Newspaper Page Text
Wtm-u.. v. . ja ralfltfr ,..v.;. ,'::.;;Af: ,txi per year, LOCAL Ths Xtttl Mutest. tpfW Ml? to tM iMalpc Ort Esrlinj; Co. JitTltiir I Jle). ,. n..,M f.S. . I IWiiuiIii. ihllfllMllMlWim Mnitlfr JftlT9fi ,..,,t(,Mt.....l'' . , I Uul ti.i.i,io,l.,.,t M - f j M4,,(,,i,.,i.i...?9 n.i,i Ifpm " ' MM ........ ... . a, . . . ..0. u r. Sr. lc's cstrocif, .UsadijrSfSoell 19 m. JlM n. hi. Xstii Efts, Kami M .. nil I tt , - t . . . . ift Rtnteri, fftor. Hsuir, M. A. Csub, U iJAUllnt, W. t'lim. Btitlttt it lb JleiiUMlUtctiuttheiehllaliliMli. I'resthloj-, U a, in ( utid p. in. Ussdajr ifhool, IU i'riw Nesting, Vn)nJr f.nliiffy, . Villi ir.jnvllttl. if , I list . II. M. Vtxiox, rlor. 'I li tvuHtuvr Hum iiiiuii ijmii) wurui I some ilttyti punt. cuce tlieiuUiiyif, ? 'Mhd'Domlhg-.Muxtcu rnllrond will be jbulH at once. This li ulllclul. Oborlc Foe, Juiui licctncr mul .Mr Fifes wen elected school directum ut Precluct No. U at Cook's last Moodily, A carload of oru Hum tho FlOF'ilii Mono mines lu old .Mexico punted tliU port tjurjnff tho week' coiulijucd toll. YVormJCr'HL'o. , . oVeral tntlulouds of cntllo wero sljtp jiod from this point during tlio weeK. The rush lu cattle shipments, however, li about over lor the teuton, ,It It beIpvcd by tlio coiiuly audio. 1 let ttiut ilulUet, tho tuuideter ut CoutttiUiu Bchuti, It iildliiit lu thu bo.iiuo uUovu Kt Paso, bitvlug returned I rum ucros tuo Hub. While engaged lu u friendly scuffle SiStlUay J. 11. ilod,tdou was uufortuuutu euuugU to break oue of tlio mini 1 1 bouet of thu lclthaud. 'Ihu member will be useless for bomu wuck. Tho canalgro plum but doted down for tlireo or four weeks lu urdor tuut 51ouu;er Alliuro tnuy piuee sumo new and Improved uiuoiuucry lu pntiuuuuuu enlarge luu tupuuiiy oi tnu wutKt. - Tlio fettival una emeituliimcnt given In tho opera house lint oveuiug by tin- l.adlca Aid bouiuty uf tnu lutuodut cuuruh u8 well uliviideduuU uutuui. pletU kUlClM, liUllU II llvUl UUIU WUk tcallzud. r The election of tououl dlrectort bvlu latt .Mouduy retulted lu tlio nuiecliiu ut L. 11., b. Ji.T('nuieiou una jn, a. liollcb. 'Ibuia wut uu iippoiiUoit. 'lite addltiuual tux iuvv ui uue nun uu luu There it a ruuiur to tiiu eir.-et th.n tin. aulborltlet ut niiHbliigiuu uln vuorto levy uu uddltluuut umvmuuhi ut la pvt ceut Upuu tlio miieliUniueu o thu ne Iiuitt i'lrjll is'utlnmu HauK u( Uouilnit. llucelver Futtur will iivitaer deny ur ui u tlriu tue re put t. t 'llio illgiit Muvuruuu j. 41. Keudrldk, u. v., uuiioji ui now .uexiuo, lutltlwu by tUoKuv. a. K. l.iwu oi itvur utj utid the Incuiubeiii, wui hold terviuo lu Ht. Luko't Uhureu uu Monday l.'iu ut o 1. lu. 'Iballulj liut'hurl.t will be uu mluUtered. All me invited.' Janlc .Martin uml fruuk Tliuruioud have jiurelmted u grbup uf tuiuiuu Olttiuitiu tho 'J rut uermmitin ul.inet from J. l'.Ueutly mid will ut uueo'pio. teed to duvelop uud uperuto thu mine on ait exluimlvo tcuie, 'I liu inluen uro lilgu jjruuo tnver. uo troi, lluriiuinw Uu trlet It rapidly coming to the froui u ono uf thu Uw-tl caiupt In Uruut county Tin mombort of Oelulug l.odgf, liuigiim ui ryuiiuH, are umklug their hi raugementt for tlio eouihig uieetlug uf thu Uraud Jjwle uud competl tlvu Urlll tLHIifeltl lieto lu Kepleniber. Thervil, cohbiiierauio talk nf nuitmmliiu tiiL. tneetlug until tho time or the Irrigation convention lu Novomtier. The llreuicu't uau tu ua given u the opera inane Frluuy evening, Juuo lUtli, it certalu tu bo a greut tuccet. A lutge uumhar uf it itit li UVII lli.llll Mill. I III. ,1 i rea'dy iiiulthe huhlufm men bnvv betuf tiioit liberal In their puttuuage. 'I ho ball It given for the piirpute'u.r eulirug fundi lor the purtliute nf nkulliible lire 'I'bo Ueiulug orolientra will furii fah tho muHlo uti.i rofretbmcnU will be served lu tlio' ball. Nnthlng will be omitted willed will add tu the pleuture ami enjoyment uf the uooatlun. The atteiidanee at the linio ball niijC lait Buuduy demuuttruted that great In tercut It ttlll uikvit 111 ilio nulloiiul gituie horc. The IIiuiimuiIt It Informed that the itionibert uf thu older nine an get I ting mutton) lu tbupu for tuiuo giitiiet l nun are practicing dally, 'I ho ,'lrat game 'Wlll llkuly bo pluyed Willi hllver III), mi , . -i. ... . . - i . P mere it euoiigu intercut iiiKen tu lliu ipnrt here to luturo tullldrut llnuiiolal tupport of a guod nine mid llif n- It prut Jjeot that one will bo organized eio imjny it. P. Ilarnet, iitip, tpeclal matter lu tibancery, commenced taking tettlnmuy In the iimftrr nf tho Hen claim of 1. J. Hhll and oljiert ugnlutt the Aiiiorloau Oliver a lM(i Mliilnu L'omnanv liiki immm T ilt It the tu ner' iilulin uf Hen for work done ou tho Burprlte mine una umolinlt tt tomolhlug over f8XX). Tlt lieu will unuticitlonubly bo fuitbiln til. Mr. Ilarnet ulmi took ttitluu'iiy In uj lieu tult of Max lleymanu & Co. ju t f!i"k Mie Burprlte mlno for tnaterlalt . jpTbera bate been ludloatlout of rain ... 9 J- . . rtr tonte dayt imt, but tlo expected bat thtiS fur fHtieti tn nintdrliillz,., ltulii full Mttook't lek aud teveral toher placet i u joif intmcuiato vicinity tveducsday TXtKlli UIT0K' ItfiiirPatttAbeit tkt A9 liiliflM tBb HiltU 0 trtt efcrjaltWtta luj tMitt It Vallty. :A Jf4pMt4 rfi Mat tu Bomlne. nmr it wtttr aaa ttf y T mptH of traAttJit Tho Jrrfatton nytteni belnRc6ti(ruct' rd by tho Itlo Mlmbrei Irrigation from pauy lt.(li Mlrnbre valley 1 of larger pniportJont and of greatef tcpeflt Jo thu lection than li generally Itiutglnea. Th promoter nf the enternrltt ars. ' bht ezpetlmenttng! they are expending their money with the Intention nf making the lyitem n luccett and operation have al ready advanced tulTlclently to demon ttrats that their expectations are to be rtalUed. Tdo irrigation tyttem It tiothlog mora or lett than a tubmerged dam ly xiilfch the tindorllow of tho Mlmbrea river It controlled aud ttopped and ttienco till Hied for Irrigation piirpotet. Tho nib uforgtd dam It being nonutructed by digging an Immento dlttilt Axtendtug from tho King to tho Howlett nmche id length mid to bed rook In doptb, o, dlttonco of about duo Utile. ' The greater portion of title work has already bi'ou cniiinletud, mid nil that romaliit It to build tho dam ttructilre. For n dlt Uuce nf mmcttilng llko four hiiuilred feet, however, tho bed root? It mticli deeper I"1" 'w" originally mpposcdiBiwl auuijlonai work Is tuna, reudtrcd uccet tary. ThU aVetngo depth uf the bed rock it about 13 feet, but In tho four hundred feet mentioned It about thirty fKa feet. Aa oodii n the bed rock i trachea and uncovered, tho work o( Tiulldlngn clay and rock dam will be commenced. ThU dum will extend to the turfiice and will bo covered with lab rock lu urdor to timlto the structure Vven-lnoro tecuro. Ily menni uf the dnm tho water It te cured mid nil that remains It to convey It by mean nf two laterals initio ttnnige retervolr about one mile below the illteii operation and from that point distribute It over the ground to bo Irrigated. A turf ace view of the operation U at fol lows: A. Ildultlt't lUotb,' Klnj't Hindi. Dlicli on J Uam. II. it. a Thoro Is no doubt as to tho supply of water, ureal dlflleulty has been experi enced for sumo week past by the wa ter ruHlitng.liitn tho dltuli In such quant ity as to It. Tfero with tho work. This has been parti) remedied by constructing the ditch lu sections of ono hundred feut i'acli uud coullulug the water to separate portions r the ditch, but even this hat fulled to handle the water and a large 4tenm pump I kept buny night and day t. i. '? . . .. iiircing iiiciTiuer irinii tvuuoii to teoiiou in order to permit the mi'K to dig. Tho twn large lateral alto carry away a con- uhlerulilij portion nf thu water. When the dam It constructed the entire water supply uf the .Ml in lire will be rarrled Into the stonige reervnr aud will Irrl gatu from D.OuO to lO.OOO acret. Till tyttem It by no menus the only project contemplated by this company. It It merely a question of it short While until construction will be beulin on the lnri!t lintel ni llnilmiii Hnrlnim nnil Hml - i o .Miiivernliiii uf that section fnlO u bvuutl rul summer resort. It Is ludleved that this wurk will b completed by next -prlng. Tht; company Is alto contemplating an vuterprite of Immediate Incut Interest--, the construction of it pipe lino from the utorugo reservlor to t'Jemmg. This would be dune fur the purpose of sup plying tue raiiroau companies nun oilier irgo ctiuuiliiert with water. Tlio ills- lien In an air line Is less than fifteen pifles. No dellnlto plans havo ns'yel beeilturriiuued coueerulug tilts project but ifi'o nlllcers of the company am now llgtirlnjf .on the oust ami will announce their determination lu tho course uf n few weeks. It Is alto extremely lirohn- lile that uftiy tile completion of tho pre sent system, another large storage reter- vlor will Im coiittrueted tt short distance lielbw ife ohe How In use. This Is be lutt brought about by the fact that the supply of water Is so large that (herd Is every Indication that additional stontiro capacity will ltve to be provided. It Is simply Impossible lu n short des cription tu convey u clear hint of the (ip. eratIous ai thollmbrcs. To an Intelli gent unserver,-howevon It certain!? seems pluijtlhle itml Indeed extremely probable that wKhln a few years the lliu Mlmbres Irrigation ('ninimuy Is going to solve the question of water supply for uraui couuiy. to. 0, OAUiCT KILLED While TtoiDdloj H p Ostllt la Old Vtslct It's ltd 1 L'rttthJ Il.m It Dcsilii Uont a nmbi In ermm, otd'l Co'loobiie Word was received hero yesterday nf ter noon that Will U. Ilalley, sou of A. O. Ilalley, mid well knnwo lu this vicinity, had been almost Imtautly killed while rnuiidliig up cuttle In tho IJoea flraude country In old Mcxlaf Thursday ttlteninort. A steer had loft Hie licrd'atid started aatoM country. Ilalley took af ter It uud while riding fatt hi horse stumbled And fell fiiton the urnitnt( niau. When his nompa"ufont ram (n his assistance, he was dead, tho lire being Jlieruliy crustied out. Tho roumlns were brought lulu Columbus yesterday morn lug uud interment will bo mado this morning. Deceased was aged about 83 years) A wlfo and cMd ;trvlrpf blin, At preseut;' ttiey nro nusoui ou a Tlltt 10 tciativcs lu Cai4s, k n.n. Vf1ilnuk Cfi'tfn fiiiriiJ IU eitlttttt 8bb4 it a i.elUt. Oftll;!yg rJuig,ii .),, j,, Tt, illLl! ,llt',ll,l l'k of Doming com plejet tbo first year of Its oxtitenco to i ?lhn !t ' ""icmbered that the Institution commenced builnrtt, atlmo when there was tnch ttroug ft illna of dlttriiil. the result or the ycsr't wnrk'fs f mlneiijly satlifactory and gratifying to in director, who inVe jtii? completed their rennrU to tho stockholder Fol lowing Is a condensed statement" from their report as taken from an examina tion of the attain of the bank at cloto of burlnet on June 6th 1803, rntnt tail itlicenatt lUlPUfUl, I! H. llnmla IMI5I.M m,v))ui rainliars,rt.I ITiitnrf i I on htnd iinit In litnkt tnblcct la drift tsxiii ir..r..ji ;t-. ..... . .. pa i.e I M"f. w.,, will! ,11 II n rrept U, Ttxet rj m, t.fabUltfa !plttl tlerk plt III Untltviilftl ttronm OlrrnUllfl'i . ISlAVM lonoooo WVJrt T7 ll'i'JJIU nouo.rr " , , UISSOM The loans and discounts have been ex-m-ifned mid listed by tho ilUcount com mute? consisting of John forhett, J. i, ityruif aud'Jas. A. l.ockhart nod all the loans nimbi by thu Imnic ,nvo been patted (ipoli by this committee! The amount ifOSI.M.OO as iiu.wii in rtbnve statement consists of HI utetwhli-h be ldo thu collateral seeurlilpH, nrr en diirsb'dby 1311 Olhijf person, which with the- mukers of tho notes plur-es a total of H7I-pers.uu llubln to tho hank tor money imrrnwi-d. This Is nu average of less than 9300 to each one, -. The examining committee, Bcnmnn Field mid J. I', ltvron. have ntfitto nnrl- odlca! examinations of the books mid no coutitsam! counted the cash tnaktiig their latt examination no June 8th I TO. which rovers and Includes this stale ment. They report t'io nffalrs of tho bank In most excellent cumlliloii. Tho mitl.ngemeut of the hunk Is most conservative yet liberal to Its patronti and coming as It did when so much money of the mprolinnui aud citizens of this place was tied up by tho failure of the old bank It has been nf Incalculable value tu this town. The of the community Is evinced by tho depo sits nmounllnir tn $70!)iX) 77. Tlio show ing Imperially gratifying lit the hoard of director whii lutve endeavored consel enllmnly to look after Hip affairs of this bank as Intended by tho National llauk lilg law. LAST BUttDAYB CAV.E. Tat Headlight's VtvT Reporter Telle How Doming Vsi Wonted in Uit Sunday's Csatsit- Lait Sunday tho Mountain Lloils of Silver City uud the I'rulrlo Tigers uf Dent ing met In tho uroiu for tho second tlmo mul the scoro at tho end of tho game showed that our Hag wasn't there. Tho swut, swut or thu bat against tho sphere came with tho regularity of clock work Two buggers triples aud four timers wero frequent. The fan wero out In force rootlug for all they wero worth, but rooting was of no nvall agalust bato lilts, aud tlio Mountain Linns at tho close of the game curled their tails over their b ioks aud bounded gleefully away. It was hard to tell what won the game I'lrora' volcu or Flores' plilslognomy. Fliers' coaching t arries ono back to tho palmy days of Dan hose, while Flores face, well it looks betior behind the mask. Comlskey wept tears of woe when tho Lions commenced to pound Itnltliel't pretzels nil over tho lot, but furly howled with delight when the score was tied In tlio sixth Inning. Lnckhartwiianrtitup, llraham uuklnked himself and shot tho bull lu. Thnru was a loud report, a shower of sparks, nud Lockhurt Inst himself In a cloud or dust. When the .moltn cleared away George was resting on second. Cap. followed nud slummed tho tint ono of llraham' 'corkscrews for a bagger, but foolltb coaching killed him lit limine. Floret' oatulilng mid Adair' short stop work were the features of tho game, llodg don, ICelth nu I Nullum put up a SUIT game, whllo Loiikhnrt nud i.'omltkey did tho batting for the home nine, Itnsc't umpiring gavo complcto tatlt faciloti. lleliiw Itthe score by Innings, 12U4B0780 Tidal. s,Clty,l a 0 0 1 0 1 4 4-20 Dom'g.a 0 3 t 1 0 1 0 0 IS Death of Frederick Fetter. Froderlclt Foster, the beloved son nf Mr. ami .Mrs. .1. W. Foster) tleimrled this life Tuesday evening after an illness of less than twenty-four hour.' The decenecd had not been well for uenrly two years aud some mouth ngo went to i'luunlx, Arizona. He returned to Demlng Inst Friday, tfjiparently great ly improved In health and Immediately made arrangements for a mining trip In to old Mexico, Kurly Tuesday morning, lie wus taken seriously 111 uud dciplte overy effort on the part or physician uud friends died tho tame evening shortly after llvo o'clock, 'I ho lilunodl utn cause of druth wasluflauiatlon of tho kldneya. . Frederick Foster wns fig"d. twenty three year and six pmnlliK. llo. wnsa member or Demlng lodge J'q. 0 ICulghts or (ytliias. Jle was n joiinmn or generous disposition nud (jjio nttnln monli, to whom tho future jvnl full of promise. Tho fuueral toiik: rj!a from tho resldenco of tho parents ,.oOvcr nvt'iiiie Wednesday tU'rnbonpt four o'dlock bud tho remain wcfo-'followed to tiiiiirTesting piaeo ny riargo con- collrlo of friends aud relatives The ludgo attended tu a body. There have been several 'climfge Ui tuo management of tho tit-rot hotel at this polut within tho Inst fcV (lay. .Miitmcf r i.ubk lias lorwarueti hi resig nation ami will permaneptly retire from the Harvey service, etileflilg Ihtu busl nets for Himself. Cashier William ha aUu resigned and leaves tr.dy for Chl oupo'. Uoth these aentlemcu have hrn fit Demlng for several hioudii mid lulvo won host of friend, by Utir courtesy and fair treatment, 'ilielr thecessor liar uot a yet bteli nppolhtcd. Wo wish to rettiru our sincere nntf lieartfrlt tlmuki to these who si khidiy ...I l-li. A-..I,. n, T i"ivm in uur iit1ttrHuuie i aoy may relt osiured tbf tUlrdftess will evor bo remembrrVo7sad"ppreeuted. l8. tot) J. Y, FotTKR. igwrwo'iiswiiiiaBri u&M lii'ffltt.pnv sraai on nun turn. Will IJS nlf nwd ui iTtortt our cnslomnr ot our new ttaml ami mm pleasure lit phowltig you tho nnrst lltib of drugs, tollst ami fancy nrtlolcs ever brought to jtw wcxico, J. P. Ilyrui, ' tCMptsrsl good. Just the t'afrig dfl0 ulcrnad oullnasat ' H mUift mmiH nfrlU MVt lit itlitxilleyitihiin C'o'sl IfaVe yob ernili floe display of I'al nier's perfume and soap just recslvcd at Uyron' new foto? IMUliriMH. Wti lmvo tlioni In Kt-ont vrly t tiiotlorntti pt lo c4 Max Hoynuum & Co tVcT have jtut received a fresh stock of canned '6rKid.and In facta fn-sh line of everything. F.r.tsiiUAM & IIkaij Vu, Tlio!iBuUoit1'fotJupcrlorJobworkl Acntiiplfeto'lliTof . Trtliln fdnoii. Snnldti. Towolfl fit olltX 1101111111111 & (,'O'H, Apricots, ple-)lant, beans, peas, ber rles.nnrange, lemon anil all varieties of freiili fruit M salont Kidder's. t,aWi, flonfntt to into holt tit our Bargain TrtWeW o are -itU inn MeOrnm Oorit M r, c.' a taUi (formtrlji 10 ct. ft bull.) Hitching n c. a ji'l, formmy 510 cf. a yl. Ann 'Iff Ulov e 1(1 ct. a yair. (form e rty '2R.cU. a pahu). MibbdtlA cti, ( yd. tformcrlii m, a yd.) 11 IIF,l,.,.n .r !..! FlreworltsVor tl4 uilllffiiV rfttit bunllnj enough to-drnpe thu World's Fair, for the ever Ulortotls at Hymn's. A liitiijlHOiiiq tllspln.v of, rjiulln UlOtlHO WitlHtS tt' IloyH niiniHN at Mux Iluyinniiii & Co'h. Klnnear's (HvcSrlH' io tho finest preinrnttou for Clianied Hands. Chafed nud Healed Bklo. Itemnves Tan and Freckle, Sold cxclislvely by tho lllltu I'harinttfy. XV li t'ltrry n complnro Una of R)llllir IllU'nlllC III Dl-CNH (TOOltH friini tlioolioiliiwt td tlitiMu iiuulo of tlio tlnoMt nilirloM. Alitx Iluyiitatlii & Co, Over twenty llvo Quick Menl I'nsollne stoves hilvo bcee sob by J. A. Mahoney lu Demlng and vl -laity this spring. This fact requires tu r.unmsnt. lieltM tn nil stytu, IncUuUng Gpll. Silver ami Silk al 0. Wormscr tO Oi'e AV'o liattilln cvorylltlntr In ilio woi:t lilr niitlnrol ilno tor iiioii, womoti anil clilltlrnii. Dtmlinu- liii'truly In t li In t'.liiHKOf uoimIh wo uro uiiiiiiion to son tlioni hi. iiiio os Mint, will ooinpitrt) t'nviiialily with thoHU ol'uiiy Iioumu In tlio comitry, Mux Heyiimntl & Co. Kidder receives fresh fruit dally, (lovemment Standard Pure Alcohol, for chemical mid medicinal use, at tf Tlio Aquarium. XVo IiuvoJiihI rccrslml n litro vitrioiv oi frciioii NittcoiiH nun Hut I ii UIoi-Iiih u'lilcli hIiow ninny iiiiprovoinoiita n uoNliriiH ovot M-0Vl0llH HOIiHOIIH. Wl) 1IM!0 tlioni on Nitio lii tlroMN lonytliH. iriuyouc imitorn caon, (it lis lU-ynianu V; C'o. Clark it Ciii toll lilii-nn for null nilit defy competltlOit. J. A. Muhonev has received n second consignment rnr Hits spring or tho cele brated Quick Meal (lasollue stoves. They iiic milium bii i n-j (nr. Nowloniinnro nrrlvlnir ilnlly nt mux ilcyiiiuiiii AiCo'H. Fresh lirati Jilst received from Pifujnjx, Arizona, for sale by Ulark is Co, For I tout. ne uuienii House, corner nf ailver avenue mm apruce street, lately eet, luli'ly ticcu- pieu uy .ii rs. reitey, mltesi Apply on tlio fine; rnrnsoi rinn umureuqs tn large Tt... -it ... S variety antt at laic prices at U. W ormnenv lo'., Till! IIMUll'ltlllniiiVn . tlioilllilltllliil wiirrmildih rjiwlli.ii lllllirCHHI'l Ull UlllVOH with (inllM mill llorilit Outittiiii4. nuiiiuiiiiitu uiiiiriiir now iil ... 1 lil.ii. - Max lloylitmiu A: Co'h. I- rcsll Clfirs ulwavs for title lie C'lnrlt IW V.U. . - - Dr. A. II. Whltirter. I), tl H . nt V. 1'llSOi will be lit DlMIllllL-nil .limn till!. mpl renmln two- nr.thrjig day. Olllco as usual in imnK innmiiig. t it . . n. a. iioiinu mis just received a band some line or Itussln cnlf. llixllt - colored Hen! bluchers, These ro tho nittlest Biiuimer slioes.ever liniught liitn Demlng, in ii ini inrennir wii u .rnniii ta e. Those whtf wish to Invest, bail belter mil earlv. no moro win ua luiuuimi iiuniir the preseut season, ( Thirty cent cash pald for ranch egg by Clark A Co'. . .. ICIunear's fAlliuh-erun icttres- (fniiL-lii r,..l.l.. ... . '-' .Til . . 1 i iiiiik, t.ruiii, nnre inrih'W. liparsOIICM. iirpiiemtis nun Asthma, solit only at the ijiiiu i iiatiuuur. rr Bat. One Kiantl SffimFe tllsfirf? Leader Sew Inr . whine, Chltfpiinlre!, arid ol hr trtioies at M, u. Weaver Lodging Kimse, silver avenue Fine creamerv. butter for mis ohean Tho Sht!t V New Mexican has tho M lowing of Interest to Demlng: Quite nu Impetus in luliilug circlet at Doinlun has been made bv nTarire Inn) v or Iron ore, cnrrylifg gold, illver and mpper, having been made recently lu he Florida mountains, fifteen miles smith or that i lly. Tho oru Is mostly (.lull grade In tho metals combined, mid representative or 1'ullrnrnla capllallsts nave vis eu t lie seetio or t iu sir i e. riio olsco-'erefl ur the mine are nnrkluit It, and, viit soon hato samjilodiil thd tmolllurt (en cnrlnailS xtork at F.I t,Ut nMelter remalnj: uncalled for lu Demlnir N M olllco for week ending June 10, 18011. Arrleta ltoufasln illlteirar Maria Jhsu liarron Francisco (21 Ifarper Avo 1,6 Hoy Alberto (Jonsale Miguel Jose Homau Hsreiuei Smith Unlit J. P. Uyron, l'M. toeT-ra3t Monday afternoon between' tlieresldfiuca 6t F. ' ijndee aud the pnttofllce, si breastpin cnntlstlug 6f three f2.n0 !ilii'eii.sw It h meniffriin on tinder sld or C'acli. The finder will bs ulta i oiy rcwaronj oy rsturuine tne same v) 1 - Furnitur CHAMBER P arloi: Sults Engravings, . . ..Office DesH Baby a.rvlkge, Window Curtains, 'Chromos, td, v'' i , . . Metalii) MeW, Undertakers1 Goods," etc,, General Apjehts Giarit Fo-vVct!4 Co, Califoriiia Oripl iWoe Agents for this celebrated Hartfon t0 C3 0 y ffl 4 0 Owners of t n . - t ' i u !'J " Gi m J fed I a 53i - hi 1 I. MM '4 -H I I 3 In $ & Qj p u g 0 -i p t-i tMiw niWMiiefiilii laiiiMniinieiVikiiiiiiniiewi O S () 1 ! tJ.K.Uv . 1 rs' ocnae.'! tl K Li) Sxssa or g 1 n. BUSINE Low PricSj Easy Tho tibovij CJoiripriny dusiroS to cull tiiu AttonMon oL thono euulcing itdmoa inpi Southwest, to tlio fitot that m butter opdl-timlty can bo found than in Deming, Grant Co., Hew MexidO. or lor proauctlOhi lit tli 1611, DKH1NQ OHAlLBNGES OOMVAUISQK, A 1 JZ pp "13 JLZP IjU .ETJ WHOLESALE AMD ftfifAlL DEALEft CarpotsPUiihoisTery,Wall Paper WVrrfcATTKHtlOM TUFRKtK irKOtAtlTfM Qt QHTWe in AsH, Imitation UUi UUIISJ Sideboards,, . Looking Glassdsj'' Rattan Gpodsf, Oaps, Bost Brands o Hard Grpfledos.OflDER BY KAIL Fiiiar jJ.ntoKAt, Elite demino, Jr. jr. v 1 , i i i, . i -i DRUGS AND DRUGGIST'S SUNDRIES. IlOOtfS AU Sl'ATtOKfellVi Perfumeries and Toilet Requisites... Wo have on baud a A Full stoek of Cigars, and tobaees OF Tilfe OIIOICUST IlRANDSi AS ALSO ALL SMOKER'S ARTICLES. A OllEAT TOYS and JfJpruta dispensed aud Fiescilptlont occuralcly rompmindcd. ' " i.ouia Ar,TslAlf CALL AT J4. At Quick MealBa IiT ACTIVI3 ENT C the Deming Tof n SS AND RESIDENCE B, Y,. McKkyes, 3 mingi "Kvtim .fJ Ka f;,i,4.c y, I " Antique Oak and Walnut, . Mr ardrobes",- constantly on: land, Fttefo AWys oh Haridi HECElYE.FROilPT ATTEKTlOlt. ' bank duildikq. VAKIE'ITT OF NOTIONS ! STORE) For (ull parilotlla DQncjrniiid HiJ CELEBRATE!) OlaATfON, n-jiMirwljiliiVin-nii-i-'ndiliiimiti--n'lif i ex co 4 1erms. tf. . AGENT!- ' A ... . - Pharmacv. hardware LOT it. r. F. ludje, Sams Fo rrdtastttr