Newspaper Page Text
'If " ' ' ; it I", r"' ' :rr .'V St,. V-.' t rr A' Ji- - - a ...... , LsBBnEP9sSsVB9LsBBsYP JhJJgfcMMaAJpaMpMMMfci TBjPPjlMlWSW . vmti BATUlWAYitftRfnaJ. 189, LJ ? SB' t. year. " , r(jb!!il WMkljr on HstfVnUy. Ci'ff U (a ill ii.)Or iimpWtthil Uil .ill. I.M ". s,""",;,,:,,;:"!:::"ij3J . ,iih,...ww.iii w Sr. LK'f Cscswi; iaiUfteasli 10. m. fcstlnit lU.m, ' Ktte; Bant) I'M p. ta. lUCtOBjltBT, W. K. Lloto. , Ijgr Itaiihrf, l'Mr. Hstsr, M A. OanUb, 0, B. ALumi, Wm. I'BAtt. Birtltn rt (htUtUioOUtehbrthrich Bubbulh. Hnndty tcliool, lOa.M. rjjrr mttlrir, WtdnM src nlngs. Ton tr Inviuii. llir. II.M.Ti)(o,rlor. Th foiuunt drat AVtAriWirthI'r'lt'l"il -Th ceruuut lain of Twar MUct ll tonglittt bone. T)i eonmUnt cornlnjlom , ', iLj n Ariil tin coorUril ! 111. on who .jwrrtts Off Jp" niumiti mua co(uni4inir - - Quito warm trcMhcr these lnyl. Plenty of frutt In inarkot these dnyi. A post ofDco lis beau oatrtbltohad at t'ambray on the S. P. Tho glorlout Fourth UJihlly ui- Tltft Bnntft Fo ofilclals a,t this point -shave lloMoincd forth In bandtoma niAv ' capi. , 1 TfAdlo from the tveit It eicoptldnally heavy thoio dnyi, Tberoiuontbcrtof enu be aicrlboil to tho Worlil'a Fair. Don't fall to attend tho meeting for tho .' purpose of selecting delegates' to tho liver conveutlun this oreulng. The homo of 8. K. Ulnke was mndo Imppy Jtonday morning by tho arrival of a lino, luity boy. Mother and boy do Ilig itlcoly. A report la current that an Imntcimo cayu baa boon found In tho Florida mduntiifns by some inlueM. Dlllftdnt luijulry fallt to locate tho wonder. t'lark & Co., It. II. Kidder nnd J. A. Mahnucy haro hoiho now ntul lutoreitlng nnnbuiicomonta lu the loent outumn tlili k. It U worth tho renders timo to I.orora of that delicious osculant, ear ly iprlug onions, will bo Interested lu learning that tho dlsnitrvcablo odor left ilptni tho breath run bo wholly romoved by thorotlghjy ilusltig tho mouth with OUi-etrojig colfco. A citizens meeting Is called tri crime togpthcr at tho olllco of 8. M. Ashonfol y tcr this ovculug nt 8 o'clock tiisulectdulo " gates to ropretcnt Domlug at tho com ' lug silver convoifllon to bo bold at 811 vor City, July 4th and Oth. A large at- tcudaticu Is desired. A now tlmo tablo goes Into offect on the Santa Fo to-morrow. 'Die local pas ' ibnger tmlns aro not aili'ctutl by ibo cuaugo. Tho train from Sliver City will continue to arrive nt 11.23 and do- part nt 11.40 while tho wostnard train comes lu At 12.10 nnd leaves at J. 10. A. Mahoney has demonstrated on Jits ranch to tho south of Ud city what can lm done in this eoll with plenty water. Within the past fow days ho has tint ipilto a qiiautlly of alfalfa nnd oats . falsoU on n llmltod space, with comparn-- tlvoly no attention or trouble Wnter -nlono did It. ty'"' ' Col, .lainr-s A. Iiokliart, accompanied ' " . Iiy bis attorneys, Judgo John I), llnll riu mid ti. M. Asheufclteri left Thursday for Httnia r o to nttrnd ttio lionrlng lu Iho inaudatuus suit brought by tho Territory tho alleged Illegal Yn'oncya collected n on taxes while Col. " Jjockhart was sherlll of this county. .'I he bearing Is set for today. The canalgro plant vITt rcatinto nctlve - (iporatlons on tho first of July with bet fir facilities and enlarged Capacity. Ex liorlmcnti bare been made during the pijHt few tvetiks to tost tho tanning qual ities of the acid extract ami It has been : "'demonstrated lieyrtnd a doubt that tho txtract Is bettor and cheaper than tiny bthor known tanning agent. A ropnrt tvas circulated on thtf streets Mi Sunday that a cave containing one l6tidrcd sHolotons of human beluga, mora or less, had been discovered lu tho Florida mountains A party was nt once organized to visit the scene but an after iloou'ii search falledtir II ml tho cave qr itie skeletons, although It Is said sonio of tho spirits were discovered. It, J. Kerr received tho sad liilelllgenco ' ' 'llat bis father, A. J. Kerr, had died fud 1 t MotllyBunday ovenlng at hi boma lu Woodstock, Ontario, Tho blow was . dohbly hatd from tho fact that Mr. ' Kcrr'H mother had passed away only a fow days previous, Mr. Korr loft for his ' former homo on Thursday's train, but Cannot reach thorn in time to attend the fuuoral, ''t ' ' Omif AtVs TrosWu. tho Santa Fo New Mexican of the SisC , fiitl. contained the fnlKfttliYg Jnforma f ion concerning Qrundy Akf (iio former , filgUt watchman,' who got himself In . troutile at Cook'a Peak, oyng to bis In liutnan cruelty to hl wlfo and clilldroai . Ute Monday ft6rnoon sliorlfl! Loir ruau rccelvedi Information' tikt one Urqgily Ake, d Qrnnt county, wrtiited on tho cliarge of beating his child ftfUeotli, wa In the vicinity 6f JM Crucco and httomptlng tu escape Into TexaiL A fcosif, headed by deputy sherlll Wr Iiltmai). was tent tu nrrest the bruto.tini iwuir o lUllllllIK "Kilt, UUrillff WU Oil rLu m. ...... I .. u tt ... ...... ..... Itr Htinibo? of abuts were flril, Akcj Mounted tm a tleet-fookd horse, be UK tnadft. . . - " ? . . . . A 8rrl AieVMai et tki iiiililttiteti itwa id daviVatatet liMri 'd Kttsls at tbi tows ef Baat Until in OldMeilw OvtrtOOMinKllltd Wim oasd Oblldrll,ahttrrit by li Vf4 teilons Tiocfc. th T4wa Wl Oat of Kxliteun. A Sattl Toht Within 400 Milts otThls rl, th DUlli er Whlb l(vs nur natbr4 tht. OattM World. A few ivetks ilileo ihi HBAni,tor published an account of rerjent battla at Uauta Tolnks Id old Mailed between th Kovernmeht troops ami rebel forces composed chiefly of Tomochlnh Indians, which resulted lu great loss of llfei xnd also created great discontent among the masses, Tho rfcpbrt of the battlo was te celved with Incredulity by many pef sons, tho fact that aucb an aJalr could occur within a few hundred miles of tho border and no facts or dotalls reach tho outsldo world seeming beyond nil rea son In this ago of newspapers nnd rapid transmission of iiotrsi This weolc tho HrMM.ttiitT Is not only permlttod to sub stnntlatn every statement concohilng tho battle', but I enabled to publish the story of an cyo witness to tho terrible slaught er ' lor somo weeka previous to tho fi2nd day of April, rumors wero current along tho border that (hero was great discon tent among tho Temochlans and other fiillglous fanatics In tho state of Chihua hua owing to tho efforts of tho govern ment to suppress their demonstrations and forbid tholr Worship. Tho oxclto jrient finally ran so high that the To- mocuiaus and tueir sympalliltors nbatt- donded their homes and took up tholr residence In tho mountains In tho west ern portion of tho state. Here they wfcro Joined by deserters and criminals and Increased In numbers so rapidly that tho officials at tho City of Mexico determined to exterminate Iho robela, as tboy woro nt onco termed. In thy mean time tho Insurrectionist bad secured arms and unltod under tho leadership of ono Armnlla, formerly a resident of l'l- no,Altos In this county. Troops to tho numbor of 600 wero tlitn sent to tho front. Tho robots arrived at tho town of HantaTomas on the !!2nd of April hut nt onco entered tho town, which Is esti mated to hnvo had a population of about 2,000 InhabtlauUi Tho story of what followed I best told by a Mexican refugee, a former resldout of Snuta Toman, who arrived In this city wltuln the past week, hnv Iiir cleaned from the doomed town a fow hours pro- vtdUs to tho battle. At htn earnest re quest, his name Is withhold, summary punishment bolng fvarcd should he over bo compollcd to cross tho border. Tho rufugeo Is accompanied by hla ontlro family, composed of his wife end throo children, At the tlmo of tho battle, the momburs of tho family beenma separat ed In the mountains and nearly a week elapsed before they could bo gotten to gether! the children, In tho meantime, Buffering much for food and water. Tho .Mexican was agisted tu this point by U resident of Demlng, who tonrued of hi plight whllo on a builueis trip Into Mex ico, nnd who says that there are numer ous refugees In tho mountains nenr tho former vita of tho tort ti. According to tho story of the unfortu nate, oarly on tho morning of thu 2ud of April, Armnlla and hla followers on to red nnd took pojscmlou nf tho town, without resIslaucK, dosplto tho fact that tho residents were not especially lu aym pathy with tho rebols. At tho aamo time, tho groatcr number of tho Inhabl tauts, In fact all (Kg1 JfafH nliui- doned their homes nnd main- their families, and took refuge lu the mountains. Tho rebols did not stop to plunder but at once prepared to meet tho troops who enmo In sight about dusk. Tho robcls took their position m a plain n fow hliuilred yard from tho town. Tholr flchtluir men numbered it fow over ono hundred. At daybreak tho next day tho battlo began nud raged with slight Intermissions for eleven days, tho rebels being vupplled with food (.ml wntvr by thtilr confederates In tlit town. The government trbops wero badly directed and placed lu a position whoro they woro exposed tu tho lira of tho eutfii At lh conclusion off the olorcnday'a light, thu rebels withdrew Into the town, which was at onco assaulted and captured by tho troops, tho enemy t s caplng Jutetho mountains and saparat lug. 'iho victors at once proceeded to slaughter tho women nnd oblldron I (J ft In tho towu with no means of canine, after they had compollcd them to bum tho dead loft on the field of battlo. It Is thought that ovnf ono hundred wo men nud Children woro thus inunlrrnil. Tho buildings were sacked add tlrou lovollud tu tho ground, At tho conclu sion of their diabolical deeds, tho bodies of women and children wero gathered together, placed lu n heap and cremated. 'Iho refugee describes the slaughter of the troops as something torrlble. Of tho BOO men, only 000 auivlved to parti cipate fn the capturo of thrown, The robots lost half their number, or 00 men. Many prominent ofllcers wero killed lit the eugagemont. Armalla, tho leader of tho robots, was slain whllo exhorting his men to follow him auddrivo tho solrlloni from the plateau. Ills inon, knowing that certain death awaited those who forced their way Into iiio mldstfof tho troop! refused to accofffpany him. Ar malia (r6fJ slashed his horse anil rodrj to tlifl tidfahco line, whoro ho fell plerctfd by bullets. Ills death apparent ly disheartened tho rebels and tho re treat was at once made. After tha destruction of tho town and tho slaughter of the Inhabitants the aeldlers v'tro ft-enfoVced bv trooni fron the city of Chlliuah'UK nnd n anarch wS at otlce begun tbl tho rebels who e-' caped lilto tha tnountBlni, Homo fow wore Mind and shot without trial. Or dr kie been Issued for the leva! au UtfitttfM fit all tliil towns' In that portion oi iii e KPpuuiio to exert ttiry in8hs to cupttrto tho refuge es, and to nrmed wen hav0 been gotten together at Alen elon add Cnm Grande, nnd are now conductirfg tho search In that ectltin. Many suspects havo been arrssted atltl thrown Into prison for trial. Tlih slaughter Of tha rebels and Inhabitants Of Banta Ttmas havo aroused nn lntonsot feeling ngaliut tho floYofninsnt among tho matsss In tha ff estern portion of iho itato(and the authorities are very watch ful to prevtnt another outbreak, There luto doubt that the Msxlcans on this tiw ofitho line aro reudorlng r;lstauco to their friends who are biding la tha mountains, but thero Is small llktilbtod tbatrvaother armed movement will bo attArapted. Tba residents of fisnta TemM nro locating In other towns ntid taking up thtlr usual occupations. tiauta Tomas was located about 18 miles west of Otierfferroj In tho stato of Chihuahua and about 010 mllrs to tho southwest of this point, Previous to tho 22nd of Aprllj It was A pfospor- oun town, 11 InhabEtabts making tllslr living by agricultural and similar plir' suits. Tho people of the town wore" wholely Irrosponslblo for tho disaster which overtook them, tho rebels enter lug the plnco unexpectedly and prosum ably for the purposo of purchasing pro visions! l'roporty to tho vnluo of over 1100,000 was destroyed. 'Jhostrangotmrtof the. affair Is that the govorntnent ha practically succeed ed In suppressing nit prM re' ports of tho lirttlldi For a fow days the correspondents III tho City of Chihua hua sent out accounts of anticipated trouble, but tho tyranny of tho gov'c'rn ment wm exerted and tho outsldo World has never learned of a battlo, which, had It occurred on tho deserts of Africa would hnvo filled columns of tho metro politan nowspapors. Tb total number killed was over 000. LATrjn. A party of throo residents of Dtimtiig who camo up from old Mexico yestoriby nlid conflrn! thb report of tho nattio as published almvoi They say that the situation Is really sorlouJ, nnd report great dlscontout and hard feeling against the government among tho com mon olosscs. The ontlro country south of Asuncion Is under martial law, and thus far tho authorities have succeeded In pruscrvlni ofdeh Thb wanton mur der of tho people tit fJauta l'onlas Is the cause ti! tho trouble. Ordors havo been Issued to ovory ranchman and mining man not to soil provisions or aid In any way any of tho Tomochlans who nro hldlug lu tho mountains, and It Is prob ably only a question of h few wcoks whott thu Inst Of the rofuircos will be killed or taken Into cm tod v. Tho i?en- tlemeu mentioned decided that it was not advisable to Continue their trip and returned tu this point. luOslrfucK 03 they again wish to enter Mexico, they do nut care to havo their names nub- llshod, fearing trouble from tho Moxlcan authorities, Thono gentlemen report that the people nro afraid to talk nbeut tho Untile and (ha rt'eent trembled lest the authorities causo them to be arrest ed i I i UltffrTtNO WITH THE TIED. ;ue U. !! aad Mlis Nettlt Woodbnrn Add Another to tbs Lilt ot Jane Widdinsi. At tho rcsldoUco of lliu bildo's paronts In this city last Tuesday evening at 8:00 o'clock Jesso 11. Pease afid Miss Kcttlo WOiidblirh Ttefo Joluiul In tho holy bonds of Wedlock by tho Huv. Ylm-on, of tho Methodist church. Tho ceremony wna strictly private, only tho family of the bride and a few Intimate friends biting present. Thb tin edit brlgdde pitlii tholr ro-' spects to tho newly tuitfrlid cdd(fin Into in the evening and oxlomlf'd bst wish es for future success and impplnbsrf. lloih the contracting parties' nfd rea douts ot Demlng and nro well known and highly esteemed. Tho groom has lici'ii In tho employ of N. A. Ilollch for some year pint nud Is n young man ot sterling Integrity and excellent qualltlm. Tha bride Is tho daughter of Mr. nnd Mm. William Woodbnrn nud Is n young lady lu ovory respect fitted to bo n noble. loving wife. Tho best wishes of their numerous friends will nccttinpHny them o'er life's journeyi Mr. nud Mrs.Pcaso will make Demlni; their futuro Iiouih. A Haw HoUl. (( 1 .S. m . i no iiKABiwiiT is iniormea timt ( handsome 'Mitel will shortly bo erected lu tho central part of the city. It Is too early to mention names or definite ar rangements, but sufllco to say that con struction will bo commenced In tho near futuro, Tho new hotol Will bo an orna ment to the city j Hudi nti Improvement would pay well. 'IM.. II.. ...... It...,..i A . I . ii noiiuj iiuiiac, uiuiu n urn class Institution In overy respect, Is liot cen trally Incnted nud thu mnungemeut Is not Identified with tho lutorests of tills c y. uemiug it plenty largo enongh to support two largo hotels, nnd will soon havo tho opportunity of so doing, Orators Elected. Altho reeulnr inootlnir of nnmfnrr ilg, No. 20, Knights of Pythias, held Tuesday evening, tho fnllowlug otllcors wero elected for the ensuing torm of six months. 0.0, Jt.O.WoBeT. V.O., Oltorjmlth. Prclalo, V, li Ulllor. K. of It. and H. Max Ileyman M. of K, II. If. PJclshman, M. of F., 0. N. Pettoy.. ' M. at Arms., A. h. Ilollch, J. P. Stanley came In from Ban' Fran cisco on yesterday' Southern Paolllo train, lfe bus purchased tho ruttro nut tit of the Fort Cummlne Lana and Cattle CcirilliifjV and Will at ouea frnriul In the Affairs of that concern In first class thiM, The ranches ef the company wllj bo liuprovsd and new stock Placed oil the range, Tho btadnuartexT tf-. tto coiopany will be conilnej) ai Fort Cum- mings ttt Vafctl IM lait hamuli f Until epn t Iht M Mk tflllank Firm t therm A fdlfclrw To thenorh'itirfitfcvtfroti iht "Iffid- ltnM nilttA Anl Qau Mil U.I ,1... K,vw St x v ,- whtrt,' Tht pdnrty work ttlmtd ! tptakifor Iht quality ijf (t LOOAL AMDTnRtTOftIAl. New Store Wo aro now dolno busl hm la our now storo on Pino stroet Will ber pleased to meet our cuttomors nt our new suimi mm nnn pieasuro in sbojvjng yon Ibo fliivst lino of drugs, t61le(1tnd fdncy Articles ovor brought to KeWMeilcOi J.P.Il;ron, Canned goods'. ' JiUt the thing fbr pic nics nud outlncsjU Ianf!iiu A nwMM Co, Clark A Co, have tho finest line (ft can ned goods In the city. Just tho ttiltig for Fourth or July picnics, ltav'n Von seen the Una dlsnlav of Pal- iner's r.of fumes nnd soand lust received rtt Uyrou's fiawsiotof Wd liftvo ilt rcclrrd a fresh stock of ennndd gdods rllld lu fact a ffush lino of ovorythlug. FtuflioiAX & Dbaiji CO. Tho lliuin.ioiir (of sppprlor Job worVI J. A. Mahoner has lust fr'tfelved a fine lino of dftiorateU clflha. LadJeA ard in vited W(cfcli;ao'ori(lnud-!i)sptcf. IiaiUetf don't fall fo fif;o looU fj bitr JUtvijaln Table. 1Ye aro scti, ing MoOranl Ootrd at 5. clt. n bal (fortncrly IB ci.. rt hall.) lluchtttg o eli. rt m., (formerly 20 cf. t tjilt) LaAltt ulotca 10 els. rt pntrt form. erh yiu ij Tt cti. rt vnfr.) Kibbon o clt, a formerly w.ctt, a yd.) u, noniueras uo't, Kidder's Is tile boss place for fruit. You can got fruit At Kidder's every day and fresh fruit at that, Fireworks for tho mlllloil And hunting enough to drape the World's Fair, for the ovor Glorious nt Uyron's. A fine lino of Japanese matting at J. A. Mahoncy's. Just tha thlug for tlio floor these not days, ICIiincar's Glycerine Lotion the finest preparation for Chapped Hands, Chafed nud Healed Bltln, Itomoves Tnu nnd Frrokles, sold exclusively by tho Bllto Pharmacy. Kidder's for flour. Tho only storo In tho city which handles tho colebrated Marguerlta brand, Jiclti in all tlylcSf including Gold". Silver and Silk at a. Wormier i0 Oo'i: . Government for clitiullcrtl tt Standard .Pure Alcohol, add medicinal use, at Thb Aquarium. l?or Itont. Tile dnlcna Hoticej cdrncr of Silver avenue, and Bnr"dce itrect. lataly occu pied by Jlrs; Pottey; Apply on tho pre mises, Clark & Co., for ranch eggs, Always fresh. Varaiolt and Umirellas In large variety iuUX at loo .jirfcei at 0. Wormier cO. Oo', nr.A.H.Whltmer. I), D. B.( of Kl I'uho. will bo lu Doming on June 'J ltli nnd remain two nt tllf.'d days. Ofilco is usual lu bank building. Why not make your own Ire cream? J. Ai .Mnhoney has leu cream freezers of nil sizes nud prices tu slock. N. A. Itollnh has Just received n hand' somo Hue of Itusstn calf, light colored (louts blurhors. Thesp nro the nuttiest summer shoes overbrmighl Into Dejnlug, and rtfi) mooting with rMntd lal. Tlinio tvhcl wish tn invest, bad better null ciirlv. Nt) more will bo handled during the present ceason. . Klnnear'a Cough fb up euros Cough, Cujds., Croup, Hum Throat, llnarnaiiPM, I!r(ffreiil(U uiid Aathiila, Hold only nttho Iillto Phnrutddj. For fats. Onn grand raunro plrtilri, leader low ing itlachlnr, Chlffonalre, and other IlltlOI 1.JI fit T. fit nnvitr Lodging Itoutei Sliver nvMiue: FIo cfonmery, bdttor or salo oheap at Clark & Co's. i The llRADMniiT Is turning out the prettiest Job work In southern New Mex ico. inew lino of Chid a and glassware at Mahnuoy's, Clark & Co., have Just ordered anoth er carload of ftollr from Colorado, which will arrive lirffft lu a fow days. Chirk & Co. umkq n Specialty of tholr trndo In the best brands of imur and always have rt Idfgt! stock on hnuTi. Ijiai of letters re irlalng unoalled for In Doming KM olllco i for week ending Juno 21, 18011. Catidobirla Manuel CornclUoii J N CnmpQll J (Inrolu Inrlbla f.cdcrmau FrnicIeC'o Mil k pa; (2) lloburtsoil J 1). ltodrlgnor. Slxtd 8tngiioy M 0 itbdrlirfior. T Iri fliaw Ifros ,JP. Hyren, P.M. Niitfcefii? t'lilillrntfoil, Htun .1. u. , OBgTaUBI, Ot J. W. William Slid lillu Wllium. lla uld dlnOnl., J W U'lllliimi Mid Kli R. ROtlflol I till tnlt 111 MMBljl- llini III lb IHHtlet ffttlrl fur ti Qoum at Omul oikI TrfljM; of Nuw If Mid (iUln- mi rtuflintnmi igninii hit, owin i.. r'!"r, iwjuer m i m rirti an I i)iml Hunk of pHilAe, New Mexlin, ilnmi.e eJaJBKxl, Threo ilnndrwl DolUrf TBl tinlSu ;MntTTuuriHariinrluiulit (Nit on ot KB fOBeritw jour priiiir m null on qt.oS lira Urn ttril tUjr of in noxl Htttonilior term Tit Itlil (li)ilfl, ninunimrJnp on Ifio iSlli Uf ot Nil- olwr A.I). iMHJudsmrnt If MM UicrcJa II Ub iriiilrl iMlnil rnu. If Mr riidr4iiiityou. IVlitiMi mr IimoiI tiidfli U'llnni, mr liHtiilinilUisffor n( tM Court "t U Ornc, N. II ., Ihl Tib ilir of J trio A. ami .TRn n . II. I. I'lctturr, Aiwrner mr I f.'v,",, Atlno jior l'lilillcaclori, Edwin i. Toiler, Ilwlbld del I J!A I (Jorl d'H I'reimer nanru Nsclouil d y III rljp, pentinc, N. U. . en r jmt el J. WIIIlMis ' Kll B. jCeWModtUfinl, liifltliOf rtiiminililo, J,W, vtltlbirae, r Kll R: WlllUm. ton not t)ln riotlrtMulo mis tin fisciipMM'Mr,('Xt;ido iiiitalul rn- conli "leHo4i Condndo di Oriil,1rrilnrli d Hu4o If nor olillcli.1 nelor. Ititnln I,. Filr. IImM mi is Kjvtio urn iiiirn. nil j pur l in an nuevo Jifiim. fld I'rltiier lUiira d Dtruli.ft, N, M.nMnl(dd di, rrrjultlin rclmoiloi Treclnto Pum; (Jtfe liiunj; miMUerido mi iiithi mii ha Hit dtvie llnbOltfltlHII Ot4terVr1lR II Ontfi At, Iiy j n.i rifssfl UsesrliM pet lufl 3S& 1p ,:vy FiiniitiirG,Garp8ts,UDi)oistery(wan-PaDer r iftVlTK CHAMBER SUITS ISSffif Parldi Suits, Sideboard Wardrobes, Engr&yiiigS, Looking Glasses, atfeaii Godsi Office Desks, Baby CarH&gSS, 'Window Curtains, : Cliromos, Et6. i - Metalic Ciistots, Undertakers1 Goods, etflM General Agents Giatit Powder d - California Triple Toxoe Agents fof the Celebrated Harden j tr IS) mSftB r"H ffi tflsssew a T l . Oft) , ' W fc iM I ? o i g la 4 . ' I'M i: CO t I SsWSsMSSMStlSL do crs 0 C) H ssHes jLjrjais C4 SSIf7 1 "I fO SSSBSSBS S) y rJ tnmse Icq 9 cr Z r r-j vir romtsmk i &xat Old and New Mexico IMPROVEMENT Owners of LOW Prides. Iksv rw 77 - tltft nli'mrn f A,,u "uu,u Z" ' y "u uu"ul "ppormnuy can uo round than in Deimng, Qrnnt Go,, New Memdd 'ni.'n.. 'r l ...... . . ... j, 1 ... jts- Jtu jj''t v VVlIOLESXLfi AND htfM DEALER A'pflirtflOH TO TIIJCfK SCKClitHlM 6$ OftpH, Best Brands of Hand Grnnadfis.OM B? kml rmST KATIOftAt DKM1NO, Elite DRUGS AND DRUGGIST'S SUNDRIES, BOOKS AND BTATlONKltY. ? -,' Poffumopies and Toilet fiequisit6l iVo tinVo oil lirtna it A Full stoek of Cigars and Tobafled 0 TUB OnOIOEST BRANDS,' AS ALSO ALL SMOKER'S ARTICLES. A GREAT TOYS and Diuk dlfpomcd Mud rroi?!ltloiil Bccuratoljr coinpoundoil. d-tF LOUIS AI.TMAH. CALL AT J. A. MAHONHY'S pick Meal H IN ACTIVI3 OPHUATIOK. " MHiimmw n lain in t nirnmiwifcwVgai the Deming. Towngite RESIDENCE f J ' .. ., ..4f . UV8HOB 10 Gall tlin nMnrtfliVti T Y, McKeybs, ..... .,,,. i, ywppypm - i lap m - .-7, - w.' constantly on bind. Fusd Always on Halidi toi?b prompt ATTEHTjOR, itANk ijuildiko, Nt M. VAKIEIT OF NOTIONS ! STORE) For full particulars donojtnlnrj 'f a U GELEfi RATED PharraacVr Hardware asoline Stoves COMPANY. a9 IM'l Tfirtns. -rsssw srissHsiMsHslurwa ....'.,',., . " tlmun ,..i1.t.. iJM'Slgyftlti ig oithei imlf riifaWlfSi!'sJwlhlt v - si,,1 mmmimmm