Newspaper Page Text
ilMkfcaUriaM mi ii fciitttlft AiiiasMH' tti slii'siml I VOL. 14, DEMING, GllANT COUNT V, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY. MAIICH NO. 18. . . 1 The Housekeepers' Delight UICK-MEAL GASOLINE STOVE ! BEST NEW J. A. MAHONEY. HOUSE rUKNISHBH. JOHN COHIIBTT. GORBETT 8- WYMAN GO, Ore Saixipler AND BUYERS Deming, - - New Mexico. PRICES as FOLLOWSonHAND SAMPLES Silver, Gold, Load, Any two, sumo pulp, -All throo, onmo pulp, - Othor Matals in. Proportion. OZFIFOSIOTZE TIEailE DEPOT, r. o. uox 108. CORBETT & VVyMAN Co. I8AAO WORMSEH, Sao Francttco. GK WORMSER & GO., WHOLESALE MERGHANTS, Whoraaalo and Retail Doalona m GROCERIES And General Merchandise. Shelf Hardware, Agricultural Implements, All Kinds Studebaker Wagons, Buckeye Mowers and Chieftain Hay Rakes, General Agents for Southern Now Mexico for tlio BIITTBR1GK THR J1H8T Dry Goods.BootSjSlioesSG gowftT'iTT Ti .' i.iftn i ) OOUItESPONDBNOB SOMOITRO. ONEARTH. ""HOME ! Sieving Machine F. IC. WVMAN. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.C0 2.00 GUSTAV WOnMBHH, Doming. PATTERNS, 8T00IC OF ent's FurnlshingGoods G, WORMSER & GO Willi CAPWllffG. 1'wo Reeliknls of Iho Mlmbrca Valley Receive Missiles, WAITING FOB THEM TO 00ME Tijlit to tanvn lh Coortlfj' nr IVnrnnl that Tli IVoutil riiii'llirmlr)riiNiienl liiff n Tree finmo or Tli I'lnn Njirlii; Mornlnxa--Ttio la AVIKitu Um XMorL Were AiltlrcMi-tt Aro ltriuly fur Their Vlallar ttiut Will (lit Tlinii k l'lcinnht IUo-)llun-Thn TmtiifHie I,rtt4r. BeacUl Dlipatch la lln llunuanr. Hausberg, N. M March 20tu From nil indication! tlio Whlto Caps nr fit work In Grant county. ou tlio WU ItiHt. Dolores Anasoht ami OloJIo Lopox, two respectable Moxlcau rcxIilenU of tho valley, received tlio reg ulatlott warning, marked with the skull and ctom bencs and othor warnings of '"ih. Tho letters read a follows. "You ato hereby notified that If on kocp on borborliig horso thloves or any ono else of n murderous character or If yon do not leave the Mlmbres, you will he treated as tho White Caps treat men you will And yourself hanging Ion tree, with n largo sign hanging on your bnok, warning all others. You have been harboring soma of tho wont horse thieves In tho country for the last two nr throo mouths, This mutt be stopped. Uy orderof This Oai-taix op tiu: wmTixurs. The letters wore potmarlid at Bllvor City butaro believed to havo beou writ ten In tho vnlloy. Auasula and Lopoi have been harbor ing or onrlng for uo ono and are law abiding citizens. Thoy think that It U merely a pretext for eome cnomles to moke trouble. ltotli men hart armed themiehos and nro rsady for any ntlaok that may be made. Tho whelo affair has no appcarntico of being a Joko and In regarded by tho peo plo of the valley as being written In earnest. hon't I'omir.T it. Mure About tli Wjr linnK Offer of lb llcilllllftlltl Don't forgot about tho big beok offer of the Htfhii.iaiiT. Tho llrst coupon will appear early In April and every weeh thereafter for several months. There will ho orer forty books from whloh to eoleot at tho beginning nmla now one will bo added each week. Ono coupon and ten cents secures tho alawtes of tho world. This will bo tho opportunity of a life time to sootiro a good library at little or no cost. When you sc ono book, you will want them all. No oxtra charge for mall orders. Arbor Dnjr I'roclnlimtliin. Offlet of 8qpilnltHlnt at teboeli of (Irani count)-. Kllttr City, .V. It. Whercan, Chapter tlilrty-flvo of tho aols of tho legislative assembly of Now Mexloo for tho year 1601 provides that a day be let opart by proclamation from tlio county superintendents of tho sever al eountlea of tho Territory of Now Moxtco to be known as Arbor Day, and that tho samo be observed as a holiday In tho public xohooia for tho purpoio of planting forest trees on tho school grounds anil othr publlo places. AW, thtrtftr, I, the undorslgned sup erintendent of schools of Grant county, do hereby designate Friday, April 0th, 1801, as tho tlino for tho actual plautlug of trees In Grant county, that tho same bo observed as a public holiday by tho public senooU of this oouuty.nud recom mend that tho day bo spent by mild schools In tho actual planting of trees on thaiohool grounds, and In such othor oxroUii npproprluta to tho occasion and season. It, Il.TiiniurA.Nn. Buperlntondeut. J'rciisi-o Tuitr f'rui.i t)r Itolunm. Assessor George W. Jlllcs, of Silver Oily, will bo In Doming about tho mid dle of next week to niako his regular spring auients. Froporty owners shoiihl got InreadlneH for him by pro- paring their MtiinHM. A Cnriliirtliunks. llov, JI.H. Vinson and wlfo wish to thank their many friends for tho kind nM sbutvn In their recant IIIuom. May Ood Mm (horn all, and overshadow them with His mowy. Clifiip (irovurlci. N. W.Ohaie sails without contradiction Iho oheanest groeorlcs In Doming far uiu m ui i no reasuu inai no tans ror emu only. Only suud grades of stock oarrlcdl uvomiiiuu in iiio erooery line, u ii I learn his prlcoa and you will be co vlnood of the truth of this statement. Nlrlng (Uutlilng, Dnrlntt tho weok 1 havo rsnelved llio largent and prettiest vtook of clothing ever brought to thin town-all Iho latest iHinonm ami iiesiuos, rno prices nro lower than over beioro and tho quality uni um in every respect. N. A. HoMun. Pottey's iiatidsomo now lino of (Stet son hatH havo arrived. All the latest caatoru stylos. , John fitouson has lust received a shin mout of gold band breakfast bacon, Try iERKJATldN & WINDMILLS i A Cfttiittinil fh AflJflo of I'amiUai- link jorlli llntti I fie ami Vicinity. 11 II. A.MeAlHlnr, Uat Comitilwlfltitf at Ui Union rsblae IUllrond, Ifl Iitiion Ao. At the Interstate Irrigation conven tlon hold nt Bullna,'. Jfansas, September 2B, 160D, my uttentlon was drawn to tho subject of pumplttjMirBtcr for Irilgatlon. by means ot tvlndtnul pumps. roverttl gentlemen were present from Harden City, Kansas, wht. detailed In n very In teresting way the results obtained In their locality by this meant. Hhorttr afterward, In conversation with n gentle' men from Julesburg, v'uio., I learned that one or two farms In the vicinity of Jtilesburg wiiro being Irrigated In the semo mauncri A ItAlMtOAt) OATItMlP V.KCTH. It then becaulo a matter of ourlolty to ascertain the extent ta which this Irrlgu ton by pumpInRai been prnotlcwl throughout tho country, and 1 prepared aud sent out to oaeh of our station ngent and laud njenta In Nebraska, west ot ftrtrth riattej Kauiai, west of Wh Keutteyi Wyoming cast and north of Cheyenne; and all of our agents In Colo rado, Now Mexico and Tiiu, a rln.'lur letter asking tho namos ind addrcMoe of any Individuals whnih they might know woro ptimtilng watorfor Irrigation purpoces. In response to :tlteso letters I seoured In tho nolghbdrhood of two hundred names of pnrtlts located In western Nebraska, KoiitlisMiern Wyom ing, northeastern and enett:utral Colo rado, and western Kauiai To cnoh on of thoffo partlen I sent a litter asking the locality of their lands, number of s'ctee Irrigated, power used, wtcthor wind nr steam, oost of plant and cost per year of operation, depth and (Dimeter of well, depth nf water, whether or net tlio well could bo jiiimpod tryidlauietor of stream coming from tho putop, eniweHy of pump In gnlloufl per hmif, average length of time per year of ruinlln j tho pump, and urea and depth of reservoir. A large number of these fetters have been returned with full nitd Umnplrto nnewert to the questions ask.-d ind In many In- stiinoca aooompanled byuthuslastto let ters advocating this method of Irrigation. (JUllZIWOTIll: WIMOOl.I, JIAKBltS. While awaiting repllqe to those letter to Individual farmers, I submitted to on of tho prominent wlnd-engluo pump oompanlcn n dories of questions ut to tho capacity, cost, etc., of pi i in pa and wind mills. From tho pump company I lonrued that ono horso power will rnlso a n-luoh column ofwatrr 100 foetj it six Inch column seventy fc'et, and an eight Inch column forty fet additional bono power will elevate the oolumti In direct proportion. A lO-ftot windmill will de velop one-half horsr power! u IS-foot mill three-fourths horn power; a l t-foot mill two horM power, mid each addition al two feet In dlamn r practically do velnp nu additional ln-me iwwor up to a thirty foot mill which develops eight homo power. Tho coHt ef mills ranges from $-10 for tho Bmnllo.t tlx up to f 1UO for tho largost. In rospnitso to an Impilry oa to the rs- tlumted number of hy a windmill will run during tho year, theeomimny replies on follows s "It depeiitla uhiii locality. Hero In lllliiola total output one-third or eight hours por dav. Kunws and Ne braska will averago deublo thUainount." I think the stlmnteil nvi-rag of Kansas aud Nebraska, as compared with Illinois, will bo accepted without question. I further ascertained fiom the pump company that a Clnoh pump geared to run forty-eight 8-luohflirukes por minute will dlschargo 1600 callous per hour; a (1 1 null pump genred In the samo way will dlschargo ST00 gallons per hour, and nu 8-luoh pump will discharge 4,600 gallons per hour. TltE II ITT OK WATKU. From the printed reiwrt f the Coldr ado Btato Agricultural Collogo at Fort Collins, Colo., I learned that tho duty of wutur as dutermlnrd by actual monaure- ment Is ono cubic foot per second run ning continuously for sixty to slxty-ltvo acres of ground. This during tho mouth of Juno whou tho greateit amount ol water Is used for Irrigation, During the entlro Irrigation ecruon tio oublo foot por second, If reservolred, Is sufficient for 170 to U00 acres. The mine roport shows that by aotual menuremeut tho amount of water required for various crops ratifies from 1.07 to 2.8'J feet In depth. That Is If the ontlr nmount of water necessary fur perfect Irrigation of tho laud wus applied to the Inutf at one time, It would 1m ueeettary to eover the ground to tho depth named, according to tho crop to bo Irrigated. Tho report shows also that tli'i measured depth lit oludes thd r easurud rainfall during the same season. For the purpose of otl mates given In this paper I will WMune that tho averago depth required for crops Is two feet. WHAT A WINmitl.b wit no. 'From tho statement! iiuwlu by tit pump company an to tho capacity of a pump I learn that a 0-lnoh pump will dlschargo 1,800 gallons por hour. This Is thirty-one gallons per minute or live tenths gallous per second, and li equal to .00 a cubic feet of water por second. Ou tho Colorado basis as before given, a stream running .00' oublo feet per sto ond would Irrlgato about six notes of land; but the pump Is estimated to run only about one-third oi the time, coiue- quontly ono-third of tho water would bo secured and about two noroa could be Irrigated direct from tho pump. 1 haven large number of reports from farmers who apparently put In their windmills originally for tho sold pur poso of tacurlng water lor stock, but havo since bon successfully Irrigating THE ESTERTAINMENTS Tho Busy Bcea Entertained Their Friends at tho Opel's Uoilso. LAST NIGHT'S FUli MAKING. Tlinl..IJri(.ritio Mtllio.llU Chill-Oil (lire l Hiifrln Dm Opi.rn Home, Which I. I'nllmrrd lij-nMUrnr Hint ,-ltuilrul I'ru 8IRUI ! the I.lttl l'ntlin-Tlie l'imiitum Hunrol-M.t NlKhtrur thn Ileneflt at ill (llltlliulutll l'llllllt-lllltll Ar tMTgtlf AtlrtiileitKiiit Yield (looil rliuuielal He tulli, Tho supper and cntortalnmenti given by the ladles Ot tho Mcthodbt church and the young peuplo of the samo con gregation In tho opera hottea 1'uesday evening, wns tho most largely attended of any similar event over held In Dom ing. So great was tho crowd that tho cood ladles hud oxhausted their ampin supply of ndlblcs long before tho people had ceased arriving. The supper was excel lent, aud loo cream added not a llltlo to the occasion. the literary mid musical program rendered by the members of tho "Uuy linen" wan ontiroly successful and the little folks, one mid all, did thonuolvM proud In their cifortc. 'Iho tableaux were eepeolally pretty. The program was as frllowst r"Mt), Two Little Olili in ntue, Uul Ij'JJW' ' l 'Hint, qotrrtl Atnennr the Plotter. iH-. . in Norma Kwum. Hn. Tit SplHiilnc Whwl Satig, . MlM JIU BlttkHMItor. aonf, noUMI IImI. UlitMin. hi-, bill Wly Umd; HinM UubiMiir. cniawu'i nni irn, llserr iUIUwl lira. Ih" L'iiltnlhd Vnfr, ana Talilmn. . miiium ri 'uMr. M)fo. Mlaluh lkilli. Htm, lllu Uli FMidall Rr. LArn If. K-a.i If nltitf. tiui aitimi mttiwii Iimlru. Dl. Km anil Hick. tlluM Hiarkviulhiir ad .Nonlldiut. TahMu, tltuj mt. I.ut Nlalit' Dunce, A larg crowd yvm present nt the pbantnui danco given In the opera homo last evening for the benefit of the gym nasium. Promptly at ulno o'clock tho grand march wot had, composed of fifty allpgod ghot. After that tho phantoms hnd n merry tlino for nbout an hour, when tliosu present tinmaskcd and danced until after Inltthlght. Quito a neat sum wne idded tn tho fund. The music for tho evening was f urn Isltod by nn orohastrn compiMod of Dom ing ladles -ilonlatiins L, 11, Drown, Qexirgo iielhy and W. I). Walton. lnilirotlnjrti rai-nntuiRe, The billion Aid Hooloty of tho Mctho- dlit churct), tinilor whoio nimplocs tin- supper wns given In tho opera house Tuesday, will ojtpend tho proceeds over ?7Ji In ereotlug a study for the minister, the samo to be locate! at the parsonage Oattle aiiliimrnli. Managor W. D. Duke, of tho Hnggln Ilrart; ootnpaiiy and I.. II. llrowfi, of the Alamo Hueco outfit, shipped over six hundred head of oattle from this tiolnt to Denver buyore during tho week. Spring shipments will continue for tho next thrco months. Hctinol Untertalnnieiit. Tho pupils of tho Doming publlo loboolB will giro an ontortalnmout for tho purpose of rslelug funds to make nil- dltltiiial pnrchasos for tho school library. The entertainment will likely bo of "Vo Oldou 'lime" stylo. Itenl lUtnto Truurr. W. J, Wamol, tho Silver avenuo butohor, hau purchased tho brlak build ing below the bank, owned by Gardner and Glllls and U lilting up tho same, pre paratory to occupying It as a butcher- shop aud meat market. I'ralrle l'lren. I'mlrle fireo ware burning to the west along the Ur itliern 1'aelllo railroad traaksevornl iitgh( (lining tlto week. The grtun I dry and bttrni readily. No dnmago done. Anatlitr Oullillitiltet It Is underttaod that S. Ikon, the pres ent efficient deputy sheriff, will bo a candidate for tharlJI nt next fnll'a oon- ventlon. 8lioil tlmvil 'lioil X. A. llolleh will have In early next wk a flue lino of ladle' summer nhot, lu blaok and tan. Oxford tla a special ty. Wutt fur thorn. Tli l'uiular lioort. The Turf oetitluuee t being the pop ular retort of Dsinlng ami there It U that yiiu alwaya fltul tlio erowd. Only ihe best liquor and cigars kspt ou hand. Quiet oluli rooms iiUaohod. On to tlio Turf when vim wish to snend a nulet and enjoyable ovenlng. ii. a. ivMuwr.i.'i prop. Nrllotl. (looreo D. Hauler, formerly of tho Thinner House In Silver City, has leased the Southern Hotel and uiminlotoly re fitted and remodeled It. He wilt tnbii ehurge nu April 1st and will conduct It upon isiiropcan niaii. ino utnitig room service will be tho finest over olfcrrd to thn nubllulu the southwest. Larn-o and commodious rooms, l'coplo attending aottrt next month will II ml tho Hotithcrn tho placo to stop. Tho dining room was thrown upon to tho publlo yesterday. Serure room lu advance. Utorge JDIIVIIW, Mntiift Of Tiitine Wlul Hnt-e tteeil Alibi ineiimt to Attend Calirli I-'ollowlnir Is th6 Ilstnf Jurymen drawn for tho doming term, which convenes ot Silver City ou Apfll Olh. Tho meet lln porlant rase will bo that of the Southern Pacific braUeirihu, Deal, for the murder of tho tramp at Lordsbtirtf in January. (IbahiI J uHtiita -George IlOrnhrook, William H. Kllburn, II. 1). Ollbort, J. I). Jee, Henry Lester, It. Yf. Orabe, M. V. Cox, Martin Mahrr, Hyroan Abraham. liuiiuor, Join T, Jtulr, A. 11. Thomp son. James Matthew. John I. Hasllnss. James W. Olllett, ,1. Mayfiold, 11. 11. Btaniey, John jjmer, I'rauK I'relsscr. J. J.Turuwr, W. H. Whit, John Fritter, Frank Proctor, Harry Merrill, John Hpll ler, P. J, Dndd, John Corbet t. Pwrrr Jtmons I.tioaa Meerj'nn, II. u. Landrum, h. llroelar, (I. W. Vera, Frank DavintiortfAJamo Harvoy, Hugh li. Amber, A. . (loodoll, Christ Feller. John Bhnrmuii, Jnseph Bolilonor, O. M. Nolan, W.1U Morrill, John J. Martin, Walter Derbyshire, Thomas Knott, A. W. Harriot N. A. Ilol ohi Max Debut.. A. A. Alt, O. it. Htnlth, b. O, llobart, J. II. Crlovr, Gcorgb llegll, II. M. Hiighee,. Dlmmlek, William Lnlrure, Frank Alii sun, A. M, Little, Morris Longstrctb, 1C A. ltobluton. U. A. It. ll.VIMMl'Ml.'XT. Witt 3Itt At AlbmiliriiitlB Krit Month The If luvonth Annual Hnoampment ot tho Department of New Mexico, will convene at tlio Knights of Pythias Hall, In tho city of Albuquerque, nt the hour of 10 o'clock a. in,, Thursday, April 10th, 1801. Past Commander-in-Chief Pair. ohlld will surely bo pretont, aud It Is ox- peeled that CommamUr-Iti Chief Adams will also be present during tho settlon. 'Ihe Department Commander has ap plied to tho Atchison, Topeku & Bnulu Ve Itnllruwl comimny and the Atlantlo ife Pnelrtc Hallroad conqMiny, for special rates of fare for the round trip for nil Comrades detlrlng to attend tho Diionmp- ment, but no answer has been received up to this date. Applications fur tickets should b uiado to tlio local ticket ofilccs. Tho local post will bo represooted bi ll. A. Kuuwleanud others. HI! VKTOHII l-n 1'rrtlilrnt OtrTclanil jr Iho Aeliiornafi 11111 Cuiinut llrcomo ii Law, Spteixl to the IlglnUoiiri Washington, March HQ President Cleveland Inn restored Ihe lllnml sultior ago JIIII au4 thereby destroyod all chuuee of It over beanmlng n law. Ilftim KreptiiK lloakK. Tho Satitn Fo Aw .UnriMii of last Saturday iwiyii v. ii. uttiie, ino iieininguaiiK wrooaer. Is getting on very well at tho peniten tiary. At first Hupt. llergman placed him at work In tho yard, then transferred him to tho garden, and them Dauo hobaved so sensibly that the superintendent mailo up Ills mind to prmnuto him at tho first opportunity. Jo-day Mr. Dauo was set nt work lu tho uftloe of tho Institution. Comiitlnisnlnr. The Iy)rdsburg lAktnl of last week has the following! It may not be known tn tho pooplo at Lordsbtirg that Dr. J. M, llulloak of Deming makes n specialty of atl diseases and diiarmugoments nf tho eyes. Ho has on hand nil tho nenoinry mnehlnory to look Into thn bottom of a penon's oya mid find but what Is tho matter of It. He alio has on hand all tho dlfTnreut kinds of glasses that aro mado and can how a porson Just what kind ot glasses ho may nerd. 'Iho l.ibtrnl recently thought It right eye was preparing to Jolu its left leg, which was out oft about a year ago and so consulted Dr.llullook. Tho doctor examined the oyo with tho aid of his specially prepared telescopo and gave tb glad information that no glasses wcro needed. SiMu Ulllliiir). W. P. Tostcll has luat received n toe- mid Involco of now ijifibg millinery and oilier now goods will arrlVo early next weott. lilirluB Animiiuenmcntai W would . reflpsotfully call your at tention to the fact that wo aro lit recelnt of tho finest and largest stork of dry goods and hoa over brought to south ern New Mexleo. It oouslstsof: Meee -Thii very latest In Point D'lr laude, In large variety and patterns, Pamaols aud sunshades. Caisou Such wcll-liunwit brands ns Dr. WnruM',0. P. and lJall's, In blaok, white and grnt. Hosiery ami underwon'r. 'I'ablo damaslt, napkins nuu towels Atl grades and quulltle. White gomls Iawus, nnluDooU, ludltt llneu. India mull white, cream add colored. Dress goods -CftlUmoros, silk finish Henrietta cloth blaok and nil tho latest colors. Half wqol ounlllcs, pongees, colored wash silks. Woah goodi--5enhcr eliighams, plain, checked ami strmvdi oottott pougeoe, sateens, solid btach, black with white and oolorod Ogttros; Arabian dimity, drotcli dimity, Oreolan lawn, colored batiste, outing cloth and tenzlo down, Uloflched and uiibleached muillus, Lonsdale cambric, sheotliu? find ullloiv casing In nil wldthst collwn, uhlrtluge, gingham oprou chock, mid urelf unamuraya ami i-orcnics. In fact cvvrythltfg lu Iho dry jobds una. . Prices tn suit this times, . Would bji plpaseil tn thW 4tnp'loi and prices ttt ut-oft05vn etutomem. BatlKftiotloq Is grfaratitCHil, O. Whmshi k Co, iMING'S FJIiJI ML Tho Pcoplo Found Out It Was Henf Tueeaty Night IS HEIRS tillM-. AWAYf The lirll trltislilfl(i Hiimlrell Pmnli( -Tllfi Fire Uoj llullrt it lloii.rir mui Tliffi llllltt tlm Jlnll-Tit b I'lareil H.ill hli tloiiTuwerlH Thn (Jfrilrat lni-lnn ..f" Hie oil j.-I)!inliiff Jfow Una A Cilinplci rir l)pimrliiitiiitrir ilitrkfli Alfrt ArrUo llurliii; Um Week. TilO facStllo bt hiltllnf MM rnrnl.ltf - " a - J tlformod nf tho rant tlmt bit Imn.luiii.d ncWfirA ball bail aiflril Tm..,t.u Ingmbout eleven e'oWk. I lie nro boy linvo Hcretly lent AWsy to the C. S. Ilnll comnnnv nt HlllaWir ougb, Ohio, for a 1000 pound fire hell mowimoreneriing hero last Battin a--- .... . . . ...... muiniigwaa eaiu, nut tlint niglittlio town was awakened by tho llrlug of sbou, rlllL'IlJff of tllO bell anil thn lirltrht ll1w. shed by a large btnllro on Pino stre. t and Gold avenue. Whoa theseenrwsi reached, it found that tho mill mill nmi. motion was merely n woloomo for h boll, mid the Joke was noeopted lu gocl humor. Tho bell can be heard for miw around and cost something Ilka $MO. 'llio member nf Dm iif ,Ut.n,...,f will uow go to work to eeouro an Iron mwor upon wiiisn to place tho boll nna locate the samo In tho central portion ' tho elty. TllO tlHVS havo lalmroil linr.l nml I... ctMsntly to raise funds to purchase tho un nuu are naiuraiiy eiawu ovor their SllOeeSS. Ther drai-rrn lmlilln im.nnil and should havo no trouble In securing Hinds for the tower. Dentins now boast an efflelent nml first clam flro deiinftment one whle.i would be a credit to a city of five times' Its size. lira IJyilrnnta. The fire hydrants of tbo Defnii'iir Lnml is Wntef company havo aitlvid and will bo placed lu position along tho principal streets nt oueo. An lnlrllii(r I'rnsrnnt' Tho literary exorcises to bo held lit tho Methodist "hurch Thursday ovonlitif, April Cth, by tho member of tho Christ Inn llndoavor and Hpworth Leaguo . cletles promises to bo very Interesting. This Is tho first entertainment of tlm kind attempted by those orgaulr-atlmn and tho membenj are putting forth every effort to mako I success. No odmls- tioitAvIll bo charged aud nil ere wolcome. Tho exercises will consist of rondlnj; recitations, singing, dohnto aud otbcv features. SIiiiIh Anollmr Htrllio. MoMrs. Hrymauii, lioor. and Peek, operating In tlioSablual district In Mex loo, havo made n strike of horn ullvi r wh'oh Is said to bo richer thait nnytbli over before found In tlto southwont. TI o ore was fouiid In large quantities and will yield the owners a fortune lu lueir. r.atiV (!yiifU. Tho ladles of Deming nro taking un usual Intorestin blovollnrlutt at urniti'iit - A ... And sctnlo twelve ladld'a whorls havi been Ordered !v tho fair sex. A rluti mIIIsiiou bo orcutilzed cud tho ladlfn will give their gentlemen friends point ers ou grace in i ruling, Itaatiir 8rlri. Easter was observed lit tho city churches by special services, tho con gregations at all placea of wurahlp being- large at both services. Hpoclal miiili-1 was tho fcntnro and sermons appropriate to tho occasion wore dolkorcd. Itnprr'a Trial I'fuliimii-il, Owing to lack of funds with which tn hold ait cxtfMtori session, tho trial of John A. Hdpr, for tho murder of young: Steele, of Las Oruccs, at Jllllibormig this, month, haa been potipoued uuill next fall. Alliimt Iriiirwillmi, Dosplte tho dull time, freight shlp- menu Into Doming over both the Hanta Fe nnd Southern Pnelfle systems show n marked Increase over last year. AuotlierTIieattjusli Several ef thn Ideal arhltcttrs R'e re- besrtlug a. drama, enlliWd, "ItrKe, thr I'oorhouiS aitl." The play will H given for the brnefH of ilia Upfucopaf tihuroh) ofnot!iu3 noxt iiiontU. Arbor JTiii-'oiiaervana. Arbor Dal", the call for wXi'ch appears olnewhvrei Will bo nppro'tlrltttely ob served liy h publlo mllubU ot Deming. Vettcritiir'a MitUiUi flllVor w.a? iiuokil tft fisUrday and lead ft.U. . If Snuituir. I)r.A li. 'VVIiUmer, HmUtl will b herd Vcduoadny, and remain for a few days.- ' Trth Fruit ami Vre(nJ)l. Orangfiii, leinon, rpU, oabbag" ftosh eViry waekjet , . . FWifimaii & 11U Co Kvefythlnf In tlm grocery line 4 t'hiisu'ii el. tsip for (nmIk- IK Continual jYtii iiauitr prujirionr. i O o