Newspaper Page Text
1 S5SE53K! S .. -i fP8 Mi lf.afc laaakU vi ill, wwrep 1 1 n Vat. WNt I. !) K MM MM, Jt4wr. Utim ni IaM n. mw Mi Mhty wbo urn," Bo Hovti b WW. 1) rtotti tm tto Ht rMrch In Inviaf hff'l flhltn lif mwtM w tliv MMtttVttliud tyrtinil In i)Kt el thr .lm(b, xwr w! Ml tim Mir IMUk Ham mw ttit wwkl fwim1 otr hiittwu ntut itlvlnrf fpr Wh thtf iiiuramw tif Hi llvuvr VrHttli- JM IWW UWtMMlft lituauk0 U Ulnut it. .1. Havuff. Kvrp'(ir IVnrlur In Cltlmffn. (VtUiiiUiea into wo took ocoiwlon to m, jvtt"pr writer ngtiliUt llio folly fwniidiic U CMohko In tlio liojw tTriilniff vuitrioymint haro. Wo riwrot tliiit iCa wiirnliiK hdi hecn nctjlwtfvi hy wry tnny. Thiiiolty haa lieen overrun toe KvifmX tnonUio by rojtprttni (hotn sjoro nml woman) Vnlnly bmKIbk work. 'XII Clitonn jiwj)nj!crs havo' (or two jw UMn-Kcttltiir unity for Urn World' Mr n?nmut nutl tlioir wvtral dejuut fcwntii are (Mitt with cimijxdtnt men. llaTPfniu uCuntrho Cimio to Chicago now hi tho csiMf tntlon of rearing cm idnyiilmt nro Wind to bo AtM)tpointod ttirronrouuiiUvMio bo lmdi in ovory noiviH,wir oiaou (it uw jirwia utiio nt I'ltiuntivwro utmiillim ubont 13 deep in tflio outer clmmto, with itttr no lunch u tho .imucol i. iv wowlbilUy to encotir .fuJJwm. Mwvy thews iwoiilo are suITtring from want of mono j. T liny left cyijil oy-1 Went to rush to tutacktyc? i tl:e Wurld'n fair, where tliy fnuoiwil their Krvtecs would be rnnpiVHt nt. Mwt i-f tltrso nnforlnnates will liavo to walk nt of town or U!k to (lrtviBKctruitcunJ &ir n tneium of nulihlittcnuo. With uvlflw toavcttlntf further troublo vwo tuk otir tuiwupuper friauiLt cltowhcro tu dlMMinlnuto cwidnoiuly tho lnformn .tion that )iQWflnipr wort; Is not to bo Sad In Cliimiiro! that ovury nlnco U filled . Eerej that nlready wo Imro with nn nuy of tmnuiploycd reporter!, und that rsvy newepaiier writer who comcB tn (JiiJiHigffwlth uvlowto getting work is jircilyauro to Imvo nothing but 111 trou ilo fOr bin ilna. Chicago Howa-Rcoord. Slunntnlnoiu ITmm. Tlio dully pencr nil rccordwl tho fact that tho fcteouuihiu Mnjuntto, on lior iiit wiiri trip, cnught n k-a that deinollabed tier crow'd nct lordiout, nnd thnt tho Teutonic, which caught tho buuio gnlo coming wcet, hud one k ii which combod OTor tho crow'n nost mid carried owny her forward ort lifeboat an it went over tbvrallfc, Dutuono of tho dally pnper fpok tho troublu to mention just how tho orow'a ueot in tiluntud on thwunhlji, ftjid-iwiiBcqnintlyho'-v hlghtlmt ecn wan. IiUltilry by n Marino Journul rcpre auntativo discovKrcd that, while in men-of-war nud inauy other chip tho cus tom i to. Imvo tho crow's uetit in tho forulop or n triflo abovo, tho White Star allies havo it at an alUtudo of 3 feet uliovi tho main deck an tho foremast, ranched by a little iron ladder from tho forward hurricane dock. In ouch a, tihip as tho AtnJcUlc or Toutoulo tho height f Uio main deck at the furorlsffL-if; is about 40 feet nbovo thelovelof tliocen, vhich would mako tho height of tho wnro that carried away the crow'a ncnt iu thia iustanco alxiut 70 foot. This is n , pretty bis roller for tho north Atluntlo, but In other parti of tho ocean auch Truvcii aro often encountered in n storm. HupposinK tho Khlp to bavo been iu a trough of tho nea at tho tiino this wr.vo siTopt her, tho mwui, height of tho wavo inlKht 1m calculated as not Kreator than 40 feet, but it was coruiluly n body of wter nearly 70 feet high from whero tho ship floated. Marino Journal. Tor ond Acaltut llm Blnslo Tut, Byattsvllle, Md., Is still under single tax rule, but thero aro fow eifma to show ' that tho prlnclplo lms made much head way slnco it won tho day tn tho bitter fight of last sprint;. Its opponents assert that it has ruined tho town, and they jxjlnt to the condition of tho streets nud of tho pavements to corroborate their claim thut tho place has homo backward slnso tho single tax people got control of lis affairs. These contentions tho sluglo tax men tigorourly deny, but their vigor Li mow fit tho championship of tho single tax as a irri ncijdo than in tho demonstration of its working in thia place Generally they imy that it has not bosu iu force long enough yet. for n fair trial, Tho eppom-nta reply with vigor tluit thoy Imvo had enough of it nud thut they in tend to, bring nlwut a change in Mayr when tho annual election of town com niltwt&ucra will bo hold. Tho votes seem to bo pretty evenly divided between tho two fauHonu, both of which aro ijnletly m eanwstly prcparlnir for tho contest in. tho spring. Thero la u great deal of fooling in tho fijjht, Hnd tho lituratnroof thodUouMlon fiijiscomlng formidable. Cor. Now York Tunea. flrrnl Mvit and Drcnn OrtnJrr, Tliat tlw hite Mr. Dlftlnolwl a liking for tho mslodii-a of tho Italian organ Crlmbra who iierauibubito tho streets we nr told by II IrogTKi Italo-Zjueri-ratio, Thsro bavo been other dlUn trnUhml Aiturlthim with tho snnto liking nt thnns. Ouo f them wad tho lato Gen eral Un Dutler, when tho organists played tho tnnoa thut plowied him, onn tf whWi was tlio tune of "Annio Laurie," snd another thai of tho "Marseillaise." Now York Bun. l'rilo, Ohuel Youlh Blneethoonenlnt of theslelnh' tag Sflcsen I wear out my r.ght rIovo bo ioro tlio mi la in the leust injured. OUirer Why dau't yot. got her to tit n th othif rldo jwrt i f tho tlme Clothlers nud Haberdashers' Weekly. A London iiuinufaoturer of chewing emu sotno tliiib. lino dlHonargoti all Uls iualo employee and hired girls to toko tlu-lr placett. liio other dr.y ho made on wign nent. .. Tlio wife of EH Miller, who lives hear ViUJoy city, lu4 lias given wrtii, it is rKlroad, to' seven children in tho post 19 iiKmtl i, JIUfsarieM'iTrlbmnionnwlonriiiwsrd, WO VftrV llwnlv tunl 'tttn .4u.ll. , , " v O ' ...W lift our Old friemL Phoclon Howard, For a jjoedinnyyeawwo Jure) thought much wore of tho old gentleman thnuwooared tit tell. If from titnoto titnowo liavo jalleilBiHi jokeit at his oxidise, It was Iwatwe we knew Ids worth nnd thonght wutli of him ironally for, be it a tttrstMOd, w iwvr frivol wMh thoso wlMmi we tUiHot 1h. WwIoh nndw ftfllUjl. . Wlwiisvw lw raws to CM- lm Wkt Hi Mm Ma bte. elr vole rmnmrn am not iw mum rMllMt Ittm Mlf. and pwliHim tlMt is why u did not iMlbemir IwllHtttte. Marlon Howard wm tmoof ttold (Mhwit-mie of U faW l(mwrfl lft hwo fur ii lon tltno in Uw west. Ho was lit. tarly ImiwuvldMit, ntttrly lmponiib!o, nttrly liupotlhle. nco 1h mom or Imm Inteuipetute, but ho stoppod tlwt umy hhmo unto ivuo. up to Uio irtot no wrw gnerims und wlf -rifiulng to tho dmreo of fault. His sympathloa wero aMly entlstnl and hl enthusiasm nnd loyalty nevor falteiwl. OffcntlniM l-traj-tHt mid iinptMoil uxn and wronged, 1 ho uuvor lwt uoulldeiico iu his fellow mm. Ilia head may havo fulled Idtti in emcrRi'iieles, but I'hodnii's Heart was nl waya widy with generous, jrruclons, no bio tmpnbcs. Bo wo think pf tho old man very ten drly nn wo t wak of him today, and tho hard iHirt of It nil is that wo havo to hold our pen in ohech. Iret It commit us to nil Httcmnconf thiwo deeper feelings III our heart which terbiipa would seem mero senllmi'Utnllty to you, who may not Imvo htiowu this kindly old soul, This world of imro Is very beaullfnl, nod llfo hero Is HWeet, for tu this beauti ful world humanity, with its lender sympnthlen and lender offleea, glorlQeait all. Unr old friend Phoeion loved this world of ours, mid ho loved his fellow Mint, and It It tltis hire, jarchence, that ipinlllleH humanity for what is to cotno Iu tho hereafter. Eugono Field In Oil t'igu Nev.'s-Uel'ord. Infortnutluu ror Itiitilers. An annimneoment printed at tlio top of tho editorial juijo of it tuagnalno pub lished near Boston Is oa follows! Tills magaittno Is -published 10 timet n years thut I tho reason wo call it n monthly. Kvery postmaster on tho faco of the earth, or any other man, is Invited UiMillcIt subscribers nnd securo onoof our unequalcd premiums or tnkon cold cash commission it' preferred. It costs 100 cents to havo this periodical pay you 10 visits. When yon Invito thoeo visits, bo snro and scud tho "mighty dollar" In nuy shapo preferable, and also wrlto your tiumotKi It shall appear plalnor to us than u white cat ou u coal heap, also your tKiKtofuce, county nnd state. If yon llvo in n stato of tnatrluiony, it Is not neces sary for yon to mention It. If yutt Hitiid us nny mauuscrlpt. don't try to wrlto ou both sides of the paper nt om-i- to do no will uinno you bald headed. Wo know this from crparienco. Also Hlini your Ixwt name, or iuto tho wastebasket it goes. Wo don't renulro this so wo can copy tho name on a check, but merely ua evidence that you aro tho follow you think you aro, in coim wo aro sued for libel. All articles Intended for publication should bo mulled tothoodltor. All busi ness letters, donations, gifts nud legacies should bo addressed to tho eaiuo person. tllne (Uki 8icUclr Tor Cant. A remurkublo story comes all tho way from Moravia to tho elTcct that all tin cows iu that jiart of tho c.untry aro "humped in tho rail feueo comers, chew ing thiir cuds with great bluosjicctucles funtontxl Moth their eyes." It seems thut tho ground In thut country luu been covered .villi snow sinco the latter part of October. Ne.irly ovory day has been clear and cold, tho rellevtion of tho sun light from tho snow being very divas trous to tlio eyes of both man nnd beast. Thousands of cattle weut entirely blind before the attention of the govornuiert director of ngriculturo was called to Ilia fact. That gentleman, Dr. Vcrinconrt, rceoiniinndid bluo spectacle glasses mi Iu wooiln or wiro frames, and tho rwiult ts that tliniiMiula of cows aro now roam ing nlHiut over tho Moravian pastuios looking as dlgnliletl as UoaUu "school marms." Jt la further said that the en tire bluo glasasupply of Vienna has been exhausted und that tho government has applied tu I'aris nud London glaas deal ers for additional supplies. St. Louis Republic. Tb Intitltutilo. Wo all cry out ngulnst tho monstrous hoopskirt which is doming In vogue, bat there is no human power capable of fending off that fashion, which oven tho women folk profess to regard with dis like. When Damo Fashion utters her dictum, tho men aro uowhsre iu it, and tlio htdlrs, Uod bless 'em I have simply to obey. Excliange. N, A. BOLICH, -DKALfilt IN BOOTS I entry n Pull Lino in alt GentsEnrnishing Goods Is tho most complete iu Grant County, Having boon selected with ospocial roforonco to Uiia markot. CTE SHIRTS & OTDERWBAE Of ovory kind and all sizes. . -CALL AND, TEST PIUOES.- 4 Jfftiidiittl Bunk Blook Bcuttiy, N, X, OliliiMti Tfft. ridlIii-8. WfttktiM of a London ta ftrm la tmbln; a IusIiimm tonr oi the world atid nt pmtnt Is Iri thU city. Ills firm In ouo of tho nldenl and riohest ton Ohm tu tlio world's metropolis, tho head of it for many years having Iwen tho million clro Ilsronet Sir Richard Pock, Mr, Watklns Is fin old and trusted member of the houso nnd has been selected for tnsny years to condnctneKoHitions with UiO principal Clilneso nnd Indian tea Growers who control tho wurlreta of Can ton and Calcutta. "It la our rule," explained LMr, Wnt kins, "tn visit tho best'plonintlona and nrrnngo for tho pnrchasi of tho now non sou's crop whilo it Is yot growing. It takes cousldbrablo oxperiunco to bo ablo to jndge of tho probablo quality of a crop daring Its early staged, as tho tea plant is subjesttoso many vicissitude before picking, If tlio crop does not com up to expectations, wo aro often losers, but tho usual practlco Is to bar gain for tho first offer, for whleti prlvl logo of conroo wo jury n premium. Tho Cldnn tea, however, does not rnlo tho market nn it did boforo India and Ceylon discovered tho fact that they could grow several kinds as well ua their Celckllal neighbors. "All tho best sorts, howovcr, nro still grown in China. Clmiiowder, Hyson and all tho high class groon leas can bo produced nowheroolse. Tlio very high cat quality of tho first named seldom Imivw the land of IU growth, tho Chi noso connoisseurs forming a. riug which koeps ft for Uio homo market." Son Francisco Chronicle. Tlta Illack Jack Inn. A few days ago tho ancient "lioslel rio" familiar to readers of Dickens as tho "Black Jack," in Portsmouth street, Clara Market, closed its doors forever, as tho entlro block of buildings surround ing it Is nltout to bo demolished. Tlio "Muck Jack" Is tho houso to which Bam Welter escorted his msster wheu thnt gontlomau was in tearch of Low ton, Mr, l'erkrr clerk, on which occasion Mr. Pickwick heard tho story of tho "Queer Client," related by tho mystorlous law yer's clerk. Tho "Block Jack" has for many year boen n verltablo meccn to tho medical students who havo miccesnfully braved tlio terrors of tho oxnnilnntion room, for it was customnry for them to adjourn to its hospltnblo bar and duly Inscribe tho tho names of tho fortunate medicos in a resistor kept iu tlto houso for that apo dal purpose. Among tho slgnaturus to bo seen nro those of James Pagotond Andrew Clarl together with ninny others who havo since attained celebrity. Tho drath of tho "Ulack Jack" adds oi.o more to tho ghostly taverns which have abounded In tho Immediate vicin ity. Tho "Spotted Dog," tho "Whlto Lion" of Jack Hhopjiard nolorloty, tho "Hull's Head." whero Hogarth met hl9 brdlier artist, nnd tho "Bplllor'a Head," the Buvuge club or thoio lays, till stood within a fow yaids. London News. FRANK PHELPS. Sngiusav & Maclzinist. DHAI.KIt IN WIND MILLS, GALVANIZED IRON, WOOD TANKS, Pum 3nd Hump Fittings. 1 i-i-lj II i I I 5'3 ", I 31 g s1 t ' 5.2-J 1 y a 2 rift 3 'j. "s I" -4 and SHOES. Dopftrtmoiita, and my stock of Tim nniHnial wfl wmUImt of tho win ter has iiMtdo ehlulidaa nulla a oommon complaint, A vftimim wlio hss suffered from the tuost Jonuoylng torturo which tMl partloidaif inflletlon entails reiwrt to Imvo found 'relief from ft wow remedy, or nt least from something which U not ouo of tiro usual remedies. "After tryinghotsnlfcand water, witch hnsel, cold cream olid tlio nst of tho list," says this woman, " t'io Idea enm to mo that to bury my fentin tho creamy L1ocdnww of conistAMh might ansuagotho ItiUilerablo bunting, I tried it, with in st.tnt sitctxs. Don't uso a llttlo from a powder puff, Tnko a lwwl or dish nnd p'.tingo thu foot In mttto to tho Instep nud keep it thus buried for torao min ute. Then dust off most of Uio corn starch, and the stocking nnd shoo can bo mumed with comfort." This dimple, lncxpenslvn suggestion ought to bo circulated. Car driver and othcie whono occupation forces them to stand almost continuously nro likely to Iw tho greatest sufferers tn cold weather from frost )illlcu feel and following chil blain. Her Point of VlowlnNow York Times, A Qanlnt Wedding 01ft. A watch Which tho knlscr gnvo as a wedding present to his sister, Princess Margaret of Prussia, on hor marriage with Prince Frederick Charles of Hesso , has a enriona history. It originally bo-; longed toVuocn Louisoof Pi Asia, tho mother of fiTaUcr William I. Tho watch waalcotod by French soldiers after ono i of tho victories which practically placed Berlin as n ronqiicrod city hi tho hands j of Napoleon's troops. Being taken to Btrasbnrg, it was n year or two later won as i riso litu wirracks lottery by tho cook of tho officers' mess. This man gnvo thu tvatch to his sister, who subMHiuenlly ul'lalnod a domestla poLltlan in tho palace Inf Potsdam, whero Queen Lou ko, notichu tlio watch in tho womnn's j mylou, recognized It as her own and obtulucd rrtwiscwlnn ofitiu oxchango fur n goneros sum of monoy. Tho lata Empress Auglistn Intrusted tho watch to tho presouc emperor, with an oxpreesion of her vrMi that it might al ways remain tho property of a Prussian princoas.Maiichcstir Times. C(Ht of i'ntcntlnc. "I havo Just bam Cmirinif nn what it will cost inn to bavo an invention pat- en ted throughout tho world," said AI fred Emerson, a young Kansas City in ventor, "and I have found out it takes a fortune Thero ire on this mnudano sphcro W govcrninonts thnt run depart ments Uovotca to fleecing tho poorinvent 1 or and protend togivo his Idea protection. ' is any sham or mysticism or suporstltion 8lxtcenof thoso sharks nro to bo found in hi it, it is linblo to bo handled r, a do Europe, 8 iu Africa, 4 in Asia, 27 aro tcctlvo handle an embezzlement. Tho on tho two continent of America, and 0 , press, as n rttlo, believes it: puro and an nro in Oceanlca, Of conrso tho charges defiled religion, but it wants n religion differ in every cole; somo aro cotnpara- that is good for Mondays and Thursdays tlvelr mini!, others nro not ho Jinnll. In and Saturdays a woll as Sundays. tho nggregato they nvorngo about $237.83 It is complalnoil by somo Roman Cath eboh, or n grand total of $14,550. That's olio onthorilic thnt tho proas is uunco- pretty sum for a man to spend to keep an Idea from boing stoleu, isn't ltr St Louts a lo lx-Democrat. GEEHAN JONH DECK2RT, Propi tutor ICE COLD BEER I FINEST m ported it Domestic LIQUORS, AND Bost BrandsofCigars Golil Avoiuirt, Dumlntr N M, Kullca tur I'libtlrntlun. iftil, iut Kullfd It tierelir clir Ihai rnlliwin'i.. nuiiiwl wilier list. BIm notkw ot liU hlenlTmi fc iiiaIm Himl aid nrmif urlll 1 41 inadM lfntM II V mil in nnrai tot nit riilta, H1 Hut s oomniiMionwst WwIhb. N. m s. Vfi H'I,'JI"SSW nf llemlna, N. M. Him S'ff No " w. J 8SS.S0, UlMnilli(oroili)CMrtllinM tn ro IriSI ""'dwi oHi(i and eulllulluii el, 1 III. Milt V Tn 1 ,i ' ""err faum, Henry i' Turker, Any imrM.n nlio In ii(iti-l Muiiitttb. Ilntuur (if mil iiruaf, c.r h!i kmiwuiilniiv ,iil, iniiii r ran, 111.. i in iw mm m rwHim 0 tbji li.uirlor jlMHilmml, vrlir tiwli 1 IiiihM mil ( ilhwfd. Hill Im lw fl in oiiiwr l Hi Ik lro in.-nil. rml tlm urn) uinou (a r cuiHlBB Din i.Unn.M ot il,t eltrmsat, unit la ofTtr rltlrne in rliiinl ol ihol ut,1nlMi kjr 4reli-flt Kntlra It liuraltv Blvtfii llm K .Hjm.,. ni lsliiatnii, .MitwSeliiiwlu, iimi Un .ulntl V " ,".., i"M ,-ll' .till iiaiar . uhiiwii iHimilon Mlalil .had unitrr Ilia liwa nt N to. b nll Itailprktinldcra. 11 11 mwflnjjliolilen Ihla liny ntllfniliiff In. iM N llc, tru.iM yiMlfrlti liiinliirauil tnorltfaxa iiimta In'ltiuniu. r . iiiiiii, ui mucni, niMtuuiMii. iruni, UhUh! .0"B.mi o..A. i' iWJ.nmi rworuau 111 iuk nmot 1110 iirfvrticr rot itie i-oumr 01 (irmit and and 'IV IW, 1 inry (if New .Mrxlwi, Drfvnltwrtil. A. II. wif. ami li nrrciiiril tali llurl, in ilte ol itlil Tboiuii I''. Iluiit, wbolioirlniif'l. lly Vina of Ilia llomi John H, Uiwrvu I'fbruirr 4, Iftoa. nr. owreUry, liJiHolullau Nollen. The srni nf John J. Qulnn A Cuinjunr. dolni; m ii'viraouio ursiit7r 'viiiiiig) sis ir Kit l ami st t'etik's I'Mk, N. M., I IhUilar (IImoIvhI by inuinal cunrui, Jnlm J. (pnnn rvllijiig. Tb JlldAAlid; vii-iiiv win iifrmiier w wmmviru or ainrril uax iiinitiiii.uiiiirriiin aiji ni iai nll'o. Tb WM iihi(k Sim baraby aa tum 1 Srui of ii nayniMii 01 an ituionivaim ui llm lata m(i nn d. w unit c ilm J, O ill ti it A Coinjmn, and am alona onlbuilifi DMifii to tour iini ilinitaM nnit, ii 10 muni ami rcniiK lur an iuauiu- Iklfitatllfinlng.NtwJltilco.lhUtOtti day of Jtauarj, Juki J, (Jpihk A Co J, A, (UJCKIUUVB IIUANI. roatoniesi DflllWIltf, ti. u ItmiRH OtUar drov WoiittUIn an iioHaprinRR, Oram County e9ir mcAicu, Ilnraalliandi Lot) IMI blp, MXlVlitfjil) svsry iwmiq sx AfSr4..Mi w w SHk I' ereo's Od dsn iTUeov Mrs n amr shin unft a clean rrAtem. Tst Up, Kidi-rlisiim, ,?"in.f,Jifi,1e,ll?' an1 sllTSeo.!. ftdu, lid Buslp Vkmtm. Iitun a Vi-nmnn Llnlj ni miptlon to tm woit (Rirof nm-thwo are pw feflUysmlrrmanimUrt-urtbylt, 1 InTnilMing J iiewltd flti oiid Mrensth of psl, puny, serofulous cbildrsn, nothliig can SOUS! It, TJnllke th onllnsry spring mullein or nrMpsrlllss, tlie "Ulwcry works epially well nt nllicftMn. All the year round, nnd it all caws. It Is auirtt1e,tl. i no other Wood ttiNllcino Is, If it oyer fall to benefit or cure, you have your mousy Urk, It's not only tin luiA blood puriner, but it's tho riiesp. et. Ton tot only for tho mwtl you Krt. some i Ink that pays Uicm r,r ill rrolmlilylw uixwt ay'" jut ss (rnol.'' I-er-LnpsltMor thm but It can'tlw, for ytm. MOUnNEfiS DY THE SEA. Dr Ihs sld of Hit tea tlirte monrnnrs esls But Mir watcblna an Ml mil "Whoro tank your lilp" One turntd tirr hd. MUr the sweet fiplce UUnds It lies," alia Mid. "And otten I foncr on dsn like them Their breath lloatt to roe o'er toutkvrn mi," "Where unk jroursbliir" "11 temiUtot, On a f hero of onlii r and ptixU 'tvrsi USiL "Oh, otltn I drm ef Iu lullful ti And the rsinbew Biennis that sre round It tbodl" "Whersssnkrotirslillff' 01i.wfto.wlillifr, Dues ehe know not, than, bar lout lore ptcl "Mr ship tank not," h ld, and tait A tlor ihell oa the wattn vtit. No Hnimr wtors ner mi ef rrleo Her ilrcema to It rcwtlnit ilaco enllce. Uf shlii Ue ftOHli la nrutle lc. -ClirUtlnn tttiiUter. TIib liu pertinent Preit. What aro wo coming to if tho press In going to tnko tho starch out of every thing? An esteemed contemporary wo havo forgotten which ono has com plained that thoroportsof tho dally press havo mado tho recent heresy trial appear ridiculous in tho eyes of tho public. Tho dignity nnd mystery of theological dis cussions, onco so awful that angola scarce ly dared to tread tho platform whoro tho discussion was carried on, havo been 10- ducod to n commonplaccness cotnparablo to tho reports of a ward meeting or a filibustering scasion In congress. Tho iniportiiicnt press persists in treat ing overythlng nnd everybody in an ov orydny sort of a way. Even religion ha to undergo tho namo treatment. If thero cssarllr meddling with tho alleged con' troversy botwoon tho archbishops, nnd thnt tho laity of tho church is being stirred up by n contest which ought to havo been confined to1 tho prelates nnd settled by thorn, Dut everything is news, nnd so important a matter no ol leged insubordination iu tho high place of thu Cufcollo church can no raoro bo kept quiet iu theso day than (mid tho outbreak of a volcano ou Manhattan Island, It does indeed detract from tho dignity nnd mystery of eccleslastleism to havo it miarrola reported in tlio pa pers, but it cannot bo helped excopt iu ono way, Lot qunrrol.i ccaso and tho press will quit Its luipemucnco. Wpnng Quid Union, General Hollar nn Ilia TacliU General Duller was hnprdest on tho deck of his yacht, whoro )io clad himself In jaunty flannels, surrounded himself witn pretty gins ami ronowcu ma youtn. If tho truth wero to bo told, ho liked to crulso in well frequented wntotu, whero now and then a crowned ozcurslon steamer would bo mat, Ou such occa sions ho was itcrfectly uuro to bo cheered hrnrtllyi ho Uftcil ubi cap whilo tho cheering wns going on nnd tlien 1ckonod to ouo or tho voinm mines, uuo uuner- stood tho Btgual. nud ot;i'Vl:l3 ft pulled a cord which disolinrgod tho America's btaiostirun. Uooml It was a beautiful no so. Oiiro moro tho crowd on tho cs' cutston steamer cheered, tho general Hftod his cap, tho young Indies smiled, nud tho America sailed exquisitely on hor way. Ittnocont woainifsaes vero inoso or ma old general. If ho had boon u bad man or n really crafty one, ho would probably imvo attained a blKlier tieuroo or power, Ilo souaht his own nurposes, unt not witn that commmuinto tulle, that perfect self seeking, which makea ono utterly forego nreacnt mtrnosoa in nruer to uutntn uiu nmto oiua. ilou who nro a great ueai worso nud moromUchievous than hoover wiw Imvo lii't been abused one-twentloth oa much ns ho. Boston Trnnaeript. SIcimtliiK liy Dualling Ualita. Tho unfiirorablo Impression canned in navy circles abroad uy luo falluro of Hash' lug Incandescent lights to moot all tho requirements of n clear and rapid sys tem ot signaling lias boon greatly moul ded by tlio introduction of a now device. It won formerly fonud thnt flashes could not In mado with thoiiocessary rapidity. owing .u tho fact that light lingers in tnoenrbou. in tlio newjiaali lainps. number of which nro licing supplied to several ungiisii battlesiiita, a spring cov or hides Und reveals the light, being worked by n iloxiblospring by hand, and ouabllug signals of practically uny de gree of rapidity and ut tho utmost dis tinctness to bo sent. Tho lamps nro of nlwut 100-candle power and aro worked at tho masthead by electric wires from tlio deck. From experiments mado with tho nowdevico it appears that tho direct Hashing of high powor incandescent lamps for sig naling purpoKes is likely to bo ovoutually superseded by soma dark cover arrange incut, Exchange, Cremation. , Miss Mary D. Oomyors of Boston has written a pamphlet in favor of crema tion, which tho Massachusetts Cremation society has published. She states that cremation doe uot mean the burning of tho body by lire. Tho coffin Is put Into a small i humber heated tail temperature of 9,000 degrowt. No flomo devours Uio body nothing but tho heated air and until Uio moment of its falling together lu white ashes the body Ilea untouched Mid tho process is ono quick and puro, not the nlaw decay of tho grave, A bankrupt merchant nt Aoodh Mines, N, S has been rteatenesd to two monilts in Jail for having willfully oontraetd a debt without having at ths time a r wtabU xpettloa ofbug aids tflsy It, an. W. BERG, UENKUAL AGENTS AND UltALUUS IN 5 ' WIND DEMING, NEW MEXICO. 0 W. KLAUSMANN, -THECABIHTis- ESTItLISHKD 1883. OuieT CluB RoomS Klausmann & Moore, pitorniETORS. DEMING, - . The Aquarium ! TRACY & HANN1GAN, Proprietory XjIST. IMt'OIlTKD. Vouvo Cliquot Ponsardin, Louis Roodoror, G. H, Munn & Co,, IMpor lloidsoick, Jos. tlonnossoy Brandy, Holland Gin, Duff Gordon Shorry, ALL BEST BRANDS .Of WHISKIES, BRANDIES AND WINES. Domestic & Imported cigars PINE STREET,. DEMING, NEW MEXICO. SANTA FE ROUTE. The Great Trunk. Line NORTH, EAST, AND WEST. Only Lino running Solid Trulns through to Chicago, St. Louis, and Kansas City, From tho South Wost, PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPINO OARS RUN DAILY Prozu all Points to all Points in Texas, Mexico, New Mexico, Arizona and California. S-Si'o Hint your Tlnktits rend "vis llm AlohWnii, Titdiii Siihts. F Ksll. wy." Viu- Infnrmntloii rinrilliijr rnifs, cnitnt'otlntu, tf,, tnll n or sdilreii CrBO. X NIOHOIiSON, G.P&rU. A Topeka, Kangas 0. II. MQItEIIOUBE, D. V. & P. A. l I'ltHo, I'tsxiiH, Or W. H, l'KA'i'T, Local Autit, Demlntf Thompson's .-. Hotel, Opposite tho Dopot, IN THE EUKOPBAN PLAN A. Hi THOMPSON, ritoPKitTPH Cali oii Thompson fbr,Chwp Railroad Tioketi. MILLS, M. P. MOORE. - NEW MEXICO-, ' , ftotiemift Q. F, 0. Taylor, '78 W. II Mclirayor, '80 T. J. Monarch, '80 Taylor Iteimport, '81 Old Popper Ryoj Guconhoinior liyo, All Cordials.