Newspaper Page Text
..JL 1' "-gpmraj v -i WHOLESALE AND JIBTAIL MALM IH t 1 enerai- TTt entry the IjtfgH Stock of GROCERIES. And FunsnuiNO-Goods Full Lino Farm and Spring General Agont for tho Ladies' and Men's Boots Suite mad to ordor and Fit Guaranteed. 6. WORMSER & CO. Deming, N". M, J. A. xliAflOnbY ouse is liEonivma NEW GOODS The Latest Styles Only First-Glass ' At Lowest Prices. J. A. MAHQNEY. HOUSE FUBNISHEB. Oornor Gold AVenuo joiin goimett. GORBETT 8- WYMAN GO,, Ore Samplers and Buyers- Deming, New Mexico, lMtlCFtt AM roi.I.UHN UN JUANU HtkHl'LtH. Silver, a "$1,00 Gold, i;oo Load, 100 Any two, samo pulp, l.CO AH three, same pulp, 2,00 Othor Metals in Proportion OPPOSITE "0?StH tDiPOtC'- P, O. BOX 108i CORBBTT & WyMAN Cd i)KMlNG, iiujffiffiuiit ISC DRY bOODS, la the Southwest, Wagons Always on Hand Butlorick PattornB. and Shoes a Specialty. Furnisher EVERY DAY." in Everjtliing! Goods and Spruce Street. P. K. WYMAN, NEW MEXICO, tfAt 12, OVER 2,000 PEOPLE 4 That is What Sablnal Would Hive V Werolt in the III. 8. MINES PBODUOINO MILLIONS A Short lllitorr of tli Famous Mltilac Camp in Maslro-tTIitit ttui rente ktxlraa Mining lAvr Did for U-ftima 3t Shu CaUlirnUit Mini lit Wealth! Itiey llava X'roJuctJ-tAinerlrnin Wtio Hat Struck II nlch Smelting- anil Concentra ting Works. ; Babtnal, Mexico, May I, lBtJl BabinaLtln Juntptrat Babinti to conio down to our own Idiom, tho sablno trio, a sptclcs of dwarf cedar. The, In this lustanco, ratbsr far fetched Mexican solicitude for appro prliite uatnts, hat caused them to Seize upon tbo fact that, with caret onem)ght count hero a scoro of sablc'as, to christen the place Sablnal. In the early days tlio town, consisting of a fewndobo huts, itood on the edge of a llttlo park In the mldtt of tho Ha blnalMte. but with the building of t sinelter In Sablnal Arroyo, at what wut then kuowtl a the vamp of Dr. Mul.tlih, It gradually drifted down, until now nil that remains to make lu alto li tuo by no nieaue picturesque rulu of an adobe house. The new town straggles along too arroya after the Mexican style?, and li, Indeed, thoroughly Mexican In P pearanco. It has a ainoltsr, conCeritra' tor, a half dozen stores, and n population of perhaps 200. Heroin the U. B. tlio rich strikes recently umdo would 'hava swelled tho population to at least 000, but situated as It Is, 00 mllea from a rail road, Its growth will no doubt bo slow. At presont, tuo minors pray for tbo coining of the M. N. P. whose stir- y hugs the foothills but a few mm away, men won, in me iiicmiumo uvy punch tho sleepy burro aud make more strikes. Away back In 1880 thn first producer, ho Plancha do Plata, on tho eastern edgo of tbo silver belt proper, was dis covered. Ibis was closely followed by the Ilarreton de Plata, aud three years later, by tho richest of them all, tho Flo roucla. Thcso three mines wcro worked In a desultory sort of way by tho owners aud under lease, nud aystouiat'cally by tho gambuslnos, or ore stealers. Count ing only tho amount taken out In a legitimate way, It Is estimated thai they hiivo already produced between three aud four millions of dollars. That the ora was of high grade may bo readily seou when It Is known that the abro gate workings for ten years do not ex ceed 700 ft. The finding of tho I-'lorencia initio led to moro prospcctlt.- and tho discovery of the Bunta Domingo group, producers of lead cathoitatcs. Having au limncnio body of ore, a smelter was bullti and thn mines In this group Imvo boon worked profitably for years. About the samo time tho Mexico mtno wen opened up, followed In (iiiek auo cession by tho PurlslmaCaudulada, San ta Juliana and Santa Inex. Now a mis fortune bofell Sablnal, Under coucm- ilon from tho gorommenti thn entire dU' trlct pasted Into tho hands of two men Tho camp settled down into a quiet htindrum sort of exlotenco. With phllcsophtcal IndlfTorenco the Mexicans Haw tho wagon pass with their rich freight for Kl Paso, and were re minded of tho jireeence of a smelter and concentrator at Sablnal only when they shut down temporarily for repairs. On tho 4th of Juue, 1803, President Dlax ofllxod his signature to tho new mining laws. Uy their terms, all cmi cesslons were cancelled, aud lit Pehru ary 18'JJ, the monotony was suddenly broken by tho discovery, near tho site of tho old town, o! a pay streak ef nery high grado ore. Prospectors began to drift In from Deming, Sliver City and tho various mining camps along the bor der. Under tho liberal provisions of the Mew law thn groui, was rapidly taken Up, but it was February 1801 before a man named lloox aimlessly picking lit an abandoned hotoi saw indications that ! " -- -, ' - '"'V ST 1804. sines a steady producer of rich ore, Specimens of this shown in Doming created the first real etcltemciit.nnd now tho song of frljolcs merrily bubbling In tho omnipresent Dutch oven may be heard In every quarter of thn camp. 1 ho richest strlko as far ns reported Is on tho property of Ilerg nud Waukul ewtcz, but a slono's throw from tho fa mous Klorrnclo. Assays taken across tho vein run very high, and picked specimens give several thousand ounces. Tim Intent atrlko, made lu a different prospect on tho same property, needs no ilssey to prove It worth, as tho veriest tyro can detect the greenish gleam of the horn silver with which ihe rock is Impregnated, Is this luckT Who can cay? Curtain It Is that this samo ground was thoroughly prospected years ego by men grown gray lu tho buttoou, and that tho recent strlkca havo all been mado by tendcrfeet. Possibly Nature has a voice In deciding upon whom to bestow the key to her hidden treasures. If so she has a wide range from which to choose, for lit this lot of gcu!al,who!o Hauled fellows, some So bronzed as scarcely to bo distinguished from Mex icans, are found engineers, physicians, (ono of whom, Dr. Rlovall, a successful miner, has Just performed a very doll onto operation In the removal of n cancer from the tonguo of a wealthy Mexican) drugglits-men of all nationalities and from every kind of business, but scarcely a single true specimen of tho genua prospector. So far, In the selection of her favorites. Fortune has shown de cided partiality fur civil engineers, but we etill hope. Notoriously tickle sho Is, why not a newspaper correspondent? Qulcn sabel DarSistadt. A SOCIAL EVENT. A lMfHMiit (lathering lit the Itcililthre or I.. II. llruwu, Wcrincitlny Jtircntiiff. What can tail bo termed tho social ovent of thtf season was "the aathcrlnir at tho rpleuce,f'ft JI. UwwJLVedne's dayoventng, the hottette$ befog Mrs, Hrowu aud hpr sister, Miss Dells Cong- don, who will shortly leave for her homo In New York. Tho evening was spent lu social t;amcs, happily arranged in "progres sive" form. About mldulnht an excel lent light luucheou was served and from that time until tbo hour of depart ure, singing aud other pleasures sped tho moments away. Tho evening was thoroughly enjoyed by all present, who worei J. A. Lockkart Jr. and wife, John Cor bctt and wife, W. II. Hudson and vtlfe, II. II. Fleishman and wife, I. Drown and wife, N. A. Hollch aud wife, J. P. Dyron and wife, W. D. Wtdton aud wife, A. Heals and wife, Misses llattto Hodgdou, Nvlllo Field, Lena Merrill, Itoso Hop kins, Allco Seoley, Zoo Walker, Clitssio Halthel, ll&lllo Nordhttus, Laura llurn eldo, Delia Pcttey, Dcsslo Koudrlck, l,clla Fain, Messrs, John Ilurutlde, Will !urns!do,Gaytou Pettey.Max lluy man, Karl Iloymau, M. 12. Stewart, M, O. lllcknell, J. It. Hopkins, Walter Uuluey, llort Swope, Frank Nurdhaus. An Early JUIny Hoiuoiu For sqveral days past, the first Indica tions of tho rainy soason clouds havo been apparent and everyono Is hopeful that 1801 will repeat the benollu of 1803 lu copious nud frequent rains. Thu season promises to be uutisally forward. Thailand llauc. The members of tho Denting llrass Hand will hold their dattco in the opera house next Woduosday evening, tho pro ceeds to bo applied to the puruhaie of Instruments, The muilo will bo a fea ture nud a general good tlmo Ispromtsod. ERY VOL. XIV.NO 3 ISSUED POSTAL NOTE Postmaster Hansborg Arrested by in3 spector Waterburyi THE ALLEGED BHOETAM (Hi OUImtrtOiatl'oilmaiUrit. if.italtl borir, or lliU County luuad Voitat Notts' In I od Larga Niinilir Kb Waived a I'ratlmluarr Kmmllmtloii rarilal lies llllitluu Ult.J!r, ilaaiharx Ufca Kiit Vtt 8laUl ItUHlileenhs Cuttu &it,xnn City, Nkw Mexico, May li Postoillc Inspector Wnterbury, through Marshal Cantley, arrested II. Ji, Hani borg, assistant postmaster at linuterj this county, for violating tho postal laws and brought him to Silver City for a heorlug, On tho 21tlt of July last4 the po(offlc'(j atllansberg was made a money noto ofllco of lasuo aud Mrs. K, J. Ilnuibcrg nppolnted postmbtresj, her husband, 11 li. llansborg atteudlug to the ofllco lu her behalf, Tho chargo upon which thd arrest was mado Is embezzlement, It be ing claimed by the Inspector that Mr; Haitsberg Is behind In his accounts to tho amount of f 500.80, duo tho depart ment for postal notes Issued to tho Hans; berg Notion company, In which Mr Hansburg Is Interested. Of this dcfleltj Mr. Hausborg, It is claimed hud some thing like $117 in money In tho ifflco and checks to tho amount of $70, which ho cashed In Silver City and turnod over to tho luspector. Slnce tho establish mont of the office, jiostal ttotft business to tho amount of 91,071.63 hat beeii transacted, Mr. Ilansberg wont Wore UnHcci States Commissioner C. O. Doll and waived ii preliminary hearlug, ball being fixed in tbo sum of $3,000. LJl-'ho. Hausberjj NptjQU&mjariy has',. been doing a lloUrlshlujr business anil Mr. Hausberg's troublo seems to havo" been brought about more by carelossnes than any attempt to defraud the govern ment. Mr. Hansberg has, not yet made his' statement of tho affair, tho facts above! being developed beforo tho Commis sioner. MJIIOOI. IIOAUI) Kl.rCTlOW. U Will In Until Ilia l'lrtt Mnnilar In Jfi A Oil Mill Tax.. , The election of a board of school di rectors for product No. 11 tor tho en suing year, has been called for tho first Monday In Juno-tho 4th. Tho voting placo will bo In the back room of the First National Dunk Ilttlldlng. Tho citizens will also bo called upon" to voto upon tho usual ono mill tax for tbo defraying of current expenses aud tho paymput of the Interest upon the school bonds. , Thore Is n strong fooling lit favor of the re-election of tho present board onmpojed of Messrs. Hrownf llnllock timl ltollch, and thus far uo othor names havo been mentioned. Tha Ctirfloin lluut to be Opciiritj Tho officials of tho Mexican custom' hntiso at Las Palomas havo semi-official notice of tho ro-opoulng of that port a? tho beginning of the Moxlcau fiscal year July 1st. . k Ctiiiifr'Catloual Cliurvl'i ftric? llov. K. II. AshniHti, of Albuquerque, will preach in the Congregational church-to-morrow morning and Oteulng, Yettertlajr' Mrkets Hjx.f lat to Iho Hsadliuut. New York, May lltli 02if. -Load, OSOi (five? pAiR (lUARANTEED. ltd to the dlscovory of the El Valleinltis