Newspaper Page Text
BR5 Wfrni.Mr, im, r axmaa , i'roiontly two soldier following a young mnn In clrlllan dran coino for TPttrd lugglns n llttlo grcon (minted Iron enfo, nndtliln, with Rawing ond n thud, thov deposit In tho wagon. " You'vo noon that before, crgo(uit,M langha tho ehilliin. "I havo, Iwgad, nn wlien H Imd n leap moio grcon Insldo en Iota outoldo than It tins now. Fnllli, I novor ox tooted to tea It Again, nor tho nayinuter tlther. Wo wcro both bored throuch nn through. 'Twos our good habit that Mred ui. Buro your predecmor wni n gatno tlglitur, Sir, ttaruea, U ho wain tenderfoot." "Yes, the major often tolls mo ho wishes ho had him back, and mo In tho placo ho has Instead of tho onohohnd," unsworn tho clerk whimsically. "Docs ho know you'ro to command tho escort In? You got him into such n scrapo then that ho'a novor tired of tolling of It." "Then ho mar fool gratified at tho honor I otn flolnjt him now. fiuro it's beneath tho dignity of a first sorgcant fo command n squad llko this except on on extraordinary occasion, an It's to tafco tha taetoof tliu lait tlmoout of lita mouth I volunteered to escort tho ma jor now. 'Twos a strong taito to last flvo ycara, though my reminder wilt go with mo many n year longer. Ilcro they come now." As tho sorgeant epenls n llttlo group of officers issues from tho battalion commander's tent. Foremost among them, in looso flopping raiment and broad brimmed hat and green goggles, is tho rotund and portly ehapo of Major Flummcr, tho paymaster. "Well, old man," says tho cavalry leader, "you can haidly got into a ocrapo 'twlxt hero mid Sldnoy. Wo'vo seen you through all right bo fart now we'll go on about our scouting. Your old friend Fecuy asltcd iiermtssion to ceo you nafely to tho railway." "What, Fccny, and n first sergeant too? I'm honored indeed I WM1, Borgcant," ho adds, catching sight of tha grizzled red faco under tho old scouting hat, "I'll promlso to let you run tho maohlno this limo nnd not In terfere, no matter whet stories como to us of benuty in distress. All ready T" "All ready, sir, if tho major is." "Ho wasn't that civil to mo in Ari zona," laughs tho paymaster rut ho turns to shako hands with tho officers ubout hltn, "You eo; you wcro now to tho busi ness then," explains n tall captain. "Feeny considers you n war veteran now, nftor ynnr experience lit Moreno's. Wo all hud to servo our apprenticeship ns suckling lieutenants beforo ho would bow us anything but n scmblancoof respect. Qoodby, majors Uod luck to you." "Goodby nil. Qoodby, Drommond. Ooodby, Wing. Herot Imustsbsko hands with you two again." And shako ha docss then is slowly "boosted" into his wagon, where; ns tho whip cracks and tho mules pluugo nt their collars nnd tilt him backward, tho major's jol ly red faco beams on all nround, and ho waves hla broad brimmed hat in ex uborant cordiality as they rnttlo nway. Tho group of ofilcorn presontly dls pcreo, two tall lieutenants strolling oil together and throwing thuinsclvoa under tho spreading blanches of n big cotton wpod. Ono of them, darker nnd some what hoavlor built now, hut muscular, active, powerful, is Dtammoiulj tho other, n younger man by n braco of years, tall, bluo eyed, blond boarded, wearing on his scouting blonso tho straps of a second lieutenant, is our old friend Wing, nnd Wing docs not hcsltato in pro.-onco of his senior officer such is tho bond of friendship between thorn to draw from his breast pocket n letter just resolved tuat day when tho courier met them nt tho crowing of the Dry Fork, and to loso himself in its contents. "All well with tho raadnm nnd tho kid?" queries Drumtnond, after tho manner of tho fioutlcr, when at last Wing folds nnd replaces his letter, a happy light in his bravo bluo eyes, "All well, Pa;nltn says that Harvey has captured the entire household, and that Grandpa Hurvcy Is hla abject alavo. Thcro isn't anything in Chicago too good for that 8-ycar-old. They've )iad them photood together -tho kid on his grandfather's shoulder." "Aren't you afraid his Arizona undo will bo jealous for bis ownboy'asnko?' lauiths Drummond. "I don't bcliovo Ned would begrudgo Fanny anything tho old man might feel for hor or for hers. JJo is generosity itself toward his sisters, nnd surely I could never havo found a warmer friend out of the army. You know how ho stood by mo." "I know, and it was most gratifying not but that I feel sure you would havo won without his aid. The old man simply couldn't qulto 1) reconciled to her marrying in tno army ami living in Arizona." "A strange land for n honeymoon cer talnly yet whero and when was thero happier? Do you remember how the Apaches jumped tho Verdo backboard the very ween after wo were mainour' "Ana voit bpcjit nnir or ino tiniirv modi (dontlng tTTo Ton to basin? X should say so I What with a cour Wnp In n robbers' care, n marriage In a cav alry camp and n wedding tour in sad dle, you had nnnlquooxperlenco,Wlng, but yoa deserved her." And Drum mond turns nnd grlpa his comrade's hand. Wing Is silent n moment. Ills oyes aro wistfully searching tho elder's half averlod faco. "Jim, you told mo nwhtlongoot your sister's approaching marriage Are yoa not going on?" "Yes. It will Im early in October. Olio's blissfully happy, is Fum, nnd ho'a n very substantial, solid sort of A fellow, I'm well content. At last, that hor future Is essuicd," "And you nro a f mi agent practical- Isn't it timo wo Heard of your own bapplneos-r olu man?" iplncos-r-your own vino nnd fig tree, Gent's Furnishing Goods, RTO., FTP. carry a full line In all departments and my stock of Gent's Furnishing Goods Is tho most complete In Urantcouiityhavlng boon solected with special referetico to this market. Fihe Smuts and Underwear of All Kinds &Sizes. OJLTjXj TEST PRICES. National Bank Bloolc, - - - - Domini N. M. Tlmo's gone by, I reckon," lanshs Drummond, yet not morrlly. "1'vo had too much to think of too much responsibility and probably havo lost my chnnco." Wing looks as though ho wanted mightily to ugtoinothlng, butconquors his impulse "October Is n long woy off, "ho final ly remarks, "and 1 thought you might find earlier opportunity of going east. Now that Nod has entire chargo of tho business jn Arlzona.tho oldcentlemon CONTINUED HEXT ISSUE. ltMrl lutva. For the First Annual Tournament of the Volunteer Fire Department at Yeans on July 4th and Mb, tho "Hants Fe" will sell tickets from all (mints Id New Mexico to Las Vegas and return at rate ot one rare rortno round trip. Ticket on salo July Snd and Unl, good lor return io anu mciuuiug jtiiy utii. A. 1), Pimons, Agent Doming. C. IT. Mohehocse, D. F. & V. agent, FA raso, i tx. For tha Xnformiillnn of tha I'ubllc. Tho Demlns Land & Water comrmnv have laid their malnei. and put out lat erals convenient to about 100 families and butltivis houses and will turn on the water, as soon as tliu connections aro tnado with tho premlsoa by the owners, or occupants. The company U alto ready to supply water for Irrigation, as noon aaa sufficient number of applica tions are made to cover expense for pumping. Soractliluff j;w. A speclflo rsmedr for the whisker. morpaiue, opium snu :oiscco nitons cau now be had by anyone and a perfoct do llveranco from the cravings for them, leaviug no in cuects. a euro guaran teed. These are not patten medicines but remedies never In uso before. Call and see ltv. If. M, Vinton about It, lllMolutlun Notion. Tin nartnerihlD her.tofore .ilitlni botwfon Charla, W, and M, 1', Moore, unite r ttio Inn name ol Klmitmnn 4t Jlooro la thli riaydL- M. )', Moora retiring nu man.. . mauiman comiuuini pra iirielor ol Ilia .Cklilnel loon . Mr. . K 'r.uetnmi mil )ej bii luuvuieuiiieat aim ruiiryi mi nruunii OHiltLH W. KLiL'tlUX. DeralnR, N M., M07 lit James IMlyron, ) vs. Henry 8. lloljate.and Aiumiioigaie. No. S812. Notico It hereby given that under and by virtue of n certain writ of veudltlunl vt poiiat, Ittued nut u( tho District Court of the Tnlrd Judicial District of tlis Tor rltorv of New Mexico, stttlug within aud fortdo county ot (J runt In tho above numbered cautci wherein 011 tho 1-tli day of Novumbor A. I). 1608, judgment was rHcuvore u ugamtt 1110 sain iioury a llolKitlo nuil Anna llolirate In the sum ot eleven hundred uud teventi-elglit (toiiurs (91.i1B.uuj uamages auutweuty seven and 10-100 dollars fJ7.75) cotts ol suit, with Interest thereon at the rate of tlx per cent (0 pur cent) per annum from tim xum uuv 01 Aiirii a. 1;. imi. Now thereof In pursuance of said writ I will sell at nubile venduo on Snruco street, wett ot Uold aveuue, In front of block 14. In Demlnir. N. M. In said county and Territory of New Mexico to the highest bliidor for cath en the It) day ur May A. D. 1804, between the hours of l'i in. aud i p. m. ot said day nil tho right title and Interest of the laid Henry H. Uolgateand Auna ilolgate 111 aim to tno following psrtouai proper tv. to-wlti Two bed room sett 3 nieces each! 1 tluelo bedi 1 book case and cabinet! 1 hat rack: 1 parlor suit 0 pieces aud lounirei 1 side board! 1 din nc room table- extentloni 1 cool; stovei li heating ttovest 4 bruttellt cametit 1 Inaraln car- put; 1 kitchen table! 1 kitchen cupboard) i! marme top (allies; 0 (lining room cnairsi 3 rocking ciiairti a iiangiiig lampti 1 bracket lamp) a hand lampti l camp clinlri 1 e it lit dav clock il pictii nalr hornti U mottrataest 1 lot bed cloth ingj 1 lot diihesi 1 lot silver plated knives and forku I lot cooking utenttlti 1 paper standi I cutpldon t refrigerator) I paper rack) 1 clothes basket 1 table cattort 1 nlatcd sucar bowlt 1 plated cream pltcheri 1 plad spoon holder: a sets wire tprMti 1 portion of sot of har ness! 1 wneei uarrowi 1 noei 1 raxes 1 lot table linen. To satlsfv said ludnment as aforerald of eleven hundred aud saventy-olght uouars, uamag)s, arm twenty seven and in-lw dollars If 37.70) cotts or all tho costs of these pro suit, with Interest thereon to date of sale logeiiicr nun ceodlnas. A, I). Laibu, Duenit 01 urantciiunir, newniojfK iiatnu, uiirer city, nm juexi Urd A. P. lffll. 1 SL lay n N. A. BOIvIOH, DKALKItlN lothing,Boots,Shoes, J. M. HOIiUNOS WORTH, PhyHlolan and Qurucsoni tiomlnir, Hew Mexico. LAWRENON M.BUItLOOIC, ru. a., , t., PhyalolAn and Quraooni K)tt etr fully eniinl sail gltftes rsrniihM Kir mi usiocie 01 Tiiion. urarsi punnp uullulnz, n DR. It. F. BTOVALIi, PllYMIOIAN AND SUHQBONi CamiiRnydnraeon for A. T,A 8. r. II. It. Co. iiuioni OHTsr uuiiuiuv.niiTvr nv vuuu james 0. vmham, ArrORNBY AT IAV Oliver City. New Uexlos, SANTA FE ROUTE! Tho Great Trunk Una .North, East and West. Only Line running Solid TrniiiB through to Kansas City, Uhicngo and ot. Louis VYitnout unango. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS RUN DAILY From all points to all points In Texas, Mexico, New Mexico, Arizona and California. Bee that your tickets read, "Via tho Atchison, Topekn nnd Hants Fo Hallway.' l or information rcganiing ratoi, connections, etc., can on ornuurtti QEO. T. NICHOLSON, 0. 1'. and T. A., Topcka, Kama). O. II. MOHKHOU8K, I). F. and 1. A., Kl l'ato, Texot. Or A. 11. SIMONS, Local Agent. Doming JOSEPH BOONE, ATTOHNRV AT LAW, llnmlna, N. M. Will nmi(loi! In all tin count of the Ttril tory, llio I.hiiiI OBlc at Orucet and l' Urn! to tituinoM with tlis Ueimrtinentt at WBnitintion. o nice 1 dlivsr Avenu Corntr ot fine St. T. IT. OONWAY, Atwrhoy and Oounnollor at Lawi sliver City. Mew Hnxlco. M.AoieHrmm, O.ii.Ocnu. A8HENFEL.TER & GROSS, Attorny at LuV, Otiulnf, w Ijlfo, Thompson's .-. Hotel, Oppo3lto tho Depot. GrOOXD BOOB BCAED IN THE EUROPEAN PLAN A. II. THUMl'HON, I'lioi-ltlBTOit Call on Thompson for Choap Railroad Tiokets Fleishman & Beals Co. Suooossors to SMITH & FLEISHMAN. GROOEEIES & HARDWARE New Goods, Low prices. Spooia 1 DEMING, Attention to Mail Ox&9x,b Gold Avonuo, NEW MEXICO. Doming Meat Market. JOHN STENSON, PnoiWETOB. Fresh Beef, Pork, Veal, Sausage Corned Beef c constantly on hand and at reasonable prices linst Bltlo Gold Avenue, bolwooii Hemlock nnd Spruce ot-B Qenera! Insurance Agent, The coHinntilou roiircBonted nt tills old CBtnbllBlied ncunoy, bavo promptly paid nil Domini,' iobbob mm morn your pruronngo. ritOML'Y ATTKNTION OIVKN TO UHNIiWALS Offlooj Silver Avenue, Doming, CLARK & CO. BAKERS ATO C0UPECTI03STEE1S ALSO OAUUY A FULL AS30HTMKN1 OF Staple & Fancy .Groceries. Highest prico paid for Eggs and all country produce GOLD AVE., - DEMING, N. M. DSALKIt IN- r Staple and Fancy Groceries FLOUR, HAY, GRAIN, ETC, THE BEST l'LAOE TO BUY BEST GOODS AT CHEAPEST PRICES- DIJMINU, NMW M19XIOO. HENRY ISTORDHAXJSj IIKALRM IN A It II Manumctuhbh of Saddles & Hasness Ropairlng Dono on Short Notloo. FbotoRrttplu of my mukei ot Saddle! litrnUlied on nppllcnllon. Gold Av., bolovr Pine. DEMING, "VST- ISPn TOS E3X3Lg- WatchWaker : and : Jeweler Oold Avenus. South ot Spruce, DEMING, N. M. A rl iiuirllnrnt nt ATilthM, ai.cVi, Hexretrr l'ltal ar(i ln nn biml, idl illcnlln Id MiultlnsKii'l ill watli, PROFESSIONAL CARDS In?, Hpiuoo Street, W. U. WALTON, ATTORNBY AT UV lltxlllElit Offlw, Domnr, New Mf tiro. GREATLY REDUCED DATPC V - THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY MADE ftfE FOR TUB CALIFORNIA MIDWINTER FAIR ROUND TRIP RCOKETS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS. DEMING TO SAN FRANCISCO AND RETURN Including FIVE Gale Tickets to tho Fair. EXCURSION TRIPS. FIIOH SAN 1'ltANL'IHCO lo oilier polnll In Hf.itnU Hrill Im .HrlNl til .Iteclll MUHliiirr I'.lr ticket, at tha (aliuwIiiK rounJ Iilp rsif : TO RTATtOSH UNI) Kit ISO MILKR TIIOM 8AN fllANOISOO.OSK ASl) UNlSTliUUlon.. j'lrw- " TO 8TATIOXN l0 MlliRfl, Olt MOM! VUOM SN KltA.NClHCO, (INK AND O.NUJIKTII one S'HJ Into. far Mart rl' ml full Information Inntilro ot 7. II. IIOAWOU Til. it I:JI (.NO ur .Udr.M III. umtf r.lffiifil. HIOII'IMIIIAY, T. II. (lOODMAN.t ikUn.Trnio lni.r. (Icn, lV.nscr Ak'hIi Hm Vkahchco, 0u DEMING J. B. HODGDON Proprietor. On Gold Avcnuo &nt It. 11. Dopot. Latest Nowi)iiiitr4 rtutl l'urioilluitls al- witys on limit!. Jowolry, Ilrlu-ii-brno ami Xovnltlit. Nownml Conijiloto Lino of Goni'sS Lakes' Boots & Shoes Cheap for Cituh. j. a, ixicKitAttrA nnAHV, IIUOKKVE Pn.tofflc: llemlDK, N. M llllnBl Ocdtr tlroT Uountnln. aiiU linRBprlnRi. tirnnt Cointr how Hftxloo. Itoro nrnrt: L on lutt hip. CATTI.B CO. Xorio brand lain on lull hip. Two and n hnndr.d Ulr ildllui r.ward win b nald (or .ml mnrltlinn nt andMtion hranct Ina or Ilndll6 unil.rtbl. branu. . I'oitofflc M.xlro. 01.11 AND NCW TLB MItXICO ItAKCIt AND OAT M COMI'AKY. r llan... Alamo imrcf.. rvuiiiefit end ot l'lajia i l.f, .QttthwtiUitn Otant wWr, Mow Maxlco. ro.totnt., Darning. Xtn Maalcn AIJUJIIT MNDAUER. " ml . .ouili ot inm. H- on th. Uhhlp. rnltMt.