Newspaper Page Text
Co WsVMritf4Mw Wnmumm 3?liy'SJtf''ti!. mwjwAr jvi.tu, mi Mk. FaweKitr Burnt wltf leave In ifay.or two far Mexico ou i laud sutvey- Mctura uftiuUltigi-'raitb'o Bl l'ao. JJuii VtM.uu t still si( tils crutches put llto crippled fooit slnWly and aurely Improving, . do to Pratt's fc apples, fetches anil fethcr ftuln Satrlaso vanishes TuUle's Ef VAbS, Mm, WJOUlrtns returned Wcdnes day rrjOMpinto Ii9 ana went up to Himr flay, (ims GffyycMftnTsy ott.a vlU to relative Flrtwieaok'es at flve cents per ieund 6t OMfi'i. Hmember tea errant Is served dally. Win 4 tl 10 p. in. at l'mtt'i irutt staou. Mu Vmnn MoDxnilor, of Carlisle, wkabwdciliho Iura mluo to the El S!tai'3moltli:tfjotniiauy, was In the city ystcrda on Jits way to 151 Po. EwclOuu mUsIon grape, the. first In tifviifat Oliase'e atfen cents pei pound. A Ivtdikr U rdcelvlntr choice fruits ami venetab Ins rlitht afontt and keeps thu Belt selected stock of groceries lu the oity. 3t4itiK DWtmW. of IfaiKiberK, now flanging the bualncaa of the liansberg Nmlou company, was in town yesterday l'ayltifi In iv stock of now goods fof that establishment,' Applei and all the latest f;ul(i at 4 Chase's. . Jolin Sionson has the heat beef In the 6Hy and warns tho publlu to tnr It, .tifcs Mhtuh. of ICoUlberg riros, I ihiio, aticccded In running the blookado eTodgot In hero M'odnosdny with hit sample In tact. 8ovcrl boxes wont up fn smoke shortly rftor Ida advent. Otarkit Co. raised tho freight filwikHdo and : it received a uar- load of bran aim nhutker of oat. t 4 YMonlav was tho time flaallv Killed 4 tlt us tho day when tho assassin of .Mayor Hnrrlaou, of Chicago, mould tie Zeroed Into tliat eternity of terturo he iiuth earned. 'J ho dispatches of to-day will prbbdbly announce hli working off, - Htenson kcena the flncit beef In Dem fug In theso riot months as well no at nil' d'IIr times of the year. .JolmStcnsoii keeps a fine assortment rjr fancy nndstanlM jrrooerlaa and solUa cneap as anyuouy in town. It. P. Daiikiis. Eo. of Silver City, one f the brluht nipinlmn of the Qfiini ?otmty bar, upctit a couple of days hi tiio ijlty and returned homo Thursday with the Dcmlug delegation to flr or unfix Uie Incorporation question. jfc!Flno Hue of cigars at Pratu. HVlndow l fs-TuttH'o Kl Paxo. , A handsome lino of ladles' black and tan shoes and Oxford tics at Pottoy u. Wall paper sampUs free T'itllo'd El Paio. 6ak, valnut, cherry, mahogany, rose ood stains Tuttle's El Paso. Bold by Klulshmau & Deals only, Artlat's materlal-Tuttlo'u El Paso. Hood's pills are purely vegetable, and (jo.nni purgH, pain or grips, aoiu uy all-driiuRlu. Fiukk iVVmahn, of tho Corbctt-Wy- nian company, madon business trip to Central City aud other mining camps In tlio northem.partof the oouniy Uiun day In tho luterest of the sampling works, which by tho way, aro handling worn ore this month th&u ever. Htnnson Is the only man In tswn who aiwnyn toopi In stook the famous Silver Slileld'teaf lardTry o can. JTr. A. Huscmeyer Is at home 4galu after a lengthened stay at Sabluat, Mr, Husemoyerls an export on mining form attorn, and says tho formation' '.a that soctlon I s good and that If accepted the o'rlcs aromot at fault It should, with do velopment, bo A good prtducor. Ho will return shortly. , Jlii. PirrituUnswoKTi!, expert machln 1st fortho Mengo Irrigation Pump com PdyjaCSw Orleans, who has been for averW$ftJt getting tho pump of tho D,eTfil land & IVatsr company lu stiape. left rer.home Wedueiday, having iimpletsd hs. work In a satisfactory inautior. Mrv-MttswortU will probably return te this seSfem for the purpose df tiitrmluclug tlirtSletigd pump to our ranch men and farmers. 'iln Casm where dandruff, Main dlasaa ,ul grayness of the hair up teKL Uo not neglect them, but apply a tWlWgpniedy and Wnlo like HalPs flair Jleniwer., d4wrr, A. J. Cutm, J. A. Ilk iW,Join LWitnn, Cou J, P. Mo J8TT lfUAt Kiir,CoD. P. It. Burnt, Mt Wil.ksQtfr. II. Cann, II. A. Dwusrf and'J. P. llrifer went up lo rtllver City Thursday afjernoon lo appear Axr'Oftf jjoara uf vmtfmmm Only a Scar Remains icrofuln Ourctl-Blood Purified by " Hoorl'a tiirparllta "(XI. XXuoS tt Co., utl, Mum " It Is with pleasure tiist I teml a twtlnonlM eeaseratng tiaat need's mriiHlU ha Anw tot my dfiushwr, It Is a wemlcrful medtelae' amJ leanaot rewmmeml ttteo hlRtily. Barab,' Kflio ll fourtwi ywri old, las hmx f. Afflicted With Scrofula tm lne wa one jrer old. For fire years Sbo las una n und n runnlns varn on ana lMa nf tinr t. w iVa trld evrv remadir rnnram(m.lA1 . lint lotMsriiluMr any good until wn cewiHiiic4 aaviMdvew uio ilooa MarwpRtlila beettuui Hood's Cures It hart r(4 UHref drifeptla. fltiS hai liten troubled viilii tlifit cmnpUlut alace clttMhood, buUteot IttHAl'iiUrMilllU ju llu bouae. Wa cflmmctiMMl ftvliiff it to Hiirnh about one year ago, atxt It ha coufiucrnl tlm runtitas sore, Only a Soar Remaining an a traco of the dreadful dlicase. rrerlnns to taklnit the nwdltliie hr ejtlnt wm attested Lmt now in tmi tea nrtlietlr. In lutnnMilnn wllU lpol' iSaraaiinrlll we irnro iitrd llnod' veimaiiie I'lim, ati mw mem the iwu" Mua. MAiiuUKirrtx, Xcnln, Illinois. Hood'a Pllla euro nauica, alek iiraduiis, ladlgaUoo, tilltouiassi. Bold by at! drufslst era for and ttgalnit the (juettlon of Incor porating Doming tinder tho Village Act. The hearing1 was set for1 yesterday after noon. FIuo plums' from our own ranch Ulark & Od. IIvbok Johnson, brother of UUhop Johtiiou, passod through' Hemlng this week from Utah, on his way to tho Mor mon colonies. 1 Pref h vof ouiblM always on hand at 1'Ielshtnan fi llealfCo. Beat groceries lu Demfng always kopt by PleUhmau & Ueals Co. Xnajiectiiia; Uio l.lue. Tbreo mounted Inspectdrs came In from El I'dw yesterday toatslst Mounted laspector lleiiils, of the local custom force, in athoroiigb fnsricctlou of tho lino under tho direction of this port. Horse smuggling has been repotted and one Inspector Is utterly unitblo to cover the Hues thoroughly, etpeclairy as tfTo smug glers also travel In bauds of thrco or four. NottiiiiffKtritttE. IntollfcAnt ne6nle. who realize the Int. nortant tiart the blend holds In kecniui! tho body In a uofmal onudltlon, Una nnthlne strause In tho number of dis eases that Hood'a Baraapnrilla is aide to euro, oo many trouuies result from im pure blond that tho best way to treat them Is through the blood, anil It Is far better to use only harmlesa ve'able compounds than to doao to excess with quinine, calomel and other drugs, lly troatlng the blood with Hood's Barm parllla, ai rofula, salt rheum and what are commonly callod "humors;" dyspep Nla, oalnrrli. rltaumatlam. nmimlula. con sumptlou and other troubled that orlelti atn In Impurities nf the blood or Impaired circulation, can an no cured. Potior i;Uf Wst of lotions remaining uncalled for in Doming, n. m., i; u. wecu euuiug iiny nui jbui, Dusou Mrs Arthur 0 Plerm AtiRollta Mast Prod Mstitoyn Nlcanor Qiiluouz Plgumta Binlth (enrgi ftradalJimfts TasBt'r Wilton Thomas Mrs I.eatha- J. P. Uvitox.P.M. . Chase, the cheap grocer. Is receiving shipments of line fruits and vegetables every outer uay. nnii. ftp itMinif. iwft lint- fr mi. rrrenrown meiuae. aiiiBlnx .Uesnts ITsTr Cnnlnn ..SXWIlK' lutu . m (Rill foo , .., ,. . . . emu. Ilttl 4.......9ilftllf. tA die HltsmiHM a iwMSlly .....Tl etet. lint raIUllM. - . ...... , n r mk T You Uay Strike Itltloli, If you could pick tip" $4)1,000 In gold by one week's work, It would bo worth going a row nuuurou nines to get wouldn't It. that's juat what the Aztcokmlno (Col lax Co., New Mexico) nrodffftd In seven days wltnlbtal product to datfe of nearly a million dollars. This rich mine Is ono of timny In tho newly discovered Moreno Valley and Ute Cm ok plioer and rjuartx jnld dis tricts, tnU'o Bauta Pe Itouto to Springer, x, ti; lueuue iiaun iu ins cam p. Short .winters, healthful climate and rlflli prospects. This may bo thu cliauoo of a llfe.flme. Ask U&l ngeijt, AiT,& Bi IVk U, rpr llllistmted fanijibljl, It ma-Wit truth ttfeut LU tiorV' country. FOR the Hot SPELL "WIS to U0t ScaJn. hSrdforo, Bl Well ax Hevmann & Co DEIIllG LAND AND WATER CO. Are now oBerftn DeelMbU Lets ana Bleaks of IsAND m . ss In Paacels of One to Twenty Demlng, conveniently poeiomce, witn Peinianent Water Rights At Reasonable Ficure Thoyavi, an fifosKmistlble Those antlnlpfltliiic stttllng In Dniiilng would vlo well to apply soon and seenro lauds mid lot noareat the reseivoir and pipeline. The t'umpnny will sell tho Latfds 017 Easy Payrrjerjts. Aud oxaot only W per cent, on tho first payment, and tho other payment to bo dlvldml to suit tho purchaser at the low rate of 0 percent, per annum. & 1 1 , , , , OLD AND Improvement Hi owsnns V sU:-f,1. BUSINESS ! RESIDENCE LOTS Low Prices and Easy Terms. f Thj; nbbre Company desires to oul! the attention x 2 of tticfse tanking llotnts In thn Southwgito Z , j the fact thstro bettor opportunity can bu f B. Y. McKBYES. 'Atym f Demino, New Mexico. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS. UF1DLSTERIHD AHU CABIUET M1HB. ESTIMATES ITIFHISHEO. KIIOI' ON IIIIMt ai:kdf. 'l ileri (I W. R. MERRILL, Munogor.' ENGLISH KITCHEN! JUST OPENED In (ha Building formerly Ike Jewel Saloon, OK BltiYBB AVBNUB. Regular Rales. Good Tablo. UOUIbUOE, ' PdoMitTen- IlnflllM mid The Turf saloon Mw been roflHed and renovatwl throughout and If qw coin jdeted. It Is die coolest, prettiest and most Inviting (lotus n )oiiiliijr. Only but llquorf mid clears. Call around and see u, Wiluau Wttoa.iyiott. Deming 1 ransler Co DON'T PHOPOUH TO OARKY OVIBR r Dms Goods an li'tr will cloia thorn out at such everybody oaii afford td Dressed in tfiese jsw i jar Acres, surrounding the Town of located to the depot and if supply of Water, aud will le,nW HEW MEXICO j i: of rim- . ? LIVERYANOFEEO STABLE UXtLKH IK Hay and Gr.Un, ood and Coal Local Eiti'rejsand'Dcllfcrjf Wagon, I Kotltierarl'ubllcatluii, Third JMLdtt' ui. Direref,' 159 mills i". yt uttt CW1UI hiH Men Tsttlbtrr ituttnU. br Harth M. Iif. HnThl.1 set. OomhUrMnt inajii for att. dt ikfomu v fftIM aoTitlfifd la fHtviio and latlntalu in at tssUnsi(ha 3ri UnasslAsr in HL.,J'...lZ:Z k 1 Clsrk hd rUSUuFia OhMSert! Jet, ai, loess. MMXmSf- niiii I'Miti n. Ad res are fsrUtar, wiel that imV you 1111 uLrtilii ijiwi iitaMiBjylwli'fwiaMy AMY cnoruiously tow thn. t)ay5.- T.S.E0BIIS0H?S Grocery &Confcctionery t looatcd on Pino Street, throo ttoofa wont of 1-irst Nittionul Hunk. , 'HTAI'Mt AND FANCY GROCERIES Tliit OtniMI V tU In ha ooanv-j IltMWKkof CANDIES It lb I'nreMsndl'retliMI. Til. frml ASSORTMEHTfe SWlETfUiTS Dobrtf- Always Open, and Offlert PfoiTiuly FilltHl. W. R. A'IMRILL lJiit!ornirtiiJ!toii & JUrrlll) niuun im jlu. Kixoa or MINING & BUILDING Ari'JxsTooii: Wlndovdla8& Orders by mall promptly attotidvd te. Domtiitf, 'Ninr MoxIdo. WllOLMAI. Ami itDMII. IJULR In Meats, fish. & POULTRY Gnmo ill Soupoii. milk Daiiverctl to AH Paris si the City. i i . Shop, S II vor 'avonuQ, oppo site Llnauer'3 Store. Frctnk Iroetor, BIacksmithiRg: AND Wagonfflaking,. Dealer in Hiiril Wood k Iron Howe Shooing-a Specialty. M'iNG,' NEW MEXIOQl d Clothing 6