Newspaper Page Text
J I .. ... -11, f 1 MSH!Bffy,l,jgS?''irlliyy BAITltDAY, JANl'AUY JW 11. .09 YOLf KN0VVTHR3K FOLKS? Th Only I'lsce. Tim Turf 1 ttio only pltea whr muilftfttiil ffc ItincU u terveit evif ul ii til. Tlio saloon tint eomfottabla ulu ... - . .i. k . . roiling nimoncxi nun iiitihu yniwzi iur tHtlhiruumtnt ihoTurf, or an cn oomimuy If m. SVimonrow tbro will bo Divine er tieatiath rttorutng am! evening at Bt. Luke's olmroH, iiartlM, Vrhlit ,Jnyen, lo. f'o Jorutilo fltptiHitf uml wwgetilnl t m inn i H, A. Kaowuts, Proprietor. (itiaTAY WoiiMOKit nmdo n business hlptoKl Paso last Haturday. Mn. l)n. WiiiTB.of Sliver City, was llitgutstof Mra, Israel Kltijj, during tho wtik. HmiciU tggt at Clixrk tts Co'n. Frtih buckwheat at Clark & Co-". At.nmtT lmi bmin nn ttto tick Hit for a 'lay or te, but It ouco moro about happy ud smiling. UlUYKD StATK M AtlSIIAL 13. L. lUtL, of Banta F, wasln tba city tlurlug (Ho -Wttek on ofllclal business. Home made mlnco meat at Claik & Cvo All the latost styles In illfC and toft unit ai u. n. roueya, fllansou would Hgaln remind tho public tbatjba U rectlvltiK shipments of ealtlsb verj ivf k Jfts&aonO.W.Mttxa.of fillrcr l!Uy, was dawn Sunday, being tuUretcd In tho NAN oattlo thlpmentt. Jlns. J. 11. noiKiixjM, who baa jiut ro covered from a aevors Illness, Is once move able to be about the street. 0, N. Policy ! telling tho celebrated ladles Foster kid glore lor $1.96. Bvory pair vrarrauted. ilome'inalo luliico pies, fresh orery terthau you tnu make yotir'elf. Try onei M. Kuutnsn, of Han Franolaco, who hat bean tho gmtt of Mr. and Mrs. Out tar Warmser, returned to San Franclsce last week. Kino, who recently r turned from nu cxteudod trip Into Mexico, left Tuesday fur Texas, to be absent tome months. We still havo a few pain of Hurt's $(1X0 shoo left, which wo are Belling at tho loir price of fJ.50. Don't delay, If you want a pair. 0. Wormier & Co. Boy a Wcstoru Cottage organ from Tossoll. Ho Is agent for thorn and thero Is none better. Cflu I'. It. Burnt went uj to Santa Po Wednesday to confer vrltli tomo Iloston capitalists who aro on routo for Cali fornia over tho Atlautlo & Pacltlc. Joit Coitnrr, who has recently been appointed a member of tho Territorial Hoard of Equalization, vice Seaman Field, resigned, attended a mooting of that body In SAnta Fo Monday, Tossoll Is nront for tho Domestic tew Ing machine which can bo tKrir,tn on easy payments, Needles and partt for all machines at i ossein. J, JIathewkw. formorly Interested tn tho proposed railroad south, but moro recently located in Iowa, camo back to his nld haunts this week, to remain for terernt days, Mr. Matlmwson aujri this ' cflmnte ld too enticing to miss during the winter season. New goods arriving dally at 0. N. rettoy'n. Tnblo frultsSO cents a can at Clark & CVe. IlAnnr SIhuuim., until recently In tho Hvcry hnslnees here, went up to Lords burg Thtiraday and thence Into Los An gelei with tomo cattle shipped by C. F. Howell. Mr. Merrill will look about California while west and will likely locate there. He will be misted here, as ho has proven htmicK n true friend and sterling young man. Fresh nuts and caudlct just rccotved at Kidder's. Some weep for pastime, but If you wish to ween in earnest try that homo rauuisu at ii. ii. niiiucre. New assortment of flno toilet and kitchen leap just received at Clark & Vrv D. A. D. Stuons, of tho Santa Fc, ro turned Thursday from Topoka, whero ho went to consult nn eye specialist con corning the injury received by running a thorn Into tho loft eyo tomo weeks since. Mr. Simons was assured that the member would be ontlroly well lu tho courto of time, and Is naturally greatly relieved, as It was feared that the tight ; wouia ue lost. filenton keeps the finest lino of ll kiiius oi sausages m wo city f resit Vienna atall timet. Fiuest lablo fruits always In ttock at V; Clark A; po't, " ,iWfnf tho town for tale at j Wdder'si. -m, 7Ketau'tt-18 cents ft can-"at Mcelved . Quo carload of grain, iwS Ono carload of Hour, . Ono carload of hart . Trice Jo w. Flcliiuimn A ik-als Co. Llstiif iQttflrt remaining uncalled for IJarrpn I4oif l Duran Hlpsllto MaJhworiU Ed m Worteiaeo 8 M jMjpnfya ioreupio sluuoxJunn Puruma Hefugb Ordsnor Candelarla Banchts Cruit Villa Teodora vurtiajose J.4'. llrnoH, p, M, ttargatat. Vip deslro to call tho attention ef the tejli finu of Drilling to the bargains liloh we are now oirorlug In oddt and n(Js, They era all to po to make room for now stooK on me way. 'Iheto gtHl woro found last weok wlllletnkliiustotik, and are not shop, wont or totutf In tho least. Call and txumlne th,Hu big aitortmeut In tho dry aoodt department. They nro vetlt Ue bargalut. Max MyiPro jCo. o OMllHyifft j DemffSg, New Mexico, aH,tih 188'i. The undersigned luvltjLjtJbld upen their ore itnut for iho.diSlbt year elng the i-ioduer ef tMrfMWt Croup s pnn n ahsut will lia rn k ti. in. of Saturday. Mil fMrthor iwtlcuUrt tvplicaiMW Deinlng , AsBKsndtcK. BARGAINS SHOES ! DOTS I li Big Reduction! TO ItKUUOK OUIl WO0K WB JtltK OPrDIl- isu TIIK J OI.I.OWINdl .5,00 23 Pairs English Laco Boots, rufinsr rrlea $10, ltcdawnt tq 14 Dill o ClnttAmA 0 iu rnun uiauuaiu onon ucuts, n nn ronwtr 1'rlte VU0, iUAutii. to J J" 27 Pairs French Caifn4 Boots, former rleo Ji, HcJiK-sJ to 16 Pairs Frfliuh GairBBoots, Potmtr !! it, Ileilnrr el to 4.00 3.50 JO tlnlnfl f aaa Olinna Rlnmtinl Htretti 10 rauo uav,o oiiUB9fllI1a uata i (( Yamtt Trlw $.lU.luifJ to !uiUU 30 ralrsBatton Sioes.nififi. Vormar Tries T, Uducil to...... ... : 1 Ever Sale an Advertiseme Cloods with no credit tariff prices. 1 1 " " ... . 1 . 1 Gent's' Shqgs, . . Ladies- If gidr. BOY'S SHOES, BOY'S UNDER WEAK. 3.50 Call Before the Assortm'nt Is Broken. G.WORMSER & Co DImoIiiIIoii Ntillrc. This It to certify that N. AV. Chaso and A. II. Murrlt of tho II rm of Clmno and Morris Imve tlilH third day of January lB'JI. by mutual consent, dissolved part nership. A. It. Morris retlrlnc. N. W. Chase conlluulug tho bustueM, colleot Ing all bills duo tho firm ami pitying nil Indebtedness. N. Vr. C11.UH, A. Il.Muiinif. l)UoliitlM Nutlco, Notice l lifrfby ehtn Hint lh imtlncrfliln lorvioioraexKunirrwimwn 1110 uniloHWH'il, ng 11 crnnnl lumlxir IiiiiIiimi at DimiiIqe. 1 Meilrn. ! this da ilu.nlvrtl hj nmliul toninjiil. Mi,rt( E, New MAflt. All iwriuiiit IniUklrtt In 11 nro rniiinairit in Mke iKfiuHU to W. II. Jlrrtlll who I. uilharltnl iccmu In col Mrrntinla nr Dlticr ntlilt.iirc.4 at In. il'lilnlnet. dim la u anil In frrrlnl furuiinK. All datiuduvtirihe lt arm (I'ccdleton 4 Merrill) will te pilif lijr itld Meirlll. c osnioru ii. I'umiiaian, Blili.Ii) William II. Itf, rill Piled at )emlit, Nan .Mexico, December lSIb Malice or riiuiicution, Tnthe W.lrlft Conttollho tonnlvof (lrnnl. Kilvrln I., foilur, l!rrhru( IhvKlr.t .Nnllonnl DaiikorHlUfr UliJ in Ilia Tarnlory ct How Ml to. tn. Mngallon HlnrsCamnanjr, inoMiiiuriomuM. inn Jloc'inon Biors Com' iur, la liersbjr nullmut lint 11 lull In uxnuiit p 1 1 in to 'J :rl III UllntlrMl ddllttr. 1'liaL lia nrni..l me Uh ttlatbe't and ihit unlet Ii nitcia It liiur, Imlieaii immencU nnln.t II In I ho Iiliirlct . inr 1110 CO, by m I Of III i mriiorr 01 noiir Aietirnt i lniairr iidHr-Iln liundrnl dollar. Tliat lit h7i Oourl tor I ho roantr ot nrnl, Tarrllorr ot Mew Ul CO. br mlil tilallitlfr Ifilwln l.i l-', u. roller uf Oi rir.t National llank of rtilter cht In 11 .iMtf.Mctitv uamairra ciairnat appMrance la MM aan, Uu or before llio flrt day ot tile neal Arril ieriii of aald con, conuarncliu; on tnaVilidajrot April, lewl.lnilgmout by default therein will n rendered agalnit you and Ita lroi rly oli Id lallity tho aaine. ' Clark ef Ilia lililifrl' ifnn.t) lltiull. FiEt.nt Albn(uerque,M.M., Attorney for I'Uimia. ' Vint imbllcallon January DO, Wo nro rocoivlng now goods ovory day nnd wo respect fully nsk tho pooplo of Doming to oxnmlno our goods and prices. "SVo aro chonpor than tho ohonpost. Oomo and seo us. JL'aSXilii !ti,!lH11?e Clark' lluildtnjr, fjbld Avo.,npxl door to Nordlmtis. Do You Want A flome?rr Yes? "Well, Tlio undersigned hns for snlo tho following uuMuriuuuprupuriiBS, ONK llAEikT BLOCK -Lots, 1, ii, iJ, 4, G, 0, 10, 20 31, i!2, a una iu Jiiocic 27. ON13 lir.OOK Lots, 1, a, tt, 4, 0, , 7, 8, 0, 10, 11, 12. la, 14, j.u, m, j.,, ao, sir, au, hi, vis, -ju mid U4iu Uloclcio. Proporty Centrally Localodaood Roason GivenFor Sell ing Jnsy Tonns and JSasior rncosTho Oppor tunity of a Lifotimo. All excellent chanco for invostmolit. Vor full inforinntlon niul ami particulars call tmou or ntltlrosH I BROWN, Exi'JtESB Ol'FIOB, DKMINO, ititi tiliSY MEXICO. John Corbett, Manufacturer of Soda Waters and Dealer In ICE, KEG & BOTTLED BEER. DEMING, - - - NEW MEXICO. ftr'i " r i ...-...p..Mi -1 r-rrrT ... .gflnw niirH ttiiaii 1 1 in IB A AO WQIlMfllCIl. HAmKmtmo G. Wormser k Co., wholesale MeroHantS. , , ; . WirOLI5HAL13.t5ltETAILl)EALUUSIN Fionr, Grain, Potatoes, lubrioatiiigand Coal OilBjBtael, Iron, Nails, Wire, ) AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Buckeye Mowers and Chieftain Hay Rakes. - -BAIN FARM AND SPRING- WAGONS. Gonornl agents for Sottthorn Now Jfoxico, for tho BUTTRICK PATTERNS. TUB BEST BTOOK Oi" Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. FURNISHING GOODS AND HATS, 10 BEL130T FllOM. COHHK.trONDKKOK S0M01TKD. Ill G. WORMSER & CO., DEMING, KJ3W MBXIOO, MM fcj gUJl ! WllOtMALK AND Umtl.DCALWllK MEATS, FISH, . & POULTRY. Gtimo in Soason. ftlilk Deiivereii to All Parts of the City. Shop; Plnastroet,oppo sUo'Heymann& Co's. Frank Proctor, BlaoKsmitblng AND K. Y. Restaurant. FONG KINO, Proprietor. A Firat Class Eating Houbo. OjfitorH lu orory stylo nntl nil tho (lclIcaclcH or tho HCIl flon to order. Opposite Hoymann's Store Opan at nit huurs, day niul night. mine a loom Tf" f Itiallr Mud cirli&iiita. arm ftr 9r eesiiWul. llkli 1 ... . !"". ijreui'ntHu'riuc OITY HOTEL RSSTAORANT "WOII FONQ, Irdj. At Tliompson's Ilotol staml ncross from depot. Everything Neat and Oiean. mm food, Prices Itcnuoimblc. -JAN KEE, CHINESEzhsJAPANESE FAHCy GOODS. Christmas Novoltlos, l-'lno Lino of Chlnawnro. Bllvor Avenue, DEMINQ, N. M. French Restaurant, rooKaR,jroirieior 3est Eating House In Deming. racan otbiebs im 'bveut bulb. All tlio Dullgnotos ot tBe flouson to order tt UeuonablA ttntcs. Silver Avbnuk, DEMINQ out mmrms Always on band FOR Weddings, Parlies And nil other occa-eloiit. DESIGNS for FUNERALS. int. M witi. j8S( td8 Florist, ALUUQUBRQUK, VRr MEXICO. Meiskoian & Seals Oo. Suooossors to SMITH & FLEISHMAN. groceries & Hardware New Goods, Low prices. Special Attention to Mail Orders. t Gold Avonuo, . DEMING, - - NEW MEXICO. Deming Meat marke JOHN 3TENS0N, PROPRIETOR Fresh Beef, Pork, Veal, Sausage, Corned Beef &o. constantly on hand and at reasonable prices- I3nst sldo Gold Aveuuo, botwoou Homlook nnd Spruco ot.a CLARK & CO. BAKERS AND COHEBCTIOETEItS, ALSO OAIUtY A TULh ASSOUTMKNT Of Staple & Fancy Groceries. Highest prlco paid for Eggs and all country produce. GOLD AVE., - ' DEMING, N. M. J, A. I.OCKHAUT'fl MUND. t'nstofflOSi Deming, K. M Itmiiri.1 , Ctdsr tlrOT slnnntnlns nnc ,tiOKBlirlIlBS, tlrynt ..Comity Mors llrnndi L on Ult hip. IIOOKntK LAND A NO CATTLE CO. tlor.e luauj same on lelt lilp, Tno. hnudt4 anq , Demliii, Oiaul r.u.i Fw no hnudta4 Cflr drflan aid Milt U 1W lor rr(t sod i5U Irtlua ot a ami. mipernn Irtm inr or hinailrf tttid.r thl trard, l'oitocs U Msxieo, . 11. MBffltiU, (Saewitor to 1'endieion Msrrlll) nrjujiit in xu, KisiD or MINING & BUILDING Lumber! AFULLBTOCiK Off Doors, Windows. Window Giassi Ordn by mall iromiiy itlctldii fo. Demtiiifi New Mexico Wagonmaking, Dealer Id Hard Wood 81 Iron. Horso Shoeing1 a Speolalty. Oold Aycnuo, DEMING, NEW MEXICO. JAS A.LOCRHART JR. Fire Insurance Agent. ONLY RELIABLE COMPANIES UEl'KESENTED, NOTARY PUBLIC. Olllco in Katlounl Ilnnlc of Dcin ltiff IJull(Utif. LBERT L8NDAUER. WHOLEBAliR DEALER IN LIQUORS, WINES, wwmmm AND CIGARS I curry in stock somoof tho ohoicostbntnds of Jlfj Oigars to bo hnd nnywhoro. DEMING, NEW MEXICO. n s tb and 0. W. KLAUSMANN, M. P. MOOItE. THE T JJSTllLISIliiD 1BUU. Klausmann & Moore, PKOPllIETOKB. DEMING, NEW MEX deAi.kii ik Ann mamopacturhu or j SADDLES & UARNE Repairing Bono on Short H Gold Av., below Pinfe. DEMINO, N. M. rhotoRrnplu uf tnrmnkcs ottiaijdloi iiiriiisucd on utiiiiiuntioii. Old and New IMPROVEMENT me XICO if. Owners of the Deming Townsite BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE LCfTS. IaOw Prices, Easy Terms. Tho nbovo Ooinpniiy doslros to call tlio nttonllon of lliono Booking Hoi in tlio SoutluvoBt, to tho foot tho.6 no bottor opportunity onn ho found than In Deming, Grant Co., New Mexico, Tho Oompnny Invltofi cprrosnondonoo from all desirous ofboltorlnc aitlior tht-ir physical or flnanolal condlt Ion, ior wlUi record to olitnnto, location m n ITualioss point. B Y, McKeyes, ; AGENT, JTTj! Sas 1 . 4 1 dd )