Newspaper Page Text
D Ml? . A KrVHKt.V. a.wiygy i iii'Hi iiiffywnijwmw'WJ'"1wMM lig i ... " " "" "1' S 11 WAlTO.V, EimeftJi!tt,w.ltiim imnafiaiwfnu. 11 n"tnmiiiiin I'M Jltwilh Hdlslfl Iftiplw,,. snWt ((will n tlmrgvt .flftOnt D l.'tlll H.lTVltVA i Jtf.r U , Wi tfiivt that tlm Kflkn rfttimtlon ha 'calmed iltwii, lot us pull, together fVrtbo 'adrahceuietit nutl))roirlty uf Dofnlug. ."'" i Au this li written nil appearances In dlthla thnt tlft Jtreatest strike lit modern hhtfiry H tthtfu't 'settled, although the "tftriiggla between labor and capital la Just tooiMenced. . i - Senator Sltormati proposta to lhtroduco k Mil to regulate tlto rates charged for liettlu flu I'iiIIiiiui) tars, lie thinks tho piwsnt rntrfc ara too Tilgu ftftd tho oc VommoiliitlOiin very poor. Ill Idea li jliat tlm Miiipuiiy can glto better occoin niudallons itiul make ft good II ir profit H 'the rate It reduced about one-hall. Trttta' Hnf, Wtwtw. On the 1Mb iMf of '4rch. lb real na tty'timtnl fllMt hnuilinl ana miulj-lwti. .iiBwni win ti miiim., 11m Mid. jfOttli AIIkmu, .lulh o( lh (wuuri otnni in tit Territory or sietiw.rfM mass, Mtutvlu(l irknewMc llielr ntuin dwi of tntft,jlitT!n anil whffel. for certain apriMite I until , wljo or MuU'Alimin, Km! snqrittrrrii ptirtinwa in fald inalraraant m (orttt, IIKl, IhsTitkJ irnl,lrflp) DPillln tup Bwiat.ifftl-U, In atia ft nrramallirr rc II,toiiur utiil (HiiiRrwiiti tup Bwiat.igfti-u, In irnw, ftu jiifi juiioivuifr uwriim-u rem wnai m tiat, lliiif and bria in tbt eomiij' of (Irani enil Turltnrjet ttr M esieo, to-wii ltf iiuituwrail fan (l())ln ill i mnl )? (It) In lilmJk rutin iwreil rfslil 8) or lh 0Wfil w of l)rinlli(, trtshl lna mi Ut 1-fnt o! 'I', H. iltCn. filtd Willi lUd winiilf I(rli1f (if wlil liishl ftiuhlr. oft 19ih ilayofMarvIt, liWl which MM i1w1 ot Inut l till til aim ia hi at Ifunl, tlio wiiiriamlilianlntlinmln'lirnl((Dr th ifN riiiriM lirntnaltr mniUiinrd) nil lliiir tlglil, UN". naiilH null luionul In unit In tlm aliuts iletcfllXHltifem!M, rrinltlnglrpm ur Inciilyit In iliK tioittntMii mill mMluu lax uf tlti Turtl- Of NW MKlMllllt ttllljl III) III nlli mrabla m ilm utui iiwitdine ami !mii Atci iwiniiiff. nvw Ml lorj of fii iohIuz udriMiwi wifUln iironilHorr nntn alwava In Irani forth u ivem tlm pjjmtil ur HttA llf AYn ttjUM llli ftali! mil, m Riiinunt of tiro thauuml Holla iwr ullinanta of prliirlnat ami aula lniiti to l duu mill tiajabln on lira froiid VtbUj of ratlt n'l trv inuntli. nilll rnrtAloian crilAratiao(tihari of afoik In lil Aanoclallou (ulnlgva (u cMlalrat lo Mid Hole) jUoiiM tnaliiro, at lliu m vuluo of two hnnilmt ttollara psth ; nnrl for tli f nrthrr mr If, under present coudltlom of aggrnn Mlred citpltal, llm'r U to Rrt Anything 1IU Ita almr'e (It production, It muttoUu form a truit as oloio nnd powerful at that tif wealth. Wo do not tay that this la tight wo only lay tlln It ll n$ right na il la to orsnnlru capital Info great oor- Voratlona to hold up price and reitrlct pri'ductlon. . .. . Tim mnnilora of tho local lodge of th'e A. It, U. dltl the right thing In promptly ntprcMlug their Indignation at tho at tempt to wreck tho railroad train anci iitrlng a irafchtnan at tholroirnexpenee. The motnbnrs of the local lodge linvo ucteil Willi credit to thpitiHolve. ami their order during tho oxlMlng troubles nnd havo won tho ayrapMhy of every think ing man lu Iteming. , The strike will tindoubtedly have tho ITcQt of reatiltlog tn favoraulo leglala iinu tn ihe laboring claniea, Tho itrcngth dovelopcd by tho unions and the sympathy of Ihq people exhibited throughout tho United States cannot full a Impress our legislators with tlln fact thnt tho days ot trusts and monopolies inust be numbered or the Unltod Htntca will bo threatened with a civil vraf. . It is cttltlmted that of about 110,000 Chinamen In this country, 107,000 have 'compiled with the registration law, leav ing it,000, more or less, to be deported at the exnense of tho Qovernmeut. it is bothering tho Treasury Department just now how to dlspnsa of th'ese uursslstered Xiioiigollahs. Thero Is no money appro priated for the purpose, and, as It costs fully $70 per liend to soud Chinamen back to Chlua from tho United Btatts tho aggregate amount required for tho purpose will & quite largo. Delegate Joseph, has seen tho presl dent and been assured that tho slgtmturo of tho chief executive will be snbseribed at tho proper time to tho bill grsntlug statehood to Now Mexico. According to Mr. Joseph, the president decliircd that New Mexico deserved statehood more than any of tho territories on tho list, and ndded that It was high time the promise uiado to Old Mexico that statehood should be granted Now Mexico ni soon as practicable, should bo carried out. This was nearly forty years ngn when California anil Nnrr Mnxtwi wrn an. (ltilroil liy the United titotei by cession irom Mexico. ioas of 'lnB aalit Axtoclailon Intlie amniint of iniaiwt, neifk.iiM ana nn iino mit owing, nn whlcli iiiliihl tivconia duo anil owing, from aalit Ifuftniua, n. Alunirt and luU Alimau tn unlit ai ocTatlon iinjer Ilia br-lawa lhnlt and aeMrdlntf to lbs tenor oniUtTfctof aaltl irttifolwiry note and iladdof Irnat, u uln allauinatif tnonajr paid out ojraaiu .miaciaiion tor nmii iaxi aim inmr ntcrpat UiniMini and liy aiduwdor i-onla . Altman and Ionia Alimanahnnldiiafof tanw tn h nald lo 1(1 Aanoclaliim lh raid auin ot money in aald iioin iiipiiiianau, nnorninc 10 ins urt anna ronui anon npnit tald iireiiilff, hlili andliroa. It wai asrnxl In nml liy trctl, Umt, unlaaa tiiii ald Kuconla M. Alimin and nut, iiiciiiiimnii, nixurilllifE III lun icifc Buu tui.ut' llcna of aald Hole, and winnl; with all itvmiauta atidaArwinanla In aaid now nnd (li,1 of truat, In rrtarann) tn inminii'p, laipa. ttK vie. rririira in mtiuKiir, laxt-n, t(K is. nu then lliaunderalfnnl, at Ilia reeurttof the holiltra otaaldnole, rnl(ht iinireed o tell tha iiropenr lienlutMlorti tlcrl(eI, at imhllo vniiluo to the hlshMt bidder, flrat yrit tlilrly dar'a notlrdof tin lime, lurmi, piac of atia tr.. by Sdtertlee inenl in i .m newipaper pnlillib J at Mid cnnnir i) A. n. u. iii;soi.iiTi()Nij, lU Tl of Ilia Ones Aitopleil at ThWlny i:rinlne'a Meellnx. Is tho full toxt of the rein lutlons ndnited by the local Icxlgo A. It. I, coticernliig the attempt at train wrecking. Whereas, It has come to our know ledge that on tho night of July Oth awltohes bnv been thrown In the yards of tho A. T. A S. V. railroad with the Intention of wrecking a train carry ing federal troops passing through Oem Ing, Therefore bo It , Ilcsolved that the local Union ot the A, H. U, discountenance such' ocU and that a watchmaii bo employed to watch ixitii tlm yams of the above named com nany and thoio of the Bouthern Pacific and sworn In as a deputy sheriff to guard' against suclt outrages and thut all ex penses be born by the Union and bo It further At the n'me meeting a watchman was hlrtd and sworn In the same evening br miunu jwiiiu, mi iraicnman went on duty tt once. j tjunerer. from chills and fever, who ..-li. iiiuius u oTiuiicuy, inn up lircciniB Aynr a nana u re. Th a nre nw on, If Ukenlrtccordlntrtodlrectrons, is warranted n euro uire. itesldefau in tlafllfllitrlciil ihlBtUa not be without si lit llranti and. uno-i anlit tale, ahnnld ii eealo an delltur praper del lo the prrthWr-ond niaka dlipotlilon ot th iiurchaie mMirjr n Inanmr nt in nam iruai ueaa pruTiuini nun, vrnnreaa. mw aald I'.nzanta H. Allnian and Miala Altman liars tllt to pay oreaniAlo u paid to lliu aald Atao rliilon ihn aald atima of motiev In Iho aald note nientlontf,'nd havo failed to comply with their COTcnatii ami agrocinema iiiroiti nui anutimtui i-aj,ln Kftieiun lo ininrasra, luw, back laa, ttc, and liava failed In payment of Intenwl, itn( anil penaitlei, aerordlns to the lorma and rondl- nulla vt Btiu unni vi luxi mi Hint uit-ru nuniff- melin due and owlna 'torn raid Kngvtilt H. Alt niauand Iinla Altman to raid Aiaoclallon, ai txirdlnB lo lbs true tenor and eflrU of aald proinlr- enrj nm alio aaiu qemo 01 itum, ilia auni i rev en lean hundroit, tntcnly li s4a lf dollara (t ITTftHI aim wneraaa. it wa aiirmxi in aam irutv iieen that In ra or duranll or any or aald nnta and deeil provldnifnr. tha iiHTinenta In Linjriur.4 iiir. im, wiiuiqui mmm nole, Inlereil. flnei elo., ahoulu at III npllon of iromn nim anil iiaTanie. ana eaiu aa 111 Aiaotlatliin. heeomitdiio and nan prainitea oatoju in UKUinsniiiir aim wiiniuotAiiia t'livv. ! nam riQ ur uuiiuh.i.iii iihu iu,inir aiiuueianu nan iH-nn piaiiv in ua jiaj ineiib bctoiu Ins loll lenorand eftetti and whereaa aald Aa this action thereon: Now, Iherufore, nnder r.fl by tlrln nt tlii aiithorltycraaied and aubilnine by and Ihrnuvti aald Ceril of iroit, and liy rearon of III praralMie. Ill umlorilKiied w ill at S o'rJ"ck p, m. of Monday 111 lStti day ot Aucuit, KVI, at Ilia oulhwot rornerot nno altwi anil Buyer nryhuatn aak lounoftlemlns:, (iflr for aale and aell to tha hlgheal bidder lor taut all and alveularlba pim PRAISE, ONLY, TROtA 'ALL WHO TJSK AYE R. S Vigor "Ayer'n prenfirntlons nro too well k ninvii to need nnv'couimmi. n diillon froin iiioi lit tieelcpm, g PCUVII IV BHIifi IU "I" HrilPIIJ !I ntlmra. tlmt nix vciira nno. 1 lost nenriy lmlf of mv hair tuul what xtna loft tumcil trrny. After S miner AVer's Hnlr Vliror Kovcrnl months, my linlr licgnn to grow Si ngnin, nun witu mo iiniunii coior " roBtorml. I.tvcmnmciid it to nil my rriontis." Jtrs, ihank- ot iiAiiKv.ii. tmx SOS. Station O. Los s1 ACER'S Hair Vigor rncrAnco cr Oft J. C. AVER CO., LOWELL MASS. ygooooooooooooooooooooool Albert LiNbAUER, WHOXKSALE iOBMKlk IK Liquohs. Wines, Cigars Champagne, Cordials, Etc. I CArry in atoelc lom b'f tho oholccst HtHntlRof klquor uA Oignrs to 1)0 had anywhoi'o. y DEMI3STG, - - NJKW MEXICO. HENRT METER Frish Fish and Oysters in Season I guarnntoo our GuBtomora satisfftction, GOLD AVENUE, . ( DELING, N. St. Dispensing Diiuggi PuiRE Drugs, Fine Chemicals 1'ni-Hale, Ten acre IrtptoVad ranch, with flvo room ndnbo dwelllnp. Vlthln short walk of Dn'mltiR.., Will lie sold cheap mt and particulars for cash. For full term! call upon or address. . B. CoavKU, ee hurolnabote demlbeA, toKethar wllhall ileht, lllle.tialai and Inlereil of aald Knsenta H. AH- man ami ixrnia Aiinian in ana lo tn atm, in cludlnirall audi rlulit, title, aalal and tuai mar rerun irom or w i aiead and oianiiillon una or us Territory tor ?(ew aleilco, and will, In aeqnente of men i'i Intt'iett incMenl tn tha home. Una of th Territory iof and llnnn tiavinenlnr tha tmreiiate mniioy. main deed li) the piirclum an In aald 'lovA ot truit pro- Titieu, wAmsv r. utro, irnatee. Iid H.mRowir,Httrcoior liiTnul. 1 00.000 LUMBER CHEAP lor CASH. Any Quantity, Any Size, WAXiTEK O.WAIiLIS. For the Inforuiit tmproveil Hunch for Halo, Ono mile north of l5on!ng on Win Mlmlires. flood wlndmlls, tank and fences. Flvo acres In high elite of cul tivation. A bargain, , II. FAvst. 'itriyn or tliol'iibllc. Tho Demlorf Laud A Water uorncany have laid their malnos. and nut nut Int- iinls convenient to about 100 families nnd business bonnes and Will tun on Hid water, as soon nstlie connections hxa made with tha Droiiilscs by the owners. or occupants. The company Is also ready to supply water for Irrigation, as soon as a siiiiicicnt numuer ot anniica Hons aro made to cover exponso for pumping. -1THECAB1BET1p- ' I. ... . THIS W, I Heltzel Brick Co. Are prepared to fnrnlih CHOICE BUILDING BRICK At Vary Low Flguros. ESTIMATES FURNISHED We msntifadar our own Ilrlrjc and do oar owu Jlaton Work, CHEAPER THAN ADOBE, DEMINQ. NEW MEXICO. French Restaurant, reakaeK.rroiirfetor 3fist Eating House in Deming, rcMH oiBTEita in evert bttlh. ill tlia UnlloHclnaorHiB Hoaion le order at aauoiikiiloiutee,'.it Avknub, DEMINQ , THE Home Eestaurant, HATES: Board by vook, - - 0.00 Fiftoen mortis, - - 5.00 Siliclo moal, - - 35 Spooiul attontion paid to family truda. HBI.MA AUSTIN, Pro.. K. Y, Restaurant. FdNQ KINCi, Prolififetori A First Class Eating House. Oyntorn u every stylo nail all tlio tlolli'iiqicH ii.rtlio sea son to order. OppositoHoyniann's Store. Upon nt nil hour, day int! night HOTEL RESTAURANT WOU l'UNQJ Prop. At Thompson's Hotel stand across fiom depot. Everything Neat and Clean 11EST FOOD, Prinos rtcasonable. TRACY & HANNIGANi Proprietors, All DEST OnflHDS OF WHISKIES, UHAKDltS HHP WN1ES. Domestic & Imported cigars PINE STREET, DENIMO, NEW MEJaoO. JOHN OOEBETT, MANUrAClTBEU 0 , Soda Water, Dealer ig Keg aild Bottled Beef J. P. BYRON Vvholeialo and Ttelail Dealer In t6lLET AlitlCtfeS, STAt'lOIlERVand SCHOOL BOOKS DEMING, NEWMSXICt 'reterlptlona&ref titty oompouBiiaaitBlll nourDunvTIiiKilt. t SSTBLISI1KD IS&S, CHASi W. KlAUtSMANi phoiiiETdn: DEMING Nation h, II. nilOW", Oashiori -THE . , mm? urn litjiis cbil'uKtx.vib'e ...f;!i 'ct mm il Bank of Mum Trarioact8 a Gonornl Banking Dyaindsij. Foreign EiChangD Bought M Sold. Hekicaa HoncyBbugbt and Sold. Mouoy to Loan on Good Security at Current Ratos at- Intoroflt, J. M. HOLLIES WORTH, Siioooesol- lo N. S. JOflES & 00. Feed & Sale HAY elxxkJ. ,qia-3FllA.XKr Sllvor Avo South of Pino. Livery G. N. Clothing XT X2w X. J2j X Ladies', Gon'ls', Missas' & Children's Fine BOOTS AND SHOES. DEMING, NEW MEXICO. R. S. STURMER, THE LEA. DING BAtERkCommmomi Parties, Satis, P'lfcriic and Sooiabtes furnished with mt thing (u my Una. I itAKB A SPECIALTY OF FMuAMIB.