Newspaper Page Text
f 'KHB HEAEbUaH'JJ. A yfuMj Mwi;pr of BmmuiIU JoMtlfc Oqsto SUBScmmna B CNt AOofy. 26 Cihw A Month H BO A YlArt, M ADVANCHi RATES TO AOVEHTlSEnS, J.IeAIIlomlTtilne, 3lt ht Tor MtmtWXSTZCJT rOBHSBlHO W. II. W.M;TO.V,lMllor .MRf. CO. EnltrcJ at lb Dfmlnj rotloffir onJ OUuMttl iUlttj. ' Doming Is the bent lllllo city of lis bIko In the outlro southwest to day. 1 t Tho Corbott-Mltcbell light Is tlio proper fiubjoot tioii tlioso days. of conversa Tho only mlrlenblo tltno to Btop Advertising in whoa tho world coiiica to an end. Mr. Olovoland will lmvo to rc Ins on his silver policy: thcro la just nothing olso to bo done. Honoris from tho noulb would fnilicutc Hint tho rorolutloimry troubles aro not altogether ended A press dlspfl Buys thnt the price of wool hat jono up 2 ccnte slnco tho "WiUon bill wns tnndo public. The IlKADuaiiT does not dca In scnsiitloiis. It can bo rcn with propriety by nny nioiubcr of tho lionsehohl. Oongrcss will probi ily tnko dellnlto notion upon tho 2ow Mex ico nlatohood proposition about the first of February. ' It Is rumored thnt Ornut coun ty will linvc n cnudidnto to the United States seuntorshlp nfter 2?cw Mexico Is admitted to Btnto hood. An excliaugc nska "do swnns fling before they dlo!" If thoy Ring nt nil they do ns they would hnvo n hard tlmo singing nfter they died. Tho Albtintiorntic Otthm nud flnnta Fo tfetv Mexican aro doing good work for Doming In frequent nud Interesting writo-upa of Ibis fcustllng lllilo city. Itm't It about tlmo to begin thlnkingnbout nsultnblo cnudidnto to leprosont Ornut county in the next Legislature. Of course, it Is understood thnt tho gentleman will bo n democrat. All threo of tho Albuqucrquo papers contlnuo to make faces nud call each other bad names This Is espoclnlly notlcnblo in tho editorial policy of tho Whim, nud interesting comments aro In var iably excluded to vilify ono of itn contemporaries. It would be well for every rent dont in Doming to bo extra unii Houb nbout tiro now thnt the windy spring dnys nro nppronch lug. A slight slnrt nud the grentor portion of the city is II nblo to bonmnss of burning rulun. It will only bo n mouth or so un til the city Is equipped with r ooiiiploto cystem of water work, unt in tho meniitlmo bo carefull Bvury rendorof tlio JIkadlioiit should rend tho opontiig ohnptcro of tho bright, now eorlul by Cap iiiln Olinrloa King, commoncod in fcTlils Ibsuc. Thin Is ono, If not the boat of Captain King's churmiiig stories. itud will bo continued for several weeks. Tho chnptors nro rcplcto with oxelliug eltuatlone niill Interesting dolnlls of life ii oil Iho iilahiH of tho southwest. xr tuo wiiBoii uiii uccomes n luw nothing but tho nccesBltlos of war will over again causo the poo plo to put higher tariff schedules oh tho stituto books. Itopubli cans nud their npoclnl pots, tho beneficiaries of tho 'protection robbery, know this nud knowing it nro niovlug honveti nud earth to defeat iho proposod incasnro. If they wore half ns suro thnt It would result disastrously ns thoy protend to bo, mid theroforo de feat tho democrats In 1800, thoy would bo porfeotly bciciio nud say nothing. The benefit of thu Mutual Dulltl. Loan Assoolntlon, purely n k"Wlutlon, to Doming oau freely . M,mt0,. ijv lis J2oi huiisos Intro ill fill Nil u......i.i "luttituir nnyment oauh month, whlult In fi6?ur mlasod nnd places It In suf acoiuitloB (l nn Intcrnst of from 15 per cent to 20 per cent per year. 2o bettor lutoatmont can bo found nud tho stockholders of tho association have roaoon to feet proud of their record during tho past two yonra. In hor flunnolai straits Moxloo lms noted wisely in reducing tho appropriation for tho nriny. Tho nmoiiiit oxpondod for military pur. poses In tho year undine with Juno lout wns $12,081,085, while tho BUinnllotod for tho noxt Ascot yenr Is $10,402,800, a roduotlon of over $2,280,000. This mensuro of rotrenohmout lias boon rendered neccssnry by tho deolluo In tho public rovcimcfi, by tho roducod domnnd for tho product of tho silver mines, :j tho shrlnkngo of mnny industries and by the heavy dlsburacmouts for publlo works. But npart from nny nccosslty It Is good polloy to out tlio nillllnrynp proprlntion. Tho army of Mexico una nlwnya ucoh n Heavy Unruon upon tho poople, nud tho lighten lug of tho bunion by moro than n sixth of Its total weight will glvo them a mousurnblo amount of ro- lief. oNnfiouncuoi'iiKi'iiiiMiox. Thcro Is no doubt thnt tho ttiln lug Industry of tho grcnt south west hns been seriously crlppod by the gold leglBlntion in congress against silvor, In turn loworing tho price of lend and othor motnls. As n natural result mining com pa whir-h w.ero formerly prosperous, employing hundreds of minors, nro prnctlcally depopulated and desolation Is to bo found overy- wl ). At tho snmo time, tho inlno ownnr hns it within his power to romody this ovll, nt lenst to n cortain extent. Instead ofordor lug Buspcnslon of nil opcrnlons, turning off lila men, and closing down tho mines, waiting to inrilco n profit of ono thousand or moro dollars upon ovory enr, It would bo vastly better to keep his minors employed nud contlnuo to ship, even though only making ono fourth tho profit which he formorly secured. Tho tronblo with tho majority of the wcatorn initio owners is thnt thoy nro no customed to making heavy profits and they ennnot bring themselves to rcnlizo thnt It Is bettor to make small gains and kopt out of dnbt thnn to sit down, brlnu iiiIh for tune upon mnny honicH by un- necoBBnry BUBponuton, nud borrow money for living expenses him self whllo waiting for hotter times, when caoli Bhlpmciit menus n smnll fortuuo. Thoro is not n low crndo mine in sottthorn Now Moxlco thnt can not bo worked In bucIi n way us nt lenst to pay good wnges to tho owner oven under tho present depressed mnrkeli yet there Is not ono In twenty being operated. an to u:.i) oui:n, Tho pn8Bngo of tho Wilson tar Iff bill menus n direct nud limned Into benoflt to tho peoplo of Dem lug in tho romovnl of tho prohibl tlvc tnrlff Imposed upon load ores by tho MoKlnley tariff, opening tho homo market to importations from Mexico. As Is known, by tho provisions of tho MoKlnley bill, a duly of ono nnd ono-half pur cont was im posed upon nil oro where the load was In oxcess of tho silver nud i. . 1 1 . - . I. wuuru wiu niivor was in oxcob, n Blinllar duty upon tho load oro. Undor tho now law,. lead la admit ted free, whou tl o silver la in ox cobb nnd n duty of one nud one. half per cent la quly Imposed up on the lead In tho oro, upon lend oro Importations. With bucIi n tariff In effect, tho mnny Hundreds of low grndo lend mines Bltunto to tho bouiIi In the northern portion of the Btato of Ohlhunhiin can bo oporated at a profit, tho oro will find Its wny In to tlio loenl market, shippers will )iirci'P.8o their supplies from our home metchatits, employment will bo furnluhod to hundreds of men by tho luorcnsod IndttHtry nud tho poople of Doming will enjoy proa- purity. This is not nu Idle picture but stern facts. At tho emtio tlmo, tho liuportntlous wMl not conflict with our own lend mines of tho southwest, for tho reason thnt thoro is n ready market for both tho American nud Mexican mliio owiierw. Whllo tho MoKlnley bill hns perhaps tho effoot of stim ulating tho product of lend oro in this flouthwi'Ht, tho stimulus hnn boon but temporary and to-dnv the mining Industry is in worau condition than over bofoio. It behooves tho poople of Dom- iigand the outlro southwest to leans within their CT?PT A I? ft MOTH P w vmv a GEBMAN Beer Hall J0NH DECKERT, l'ropilotor. ICE COlD BEER I Tmp or t od &, omoatio LIQUORS, AND Best Brands of Cigars Gold Avoiiuo, Doming N 91 J. W, LUSE, Tinner and Mechanic. All kinds of work nnd repairing In tin, ilioct-lron nnd copper promt) duuo. GALVANIZED IROfi TANKS, Pump nnd Windmill n spcoiulty. work Shop on Pino stroot, opposlto lloymutiii & Co'ii. T.S. ROBINSON'S GrBOOBBY AND CONFECTIONER! It locnlcd on t'lno Street, throe doors we&t First National Ilntllc. Ills Stock of BTAIT.B AMD FANCY of 1 Cannot liu l)al In iho County, Ills Cntidliis nro ot tlio AND PUREST Ucfit SHorlmout of BwoelmcntB IN UlIMINO. Doors always open, nnd Orders Promptly Filled' Wooclburn's AMOI.I' Hair & Skin TONIOS, The Hair Tonic Will Hcmove jDandrulT, Slop blr frjai falling ool, Cure the Lead ofallfllotecs Will culo iLe litlr son aoJ silk)-. The Skin Tonic. "Wifl oliro hives, prickly licmtnnd burns. Will positivoly euro oifonBlvo prospirutloii. I f f i I Ma pIIv II Bill I BBQCER E Tgl . g j " igJIg 'JJ' "w-l ' " i' 1 1 y ygt irum limn rt ir"IT' ' MAX HEYIVIANN . . J-M . 1 ,4 f 1 t T f Have Dry Boots, Shoes, Hats, LADIES and GENT'S UNDERWEAR. tfsrOrdora by wail will rccoivo prompt nttontion, Samples will bo sout on application. Wiiolosale. Retail. MAX HEYMANN & CO. XODoal30Lr, 3To-w Mexico Why is it to to buy your Fruit 8c Groceries at the Store of Because it is CASH STORE CHASE J. M. Hollingsworth, Succossor to N. S. JONT?S & CO, t Livery, Feed & Sale STABLES. LOCAL SSIKEQS. , ' Silvor Avo., E. H, Matthews, Tailor. SUITS from 120 PANTS " $5 to it S50. 12. (Jimrniitlcil uiistirjinticd In (11, fnbrio ami niilsli nl imr irlcu nniiivil. Ooi. Aviihou, Doming, Now Mexico, THE Homo Restaurant, lies nptnicil In tlio TBTZLAPP BUILDING, On Silvor Avcttiuci JtATKHi Board by wook, -Fiftoon nicals, Singlo moal, S0.00 5.00 35 SpaoUil nttontion paid to family trnclta. EMMA AUSTIN, Prop. DKMtNG MiLLi(iifiY &. Notion store a full linu of mil MIIiIiINBRY & IXATS, Just rccolvod. Drossmnkl'nu dono satisfactorily. OAVffATB. OKSIOH PATH NTS. I (lOPVRIQIITCi. etoJ vlant liar.tu.fur tccurlu tutii Kirttrr MIMii Iftbitn out lit lit li Hit VUJg tit wiiio (tub of titutt lultin SclentlRo Amtrloan " OOPYRIQIITt. eto. rorJafw Mtmms tuevlau the Largest Stock in the South West, of , Goods Sk Golthing, TBUNKS, your advantage the only strictly in Doming. South of Pino. W. P. T0SSELL, WATCHMAKRR k JEWELER A Rood absorlmont of - t VutclioH, (IIocIch, .Towclry nnd IMntod Wnro ul v. on liuiul, Spccliil nttontion to ltupalrlng. ALL WORK WARRANTED, Gold Arc, ioulli of Spnico. DI-5MIKO, NBW MKXICO. DEMING EMP0R1 j; B. HODGDON Proiirlctor. On Gold Avomio & nt It. It. Depot. Lalolt NeiTmior ntnl Portotlluals al wiiya un linml. Jowolryi llrlo.n brao ntnl Xbvollloi. Alto n Now nnil Ooninlcto Lino of Gent's SLai'ies' Bools&Slioos Olioap for OoMi. MORRIS. rEIIIIAPS YOU BETTEIl KOTDEUT TO HAVE THOSE) PHOTOGRAPHS. All work neatly exoouled. Copyintjei wpeoiality. II if. iV, 0UAMI3, DliMIO, - KBW MEXICO. Henry MEAT .rpsli Fish and Oysters in Gustomofs GOLD AVENUE, Dispensing T T- Wliolqsale.Btid Pure Drugs, TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY nnd SCHOOL D00KS " ' " rreecrljitlnnienrcfully entnpoundtd t alt I 1 he Heme of W"w "SToDrl Has tlio largest dividend paying capacity and giw i tin. most liboral oontraots of any company in Ih world. F. C, GOSSOM, Gonox'al Agont. ALBUQUERQUE, BIO GRANDE Smelting Works. JONATHAN W. mtOWK, I'lttldont. JAS. i. .00llAllT, Tft Pt4t,t, it. tmow. omIiIk. National Bank of Demik, Transacts a Gonoral Banking Bualnoss, Foreign Exchango sold. Moaioan Monoy bouglitand sold. nEoxior On dood Security at THE LEA. DING Baker & Confectloe'r Mi "Bi riuniaarnna & ' I Meyer, MARKET. season, I guarantoo our satisfaction. DEMTNG, N, Mf Druggist. BYRON i Ilotail Dealer In Fine Chemicals DEMING, NEWMEXICt, NIDW MEXICO. Life of Gold, Silver, and Ores. H. M. MoOHESUfBX, Haiifipr, f to 3Ljiot Current Italos of Intor A. ""f..i,.n. . i.i oooiauitfi, runlraliqlpliji fthy 1 I'OII HA 1,15 1IY W. A, Woodburii, DBMINO, NI3W MBXIOO. WrU tar iBtotmilloat tho passago of tmng in my Hno, .in.! - menus much t SAP A SPECIALTY OF FINMDIBSi VvvLmmii. ffwl Ji rU Ct4.