.... M . lority or peopio win preioj r"js nii.f R.ntH p ltAuts vest bit ed train. . Perhaps you don't know that tno nan v iiniit tiit tm khnrteit Una be tween Kanaaa City and Chicago, by 80 mllesitliat ansenco oi graoe crotiuHi Icmoiis the number of compulsory stops and that three trains each way each day afford ampfo room for all travelers. Lusnrlogs pnlaco sleepers, and free chair cars) better tban the best of other " . . . . 1. 1- Drop in ana tent u over wun nerc. Santa Fo lloute ticket aRent, or address flirn. T. HtnnauoH. (. V.Ss T. A. loneaa, jvkdibi Rooming Home By M. 0. IVEAVB1U Rooms En SuHe and Single. Every thing Siwand First Class. B'Tr.aa'H7Ateel?:U.b,tWn On Bank Bnlldlug. STEEL AER av- m nut i.Mln i K xi; d rv i r t it r. ?' KA finrg. mn I X tajMtlM ArM I I hS-iV DtSlflM A KHTat I Livery, Feed and Sal SILVER AVE., SOUTH OP GALENA HOUSE, DEMING, BT. Ma Hay and grain dealt in, STOCK BOARDED BY THE DAY OR Wlk HIDES AND PELTS BOUGHT AND SOIiD. . lis, -U- Albert lindauer, WHOLBSALl DRALEIt IK LIQUORS, WINES, Champa gne, ho rad ttsketi for It.OO at Clark & Qo, . . fVa)HMIT. taJ "w ToiV kVua it a ttottew i fdftttific mtm war AND CIGARS Anheuser & Budweiseir 33 325 rfS jRL . I entry lit atock some of tho choicest brands of Liquors t Olgars to be had nnywhr( DKM1NG, Nji-W MEXICO, -i r 1 '